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f : y :b; : ;i: Wills' ■: I'l^l^ciib ' i :^?*'-^;r*^':*^^ i ■/ A . l '#v:^.^-.. ; /^AS-AaXSAA: -A. .--■ -'•■;■ AASA;: - f . , '-: r • * ' TiT^^^^^'iSUßtißPAN FARM ; ASit RATION yvi:/*y'.-^-^,^-I^^'^^OPERTiES..y:-*':yr^ " : : ■:?*?;* -a>a ■' ?."'•,'.'..

f.,:S'. .AL^BfIB:SSSEB^aat e iS:S ; ftA jflfi'' ''AOfxWmifmm^i^jjiiot! :-. :taowv occmpatioii li- -, twue afclow renW; "alk»y 6© acres re-, ry**»i*ve.^-:*A-L;aVg6ing"i^ricern^ y ; iteep, <12 head horses, ciittleV arid large: ■':\-Axmbot'6l-i«^^initl&mn^A-: : \A/^t? I :y'^y.^yA':^;-^'firice'«23jpooi^y A// "7 : JAf/jJAAASA;mJtS. : AAS' Af '-. ■'■' " i '7 AAA ; ACRES E^bld. y'Good 4 : UUU. iHdnwStead and other Out' ' bnUdiogs, WoblshM; ;3heepyand • Cattle,: , . i -ids;' : Dvj; }i about v ß iniic»y f i»iri 'Bail- .- ,-. ; waV/-.*:ca--rying '-"at -present ycOOO ., sheep j, ■"'■ -.ii^^y^i^i^iai^y^y^^:^.'^ Ai-wec : vsxoAA AA'A;^' A' : AjiijJEobiJtfnj >sj^AfftLksia^^ / '■ OOAA ■iOREB ; . F^hd<lU ypPQO': A'A & £iXJXjA A&e* Leasehold, Jhelduta. A, > : 'l6w rental):- A 700' acres; aie* : .flat .■•.-- 400 . .'■;•" jfci-es' undulating ;< 250- 'acrss-bush;;' ,70, 'j Acres': in- Crbp^; v subdivided lirito 7'^pad-. W -'-.clocks.- ■■ Well watered*eeks. ,\Good ' ■'-, ; roomed ■!"'* hoiise, ■■* 3-stall)* : stable; . ' Shearing : - sbed; 'BlacksnuHh''s^shbp;v!^d,v:genera,l A; : outbuildings; '>>':More'lan'dvCari* be * t?ken .*-■'. "'•.. up ■:• alongside : : carryintjy at vjiresent*. ICTOj 'A sheep- and -lambs- atidoySO h6rses;aridAA- VSO head: of cattle; *;' and : 4*s'; wo*™*? • : olarit'.^— As'r Gome C^-jctirri.' i' ; y ys.- - y :" i/ A S Price, i £6000^ %/ : 'N,B-, ;164-j '7 A.i -TIPrTOPySHEEP :c6ibj»:THY.;y , J\ A ■■■■i y 'i^JTi^AAcw'iioM r! s^p7ixm\ivA t A X G)UU iy try, 900 Acreir^Griiss; 1 •"' ■'. sub-divided ■ into; -,.: 10 paddpeks,- ;' ; .weU , " : A -watered "■ by .^Tuririing ..streams.':- .-.. G.00d 1 residence: ;.-(ld /rooms),' wjpblshed- aa™ stables, 1 ; milia I frorri,:'scho<Jl v .aridiPO* ; / .''Offi'«i^'*-6r''ridlM**^m' : i»Uww;/j*^,'*«s>4 : - --' .'-^.'lefe^QhOVeTras-,- good 'sawmflliiig,-:,-plant v '< : l : .ci»ii:'Vjce,aß''a'goiii-t; concern..- ■.-<•;*«; 5s(6: '..- • •'•.',■• •'•= :■' *-:--\:'.* a ■■■;A£!^:.,:- ., J /.-";- , .i'J;.;;'j> ■-:);■' i'yobbli-i^EIGIILTUitA^V^^ f-Af. Af a A?f :^ESlt./:Af: "JS '" ' ■ -ClijVv *iiatt:S^-43G Freehda,^ondi 00-U 433;iieaseh61d.'; . WOy Acres: : tural 'laridy'^Propertyysubdivided i^Ab: -• >s*;'piddO(^sVwhftre'd' r ' •.-■'• :C --'fik^tam. , '~h-'HtoejM7^««^)^^-^F^f;! A:^^ i4--milea.frpiii,school.i ' < iia "' 2 :TnUes^i*om--Creamery. m -, Rent,ol | : CtosehWd;V£3;per; arin*am;:;Pri-»:^-tor A. *^holdv£s^;peracre. J; J!ql^ 156N8, '/f7*;%MfA^si^ t '':■ '"' "■''.- A:. AAA'* 'A"'''?* '■'■''-■''■■'<'- A: j-;-;?: '■ ;■■'.'■''" ';- :O^JKA^^GRES,*'IS0 i r;acres -tim- - ;r '-*'.'iufXoU*-£ber,--- '76Q,--* acres, bnsh;' i. •" All wellifenced,*; sub-.dryi'ded,^•:,a'nd • ; .