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The list of candidates for the whole colony in connection with the current general election will bo found on the 4th page of this issue. The sitting of the Warden's Court fixed for to-tlay has been adjourned to Wednesday, Oth December, in the absence of the Warden (Mr Wilson Heaps) on magisterial duty at Collingwood. There are two applications to be dealt with, one by Mr Arthur William Tatton, anil the other by Mr Ralph B. Jackson. The Rev. O. Soltau will speak at the Theatre Royal to-night upon " Domocratic Government," its Present ami Future. He spoke lust evening on tho " tioeoml Advent." Mr Soltau will speak atWukefiehl Sunday School to-morrow afternoon, and at -St John's Church in tho evening. On Friday ho will also speak in tho Sunday School in tho afternoon, anil at tho Gospel Hall in the evening. In the Supremo Court in Chambers yesterday, before tho Registrar on tho motion of Mr Mooro, probate of the will of Susannah Grant, deceased was granted to William Bethwaite and Thomas Neale, the executors named in the will ; and letters of administration in the i state of Elizabeth Bettany, deceased, war • granted to William Bettany tho younger. The Kinetescopo is still on view in Trafalgar-street, Mr Huflam notifies that in addition to his well selected stock of musical instrumenis anil stationery, material for effecting repairs to tennis racquets are to hand, thus enabling repairs to be promptly and efliciently carried out on tho promises. Members of the Loyal Nelson Lodgo 1.0. G.T. aro notified that their Lodge meets to-night instead of Friday. Mr T. A. Askew was entertained at a social last ovening by members of Court Robin Hood and Court Star of Nelson. The Mayor (Bro. ]?. Trask), who presided, said they had met to bill farewell to Bro. Askew, who was about to luavo Nolson. Referencu was made to Mr Askew's services to tho order, of which he had boon 10 y enr a member- — 1 1 years as Treasurer to Court Robin Hood. Mr Trask also spoke of Mr Askow us a good citizen. Bro. Finnoy endorsed tho Mayor's # roiniirks, adding that Bro. Askew had. done his best in tho interest of Foresters, and in recognition of his services to tho Court ho was presented with a past Treasurer's gold vvatch pendant. In replying Bro. Askew expressed his high appreciation of all that had beun said and tho testimonial. lie would always remember the good feeling which had existed during his connection with tho Court. Bro. Easdale nisi spoko inferring specially to Mr Askow's assistance on tho Sports Committee. " Continued prosperity to Courts Kobin Hood and Star of Nelson " was proposed by Bro. Askew and rosponded to by Bro. Finnoy and Sister Tibbie, Chief Ranger of Court Star of Nelson. Tho '• harmony " of tho evening wiis contributed to by Bros Larkins, Oldorshuw, S. Trask and M. Jackson, and Sistors Lurking and Hall, " Auld Lunge Syne " was heartily joined in by all in closing. Condensed telegrams, — The championship athletic meotiDg at Auckland has beon fixed for Bebruary 10th, 11th, and KJtu.Owing to strikes in Franco 13,000 men are icile, and strike pay will last only four weeks. Riots have occurred, in whioh the gendarmerie had to interpose with drawn swords. — Tho French strike ia spreading, and the river engineers have now joined it.— Piitchard's store, Campbell's building, and M'Kenzie's fancy goods shnphnve been burnt down. — Mr T. Taunsi'.-i city residence at Riveralen, Niipicr, Inis beau destioyed by lire. The iusuranco aro £3300 on the building iv tho Norwich Union Olfico and £1700 on tho furniture, with re-insur-ances of £1000 in tho New Zealand Office, £000 in the Naiional, £600 in tho Standard, and £500 in the North German. A concert will be given hy Mißs Hunt at Appleby this evening. The public are scarcely aware that the Nelson Museum is kept up and additions to tbo collections fioin time to time are made by the piivate .subset iplions of a small number of citizens who, as the Pnilosophical Society, have done and are doing good work in the eau»e of science anil education. At the annual meeting this week the table was lillcd with more than usually interesting specimens, The birds collecteil by Mr Lukius from the Southern Islands were a great feature, the young Koyal Albatross in suowwhite down being a striking object. A very remarkable fish eallorhynchus an adieus was also exhibited. On the walls were some beautifully painted sketches of the (lowering plants of the islands by Mis*> E Hairis. These were explained by Mr Kingsley. The President sLated that tho plants at Bichopilale collected by Mr Lukins were growing remarkably well; several had dowered and were most interesting. Ac the close of the meeting Mr Kingsley exhibited with his lantern a series of more thau 20 photographs of the birds, sea lions, waterfalls, etc, of the southern islands. These gave a realistic idea of the vast quantities of birds and their astonishfug tameness. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded to Mr Lukinsj and the ofljcers of t|n; Hineinod, who had rendered him assistance on his trip to the islands, to Miss Harris for the loan of the pictures, to Mr Kingslcy foi the labour and expense bestowed iv preparing the lantern slides and in exhibiting them A beautiful white hcion (crane) was formally preseuted to the Society from the executors of the late Mrs Siiter, and tho Secretary was requested to thank the donors for tho gift. '

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXX, Issue 285, 2 December 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXX, Issue 285, 2 December 1896, Page 2

Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXX, Issue 285, 2 December 1896, Page 2