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From Our Own Correspondent. Mr. F. Kelly is relieving manager of the Bank of Now South ;Vales at present, until on completion of his vacation, Mr. E. W. Konny will assume tho position of permanent manager. Messrs. R. Thomasen, J. P. Sigvertsen, R. Lawrence, P. Berry and J. P. Petersen, of the Tararua Bitlo Club, aro visiting Trcntham, whoro they are participating in the shooting for tho King’s Beit. The winners of the dinner sets’ competition, held by the jubiloo committee, were Mrs. Wright, who won us W.F.C.A. set and Airs. Shechyn who won Alcssrs. A. H. Herbert’s set.

Rifleman K. Henson was top scorer at tho Kaiparoro shoot on Saturday with a total of 185. Tho individual scorers were: K. Henson, 185; C. Sigvertsen, 184; J. AlcAnulty, 183; A. Hansen, 183; G. Goninagh, 182; L. Neighbours, 182; D. J. Dick, ISO; P. Henson, 177; C. Welch, 174; O. Walton, 169; A. Terry, 167; Jas. Torrey, lu/; R. Henson, 166; J. W. Torrey, ICO.

Alembcrs of the Eketahuna tennis and golf clubs gavo a very pleasant social and dance on Monday night as a farewell to two members of boon clubs who aro leaving the district. Alossrs. C. Bowen and J. Robb wero the guests of honour and a very pleasant time was spent in dancing to music supplied by R. Alarcnzi and J. Rowden. During the ovening, Air. Simmers, president of the golf club, voiced tho general feeling of regret at the loss of two such valuablo club members, Air. Bowen being captain and Air. Robb treasurer. The president of the Tennis Club, Air. H. E. Greathead, seconded Dr. Simmers’ remarks and on behalf of both chibs ho presented Air. Bowen with a sot of six crystal goblets and Air. Robb with a seagrass easy chair, wishing them both all the success of lifo. Mr. A. H. Herbert then spoke on behalf of tho business people and Mr. J. F. Baillie for the musical community. Air. Bowen and Mr. Robb suitably responded.

Shooting for the Blcwett Cup at tho Tararua rifle range, R. Farrow registered tho highest score with 90. Other results were: J, P. Petersen 88, W. J. Alanser 88, W. Drysdale 86, R. Thomasen 86, S. Blcwett 86, L. Sigvertsen Ba, C. Farrow 85, E. Sigvertsen 85, B. Lozcll 84, J. P. Sigvertsen 75, P. Berry 66. In the ladies’ shoot for a trophy donated by Airs. P. Berry, Miss J. Geary was tho winner after shooting off with Airs. D. Earrow. The scores were: Aliss ,T. Geary 69, Mrs. R. Farrow 69, Miss Al. Sigvertsen 68), Airs. R. Thomasen 674, Aliss A. Blcwett 67), Airs. P. Berry 66), Airs. C. Farrow 65, Airs. B. Lozcll 63*, Aliss S. Hooker 63, Aliss B. Petersen 63, Airs. S. Blcwett 63, Aliss G. Sigvertsen 61), Airs. J. P. Petersen 61).

A very pleasant evening was spent recently by the friends of Air. James Pickering, who gathered together m tho Oddfellows’ hall to wish him many happy returns. Tho occasion was his 21st birthday and a very pleasant time was spent in dancing to music supplied by K.Alarenzi, A. Rowden, L. Nation, W. Husband, W. Eox and Aliss V. Edge with Mr. L. Nation in the capacity of 'M.C. The most pleasing feature of a sumptuous supper was the beautiful cuko with its 21 candles which was cut by Mrs. Taylor, assisted by Aliss H. Waterreus. Various toasts were proposed and responded to and tho singing of “Auld Lang Syne” brought a very enjoyable evening to a close.