--"- 'flats 'well-driined. : . Teh >actes.;'i*-.' ':■ crops- '40': acres r'in, turnips ; carrying, at ! '' pr^ent 2500'.shei;p,a00 headvoi^cataev. r: Kewi AO-roOrijod: -: Jiouse; .stables, «a« A i>ieds,-2;hop ; kilns; also other ontbtuld-. i ngi, ' now l; *ioitb-date ( : wool ished,: 38.; **> ■A 50ft; -just compieted^s'*a': , ji6mg ' con-. : SernAmtti loy draught vborse»£ 3 /txap -" - Abrses.BridseveraV': hacks:--- -T^eM-?.-.,anUi.i Osborne * cultivatw*. Masßey^Hania, * in.; ■pading harrowß, binder; (newkmower, ' iSrbWs, ;doub]t-rMd; : «Mle^^wbs- ■- f'S'mAl,i} /: iSaM^-FA^^: /: J '-'O'/fyfe ACRES; .-well watered '*• and ' - 1 7. One, mile -from Bailwayy 'wjll : .rarry 400 : sheep. ; - : New- house:'. arid ;Sh-?d:' ■ . Price; -£1500 "-•':■' '-:|:-:''.' ->/;: ; *y? F 01.'.244 . - -;-":'■: WfXfi AfA§K®B/ all:V:p,loughable-v :'OUU'*-lßrdw"go^swheat; .oatsyand A 1 barley. 'sS-abdifideiirito;? parts.- -AVcIl- , .Wa'ta'efeiJy!Tby>'&eeks, broomed; cottage ■.--raxiiA- shed,;,, mile /from -school, '4'milesi A J ffo-rilrailway;/' tHrinirig atatT,- resent ■ 250 ' - shisep^besides Seattle V and^norses;. ,-.-,. .Ay . '■', cifops'ifrom date' to be*' paid ,-for;extrayi. : ,^rie*i/£2500:y 'J/ifff^AA^:^ A ''^SPLENDID - : A±JtßOJJliijfaA3&.f - '- - '■?' -'•''•■' " v "--' "-: ' .'-'-■.: '■'' »-' •.:.'"-;'*.'-'.' ■-- *"3^f' ,- i --" , '';' i " ■','',' -'\ "."-'*..'* $i7~ilf^tif^^^7.i^M^^': : o^'- '*":' fj x D ''■' V feriMd andsubdiyided : fo^ S : '-.i paddocks.:^ Grows* gMdfcrops;;t*-id aso 'good' fattening land.^'Jßiise, (lpj ;".':— to'o'tos),^md-otbjßr:ontbnUding«.-v: l Gkiiod ■>rchard>~ Has frdritageVWmaitf vrbad.; [■' x y*r^eV£l4oo.K- :^:; A. A J;J&m- : M 7-* .;,. y--v- : y ..-. A -'A -' v - . 'i: *:y ,^ l ->:' :' : . - ■ i-'-;yfi^OTyFA&:';QLpSE-^ - ' *'rt - JmiXX xi '''■ -'■■ balariciin graspV..*l^ ; a«e» in A: ' oats,: E ,'acres : .in- : peas," 4 acres ; iri' ; pbtaA y;toes-,.2 a<»es in. t-aTnips,'^B^a»& r :iri'rape, '^■*- and 20 acres to be sbwn/downy ,F>riii is. -" anbdivided anto gO'paddocksV^and wdll :• mitMei'oj;^^ riattu^'Bpnrigs.^ : At>presept Ataxi^big-Wi' .-'ewes' with lambs at •.foot'. * 'Horise^ tf rooms) I &st^ ( fctable^- sheds,* :.' .-. itc; ,:^niile»;ficoß. -'*»^::-/;-.iWcei-«».; ..'■A f fy''A&f;AS-fJ'f[/:f^J!6B. A ■•^■%AA?A-AIS'Ar::..AA^SAAS-Ai'it "ft V/j: ACRES, close A to ,'.Qr-amery ■ - J::|L*Oiyv:tl- ; ana' Siool;;all;*'6rassed;«ixf.' , , sept 20 acres bush, ' will caOT.-W/mili-h ■'A: tow»};:well 'divided Md witeria>**godd ' honae::(S rooriis), i'she^,' Md .-'Ctoer.'qutv ' A. bnildirigs,, wigmally- 'heavy bnih- land, v '-:■■• Gsj^'^diard. -, More Gro-jfiji liand ci^ ": be 'iatemiw'alongside at Idwj'riiital: -,'i : - A', : P-i5:-:£800; : , y-y'.yy- #%,. .284-,' ■ *SM %&$■ HAND! :FAEM^: "v SAA '■ M|i :^CßES^rMlib(a,:aiJ*-«h(. J A. Afc '- ; docls^'^awre'drby v lriinning str-auhE.