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rile Ihldl'c’lows’ District Conference ut Eloctaimtna unanimously curried th« following remit bom the AlasbiM’toii Dodge: “That the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows have nothing to do with the State aid after tine war scheme, dealing with) fricirdly societies and eu’dier members.”

The Ashburton police recently raided jx dwelling i w . the borough in quest of liquor, with the result that fortyeight bottles of whisky were seized. One of the raiding constable* stated that tho store wa« concealed by one of :tlio cleverest pieces of architecture lie had ever seen. in. his experience. On tho removal of a tea. caddy from the mantel piece it w;is iounj that the polished wood behindi hud been worn bv continual lurndnug. This board! wap found to move, and subsequent experiments revealed a. system •>./ sliding or binged doors behind which, was a. suing liibld apartment aedammodating 'four dozen bottles 1 of whisky, the straw packing stripped off. but still wrapped in tissue paper. A prosecution will follow.

‘’’l hurt 1 has been quite <i|i epidemic of bicycle .stealing about the city lately,’’ said Chief-Detective Ward, ■when a young man! naimedi Alfred Evans Smith wais charged before Mr W. G Riddell, i&M., at the Magistrate’s •Court at Wellington yesterday with the thef; of a, bicycle, 'valued,' by its owner, Harry Moult, at i! 5. Moult had left his machine in the street near the Post Office, and on returning a few ‘ minutes later found it gone. The matter was report cd to the police, and the machine was foul id-, in an. auction room, where Smith had placed it for sale. Thiel-Oetcctivc Ward -asfkod that a-u example should he made of tire man. Smith asked to be placed upon probation, hut the Magistrate refused this ■request, though. Ire said, lie would’ impose a. lenient penalty of 40s in d'elault of payment, a. week in gaol.

For about three week-a past an interesting and unusual spectacle ha» been witnessed in the iMorthcote district (states the Auckland Star) many thousands of starlings congregating to. ward's; sundown in the chimps of pines in the North cote Point Domain, and in the polmtuikawas in the vicinty of tlie point. The trees become literally black with the birds, which, like a dark cloud, circle about several times .over the trees preparatory to taking flight further 'South across the harbour for the night. At sunrise they are astir again, and fly due north, returning to the Northeoto district between 4.30 and 5 a.m., with a noise as of rushing wind, and continue their onward northern flight of possibly 50 miles, to return, again at evening with unfailing regularity. The mass of birds lias attracted the attention of passengers on the ferry steamers between Auckland and Northtote towards sunset, andi their nocturnal, habitation and daily -rendezvous have given rise to considerable speculation. Frequently. when settled in the trees, tire set up by thousands of throats suggests a. very busy convention.

Ai) armed* man 1 with 200 rounds of cartridges was what Sergeant Thomson found, when he answered an. urgent call from a hojiso in South Dunedin one evening. The man ha ( ]i just fired two shots. One empty .shell was lying in the street, and another was in In’s pocket. A very line (sample of peaches, grown by .Mr A R- Frost at Stoke, was left at the AFail Office to-day. The fruit was of large size, of excellent colour, and without a blemish. They’ll, be snapped 1 quickly! Beautiful 40')ncii Georgettes and Crepe de Ohenes 7 fl 6d and 8s lid yard, a,t the Huge Sale on Thursday.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.* Music bv Lyric Quartette, of Auckland and the Zedlcr Symphonic Quintette Lectures by Dr. 'Carpenter and Judge Holden 1 at Chautauqua,— Motueka 25rd, 24th, 25th February.* See Window Display of College Grev Ho-e, Caps, Belts, Straw Hots and College Hat Bandts, New Zealand Clothing Factory.*

Thursday next the Huge Sale of Auckland ‘Wholesale Stocks commences. Men’s 4-fold Lineni 'Collars Is > each. Thumping Bargains in Clothing and Mercery.—Auckland 1 Clothing and Drapery Co.* Don’t uti-C •abUnidting Clumitauqun. lectures on 27>rd. '24 th, and. 26th Feb., t Motueka.* College Outfitting! Straw Hats, College Bands. College Ties, College Hose —Complete College Outfitters: New Zealand Clothing Factory.* Trv t)'« Dominion Sausage sold at the Excelsior Butchmy, Bridge Street, Fred Fnirey.* w Ea-rl v yesfcei'dav morning the residence 'of‘Mr F. W. Gibbs. Tapawern. w,,s destroyed by fire. Very little of the contents was saved, the inmates of the house 'bairely having time to escape.

