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Although signs had not boon wanting- that more interest than usual was being taken in the Whaugarei Municipal elections, the poll yesterday was not a. very heavy one. Only 1730 of the 3010 entitled to exercise the franchise voted for the election of Mayor and councillors and of borough representatives on the Harbour and Hospital Boards. At the poll two years ago, which was one of the. lightest in. the history of the town 1317 electors recorded their votes on a wet dav.

The Mayor, Mr W. Jones, was re

turned yesterday with the comfortable majority of 457. He creates a new record, being, the first chief magistrate of the borough to seek re-elec-tion successfully for a third term. The new Borough Council will be composed to a noticeable extent by new men. Messrs L. T. Pickmcre, R. K. Trimmer and A. T. Brainsby did not seek re-election, and Cr. Finch confined his candidature to the Mayoralty.

Two fiewcomers, Messrs J. G. Barclay and T. Mitchell were placed at the top of the poll and second respectively for eouncillorships. Mr Barclay was ahead of all candidates at every booth. Mr St. C. Jounneaux, who polled best of the sitting; members, improved his position from seventh to third, the public apparently appreciating his past services, humour in i debate and freshness of ideas. Messrs G. S. B. Morrison and N. James, also novitiates, were given a very generous measure of support.

The remaining places were occupied by members of the present council, there being a fairly wide margin between the last of the successful men and the first of the unsuccessful ones.

Of the five candidates for borough representation on the Hospital Board, two of the sitting members and a newcomer in Mr J. G. Barclay, who served for several years on the Kaipara board, were, returned. Mr Jones topped the poll, as he did in .103.1, and Mr F. Higginson again occupied second position, with a slightly increased vote. Mrs Donaldson only dropped 25 votes on her 1031 total, but ceases to be a member of the board after four years' service. Northland has now no woman associated with local government.

Both the sitting members of the Whangarei Harbour Board were returned by fairly definite margins, although here the contest was closer than previously, Mr P. Gardner again headed the poll. Details of yesterday’s polling, and the 1931 returns by way of comparison, are as follow. — MAYORALTY. —• S 1 JU o rt hH r-l •JJ H-l . TO 23 ■«-> . £ B B ‘S. S !5 g -A .{3 rt o ° o Pi h. rt w W. Jones ... 257 070 120 32 1091 It. S. Finch . 154 394 SO 0 034 Informal ... 1931 Returns. W. Jones ... 230 505 lIS 20 939 L. T. Pickmere 100 222 28 4 300 COUNCIL.

Parochial Hall. • Town Hall. Man nu Road. Hospital. Total.

1931 Returns. T?. 8. Finch 1140, 0. 11. Morrish 1071, ,T. K. Holmes 100 S, Ik (!. W. Tibbits 010. L. T. Pickmere 030, b‘. K. Trimmer SO.'!, St. C. ,Jomnie;mx S7-I, .1. Donaldson 757, A. T. Drainsby 7.10. The foregoing were elected, and the unsuccessful candidates were: — J. H. Walker 021, A. H. Curtis 012, .A. Langdon ;120. HOSPITAL BOARD. S r 6 rH _• U ~ o 7 53 W • •3 W 7i isll s r,' o ° O f-, L-t T", Ei W. Jones ... 2,17 709 110 Ml 111 S F. Higginaon 242 010 130 27 1004 J. G. Barclay 217 C4S 131 21 1000 (The foregoing were successful.) Mr 4 Donaldson 223 138 00 12 800 O. It. Morfidh 129 291 73 9 100

1931 Returns. W. Jones 1 bBO, F. Higginson 10-10, Mrs V. Donaldson SOI, J. M Steadman 387. HARBOUR BOARD. I

Parochial Hall. Town Hall. Mannu Road. Hospital. •' Total.

1931. P. Gardner 020, J. F. Holmes 841, St. C. Jounncaux 541,

All figures, of course, are subject to the official recount, but* the decisions are so clear-cut in all cases that no alteration in the allocation of scats is possible.

Mayor’s Speech. After the result of tire Mayoralty polling became known, Air Jones was given an ovation when he mounted the dais. *lt gives my wile and me groat pleasure to find that I am placed in such a proud position,’’ he said. The voice of the people is a confirmation of the municipal jmlicy during the past two years. I wish to thank all those who supported me—the ladies especially, for had it not been for them I would not be in the position on the poll in which I now find myself. I also wish to thank Air Finch and many of iiis supporters for their courtesy. I have tasted defeat, and know that even under the best conditions the cup is not very sweet. I recognised in Mr Finch a worthy and manly opponent. The council will continue its policy of the past two years. As the economic conditions interfere with you as individuals, they also interfere with this and all local bodies. Under these difficulties we invite honest criticism, but if criticism is carping give it to the fowls” (Applause), A Sportsman in Defeat.

