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N.H.S. BULB SHOW. TA FINE DISPLAY AT THE DRILL '/. HALL. f> The attendance at the Nelson HortiCulturai Society's- bulb show yesterday* "ijbe first day, was fair. In the afternoon members of the Society were present in goodly force, and again, last evening flower-growers were well represented' at the Drill Hall. But the number of the general public who put in an a PP^ r ; ance 'was onob by any means should bave been recorded. The exhibition is an excellent one, and a credit to the city; and a very pleasant- as Swell as profitable Ihour or two could be spent in inspecting the many tables laden with vases containing the pick of the flpvfers from the gardens of enthusiastic gardeners. The show is open this afternoon, and will continue this evening;. In addition .'to the prize-list published yesterday, the class for 12 cut blooms otlier than bulbous of tuberous was won by Mrs A. E. TaskeT, Mrs M. J. Levy being seeond, and Misses G. Hai-ley and J. Bond securing commended tickets. There was keen competition in this class, six competitors entering, and making up a fine display of flowers for this time of the year. The judges were bo pleased with the class that four of the six exhibits were awarded '-tickets.'* At a DUID snuw „u»i.«uu_, -T"? "b — J neatest space, and some hunted? ot. vases were required to accommodate th& blooms sent in for competition. The votolden- -flowet"— the flower t*hat is grown in every S ard ! n ~* JT;'" " great variety. There islunited^qloura. tion, of course, biit what Is Idcknjg HI this respect-is made UP for by the multitude ; of varieties. Broadly, the. daffodils may be divided into large, mediOm, and small trumpet or crown,* and once this is grasped, exhibitors wdi easily recognise their blooms and the classes in which, they entered, and thero will be no more of the trouble of "not knowing what class to enter m -*- a remark so frequently heard in the past from bulb growers. Many Jhigh-priced, modern creations are staged at the Drill HJall showing that" focal grovjers are keeping up with the times. ' The most SUfice^ful editor was Mr B. J. I?ard wlio sent in a large collection. The best prize of the day, a Royal Horticultural Society's medal, was won by this exhibitor, an added honour being that it was the first R.H.S. medal to be competed ifor locally. Growers prize these trophies, and it would be wise for several of tihe mto be procured for the respective shows.' Where is thp grewet who would not sooner take a R.H.S.- me. dai than' a 3s, 4s,* or ss, or even 18* fiiftt prize! Congratulations to Mr Isard %*i *»«=» «"» =• ~°* a , of **><"_•"«; to Mr Wilson Heaps, who purchased awl presented the medal and who may be styled the pioneer in a new form, of award. Other successful ejtjutytavs 01 narcissi were Mrs G- Wa,stney, Mrs A. R".' itilcMiig and Mr G. M. Rout. Mrs W Harley Showed 33 varieties for., the R.H.S. medal, the Rev. S. Peryman" 17, and Mr Izard 22. :.-. The brilialntly beautifr.; anemones came in for unbounded "admiration. There V'.qs a b,ig display of them, with an endless range* o'i colour and marlatw and considerable yaTiafioi* Jn,- form- and si**e, Sirs o.' A. preen tyas the most siHccessfui exhibitpr of these, -winning all the first pi?oa. In the class tor three double anemones, all the exhibitors we«3 disqualified, the blooms sfhown, with one exception, being singles. Ranunculuses were fairly numerous, Mrs Green winning in the class for threes (singL> and double), and Pjis.s Fte'mng'in the collection oi ii-i ynrieVies with a fine lot. Hyac'iitli's would have been more in evidence ' but' for the lateness of the show. This flo^e-p i? m& lt« best. Mrs H- "Op-lson captftred all the fit'st prizas in the" hyacinth closes, Cornelia* made a'fine show, (he fivst- h«>wvs for 12 bloonvi, ihyee v;rt'ioUes, going to Miss j, goncl, who staged a beauhful lot of dplicate flowers. Norman Frost- . .was second In this class, and. Newton Frost gained a commended card for his