Nelson College Grey Hose—the corvpcfc shade ami style for n.ew uniform. Full stocks in iff sizes.—New Zealand Clothing Factory* Fee and Sons’ old Scotch house are again to send, regular shipments of Suitings. For 70 seasons they sor\e>t us well. Our Tailoring System is worth your consideration.* Wc never had: such a. big showim* of Boots and Shoes. We saw the shortage coming. You'll save money our prices are six months o.d. Come and sec at Fee and Sons. Those who bny Men’s and ? Bovs’ Plot-lies now at Fee and h*ons will save monev. Price* are, going higher, so wo advise you to get F now on our old prices; later goods will .be seal cor and dearer.* “Thinker”’ Brand Writing TalWa. "Thinker” School Exercise Books, ai#i "Thinker" Pictorial Rooks—ideal stationery for every home and child. Ah storekeeper? a* ad on era,*

The body washed ashore at Cheviot ha® been identified as that of a seaman named Howard, one of the victims of the Tainui disaster.

Tire Governor-General was entertained a,- dinner la«t night by the officers of the Canterbury Military District, In the course of'lds response to the toast, of his health. Lord Liverpool said: “I shall leave New Zealand with the happiest recollections of my associations with it® military forces, feeling certain that should occasion again arise for_ a call to be made for its citizens to assist the Empire, its sons will not found wanting in coming forward and in givin.r the maxmum that is in their power io°uphold the traditions handed! down t 0 them by their forefajthem, and to maintain the honour of their race and f] ;u r,’ ’ —Press Association.

“At 10 o'clock in the morning they o-et morning tea,” said a witness at th Arbitration Court at Wellington on Wednesday, referring to_waitresses tea room privileges at the D.T.O. “At 11.30 they have a second morning tea, because their dinner is late. At 2 p.m. they get a big dinner. Afternoon tea. is at 3.30 or thereabouts, and at 5 o’clock thev have tea,, consisting ot cold meat, salad, etc. Tire place coses at 5 o’clock.” “They must spend must of their- tinfe fe*.t meals,” uemntrked hi* Honour Mr Justice Stringer.

Profits of the New South Wales State Orchestra from the Donum on were slightly over £3OO. The torn cost £II,OOO It was a financial success in that' it made no call on the guarantors, and rather more than, paid its way.

During the course of his lecture last evening,' Dr. Tilly aid put in a good word for the hedgehog, and. urged that it should be protected., as it was a great forager. The doctor’s good, opinion of this prickly backed quad raped will hardly be endorsed* by poultrykeepers, whoso rung in some instances have suffered) from the predatory instincts of this small animal. At Tabunanui recently a. resident discovered that several of his chickens hap. suffered an untimely end through a hedge hog’g. taste for young poultry.

The Telegraph Office advises that the following vessels are within, wireless range to-day'Of Awunui ; E. K. Sterling, Noi’thwm'berlajid*, Mokoia. Of Alncklandl: Mdoowai, Rent, Arahura, Maheno, Whaugape, Waipori. Of Wellington,: Bateena, Mararoa, Wall ino, Manuka. Moeraki, Sussex. Of Chatbams; Miokoia.

The contest band of the 12th (Mel.son. and Marlborough) Regiment will give one of their popular sacred concerts in the Theatre Royal on Monday evening, commencing at 8.15 o’clock. A choice programme has been arranged, which will include test selections, quartettes, trombone trios, and solos, to be played by members at the forthcoming Dunedin hand contest, which commences on March. 2nd', The hand, which has a combination, is playing well,, and as this will be its final public appearance before it leaves Lor Dunedin, no doubt there will be a largo attend;ance. A silver coin collection, will be taken up on behalf of the band’s contest fund. The dress circle will he reserved for ladies and! their escorts.

One of the claims of the hotel and 'restaurant workers in their dispute before the Arbitration; Court at Wellington wae that employers at these places should provide substantial meals for those they engaged, or else pay them 1® per meal for two meals It was set out in Uhe claim that a ‘"substantial meal” meant soup, meat, entree, fish (or eggs), and. vegetables in season. Some argument arose over the question of defining “vegetables in season.” “It might involve us in a long discussion as to whether asparagus may be demanded as vegetables in season,” said his Honour Mir Justice Stringer, us he applied! the closure to the matter.

Dr. Tiillyanl 'visited Miapua to-day niiji gave a lecture bn “Blight "?ontrol.” A public meeting at Invercargill resolved to erect a soldiers’ memorial costing not less than £IO,OOO. It was decided 1 that the cost be borne by the ■citizens in their corporate capacity, and that the Council be asked to obtain whatever powers were necessary to'carry this out. —Press Association. Wait for Thursday! On that day wtrfl offer at half prifce a manufacturer's sample .range of Ladies’ Smart Tweed Coat®. (Really high class garments, at absurd prices.—Auckland and Drapery Co.* A correspondent writes /remarking that a large proportion of tha. audience at Dr, Tillyaird’s lecture at the School •of Music hist evening was composed of orchard is ts from various parts of the province. At previous Cawthorn lectures, it is recalled, there has always been a fine attendance of orchardists. The object of the correspondent is to compare the marked interest of those connected with the fruitgrowing industry in the doings of the Cawthron Institute with the apparent apathy of the agriculturists of the province, judging by the small attendance of the latter at the various lectures.

