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''.-'■';■ •-- AA'a '■■ •'.':' ': .• •-" '-'" . . ■ SUBURBAN — House 8 «cnnery,"\.-pMfcry. bathroom top 'ikxir j 'alio -tatiirooin, not and - Sold ■Jttter/BbbwM-.'i^'pltogßjVgit^i'.^" o*''0 *'' onper built vin. :, Outbnildings— Fourtai! " stable, lo&b box, fead house, large ahobt to bins-; carpenters ihop, hameMyrpom and office, carnage "lousa and-ahed.jthree .fotj-l runs and ive.'-periB > ' l 'reß«rvbir containing WOO gallons, fed by never-failing spring, orchard; t kitchen; garden, good - lemon trees ; area 15 acres ; 2i miles from Post -Office.: j, s Price £1650. y Fol. 68. Iy'.|3T.y'- ; viWQB^rSJ.-^Ne--; : ' House, 6 rooms, bathroom; copper, and tubs'- in scSnllery; area *4 : acre land. - Price, £600. )&■%£■■:•;:•<%?*% -•"' S -'■."■■- Foli 47 ! J. TASMAN-ST.— -House, 9 rooms,/bath rpoth, hot -and ' cold* water, all modern conveniences, outhouse, pantjy, tubs and copper^built in, gas stove, area 75ft f rentage xi 150 ft deep. Price £700. -AA-A .iT-v '- ■ a;-aa ,• rFol. 42 ,'ELA.yENiROAD.— -Valuable g-Propertj-, witii -two -honses, one 9 rooms' and the other: S ': rooms, splerididy -new ; also splendid section fronting Harbour, suitable for another dwelling.; also' three flther good building sites. Price lor lot, £900. , '»-.. ...'.;,•- /Fol. 106. AyMOTUEk^.-^Refreshinent Rooms and Han-dressing Saloon, 9. rooms., two, front, rooms being .used jas -shop's ;*ma,sh-' house .iin'tT ; copper, "tetcy lease has .15 year's;to run. Pnce,>,£6so.v* .Fol; 9Q ; •..•' '. '.'*'* "'' .•' ■' - '~ ''■■' ~~f. '"i ".^* ;- *' ': ';■ NILE-STREET, E. '. House, 6 rooms,^ bathrobn?' -and room; detached^ land transfer' title, .sectibri'.42ft frontage' by lOOftideepJ .Prjte.i£3so;-' Fol. 89; tiABDY-ST.— House, T '6 rooms, "■ofi main' street, 30ft frontage by 100 ft in depth, right-of-way on east side. Land Transfer -Title. ' Price, £850. Fol. 69. y/WIMEATBOADi— Honse^ 7 rooms; (new)];bath, gas-heater, gas stove, scullew .Vpantry,. shod vat back, p.w.c.jy-as. phal*6*pathß, -6.2 ft ifroritage- ty 162 ft deep'^i: Price^£76o;y; S „ .Fol. 21. AAsolA'y "•?;-:' : .■*,'•"'' ,'• '" y:Mgurifcstre^.rr:Well ; . built - and stahtral .'B-rcioiried House; ■ modern cdnveniencef,' garden and .plantation, .about •J-.-^^d;-;J?!^;£pM;; : ;.,/T:'^ Fob; 97 >;';COuiiEOE HILIi.^-Ajniost riewr Broomed v House, well-finished/; hathroom, etc.; vkrea :114ft frontage -,x- 116ft deep,, (space 'ior another ■- dwelling).. Price: £7755r;. - V A:A,a B Fo ,. 32 .y rH-K.j-- '■ /■-"■ : - \'A * :'• a, ■"'■'.■■ ■ " .- W4iMEA ROAD.