The 36th annual horticultural show was opened by Mr. G. R. Sykes, M.i. Following aro the results: Cut flowers. —Best bloom in Miss O’Donnell; antirrhinum: W. P. Carter 1, Mrs. Saharaweber 2; asters: Mrs, Schormanu 1, Mrs. Tildesley 2; asters (three white): Mrs. Oliver 1, Mrs. M. A. Johnston 2; (3 pink): H. A. Styles 1, H. Simmonds 2; (3 var.): Mrs. Oliver 1, Mrs. Johnston 2; (12 blooms): Mrs. Johnston 1, Mrs. Tildesley 2; (6 single): Mrs. Johnston 1, Mrs. Albretchscn 2; champion: Mrs. Oliver. Carnations, 3 blooms: Miss Thompson 1, Mrs. Schormann 2; carnations, leach of 4 varieties: Mrs. Benny 1, Miss 'lnompson 2; calliopsis: Mrs. Schormann 1, Mrs. Benny 2; calendulas: Mrs. Schormann 1 and 2; cosmos: H. A. Styles 1, Miss Schnell 2; delphinium: Mrs. Gustofsen 1, Mrs. Schormann 2; Marguerite daisy: Mrs. Schormann 1, hire. A. Anderson 2; fuchsia: J. Jewett 1, H. A. Stvles 2; galliardias: Mrs. Scharnweber 1 "Mrs. Schormanu 2; gladioli: Mrs. Schormann 1 and 2; geranium: Mrs. Green 1, Mrs. Schormann 2; hydrangeas (blue): Mrs. G. T. Allen 1; (any colour): G. Jesson 1, Mrs. Sutton 2; Icelond poppies: H. A. Styles 1, Mrs. Schormann 2; larkspur: Mrs. Schormann 1 and 2; Michaelmas daisies. Mrs. G. T. Allen 1, Mrs. Schormann lupin: Mrs. Schormann 1 and 2; French marigold: H, A. Styles 1, Miss Sutton 2; African marigold: Mrs. P. Dillon 1, Mrs. Schormann 2; mignonette: Mrs. Schormann 3; petunias: W. C. Beales 1, Mrs. Scharnweber 2; phlox (perennial): Mrs. Albrctchsen 1, Mrs. Tildesley z; Phlox Drummondi: Mrs. F. Koco 1, Mrs. Schormann 2; rose: W. C. Beales 1, Mrs. Johnson 2; rose (polyanthus): Mrs. Allen 2 and 3; stock: Mrs. Benny 3; scabious: Mrs. W. Carter 1; zinnias: H. Styles 1, Miss Nilsson 2; dahlias (decorative): 11. Simmonds 1, J. Byrne 2; (3 var.): D. Simmonds 1, H. Styles 2; (cactus): Mrs. Schormann 1 and 2; (paeony): Mrs. Schormann 1, H. Simmonds 2; (collarette): H. Simmonds 1 and 2; (hybrid): J. Byrne 1, Mrs. Schormann 2; champion bloom in dahlia class: W. C. Beales. Decorative. —Hand bouquet: Mrs. Scharnweber 1, Miss G. Wicks 2, Mrs. Allen 3; bowl of mixed flowers: Miss G. Wicks 1, Mrs. Layne 2; bowl of sweet peas: Miss Schnell 1, Mrs. Drysdale 2, Mrs. Capstick 3; bowl of nasturtiums: Mrs. Wicks 1, Mrs. Scharnweber 2, Mrs. Allen 3; bowl of dahlias: Mrs. Layne 1, Mrs. G. Wicks 2; ladies’ buttonhole: Mrs. Scharnweber 1, Mrs. Allen 2; gentleman’s buttonhole: Mrs. Scharnweber 1, Mrs. Hooper 2; vase of flowers: Mrs. Allen 1, Mrs. Benny 2; vase of sweet peas: Miss N. Grcathead 1; yase of asters: Mrs. Goodhue 1, Mrs. F. Hooper 2. Fruit.—Apples (culinary): H. Hanson 1, G. H. Hickman 2; damsons: .Mrs. Ashworth 1; plums: H. Hanson 1, G. H. Hickman 2; peaches: H. Hanson 1; pears: C. Cooper 1 and 2. Vegetables.—French beans: J. Evans 1 H. Styles 2; butter beans: J. Evans 1 H. Styles 2; runner beans: J. Evans I, H, Pearce 2; broad beans: W. Evans I, J. Evans 2; beet: J. Evans 1, W. Evans 2; cabbage: J. Taylor 1, 0. Welch 2; cabbage (red): J. Evans 1 and 2; carrots; J. Evans 1, J. Taylor 2; cucumber: W. Olson I, H. Pearce 2; garlic: Mrs. Albrctchsen 1, H. Styles 2, J. Evans 3; herbs: H. Styles I; _ lettuce: J. Evans 1, C. Welch 2; onions: H, gfetes 4, & M & /S- ft&ka U

parsnips: J. Evans 1, H. Styles 2; peas: J. Evans 1 and 2; potatoes: W. Evans 1, 0. Welch 2; potatoes (best collection): 11. Styles 1, J. Evans 2, H. Styles 3; pumpkins: J. Evans 1, W. Evans 2; radishes: 11. _ Styles 1, J - Evans 2; marrow: G. Wicks 1, S. Sutton 2, H. Styles 3; tomatoes: H. Styles A iMid &

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Manawatu Times, Volume LVI, Issue 7105, 14 March 1933, Page 9

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Eketahuna Manawatu Times, Volume LVI, Issue 7105, 14 March 1933, Page 9

Eketahuna Manawatu Times, Volume LVI, Issue 7105, 14 March 1933, Page 9