titf^lv.e camellias. The old- favourite, polyanthus, was largefy shown, and made Jj bjg display. First prize m ** x Yarietjesi, thr^e Vqflms of #tSirfell to Ethel .16sker, am«ngsM seven competitors. The class for a collection ,of 12 bulbous-' 6r tuberous blooms "furnished good comjietition (six entries)', Mrs Levy winning Single violets were unrepresented — a^tet an entry of about 2Q -year- ! There was one qntTj" PI- double violets — Mrs. H. Wrighv snowing tome pretty blooms There were ten competitors in the class fov a basket of bulb blooms, and som< excellent exhibits were staged. *ho firs.' prize being awarded to Mvs VV-' G. Kerr. Twelve. h-Jivis ol ! wallflowers crone befor* juilges, Mrsßimford wishing. '* 'The class for freejias wills for special mention, there .beim; eight c.-.moetitcis, and a graa-1 lot of b.nns behg s-tiigcd. Mr G. SI. Rout's vase was awarded fiist prize. The schol children's buttoriholos w^i a decided jmproyomKiit «^ those seen at ptyjans shews,' It is evident that the children are taking an interest in the shows, and they deserve all the encouragement the Society can give them—fit will pay in the years to come. -Suggestions in regard to tihe school competitions are to come before til? Spqety, rt being fe]j. j,hijt m alteration's are desirable. Decorated table's are always a groat at traction at the shows, and where there are a number there is always considerable diversity of taste. No one conld fUli for more variety than. \s displayedln the arrangement of the" eight' tables at th'e present; show. There was a keen contest for first (honours, Mrs W. Q. Kerr's table (pink Japonica) securing a one-point majority over Mrs C. A. Green,, who had selected anemone?.. Mi**- hfljsilton's t-ahje (^each blossom) was next \.\ yrder of merit on the ballot paper. A brief reference was made yesterday tc- the pot plants. These are decidedly attractive, and maise the b«t display yet seen at the Soo'Uty'a shows. Cineraria* st-tmd out, and command attention with then* flowery heads of bright colours. Mr G. Chapman had sent in for exhibition only two tables of cinerarias, with primulas and ii few ferns for a: change. In the classes for pot plants Mr Chapman was the principal exhibitor and prize-taker. The most striking of his competition cinerarias were a lovely pink in a single class and a \vhHe tinted lavender in the c|ass|oua"clne'rnTiioß. Miss p-HiHe '■"ioyved two very nic e plants in l*hs sume class, and Mrs Merrick had a pretty cactus flowered plant,the colour being white, shaded pink. The pot cyclamens were very good, the best of them being- a magnificent white shown by Miss N. Jones. This was a' rea' beauty. The refined, quaint cycclamen is always admired, and many should grow them. Miss Jones had on exhibition blooms of 12 varieties of tlhis fluwer. The primulas were good, and special mention may be niade of-the first prize nof. shown by Sl^ss C. Shields, and a 'naming scarlet in Mr Chapman's entry of three blooms, which secure! promier honours in their class. The judges of pot plants and cut blooms were Messrs S. F Bolton aijd "f~*. H. Slollcr ; for decorate^ tables, "i_,pwl^,baskets aijd hutonholes, Mesdames Baigienf*, Pear|:ss, Misses Gaaooigne and Bell. ■»" The handsome amaryllis exhibited tjy Mr J. C. Bolton was much a-Jmine^, as was also a specimen of tpitoma. (oi: ''red hot poker") 6ent in by Miss Bell. Mr Blackburn exhibited several varieties of violets, and Miss Sunley a large bunch of cornflowers, of -varied colours, these being sont in to show the mildness of tho season. Mr C. Nash forwarded a plant of the Spanish cardoon, which is related to the artichoke, and used as a vegetable. The show will closo at 10 o'clock ViU evening.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 2

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THE "GOLDEN FLOWER." Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 2

THE "GOLDEN FLOWER." Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLIII, Issue XLIII, 16 September 1909, Page 2