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The 32nd annual general meeting of tile Nolrmi A. am! i*. Association eras lieiil a! the Borough Council Otiices. i-ticlimo...:. vest i rdi v .•ilTe.rnuvn. Air 1-. C. t’jige (president j occupied the chair, tlic ft .jewing lneinuers also being in at

tendance: .). Mim'. E. Emall'Oraic, 11. I’. Pahui :r. A. E. Ma x. G. \Y. Rest, \V. Maddox, (Jodirev Rest, John liiggar, E. I.nsly, j i-., E. \\ . Win. Haves (toucher, .1. berth It, lienry Clung, 5. Kidd, \V. H. .May, \\. Thorn. H. 1). Patou. Curnow. b ,1. Thomas and the secretary |\V. 1). Harkness).

Following new members were elected : .'Loses A. A. Ryder. E. 11. (Jill, G. Hunan. ANNUAL REPORT ‘ In submitting the thirty second annual report of the procee lings of the Committee, your Committee have to record with very deep regret the death of .Mr T. H. Holland, the Treasurer of t'ho Association. The financial position of the. Association shows:—General re eeipts £93-1 If), and general expenditure £i2'2 11/. Richmond l ark, i -.•eeipts £5/7 15 9. and expenditure £532. I'd 9. I he annual show was held on Novi tuber 2oth and 26th, (lie weather eruditions being favourable. ‘I lie attemlanee of the publh was very satisfactory. Twenty right new ineiiini rs have been proposed : Nino on the nomination of the Secret a rv. 3 bv Mr A. E. Max, 5 bv .Mr W. H. Mav. 2 l.y Mr W. Win', and 1 each oy Mr i . Page. Mr W . U. .Martin, .Mr U. 11 Uliing. Mr E. W’ralten, .Mr James Huni, and Mr J. W. Ilageii. The President represented the Association at the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Council of Agriculture. The thanks of the Association are due to the following donors of special prizes : .Mrs Dumpier Atkinson, Messrs 'A. K. Atwill. Anchor 'Hupping Co., Ltd., E. Buxton and Co., Brown Btv.v. -7< Pni Biggar, J. 11. (TH; and Co., ( rouelier and Eons, H. \V. Ciudlies. I'. Ci - iii i-. l td.. J. P C,

1 Sous, Dalgcty am! Co., K. \Y. Dec

and Sons. Dodson and Sons. Dunagby s. J. Duthie and Co., J. Dollar. C. and D. Edwards, Griffin and Sons, T. Grcig, J. E. Hotmsell and Co., James Iltmi. T. Hunt-, G. N. Hunt, Hannah and to., Harley ami Sons, F. W. Hamilton, W. ('. Hatley, I’. Haymaii and Co.. Ltd . L. Kerr, Ltd.. S. Kirkpatrick and t m. Lucas and Son, Levin and Co., Loan and Mercantile, E. Lustv, Junr.. \\ . Moves. W. R .May, \V. R.' .May and Co.. Ltd., i ku Maeinahcn, E. A tax, McKay and Sou, McGruei s, J. .Myers. I . Newman. Nelson Jersey Cattle Breeders’ Club. N.Z. Jersey tattle Breeders' Association, Nelson Freezing t'o., Pitt and Mc/orc. H. T. Palmer, E. C. Page, F. 11. Ricliirn tut, J. Orsman. Stiles and Co-., E. Smallhone, Snodgrass and Co., Skelton. Froftiok and Co., Thomson Bros.. Ltd., Tasker and Levien, \V. E. Wilkes. Ltd., E. (.:. Wood, C. M. Ward, C. B. Webby.

ami Dr. 11 0. Wushbnurn. The special (ommittee set up to arrange the stick drive 'made arrangements to have the district canvassed, whir'll. resulted in vety favourable donations being promised. Sum' have been collected and realised upon, and arrangements have been made for the balance to be collected. Mr E. Suiallbene lias been imvoi nated for the office of President, and Mr A. E. Max for Vice-President. her the Committee 24 nominations were re reived., and the following were declared alerted Messrs G. \Y. Best, Godtrey Best. John Biggar, T. 15. Chisnall. H. (Toucher, James Citing, C. 11. Ching,

J. H. t'urnow, R. H. Coleman. J. T. Eden, E. W. Enircy, l'T W. Hamilton. Juntos Hunt', J. W. Hagen, John Hagen, A. Jelivtnan, F. Lustv. Junr., S. ",!. Litchfield', W. 11, May. G. 1.. Mead, Win. Marlin. H. 1. ITtlnier. E. W. Win, and E. Wratten. Mr E. » . Ptlge, the retiring President, becomes an e.x iollieio member of the Committee. In moving the adoption of the ri port

and balance sheet the president thought the position disclosed a. very satisfactory one. If all worked in the interests ul the Association there was nu reason why the enow should not become < lie ui the best in the Dominion. Alt E. Pina iI none seeomh'd.

