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Rugby in Manawatu

Kia Toa Register Surprise Victory Against Feilding Old Boys Old Boys Prevail in Close Match With United

The Manawatu Rugby competitions were advanced a further stage cn Saturday in seasonable weather. In the senior competition Kia Toa accounted for the championship leaders—Feilding Old Boys—in a game played at Johnston Park, Feilding, while Palmerston North Old Beys defeated United and Feilding lowered Massey College’s colours in games decided on the Showgrounds, where there was a large attendance of enthusiasts. The star game at the Oval was that between Old Boys and United and it was one cf the best seen at the Showgrounds for a very long time. The teams were evenly matched and they gave of their best from the outset until “no side” was sounded and the issue was in doubt all the way, Old Boys eventually winning by the narrow margin of one point. As a result of Saturday’s games, Feilding Old Boys, Kia Tea and Palmerston North Old Boys are now equal first on the senior championship ladder.

RESULTS AT A GLANCE. Seniors. Kia Toa 13, Feilding Old Boys 9. P.N. Old Boys 12, United 11. Feilding 15, Massey College 3. Junior Grade. Woodville 20, Feilding Old Boys 0. St. Patricks 11, Kia Toa 0. Batteries 6, P.N. High School 0. United 3, P.N. Old Boys A 3. Bunnythorpe 24, Massey College 5. Y.M.O.A. 14, Feilding 0. P.N. Old Boys a bye. Third Grade. Kia Toa 35, Massey College 0. United 13, P.N. Old Boys 3. 3 St. Patrick’s 17, Feilding High School 10. Fourth Grade. Woodville 9, Bunnythorpe 0. United won from St. Patrick’s (withdrawn) by default. OLD BOYS BEAT UNITED. IN EXCITING GAME. > —• 1 '■ ■* The star game on the oval was that between United and Old Boys and me final score was 12—11 in favour of Old Boys, the narrow margin being a good indication of the relative merits of the teams. At half time the score was even—six all—and it appeared as if United would win. The old Boys’ forwards, however, iproved as the game progressed, an' 5 they were the deciding factor over the closing stages of the game. It was a very fine match and much apprcci 'ed by the spectators. The Teams. The teams lined out as under: — United (white): Eearnley, McPhee, R. Ormond (captain), A. Penman, J. Robb,. H. Ormond, C. Evans, Nicholls, Tremewan, Mason, Dalziel, Kells, Nosbit, Wild and Burgess. Old Boys (black): McLeod, Bradley, Fletcher, Ducker, Wehipeihana, Olliver, Irvine, Rennett, Henry, Youle, Cutler, Jordan, Yortt; McNeill and Blakeney (captain). When the game started there was a strong wind blowing downfield. Old Boys won the toss and Blakeney elected. to play with the wind in the opening spell. The kick was returned to United’s quarter and a scrum went down on the 25 line, Fearnley outing at the flag. He then marked a high kick undor the posts and the play shifted to neutral ground. The game hung there for some time though United appeared to have the better of the tigh work. Two free kicks were given against Old Boys and United worked down to the corner where the black forwards smashed up an attempt to get the United backs into action, and a penalty to Old Boys sent United back to half way. Fletcher then obtained and kicked high but a knock on spoiled a promising chance. United were penalised a moment later and McNeil just missed with a shot from 53 yards out. Cutler then lined near the corner but the United forwards, with Robb in the van, went right through to the other end, McLeod making a good line kick as Robb dived for his legs. The United backs were beginning to warm up to their work and they started to throw the ball about. Some exciting play resulted for Old Boys followed suit and they kept United penned down for some time, Fearnley being called upon to do some strenuous work. A try nearly resulted when McNeil and Yortt went away on their own, Yortt failing to hold the pass when right on the line, United forcing. Fletcher took the drop-out in his stride and with a brilliant run, went through the opposing side, being brought down just short of the line. Tho Old Boys’ forwards rallied round and Fletcher obtained in the ruck and heaved a long pas 3 out to Ducker, who knocked on. Irvine, however, secured from the scrum and went round to draw first blood for Old Boys. McLeod failed to add the major points. This reverse spurred United to greater efforts and a few moments after the game was resumed Penman got away down the line only to bo upended a few yards short, tho ball going into touch at the corner i flag. The ball went across the field! ■ and Old Boys were penalised twice in j quick succession, Fearnley finding the! uprights with the second to even the score. The blacks then carried the game to the other 25 and McLeod failed with a penalty. Old Boys kept up the pressure and a scrum was ordered in United’s 25. Old Boys hooked the ball and Irvine fired it out to the backs, the ball going right along tho line to Ducker, who raced round to score a brilliant try in the corner, his pace taking him over after Fearnley had collared him. The kick missed and Old Boys led 6—3. The,, next few moments were remarkable for & good solo effort by H, Or-

