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FORTNIGHTLY MEETINt* The ordinary fortnightly mooting of the Nelson City Council was held at iho Municipal Chambers lasi dveni'ug. I huge wore present: The Mavor (Mr W. Lock), Gonnnliors S. A. Gibbs, IC. K. Neale. \V. C. Harley, A. C. Night ingale, J. A. St ringer, J. W’igzell, W. ■1 'doafilt. I!. Watson and F. 1 1 1 tirn PAYMENTS Following payments were nutliorise. I :

Total £2267 16 3 CORRESPONDENCE Among the correspondence dealt, with was the following: From residents Milton street.- applying for a more adequate water supply and also for drainage.—Referred to Committee. From E. llogan, requesting erection of electric lamp. Mount Pleasant Avenue. —-Eeferod to Committee. From A. Frost, as to drainage, Waimen road.— Referred to Committee. From residents Waimen road, requesting erection of lamp.—Engineer to report . From Taliunanui Town Hoard. requesting topping of lir trees on Sands Reserve.- —Committee to visit. .Front Taliunanui Town .Hoard, forwarding agreement re Annesbrook erasing for execution.—Referred'to City solicitors for approval, and subject to this seal of Council to lie affixed.

From J. Raird, as to repairs Queen's road.- Referred to Committee, Enginer to report.. From Chamber of Commerce, requesting improvement to lighting Rost Office clock.--Refered to Electrical Engineer. From secretary. National Prohibit on League, requesting permission to erect a hoarding on wall of Temperance Hall, Collingwond street. —Granted. From Nelson Provincial Progress League. applying for contribution. —Cr. Moffntt moved that the same amount, as last year be voted. Seconded by Cr. Nightingale, who eongratiil/ited the League on the work it was doing. The motion was carried. From N. \Y. Taylor, as to stormwater and encroachment., Mount Pleasant.— Committee to visit. From residents. Mount Pleasnt Avenue, applying for gas service.— Referred to Committee. From residents, Elliott street* apply-

' f,-, form a lion of fo-e-tpath.--—7 he :u bo loan. — to no intoriiicd t-o un* meet. From E. G. Wood, nppreciatug what the Council had done in beautifying th-o city and pointing out that a certain partof the batiks of Iho Brook stream could be improved.—Referred to Committee. From , i'\ {1 Way, requesting permission to erect motor garage on a portion of Examiner street.—i Engineer, to report. J-'iom C. Y. Peddie, requesting approval of subdivision plan.—Referred to Committee. From Fell and Harley, on behalf of Mr Malinin, requesting permission to erect motor garage on land in Harper street. Referred to Committee. From residents, Victoria Heights, requesting improvement to roadway.—Referred to Engineer for immediate nttonI t ion. From Pori Miniature Rifle Club, re i questing permission to discharge firearms m Sea Scouts Sited.-—Granted, acertificate, of safety signed by the lie fence authorities, having been obtained. COMMITTEE OF WHOLE COUNCIL Present: The Mayor (chairman), Cou mii Hors Wig/.ell, Watson, .Moffat G Neale, Nightingale, Plum, Gibbs and Stringer. Tile committee reported as follows: — (1) On letter from Messrs Glasgow, Haves and Rout (Lovell) requesting the formation of an approach to bis property in Examiner Street.—That provided Mr Lovell cleans, the grass off at- bis own expense the Council will supply a few loads of gravel. (2 ) On letter from Mr B. Neale requesting permission to erect, a motor shod on a portion of Mount, Street.That permission he granted on the same conditions as the permit granted to Mr •Johnston provided the shed is erected 25 feet, from the boundary of Mr Neale’s property.