In support mg. Mr J. Hunt agreed with the chairman. He went on to mtto the building improvements mole ci: the show ground. As treasurer he was quite satisned with toe progress made tturing I tie last year.

Air Hayes ( rouelier also .spoke r.i up preeiutive terms of the ltupruvvmems made on t'.te ground. in discussing (lie balance-sluci Mr H. 1). l’alon, while, agreeing with other speakers, asked lor information concerning an item of £SO.

Gte secretary said the item was in connection with the payment cl a canvasser for the stock drive.

Alt' Paten raid lit: happened to be in the hackblocks recently, and had been told Grit 100 sheep were there waiting lo be lifted. He knew of other similar instances; and the farmers concerned had Inst confidence in the movement. He was satisfied that half the business ecalil have been done by telephone; and be considered the canvasser's expenses should have been £5 instead of £t;o.

Tint chairman said arrangements had been made to cell eel the stock, but iiulorlunatelv thev were not carried out.

The stock drive committee hoped soon to collect all sheep promised. Air Baton said be was pleased to bear Hie chairman's remarks, but pointed out that the price of sheep had dropped considerably since they were promised, and thy Association had thus lost money. Mr C'urnow su'd that, in .Marlborough the farmers themselves canvassed for the stock drive. The President sa d he and Mr Max had canvassed a portion of the district : hut had come to the conclusion that ,t would be best to appoint a canvasser.

A member considered that the item £ls for a band was ton much "cunsidm'litg the music provided.” Unless a decent pa ml cuulu be obtained it would be better not to have one at all.

The retiring nrcsident, amidst applause, then declared Air Smallhone and Air .Max elected president and vicepresident respectively. Mr Max. in returning thanks for his election, said he would do his best to forward the interests of t'ho Association.

Mr H. (Vouchor spoke in complimentary terms of tin: work of the retiring president. He did riot know of any other oiiicer who had carried out his duties so well. He moved that the hearty thanks of the Association be accorded to Mr Page. Air Hunt seconded the motion, and Air E. Smallbonc also spoke to it. The motion was carried with acclamation.

Mr Page, in reply, thanked the members for the confidence expressed in him. He had determined to do bis best for tlie .Association and lie hoped he had succeeded. (Applause.) lie thanked the (.'ommittee for the support .accorded him mid bespoke similar treatment from tlie incoming president.

Air Thomas was re-elected auditor. He congratulated the Association oil the position it was in that tiny, and urged that money should not be stinted on making improvements to the grounds. The incHuing president then took the chair amid applause. He thanked the members for t'iie honour conferred on him. From the balance-sheet lie considered the Association in a better financial position than it had been for some time. He would do his best to work in tiie interests of the Association and hoped that when his time came to vacate the ofiicc tin: Association would show .vtTI further signs of progress. Ait Hunt, in i ongratulating the new president, said it. was gratifying to see a. successful Jersey breeder like Air Smallbonc in tlie rh.iir. He Imped lie would have a successful year; and assured hint of his r-upp'irt as treasurer.

The incoming j resident welcomed the new members. Mr (Tirni.'.v raid that if the sheen farmer improved bis sheep in the way the Jersey breeders did their stock, the show would benefit.

In reply to Mr John Biggar. the pres.i dent said the rules provided that the an

mud meetings should lie !I<■ li 1 in the day time. Mi- B;ggar considered an evening meeting would prove more convenientt(p members. Iti an ensuing discussion a difference of opinion was expressed as to whether rile meet inns, including committee meetings, should tie held in the afternoon or at- night. No resolution was moved, however.

After passing a vote of thanks to the Borough l ouin iI for the use of the room the meeting terminated.

Those present were afterwards entertained at afternoon tea by the President. An enjoyable half-hour was spent. The Vice-President (Mr A. E. Max) in a brief speech, thanked Mr Sinallbone for his hospitality.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 16 April 1925, Page 2

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NELSON A. AND P. ASSOCIATION Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 16 April 1925, Page 2

NELSON A. AND P. ASSOCIATION Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 16 April 1925, Page 2