mond, which was instrumental in taking the gamo to the other end, Old Boys kicking into dead ground to save. United got the ball from tho serum but tho second five-eighth was caught in possession. Another scrum was ordered aud Evans, tho nippy United half, secured and streaked over near the posts. Fearnley failed with an easy kick and the scores were six all at half time, Old Boys being in an attacking position when the whistle sounded. Second Spell. The opening half had been intensely exciting and tho second was just as good. United were getting tho ball a lot at the beginning but they were not making much use of the advantage. McNeil kicked through and followed up to put Old Boys within striking distance but sticky passing among tho backs made it easy for United to smash ' tho movement. Old Boys then started to get the ball from tho scrums and after a series of short passing rushes, were awarded a penalty almost in front of tho posts, Fletcher raising tho flags with a good kick. Old Boys were now three points up. The kick was returned to half way and in a scries of lines-out neither side gained any advantage until a black forward booted through past Fearnley, who was caught in possession, tho ball going out at the corner. Tho ball was sent back to Olliver from tho line-out and Olliver punted across to Bradley on tho wing. Bradley gathered it in and passed to Fletcher, who had run round, and Fletcher made no mistake, racing over at the corner. Ho failed with the kick and Old Boys were six points ahead. United were not long in retaliating and Penman brought the spectators to their feet when he raced away down the side line. McLeod got him but Penman passed infield to Dalziel, who sent the ball along to Nesbit. A ruck formed in front of the posts and H. Ormond won the fight for possession, diving over under tho posts. R. Ormond added the extra points and the scores were: United 11, Old Boys 12. Yortt went near to returning the compliment a moment later but after kicking the ball over tho line it went into touch-in-goal before ho could make contact. Tho Old Boys’ forwards were going great guns at this stage and they kept hammering at the United line until a penalty for obstruct ion relieved the pressure and a loose rush by the United vanguard transferred tho play to tho other end. A high kick by McNeil started the gamo tho other way. United were not long in replying in kind and another loose rush took a lot of stopping. The light was failing fast and the game finished when Fletcher booted the ball into touch, Mr. H. Hands controlled the game in his usual efficient manner. WITH THE JUNIORS. Old Boys A and United Draw. \ Old Boys A, winners of the junior competition last year, had to bo content with a draw against United. The game, played as a curtain-raiser to the United-Old Boys senior match, provided some bright football. United had a fast, bustling pack of forwards and Old Boys’ backs had few opportunities in concerted play. United played against tho wind in tho first half, and for 35 minutes there was no score. After Old Boys had been penned in their own half for some time, bright passing between Ohilds, W. Gardner and O. Gardner finished with the latter touching down wide out. Ward’s kick fell short. United almost added a second try a couple of minutes later when their forwards, following up fast, were just beaten for the ball behind the line. With the second spell 20 minutes gone, Old Boys were awarded a penalty kick just outside United’s 25, and Small had no difficulty in equalising the scores. The game ended without further alteration. Mr. R. McCulloch was the referee. Y.M.C.A. Beat Feilding. Y.M.C.A. were too good for Feilding and won 14 —0. The half time 1 score was B—o, Bird and Findlay having scored tries, the first of which was converted by Tdllick. In the second spell Feilding had as much of tho play as Y.M.C.A. and towards tho end several good movements lacked just the finishing touch. Findlay again got across for Y.M.C.A., and a penalty kick by Tilliek was tho concluding score of the game. Mr. W. Rowland carried the whistle. Bunnythorpe Beat Massey College. The match on tho Bunnythorpe recreation grounds on Saturday afternoon was between Bunnythorpe juniors and Massey College. Again tho local team won the day, this time by 24 points to 5. At the commencement of the match a fairly strong north-west wild was*

blowing. Bunnythorpe commenced play with wind and sun in their faces. Shortly after tho kick off Massey College scored near tho posts, tho kick going over. This was tho last chance tho blues got, for tho homo team pulled together after this and gave tho blues no opportunity to break through. After a period of varied play E. Duthie scored well out for Bunnythorpe. The strong angle wind spoilt J. Piowcll’s kick. Shortly after this W. Sutherland crossed the line and J. Bowel converted. The next try was scored by F. McKinley, who crossed the line after a spectacular run from tho vicinity of tho 75 yards line. The kick missed. Half timo camo with Bunnythorpe pressing hard at tho line. In tho second spell with tho wind and sun in their favour, tho homo team continued to score, two tries being obtained by E. Duthio and one by D. Waugh. Waugh's try and one of Duthie’s were converted, making tho final score: Bunnythorpe 24, Massey College 5. Mr. D. Hcggic very capably controlled tho game. WIN FOR FEILDING. Foilding defeated Massey College 15 —3 in a gamo that was won on the strength of tho visiting backs. The forwards were well matched, College having a possiblo advantage in this section. There was an all round improvement manifest in the College team, which should give better showings in future games. The teams lined out as follow: — Massey College (blue): Mitchell, Kilpatrick, Apatari, Paterson, McShcrry, McNaughton, Metcalfe, Pierce, Holt, Spilman, Dosser, McDonald, Cooper, Gjbson, Le Quesne (captain). Feilding (yellow): Coombe, Eliott, McCorkindalc, Plank, Matson, Dewo, C. Hight, O. Hight, K. Fitzgerald, J. Fitzgerald, Addsett, Kcrridgc, McAscy, Smith, Stevens. College opened up the game with an attack that led their supporters to believe that victory was possible for their side, but as things panned out, they were thinking too Soon. Tho work was all in tho forward ranks and tho pressure was sustained sufficiently to keep the yellows anxious. Le Qucsno attempted to goal a oouplo of penalties but the cross wind was against him. First blood came to the Collego following a fine dash from half way by Paterson, who broke into a yellow rush. Cooper was close handy and tho two interchanged for Paterson to touch down. Cooper’s kick was deflected by tho wind. —College 3, Feilding 0. Stung by the reverso yellows charged down on the blue line and Plank dodged his way through the defence to touch down under the posts. Coombe had no difficulty with - the kick.— Feilding 5, Cpllcgo 3. Feilding backs were seeing more of the ball and combined in a number of passing movements that were worth watching. They worked play downfield and from a scrum, Dewe shot out to Plank and Matson, tho latter getting over under wie posts. Coombe converted. —Feilding 10 College 3. College hopes were raised whoa t. scrum went down under yellow goal