(3) On letter of Mis-, E. Redgrave as to encroachment, of her property on Milton Grove.—(a) That the City - Engineer report as to what, area of land uld he required to properly widen the eorner and as to what other properties are encroaching on the street, (b) I hat Miss Redgrave he allowed to occupy the present encroachment, during the pleasure of the Council on payment of a film of £5 per annum. (4.) On letter from Health Department, as to by-laws re food contamination.—'[’hat the proposed by-law bo adopted. (5) On letter from .Messrs Neale and Iladdow as to deduction from account, for coni.—Consideration, deferred until the next meeting of the. committee. (6) On letter from Public Works Department a,p to exemption of portions, of .Kawai, r lu-ktika and Tipahi Streets from section 117 of the Public Works Act 1903.—That ,tho owners of the property be asked if they are willing to dedicate iree to> the Council small pieces of land for improving the corners of the streets. (7) On letter from Messrs Fawcett and Butler suggesting an alteration of the name of the northern portion of Kawai Street.—That the portion of the street be designated Kawai Street. North and the remaining portion Kawai Street South. (8) As to track at, Waterworks'.—Considoiation deferred. (9) As to duties of Caretaker at Waterworks.—Consideration deferred. (10) A s to vesting of land.—That application be made to- the Forestry Department for the vesting of land in the South Maitai and Aniseed Valley for Watorworkc purposes and tree planting and to the Commissioner of Crown Lands for two sections of land .in Aniseed Valley and also Section 58 of Block 1. an suggested by Cr. Gibbs. (11) As to Hilaries.—(a) That, the salary of the I own Clerk bo increased £SO per annum ; (b) That the salary of the City Engineer a;s Gas Engineer be increased £SO per annum : (cj that the other applications be deferred until next meeting of committee. (12) As to method of formation of footpaths. Consideration deferred. (13) As to Queen’s Road and Vietorin. Heights.—Consideration deferred. —-(14). As to Emnno Street.—That, the City Engineer report, as to, the formation of a footpatli on, the South East side of the street. (15) As to conveniences Trafalgar Park and Reserves.—Consideration deferred. (16) As to electrification of drainage pumps.—Consideration deferred ; a, copy

of Mr Toogood’s report to be furnished A'.p Ac- iu ,a-a\y trame license tees. — That- a. meeting of local bodies be convened lo discuss the question of allocation of fees and that, the Mayor and Councillor Gibbs represent, the Council. (18) As to visit of Governor General. 1 hat the Governor General be entertained at. luncheon in the occasion of Ids visit. (19) Eg lo baths. —That consideration he referred to a special committee consisting of the vMnyor and Councillors Stringer, Gibbs, Nightingale and Blum and that two members of the Swimming Association be invited to attend the mooting and confer with the committee. (20) As to rates on Maitai Bowling Green.— I hat they are unable to accede to the request for a reduction. (21) As to Poppy Day fund.—Consideration deferred. (22) As to parking place Trafalgar Park.—Consideration deferred. (23) As to Milton Street North. Chat the street he scarified, gravelled and rolled. (24) As to subdivision by-law. Consideration deferred. (25) As to Cathedral.—That a lie ('MSP he granted subject to the satisfaction of the City Engineer as to stability. (26) As to foundations of Cathedral. —That permission he granted to the contractor to use explosives for excavating foundations. As to clause 20, Cr. Harley moved that, the clause he referred hack to eommitee. Seconded by Cr Moffntt. who said he understood the Y.M.C.A. were going to make an application for a, reduction in rates. Cr Nightingale, supported. ' Iho Town Clerk said that the Council could not legally rebate rates on the 3.M.C.A. property. The Mayor strongly opposed the motion. as tile matter had been carefully considered. 7he motion was declared lost on the voices, and the report, was adopted.

CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT 7he City Engineer (Mr .7. G. Littlejohn) leported:—General, Streets and Footways ;Pnl< iiing lias boon done over the whole of the Wood and in Vanguard and other streets where necessary. Repairs to asphalt streets have also been attended to. No damage has been done by the continued wet weather oilier than from the traffic and extensive patching will be required for some time. Drainage: Several sewers have blocked and been attended to. the caupp ot blockage in every ease being due to spoons and the like getting into the sewers. The pumping plant has worked without bitch, but is unable to -keep the sewers clear.—Reserves: Besides routine work, the extension of the fernery in the Queen's Gardens is completed. Men employed under the Poppy Day scheme are engaged preparing topdressing for the parks pending the settlement til some more definite work.—• 'lip: The screening of the Tip fronting Haven Road i s being proceeded with.— Water: The water mains along Milton drove has been completed.—Loans: Out of loans, the following expenditures have taken place up to and including 7th lost. :Sirects and footways,. Rocks Rood £621; Waimen Street £373: paths, Glen Creek £36: Trafalgar Street £32; Cambria Street £69; Nile Street £l4. Drainage, Tipahi Street £94; St. Vincent Street £325; Vanguard Street £56: Beachvilie £so.—Abattoir £3l7.—Reserves Loan, Children's playground £23; Trafalgar Park £99. Some discussion took place as to the system of patch-metalling; and it was resolved that, the Engineer instruct the foreman to discontinue the present system and to report on the advisableness l of filling pot holes with tarred metal.