— Splendid property, ,3 acres land, with house,' 6 rooms;' washhouse*. and batbrobm, stable ■ arid coachhouse, all in g6od order. Price $mi/AjAfSA : . y ,'•"'. ■'' .' '■',* fy^Ai^ rooms, tubs, gas, 1 veranda, ' seWor'cdnnection,'. area 60ft x 130 ft. Price £500: ■-• .' il' J ■ ■■' '-■■:: ■:'•'.'■ •'-".'■ c \ v :?»VyFol. 78 .V-BABDY-ST EAST.— House, 8 roomSi bathroom, hot and cold water, ba-cony, frnifetrees, 76a.- frontage x 100 ft; in depth.^Priflei £1000. Foi. 30 *. ■ CAMBRIA-ST^^House; ,'S .rnu, nicely laid- out gardens, area 60ft x 128 ft. Pricp, £375. F 01.76. r|;-i:-".' :' '■- ■ ' . : Almost new uouse, 6 room", scullery etc., area 75ft x 120 ft. Price^KW. ;;, ( . . , i' , ; Fql. v <,3. WAiMEi-ST.— House, 6 rooms,- bath room, new' shed, 40 x 18;rarea*56ft x 180 ft. Price 76o. „. , "'*" Fol. 34 (yKAWAI^ST.— 6-roomed house bathropm, .scullery and waßhhouse, sunny <tsp'ect, area 63ffc x v l9oft. Price £520^ *■ > AA'AA'AAf/: ' Fbl.T2 h^TASMAKFST.— Well built, house, 8 rooms, , all. new outbuildings, -95ft frontage x.. 142 ft deep.- corner section.' Price ■£®6 < ;:;..y ••'-<> '*, : _ y -"; - r Fol. 3*^ ' yEMANO-STv-f-New Residence of 6 roms, : . bathroom, etc,, area 82ft x 140 ft. Price £460. . :'.- Fol. 48 ; ; CbLLINGWOOD-BT.— Two story house, 11 rooms, scollery, pantry, bath room, veranda, two balconies, every convenience, I frontage 150 x 152 ft in depth. Price £1300. Fol. 94 i MOUOT-STRiiET.— -Good touse, 5 rooms, bathroom, washhouse, etc., 100 ft frontage . x 200 ft deep-Mb . Price, £800. f/'/f' \ I'"-":' :■'■'' '.Fol.'BS. v TR^AL&'A^-ST.TTHouseV .8: rooms,, washhouso and bathroom, fowlrun, good, kitchen garden, main water sfipply; 60ft f rbnta'^e >: 13ft"in depth. *: 'Title, leri-J' transfer..' s . .Price £575.,' .: :v'Fol.vlo9 A /..A Ji! J l '. •."';.,- : . „.:: A-/J/ j: I 'W4tINUI-ST'.--New house; - 6 ' rooms, bathroom,'' washhouse, 'copper, ■ tubs, splendid , view of [harbour, 66ft : frontage X|rlsOffc^ei^-:Pxio:£6^.y.:^.,yFoh /if COLLI^GWp6i)-ST.—^Honse, 6 nns, seollory, .washh'l) use/- bath^aspha't paths, kitchen' and flour- garden,'*area 120 ft x ;^ce-£7Bq; : A. Foli-fl-t vX^x^^ii^T r —^OJSt^Aii^if '.. 8 ; rp»ins, :corner, ; aections, splendfd view of 'harboui.; veranda all jrpund, s'plp-ddid ori jdiardi'Vij'acre. Price '£loso. >, .Fob- 92; S SSvu- . A ■%/:■;. .-.•.;>".' „ ' laiHASDY-ST.r-Splsuidid 2-story build'ibg;\ 9 >B>9-*M, fiUi^odern conyeniences, 2 :-po*ns. g-Sft.-XilSfti • ■ good Jo'uridatiohs, "put "gardens. "Pnce £1250/ -* tif^AWJ:/ AS' v ■.- x -x..mi:i& gW^T^-ST^New J hoM6,y6^r&ffisis;--sa&jsitfJi!iue: bathroom, waßhhonse,"etc v SGOft-iWnWgefx loflft in -deptb; ; Price W^lsff ■'■:■'-.. r ' -AAfAjmAßa V; MOXJ}ft!