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Information hr.s been received in this city by Father George Mahony stating that the very Rev. Dean Muhoney i* in a critical Btate of health in Dublin. The news was given out in the Catholic Church yesterday, where Rj:>ocial prayors were offered for the Dean's recovery, and it vill be received with general regret. A telegram from our special correspondent at -Wellington states that Archdeacon Devoy yesterday received a cable to the effect that the Dean was seriously ill. A recent 1 tter from the Dean said ho was belter, hence the nows of his relapse comes as a painful shock. The aannal meeting of the "Waimetv Athletic and Cycling Association ivill be Id in iheOddh'llowb 1 Hall, Wakefield, on October Gth. Intending suppliers to Iho Wakapuaka creamery are notih'td by advertisement I hat the Cronmerj nill receive milk on October Ut, opening at 7 a.m. The price for bnltor fat i* the same as that pi id at the Richmond Factory. The unitod prayor mreling will bo held in the Baptist Schoolroom next Wednesday evening. The Bishop of Nelson will proeide, The manasor of the West port. Coal Company and directors osp-el the output this year to rejoh 500,0U0 lons, a d next year 000,030. One of the stud Ayrshire bull* imported lo the colony by the Department of Agriculture i* to be stationed in the Nelson District lb.ii season. Mr \V. Ci', of Hope, will probably take charge of the animal. A meeting of the Nelson Co-epera Li vo Dairy Factory, Ltd., was held at Brightwater on Sat urday. Progress payments amounting to £900 on the building and machinery were passed for payment. It was decided— (a) that the factory be registered as a member of the National Dairy Association ; (b) that eteps be takon to insure all employers of the company without delay ; (ci that the manager be enipowe^d to engage an experienced assistant for factory dutie?, and report to the Chairman ; (d) that teuder3 be invited for butter milk and surplus hkim milk at per gallon for the season. Discussion onsued "with rfgardto (ho questi-n of tonders rrceived for the manager's res'dence, it was decided that the amounts tendered were higher than anticipated, ard the matter be left over till next meeting. A bitting of the Old Ago Tensions Court was held this morning, when two applicants had their full pensions of £18 renewed. At the Magistrate's Con t this morning, bef' rJ Mr 11. W. Robinson, S.M., one fir?t offendig inebriate was convicted and discharged. '• rb<s Windsor Magazine 1 ' fur August, received from Mr J. E. Hounstll, is a " Bank Holiday" nnmber with contributions by Jerome K. Jerome, Kobert Barr, »nd others. Max Peinberton's "Gold Wolf" is continued as the serial story, and the short stories B re " The Will if Cyrus Wellcome," by Ed. Spenco; - Hie Dormer Window," by F, M. White ; '• A Question of Money," by Robert Barr, and 'Interchangeable Parts," by B. A. Clark, [important facts relating to British export tiade are liven by J. H. Schooling, and very interesting and beautifully jllustiated articles are written by Kdouard Charles of tho " Dog Polu-a of Paris " ; the Cliffs and Caves of Cheddar by Harry Goulding ; "Enameling in Metal/ (Alexander Fisher's fine work), by Esther Wood; and "How Our Gunner? are Trained "; by Archibald Spicer. The number altogether is a very good one, '• solid reading", however being perhaps rather too predominant. - Under the auspices of the Salvation Army a biorama and orchestral combination will appear at the School of Mu6ie on Sunday and Monday next. Tho AngloAmerican bioscope will be operated by Major Pony, who, a3 Lieut. Pe-ry, will be remembered as the officer who established the Nelson corp? several yea's ago. and bis old friends will give nitn a warm welcome. The bioraina productions incfudß the Royal tour of New Zealand, and Boina excellent music is also promisod. r l he proceeds of the e^hiliition will be devotad to the Selt-Den'al Fund. Ti.kets may bj ob a'rei at JnckHon'ss. The M! >wing team .vill bi sent by (he Rugby Union to Takika next Siturday, loayirjg here on Fuday : — Barltrop, Logan, Levien. Richard*, F. Nesl it , Pike, Palmer, J Neabitt", 4ulain«, Bit t McK inIcy, Slinn, Brown Boon, Franks, Kyde Attention is called to the farewell meeting for the purpose of wishin? good bye lo the Rev. K. S. Gray and Mrs Gray, which will be held in the Baptist Church to-morrow evening at 7.30. On Wednesday next Messr3 W. tout and Son 3 will sell freehold property, live stock, in ploments, firm sundries, and household furniture at Upper ilouteie on behalf of Mr C. F. Muutz ; on Thurs day the firm will sell piano, furnishing etc,, on premises, Collingwood street, in the estate of the late JCrs Howard, commencing at 1 p.m In the iSupromo Court this morning in Chambers, before the Registrar, ot the motion of Mr Arthur Maginnity, Letters of Administration of the estate and effects of John Hawksworth, deceased late Serge *nt of the tenth New Zoalanc 1 Contingent, were granted lo Harr el Hawksworth the mother and next ci kin. This day, in Chambers, before th( Registrar of the Supreme Court, on tht applicaiion of Mr Roger Kingdon, pro bate of the will of William Georgt Lawrence, late of Rewa, Suva, Fiji, wa; granted to Kobert Forbes aiy.l Marj Jestie Lawrence, the eaocntors naraei it the said (rill. Mr Henderson, City tJurveyor, returnee to Kelson this morning from a short visi to Wellington. Owinar, it is believed to some work ivitr the maias in Brook-street, tho water sup ply in several places to-day came frotr Jhe taps milky-white with aeration. A little alarm was caused by those who im agined (here was lime or some other for eigu ingredient in the water, but in t little time after drawing the niinutf bubbles passed away, leaping the watei as clear as evet. Mr Uonnsell. wino mf r.-hanr, has towarded a sample of Manning's Christ church ale, tor which he i 3 Nelsun agent wholesale and retail. Those who are abl( to judge declae the nle to bo of excel lenr. quality, strongly resembling Burton on-Tivnt. It is obtainable in pateni demijohnß, and bottles small and lar^e See advt. elsewhere, News was received by Major Wolfe 0.C.D., 10-day, stating I hat Sergeani Manson, of the Takaka Mounted Rifles had died at Takaka this morning. Th< lajte Serjeant has been connected wit I the Takaka Rifles since its inception, anc was highly eat eemed as a volunteer. 6 military funeral will he held to-morrow. Tho Wakatu "Mounted Rifles, First Nel gon Infantry Batallion, Nelson Colleg* Gadtps, Nelson Rifle Cadets, and Bearei corps, will huld a daylight p4rade jn th'« Botanical Roterve next baturday after noon. Staff- Sergeant-Major Roberts, late o: the Ninth Lancers, who recently joinec Ibo New Zealand Defence Department has been appoiutoi drill instructor o mounted corps iv ihe Nelson idetrict. There is said to be a scarcity of ts-h it Chrjstchupch t^fc present. Two shops, a | leant, have had their §but tars uij, aayfe \ a< " Press," wjthlhe logoud upon tbem •- " Open to-morrow if ihere ia any fish ' One fahop, which recently closed or account of this re pott 3d scarcity of fish opined with a gtock of periwinkle an( j a ' couple of rabbits.

