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SKILLTEST WINNERS. This week’s Skilltost winners are;— Alan Lynch, Linton Peggy Allwriglit, Manga what a. ' Correct solutions were sent in by Gordon Craine, Arthur Schaw, Joan Eglinton, Victor Wildborc, Tom Hume, Hera Wilson, Evelyn Jensen, Betty Churcher, Audrey Eorgusson, Frances Mason, Noel Tennant, Darcy McDonald, Wallace Cook, Ailsa Anderson, Ina Parlane, Horace Jefferies, Imolda Guard, Dulcie Hore, Hazol Oooksley, Peggy Smith, Mavis Golrsworthy. The answers were:—-Rose, open, seed, ends, and prize. Opiki. Dear Hub—As I have not written for a long time I am writing now. I have been away for the holidays and I had a wondorful time. Wo.have a little kitten called Stumpy and he is lovely. Alan caught tho horse and I had a ride on it. We have had four ducks this season. I have been for a ride on a motor bicycle to-night and it was lovely. As I have no more to say I must close as it is bed time. I remain youT loving Cog Bobs. You were one of the lucky ones to be ablo to go away holidaying. Were the ducks good to eat? Palmerston North. Dear Hub, —I have'been reading the Cogs’ page for quite a while and would like to be a member. My two brothers, Garry and Noble, are members, too. I am nine years old and my birthday is on November 13.1 am in Std. 11l and go to Hokowhitu school I am sending in the Skilltest and hope it is correct. Well, Hub, I suppose it is time for bed. From your loving Cog, Ailsa Anderson. Welcomo to the happy family, Ailsa, and what nice Coggy talks you will be able to have. Rangiotu. Dear Hub, —I am sure you must think me a very bad Cog for not writing for such a long time. I always read the Cogs’ page and try out the Skilltost. I am not going array those holidays as Mum is iu the hospital, but Betty and Olga went away at the beginning of the holidays. Did you feel the earthquake on Friday night? We have some beautiful chrysanthemums out in the garden now. They are pink, yellow, white and goldy-brown. How did you like Monday’s frost? I didn’t want to get out of bed until Dad said he had a big fire going. You may bo sure I got out In record time then. I am sending in somo jokes for the page. At present the weather is lovely aud sunny down here. Don’t you think this year is going quickly? It seems no time since we started school. I go to High School now. I am enclosing a bit of lavender in this letter. Your loving Cog, Christmas Bells. Thank you for the sweet-smelling lavender—it was a kindly thought. I am so sorry to hear about mum and hope she will soon be quite well again. This yoaT has gone in leaps and bounds, and already wo are nodding to the shortest day. Cheltenham. Dear Hub,—As lam interested in the Cog page, I would like to be one of your Cogs. I am enclosing 3d for a badge, which I hope you will have. We are only milking seven cows now, as tho cold winter days arc coming on. We have started basketball at. school and have some groat fun. I am 13 this month and am in StcL VI. May I have Bluebird for my pen name? Wo have a pet cat called Tibby, and two pet lambs, Micky and Wendy. Well, Hub, as this is my first letter, I will close with love to you and your happy family, from Peggy Corkill. Welcome to the page, Bluebird, and I hope you will enjoy being a member •of tho big family.

Kiwitea, Dear Hub,—l am enclosing the Skilltest and hope it is correct. I was top of the room in tho examination with 349 marks, the next being 324. Tinker is "having a very lazy day to-day for he was asleep in front of the fire nearly all the afternoon. On breaking-up day we had a little concert at school, and somo people acted ;n a little playcttc. This afternoon we heard tho carillon over tho wireless from 2YA Wellington. As I cannot think of anything more to tell you I will close with love from Nira. Well done, Nlral I hope you keep up the good work. It is holiday timev for Tinker too, isn’t it? Woodville. Dear Hub, —Here lam again. I am sending in tho Skilltest, which I hope is correct. There was a frost this morning and it was very cold, but tho days have been beautifully sunny. We arc having our fortnight’s holiday now, and I am able to do quite a lot for Mother, and also have quite a lot of play with my little sister Jean. Goodbye, Hub, Fairy Bolls. A sunny holiday will do you all the good in the world and we don’t mind old Jack Frost when wc have lovely sunny days, do we ? Cheltenham. Dear Hub, —As I like reading tho Cog page every week I would like to join the Cogs. I will enclose 3d for a badge. May I have Pussy Willow for my noon do plumo, if nobody has already chosen it? Wo are only milking seven cows now. Well, dear Hub, as this is my first letter I must close. I Tomain your loving Cog, Trixie Corkill. You are very welcome, my deal", and Pussy Willow you may be. Send the date of your birthday please. RIDDLES AND JOKES. How many hairs are there in a dog’s tail? —Nono; they are all on the outside. What bird reminds you of a good time?—A lark. Which chins are never shaved?—Urchins. Whore can money always be found? — In the dictionary. What is that of which the common sort is better?—Common sense. Little "'Bobby had been to the doctor to have his chest sounded. On reaching homo he said to Daddy: “I am sure he thought I was a wireless because he put tho ear-phones on and listened to me.” Binks: Old Hinks considers he knows a lot, but there’s one thing he doesn’t know. Jinks: What is that? Binks: How much he doesn’t know.