Dandy Damasks! On Thursday next we’ll throw out at absurd prices a large stock of high grade Satin Damasks inspot, figured, check, and stripe designs. —Auckland Clothing and Drapery Go-* A few of the plums at the Huge Sale on Thursday!! Man's Rain Coat 7fe fyi, 40-inch Navy Serge Is lid yard, Pillow Gases Is each, Ladies’ 'Silk Ankle Hose 2s lid 1 , 1 Lady’s, Knitted Silk Sports Coat 15® {usually 90s). —Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.* Season Tickets for Chautauqua on sale at business houses at Motueka for season at Motueka.* t Thursday NexitJ Hug® Sale of Auckland Wholesale Stocks starts!! High gradeTailors’ Navy Codtume Serges at 10s 6d, 12J* 6d, 160. and ,10 s 6d yardWorth double. —Auckland Clothing and* Drapery Co-*

PRECAUTION. NOT PANIC The last epidemic has left n.i ry people with a fear of recrudescence, and at the first signs of a cold they get alarmed. It i.s not anticipated that there will be a, return of the Epidemic in a serious form. Everyone. however, should take, the easy precautions that are necessary to maintain health. NAZOL, that powerful germicide, which proved so valuable during the Epidemic, will prevent the attack and development of Colds, Sore Throats, and Influenza, A few drops on the handkerchief to inhale, or a. piece of sugar saturated with NAZOL and allowed to slowly dissolve in the month, is absolutely the most efficient and sure precaution av,'likable. N AZOL penatrateg the tinv passages of the Nose. Month, end Throat, and runs a cold right in the hml. See that, von {ret a bottle of NAZOL to-day. Is fid at .-li Chemists, I

The quality of fruit coming into tho city markets is now considerably i m " proved, states Wednesday’s Auckland Herald, only six cases of apples being’ condemned on Tuesday. Pears as® fetching 6s 6di to 9s a case, \sdierea» ten days ago a case would not fech SsNectarines av- com"'e» ably improved in quality, and cases are selling for 12s a rise of 9s o n t the prices ruling a few weeks ago. Peaches and ,plums are coining in slowly, and in good condition, hut the season is almost finished. There is practicality no evidence of ripe rot in the late varieties. Tomatoes ate declining in quality and are lower in, price.

An interesting aspect of the "tipping’ practice was disclosed in tlm Arbitration- at Wellington on Tuesday, wljcit Mr W. Grenfell, on behalf of the employers, raised the point as to whether the principle should be observed', ia assessing certain, hotel workers’ wages, of taking into account the ‘tips’ received) or likdy to be received. Mr E. Kennedy, employees’ representative contended that there was no justificaation for taking what he submitted was a negligible factor into consideration in any assessment made. , His Honour, Mr Justice Stringer, pointed out that he disCfmotly remembered that ini the appeal that was made before him on behalf of the stewards on ships it was urged that these roer* should not be made dependent upon the practice of taking ‘tips’. He wa» sure, -however, that the stewards did not scruple to take as many tipi* nowadays as at any time. That wa» his personal expexience, and he travelled frequently throughout the Dominion.

An interesting point in connection, with,the shortage of supplies of cbiffl® in Auckland brought to light in the course-of inquiry, was the growing dislike for Japanese china ware- “We don't like the stuff, and we don’t; like the Japanese method Of doing business, remarked a leading merchant. “Neither are dependable, and our experience during the past few years has been such that we are now cutting Japan out of our trade as far as possible. The china has neither the appearance nor the quality of good old 1 English ware, and we would nt touch it at all if we oouldi get any other.” This statement was amply borne out by proprietors of Auckland restaurants and refreshment rooms, who said that tbt.rt Eastern chin? chipped so readily as to .rapidly become unsightly and unfit for use, », * '

Household' Drapery Slaughtered!! A*& the Huge Sale of Auckland Wholesale Stocks next Thursday there'll be thump ing bargains in Sheetings®, Damaske, etc. —Auckland Clothing and pery 'Co.*

The extraordinary number of people' travelling is putting a great strain upon, railways, steamers, and hotel accommodation, in Wellington. It is impossible to get a. berth in. a steftmer from Wellington to Sydney before April Ist. Passengers who arrived! in Wellington; on Saturday night by the Moana from America have had, the greatest difficulty in finding accommodation, * •

Dreams of Delight! 9 Ladies’ exquisite Model Evening Frocks in Crepe de Ohene and Tiffany Silk at, .755, 955, 105s 120s, ait Thursday’s Big-Sale-of AncfcJ land Stocks. Worth dbubie.—-Auckland Clothing and’ Drapery Co.* 'Mr A. Gould will hold 1 a sale of furniture, etc.,, at the rooms, .to-morrow, at 11 aim.; and o (tl Tuesday next, in the estate of the la te Ruben a Askew, at Nile street, ‘ ~ .y-,: ■

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, Issue LIV, 20 February 1920, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, Issue LIV, 20 February 1920, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, Issue LIV, 20 February 1920, Page 4