but blues, who were not strong in the scrum, woro unable to gain their objective. Foilding relieved tho pressure temporarily but Collego went back and a sustained forward strugglo ensued. Yellows, however, were too solid and finally opened up tho play. Towards tho end of the spell Collego backs were wanning into action and combined in several spectacular movements. Collego renewed the pressure after the cliango round, tho backs slinging the ball about in fino style. Feilding wero hard pressed to ward off the drive, which was finally broken up by a splendid line kick. Play then swung up and down field, each side in turn getting its mintie moments. Once College wero obliged to force to save and on another occasion a free kick relieved. A scrum down on yellow line saw blues in a hopeful position again but mishandling allowed Feilding to break through. The ball went the full length of tho field to a scrum on College line. An infringement saved blues who, however, were again obliged to forco down a minute later. It was a hard tussle with tho backs of both sides taking every opportunity to develop passing movements. Feilding were successful in this regard, Plank sending McCorkindale and Coombe away for the latter to run round behind the posts. Coombe converted. —Feilding 15, Massey Collego 3. Mr. T. R. Hancock was referee. BATTERIES T. P.N.H.S. Playing improved football, Batteries beat High School 6 —o in an evenly contested match. Tho game opened well but although there were some bright movements, neither team scored in the first spell. Tho School rearguard showed some enterprise, but the heavier Battery combination prevented them from scoring. In the second half Gardner notched tho first try for Batteries when ho went over in the corner from a good handling movement. The Kick failed. High School now made several determined thrusts, but promising openings broke down through faulty handling. Ongley on the wing put in some excellent runs for School but was halted near tho line. Five minutes before timo Batteries secured near half way and Gardner, with a good solo effort, gained his second try. The kick again went astray, and the game enued with the scores unchanged. Mr. G. Oooksley refereed. ST. PAT’S BEAT KIA TOA. St. Pat’s continued their run of successes to beat Kia Toa by 11—nil. St. Pat’s backs combined fairly well and disclosed plenty of speed when they got the ball. Kia Toa, however, played well, and were unlucky not to open their account. Tho first score came from a nice back movement when Spelman cut in for a good try. Tho kick went wide. Kia Toa played up and were unlucky not to equaliso from a penalty, tho leather striking tho upright. Half time found K3a Toa still behind. St. Pat’s took charge early in the second spell and Norris ran round to score under the posts, making the kick an easy thing for Madgwick. Infringements were plentiful, but neither

side profited from free kicks. The last score camo when Harknoss accepted «■ hand on to go over and increase the tally for St. Pat’s. Tho kick failed, and tho gamo ended with Kia Toa attacking. Mr. Garner was the referee. Fourth Grade. The Bunnythorpe fourth grade team travelled to Woodville to play against tho Woodville fourths. Tho match resulted in a win for Woodville by nine points to nil. For Woodville, Halford amjfcLloyd scored, Beale landing a pona" goal. RESULTS IN OTHER CENTRES. Wellington.—Hutt 21 v. Varsity 3; Miramar 3 v. Marist 14; Bcrliiamporc 7 v. Oriental 14; Ponelce 9 v. Wellington 5; Athletic 17 v. Petone 35; Old Boys 14 v. Eastbourne 16. Wellington.—Senior B: Oriental 12 v. .Johnsonvillc 10; Petone 22 v. Poneke 9. Auckland. —Ponsonby la v. Otahuhu 3; College 6 v. Technical 6. Wanganui.—Kaierau 18 v. Pirates 6; Technical Old Boys 20 v. OJd Boys 8. Marist 8 v. Ratana 3. Rangitikei: Athletic 6 v. Bulls 0; Rata 19 v. Old Boys 14.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6865, 23 May 1932, Page 8

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Rugby in Manawatu Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6865, 23 May 1932, Page 8

Rugby in Manawatu Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6865, 23 May 1932, Page 8