The Rival Foot 1 all Club is ro hold a smoke concert in the Fore3tera Hali tbis ovening TheJ London Graphic " Coronation numb r has been forwarded to fchi • office by tho latt mpil. Tt is profueely illuet rated, and well worth preserving a* a memento of a gieat ocoaeion. "A r.ico little game 13 all the same though played in a different way," w»s exemplified at the meeting at the" Provincial Hall, when tbe ivor >b " as per plan " svero sought to bo iacludod in a resolution — bm the me ling is to be cougratnlated on emphatically stating they were "not taking any," but decided 1 1 leave the matter in the hand* cf the railway authorities, f-aturally thoro will be some diversity of opini: n as to a site, but (Yd are pleased to fay that everyone is agreed that Lock, tho Universal Provider, has the largest, bnst., and most varied stock of up-to-date Furniture and Furnishings n Nelson. He not only Btlls much cheaper than othei-3, but gives cnstomeiß practically their oiva terms of payment. Large direct shipments of Carps s, Cork Linoleums, Rngs, Bedt-teads, Curtains, Blinds, Sewing Machines, and Crockery just to hand. It i 3 no wonder that Lock does such a large bu?iue3s— he has em <ll oxpenses, aod °i?es the widest choico and bast value in the city — advt House, Farm and Station .Requisites Tho recent ex ensive alterations in Messrs Bisloy Bros, and Co.'s promises enables them to cany larger stocks of gr ceries, hardwa-e, and prodace, which they are now offering to the public at wholesale rates. Parcels delivered to any part cf tho Cily, Railway Station or Port. Stocks include 500 bags AI sugar at 7s por 101 b bag, Hour at 21s ( Jdpei 2001 b sack, heat Coylon teas in olb, lOlb, and 201 b tins and 601 b chests {ruin Is 3d pr lb, Trice's epcrna candles from Gj'd, Nekon saap fiom Gs ( Jd per box, rice oatmeal, effee, ot\ Trodnce— bran pollard, chaff, wheat, barley, potatoesa grass seeds. Also, for farm and stiTio.v, vse — fenciug wire, sviro nttlingfroni 8s per roll of 50 yards, roofing iron, roofing felt, nails.— Enquire Grockry DepatuienL Bi»ley Bros. ,S: Co., Hardy-stret, kelson. Advt. Ex Wain-era and Gothic Messr3 Bislej Bros a- d (,\>y have received heavy sbip^ niOTts of carpat', carpet squares bcartr. rugs, mats, linoleums and curt i r s direct from 11: e makers. Tho above are the latest designs, and will be offered to the public t exceptionally low price-?, also ex Beim,a 3rd shipment of 20 "Le Eoy" 1 bicycle which we are offering for thiß week only at .£9 103. The public are it viied to inspect our furniture 5> .le Uooms —A vt

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXVI, Issue XXXVI, 29 September 1902, Page 2

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Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXVI, Issue XXXVI, 29 September 1902, Page 2

Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXXVI, Issue XXXVI, 29 September 1902, Page 2