Equally warm applause greeted Mr I'inch. ‘‘Before you is a man who is rather relieved/’ he eaid. “When 1 accepted nomination I was not altogether keen, recognising that during the next couple of years the Mayor and members of the council also will have a very hard time. The election has boon fairly enjoyable, and today I was very pleased at the number who spoke to me wishing me success at the poll. I endorse what Mr Jones has said with reference to criticism. Before criticising Mayor or council, ‘citizens should realise that those they have elected arc doing w hat they think best for them and Whangarei. I can assure Mr Jones of my full support in any measures which are for the good of the town, I wish to thank Mr Jones for the fair and reasonable way he has contested the election, and also all those who assisted in mv candidature.^

Further Speeches. Steady rain was falling- by the time the results of the other elections were announced, and consequently speakers were checked in their discourse. The iirst to appear was Mr .1. G, Barclay, who said that ho never anticipated getting such a splendid vote. “As far as I know, I will spend the, rest of my life in Wbnngarei, and as a councillor T will try to help the borough along as much as us in my power/’ he remarked.

Mr Mitchell; ‘‘l will simply repeat what I said in my announcement, that I will do my best to serve the town. I would like to congratulate His Worship on his big polling, which seems to indicate that the ‘old grey mare is still what he used to be.’ ” Mr Morrison: “Thank you for the splendid vote. I trust that at the end of two years you will find your confidence not misplaced.” Mr Jouimoaux; “As a large ratepayer of the borough anything which I do detrimental to your interests will hit mo one of the first. I think that my big vote is owing to my energies during the election campaign. 1 hope that all the babies I have kissed are well, as I am at present” (Laughter). 'lntroducing Mr James, ihc Mayor said that he was one of the new councillors who, if he followed in Ids father’s footsteps, would render good and honourable service to the people, Mr James stated that the support given to him was very gratifying. Mr Mnrrish: “Tim past years have been a trying period, and I believe that the coming term on flu; council will be equally trying. Any measures which I consider fur the public betterment. which are brought forward by the Mayor or any councillor will be supported by me.” Mr Tibbits; “I am belter known to you than the Mayor, who has only boon connected with the council four years, while I have been on for sixteen. 1 will again endeavour to do my best in your interests.” Mr Donaldson: “I will continue my endeavours to prove that the renewed confidence yon have placed in me is not in vain.” Mr Parkin; “In my. first appearance in local body politics I am not dispirited, and I think you have elected a good council.”

-Mr A. 11. Curtis: "I will have an* oilier two years’ spell in the paddock. II; I am not broken down by that time, I may come again. A little more corn, ami I believe I would have done better’ (Laughter). ■ Mr Conaghan; “In another two i wars I intend to come forward again. I Ily that time the old slogan about getj ling new bloml will be needed.’’ ( Mr llenders'on; **A( the next council elections I hope In come back as large as ever.”

Hospital Board Candidates, Mr F. Higginson: “I am pleased to be returned for another term, and with such good support. I will en- i deavour to continue to devote the time necessary for the duties.’’ Mr Jones: “Hospital work is one which I enjoy. The cardinal consideration is the care of the patient.’’ Airs Donaldson: “I thank very heartily those who supported me. At present I accejrt the point of view of the public.”

The Harbour Board. Mr Allan: “I am quite pleased with the showing I made today. In another two years’ time I hope to get in.” Mr Ellis: “This is the first time I have taken part in a municipal election, and I think I have done very well. The result lias been an' endorsement of the Harbour Board’s policy, and I wish the old members all sorts of luck. If I had been returned I might have caused a lot of trouble.”

Mr Gardner: “I am very honoured at being returned at the top of the poll, and am sure that the chairman and members of the board arc very pleased. It is a vindication of our policy, which has suffered a groat deal of criticism. I hope that the Mayor and councillors will realise from the result the desire for a road to ICioreroa, which should be pushed to the fullest extent.” ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS. BOROUGH STAFF’S QUICK WORK. The returning officer, Mr A. D. Jack, had the organisation working like clockwork, with the result that, although the poll was moderately hedvy, and despite the large number of candidates which complicated counting, the results were made known with all expedition. The final figures in the Mayoral contest wore announced twenty minutes after closing the booths —very smart work indeed. The personnel of the new council was known at 5.40, and all results wore available before 9.30,

The evening became very wet, hut this did not prevent a crowd of several hundreds remaining to study the posting board and listen to the addresses of the candidates. (Continued on Page (5.;

J. G. Barclay 524 801 150 52 1307 T. .Mitchell . St. Clair Joun310 779 115 50 12(52 neaux .... G. S. B. Mot294 745 122 29 1190 risou 299 705 135 29 11(5(5 N. James ... 244 til 8 110 20 992 J. E. Holmes 259 (502 10(5 25 992 G, H. Morrish E. G. W. Tib24(5 584 107 50 9(57 'bits 259 590 88 2! 958 J. Donaldson . 200 528 92 17 817 (The foregoing were successful.) J. W. Bark in 1(52 594 97 15 (5(5(5 A. H. Curtis . 13(5 587 75 .1 1 (509 J, H. Brown 115 557 9(5 15 58 I T. H. Conaglmn J. E. Hender.12(5 o o n OO i 70 14 547 son .142 518 52 .14 52(5

P, Gardner .. 224 (10(5 mo 13 049 J. K. Holmes 217 •117 101 I!) 854 T. Ellis .... 3 70 437 84 25 710 R. H. Allan . 1(13 407 S3 12 005

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Northern Advocate, 4 May 1933, Page 3

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MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Northern Advocate, 4 May 1933, Page 3

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Northern Advocate, 4 May 1933, Page 3