-ca*":' ; . /-."lrj^g'-at-'rpresent -240 ''ewes .j'and-vlambs.',: - . ' scullery . ; Md^^washhouse',; '"-'■ i'mile* -Itoia 'S. :fc«fti&*'£2o;per'. acre. S- $b\AVISZ ■"■AA^A'yS-- :.'''-*- : "'' -A'* AXA'A^A ~. '"A .» a ibii^y^t^*indyuriau3^ting;' Aa Alz&ty&i&aes.M:^^ 'A "crpp^* toboUvided-irito,: 6 : paddocks, /jjai, teted r 'by *'. i*treams,':; ! .4-rfloined. ' house, '.^3---'-•itsile'd'.staßle, r cbach .horise; r .arid .^he'd ; i.^nnTe-frM" school; ' : 4 -niileV from to*nf 07^7^^^^^^^^^^Lf ''-'^RS^'BE^wll^^r^^^tl x^id strwtoij'SKaiti'lfiOitd 200 - r *ae» are flat, 'balance low bSll»i .ii.nnjgtericed'and : subdivided.-. Horise^D/rpomi,. : fteble, shesutirig: * shed, .wiUiy 600^ ****$ S aa- 'Price ;£2boo.y, y. '.' y ■/," '■ FoL' :17b-.; ' . y y^GOOlr- ACMdOTTOB^B^^.y ■ : - '.A S/Ai'^AA AJ.-rSj'A/A A a ' ' ' '' v ; ''"Cti\ ■'AGRES, *aU;:.ploughable;f subdi-. r ,OlX ;; v videdV-^to;^^paadockß;;-=w;ell : '.'- ' - wifeftd A '^spiririg-s^otf^bßnse ;7 > nns,-; - .-■and 'cowshed'; Vt:;ijfile\*l^';»clS'6ol;:*.*,'-''^, > -'•: *jb real good land 'and ; dear^of /"all Inoxr-, ■^ .^'ouSr^da), : la^se^ri-40;a^s^*« :- ; *ri.; ; ' : -'; ; c»tsy , M'a''ss.^ A > !sold-bff ' theKpiacie-' ?' ; 'Ai. : '?M*ssl§Wa ;:.i.:>;, ■:,,•.-.:'. vy:, - '■■^j*-\^. ■■• TFol.''lSo..---f. 7f77fi&>of^^ :^'^n^S^^o^^^m^ a \m lAsce^vlw r A}i^imiiaSi~^<Uo^<»Wfii ;j«*o : w? y mti&*mL^^ . 'A-^&^.'Afi'*-* -:■-*• ' :^'^'- f ''': ri -AA- : A<A:y"i Sa 'i\f\ ACRESfN€^y^d,-y«ows XUU Bplendid cropß" ,ci»:wbe-it, oati,. haxley,^^ \BbUt . way.- subdivided into .8 parts, -yoting or-: ' imwd; Orily ; :10 Mleß^frim^Oitx.Jpin'd : hb^ ! (7';:KH>iris),"::4ißjan^ '.''■: :imWeirierit' shed, ! arid" otherOc^tbuJdwgSj. y (;t«Ee,r:£2ioo.;y s y.:;: jjja. -.Tf/l^T^B: .';' : y : ffj f^Aff^^^^^^f/^ /l&'ft'A^ ' A- QU i-'i.chbicfl; ,. : ebmpaci'Fanri;':in;gpbd . district^ subdiyidedAinto '^partsi'mqstly . ;; ; under :plori^h» 6^*res.inrfto*cch'Md,; choice^ trees; ithe- £ bestvof frinw J land j '' . «inly- £73^ :^The5binlfc : iadney-'cau, remain l - OT;s.,p,e"!Vi^ri'fi'', •::-; ;.V g;" - ff'ff ""y'''''A\BAß^l^^/^^s ; ''''■■■ PwA - ' ACRES,*y .Splendlds!:/Fre'e^oi^; .' -. : OU -'; ■ Farm, .situated -a^puti3' miles; / irorii<Port;-.bist'of ; griin or/fruit -landj- .; weUi watered*, subdivided 'into. 6 parts, : live fence, ; new-'6-robmed| Residence ; « . ' Bargain, only :£986. „;'::.• •';> ' .■ • . ;■- Most' '-of the j purchase monoy /can r«: yiriain at;low;'r«e.y J? A A'A/J ./' f'.V- i ■fmAilfEfSf FAJRMj^J-^J^On^ ; - , •v-iten^bie;^rib?^jded:inW* • , Z^tfSatti^Bia^ owek : rutTfling-; .Ithrough .- ttf '4^l^ - ■ ' ■'^'iartying. afc'prw<mt v im:sb^^ year round;: 1* -miles fWß^P&gg?' i' ' '^am^AjA fAA-A.A'^^^^Bk '; fa A A ACRES, - albriverfetiyand ' JL *±U -ploughable, wai-sBVi-wded iand- watered.- Good river frontege. . : Housed rooms, stable, etc.*; : ; inite;|rpm « fcy;^li^: ; a.nd:'railway: . ..Price f>\^y \ W&M^ASff/AA -a ASSAfSM

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 27 July 1907, Page 4