-ST.-^Alihpst iiewyho^se : Of 9 rooriis (splendid view of and the Bay),, all modern conveniences, has .ajOft-frbutage ; and is tastefully planted in shrubs arid ornamental trees. "Price .£IOOO. ; . •■* *-,*.- Fob 36 y^ANOOASTtSTi^Ne*- ;*'-.*ionso,* S jwma.waUfinishad, bathroom, veranda; liaik' arid-front, orchard arid, live foncb §' lanted, frontage 60f t x 140 ft in depth . Wee £475. .Fol^>Bß' : .(HABDY-ST.— Tw^ry^Ctesi^' tf rpoms; central position, bathroom, scullery, ywashouse, nicely laid-out garden, yei*aoda«*et«i "Pnco £900. t b JEwL 102 . HARDYiST.— House^ 7 rooms,, *ood position, near' Collingwood-street;. f rice' £350., . . .> Fol., 104. ; SUBUEBAN. NORTH.— HSude of 9 rooms, beautiful view of Nelson': and the. ; Bay, . ibathroom ai>d conveniences, water, la;d pri, stable, coachhouse; nicely laldfont garden and lawn. Price £2100 S" "AAAf-:- :■■■ Foi. 73 -' GOOJDyBOARDINGr HOUSE of 14, renovated; wash hojise, ; balcony; eyfiry modernyconve-ii-erice; 'one minute walk from Post Office. • ?ii<s-£BISAA ':AA : "-'J"y:--Fol. I'Ooy .--! .*.-V:.'. ;.. ."" -'„> * /" '*'f. '•;■: ;, .;'- - -:'#^ ,'most new,, bath with .gas hratei, scul|ery, pantry,- shed; --asphalt paths, area 62ft x 152 ft;.., Price, £725. . Fol. 99. ; "TASMAN-ST.r-Splendid .residonce ,'of j d rooms, : bathroom, detached wash. I house, and other outbuildings, on- concrete fonridatio-u; plhntationjt; .''-lawn, fetc-vPrics 1, £2000.,*- ' ,;■ Fol.* 101 Two sectibnsf each 75 ftffroritage x 120 ft deep. Price 25s per ~fOot.AfAv:f- L ' ■•■■'■ '"AAA' ■■■'.■'. viSEOTIONS at Tahuna, from £45. SITE 76 itifrontage s 130 ft in depth. Piice ;£160.y. „ j -.■;.' Foi. 141 *,THREE SECTIONS:— North -Eskutieet," 66f t x 160 ft. Prices £75, £65. •Mid.^.-«v'.W--. ..- „.-,;*.' ;. ; iSEGTipN.— Facing Mount-st.,r north?er6 aspect, -66ft zl6Cft in depth. Price *£175. -y^.y.-iy-: a ■ ' '"-', -, : - ONE . FUL£i>ACRE in - Hamp*u--ttl suitable, for cutting up. Priccr £200. '■ ';. ONE ACRE, Native ' Reserve, Hamp-den-st. Price £100. :i Parere^treet, 47ft *140ft'deep/'Price'£7s: ■"*.•; £ARQE SECTION^ at Poit y opposite Bnrford's Wharf. Price £100. -jMCENSED ; ACCOMMODATION HOUSE^pn mam coach road,- 17 rocnii, large stable and two side sheds, ,70 actw ;k.nd,.. 10 acres, in 'oats, balance 1 in SK?. < A*t? m £ at present 100 ewes witi Jra- 1 *. "..*» bead cattle and hordes, harness Btice-ae00.,,- jr 01 . 107 IBISLEY BROS -'.'• - &GO STOCK AND STATION AGENTS ■4tJCTIONEER,S; TATOATORS. * '■- ". As:' J--AS/aaJ,.a ' * v

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 4