ABATTOIR MANAGER’S REPORT The Abattoir Manager (Mr G. W. Mitchell) reported that the following Mock were slaughtered during the fortnight: Cattle 111; calves 5; sheep 543; lambs 52; pigs 71 ; total 782. During *he period four sheep were condemned. GASWORKS REPORT Coal carbonised 392 tons; gas manufactured 5,333.000 cubic feet; gas ilia mi- j Pictured per ton of coal 13.570 cubic feet; coal in hand at end of month 218 tons; coke in hand at end of month nil ; tar in hand at end of month 4300 gallons; value of residuals sold during month £590 13s sd. ELECTRICAL REPORT ’1 he electrical engineer (Mr C. A. Henderson) reported : City consumers applications 1250 City consumers extensions 133 lahunanui applications 100

Total 1483 Lighting load applied for 721 k.w. Heating load applied for 764k.w. Power load applied for 326k.w. Tahunanui General 140k.w. Total _ - 1951k.w Nothing of importance lias occurred since last report. The revenue for June was £1285 being an increase over last June of £293, nearly 30 per cent. 1 have to remind you that the question of new plant, the consideration of which wa% deferred for a month, should be considered to-night, and would urge you to give the matter very serious consideration. file delay has made it impossible to have additional plant installed for use during' the winter of 1926, and I wisli to make it clear that- it ie no fault of mine if the supply is interrupted by plant breaking down, for it is now twelve months since I advised that, additional plant should be installed for use by April 1926. If, was resolved that a special meeting of the Council lie held on Thursday evening to consider the report. flic report was referred to committee-

TRAFFIC INSPECTOR'S REPORT The traffic inspector (Mr C. E. Parkinson) reported:—l have patrolled the parks, streets, reserves, and bridges. 1 would like to call vour attention to the parking place outside the Bank of New South Males. When there are a nutnber of cars standing on the parking place and also expresses on the express stand in the centre of the road, there is, not Tnucli room left for passing traffic, the manager of the Bank also complains about cars parking in front of his private entrance, cars calling with friends cannot get to hi s place. I have .spent a good deal of time trying to remedy this position, but, I cannot remain in one place all day. It would be advisable to place a white line on the road indicating that, car owners must park their vehicles beyond that, mark a.nd also erect a board stating how many cars will be allowed to stand there. 1 am prosecuting six persons—four for leaving car#, on parking places without tights and two for not taking out heavy

• nc ■ ns required under the new ■! .- 5 a \ - f been pa.-seil fur taxi sen ico. I was successful in tin car of prosecuting a. car owner for not having good bra Ice and fittings on a motor car. GENERAL CV M drew attention to tbo oi' a permit, allowing an old s»hoj> in Church street- to bo converted into a dwelling. He thought it highly undesirable that the permit should have been granted: and it was resolved to refer the matter to the Engineer. On the. motion of the .Mayor, seconded "with the greatest pleasure" by Or Neele, it was resolved that the question of improving the rubbish service be referred n» committee. On the motion of Cr Stringer the question of charing mu, the hig dam was rrt'ererd to committee. i>u the motion of Cr. Gibbs it- was resolved that all monies loaned to ratepayers for drainage and other extensions he. when refunded, placed in a special iwcount for re-issue. ,\ formal resolution was passed adopting the proposal to he represented at tlie deputation to the Government i oncerning the foreshore. Cr. (Jibb-i referred in complimentary terms to the very excellent summary of the prv.-itinn placed before the conference by the Town Clerk, and a. vote of thanks was passed amid applause. The question of providing a uniform for tile traffic inspector was referred to commit (ee. The Council rose at 9.30

(lonor.'l 1 Account £ 77,4 s. 1 A 1 (Lns A comint 458 15 1 \V:it or Account105 13 1 (Vmot ( •ry Account 25 0 0 A halt n ir Account 91 lb 0 Kitviric Lidit. Account 394 4 4 Loan Accounts 458 5 10

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 18 July 1925, Page 11

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NELSON CITY COUNCIL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 18 July 1925, Page 11

NELSON CITY COUNCIL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 18 July 1925, Page 11