Mrs Brown was going away for a holiday and left the following noto for her neighbour:— ‘’Dear Mrs Black —Would you please put out a little milk and food for our oat. He will eat, anything, but do not put yourself out.” (Sent in by Phyllis Shaw.) Why doesn’t it matter if a beggar wears a short coat? —Beeause it will be long enough before he gets another. Which is the best year for frogs?— Leap year, of course. (Sent in by Floribel.) What pudding does a cricketer l?kc most?—A good batter. Why is a whisper forbidden? —Because it is not allowed (aloud). When is a door not a dooT?—When it is a jar. Why does a chicken cross the road? —to get to the other side. (Sent in by Forget-me-not.) What gave the window pane (pain) T —To see the Venetian blind. When has a men four hands?—When he doubles his fists. When are policemen like aeroplanes? —When they take people up. If Mr Brown’s hen. laid an egg in his neighbour’s garden, whose egg was it? —The hen’s egg. When may a c-hair be said to dislike you?—When, it can’t bear you. (Sent in by Queen Rose.) Teacher (noticing strange little girl in class): I think your face is new, isn’t it, little girl? Little Girl: No, ma’am; mother just washed it. Pat (getting ready for work): Bridget, have you seen my cap? Bridget: Sure, now Pat, it’s on your head.

Pat: So it is. If you had not told mo I would have gone to woTk without it. He was a shop assistant, and he was In the act of proposing: "Remember,” ho said, "this is the last day of this astounding offer." (Sent in by Ludo King.) THE BOSE. How fair is the rose, what a beautiful flower, The glory of April and May; But its leaves, they are ready to fade in an hour, And they wither and die in a day. Then I'll not be proud of my youth or my beauty, Since both of them wither and fade; But gain a good name by doing my duty, That will scent like a rose when I am dead. (Sent in by Forget-me-not.) BUSH POE THE COATS. Any number of players may take part in this game, which is sure to cause some amusement. There are as many coats as there are players and these are put in the middle of the floor on a paper, the players forming a ring around them. Some musical instrument is played, and the players commence to march. The music is stopped unexpectedly, and each one gets a coat, puts it on and buttons it up. The last one to get his coat buttoned steps out of the game, and the game proceeds again. The player who remains in the longest wins the game.

Awawaro. Dear Hub,—The Skilltest is very easy this week. For sure you will have to pick the winners out of the hat. I did want to go to Kimbolton on Saturday but Julia didn’t corno home as wo expected, so now I won't have a week’s holiday at all. On “Mothers’ Day” we went to see the twins and they have grown a lot. Wo think wc are going to have ono of them again. As usual Mr Puz was interesting, and I am glad ho got off “scot-free.” Well, Hub, Mum says it is time for bod. Lots of love to you and all my fellow Cogs, That was jolly hard luck about the holiday, Tuppence, but you have a lot of holidays ahead of you yet, haven’t you. You would be pleased to sco the twins again. Woodville. Dear Hub, —I have again managed to work out the Skilltest and hope it is correct. Wo are still having fine weather although wc had a visit from Jack Frost, this morning, and he came in real earnest, as it was very cold, but it was very nice after tho sun came through. This morning I saw two aeroplanes and I thought how cold it must be up in the air. Love to all the Cogs and yourself from Meccano Tom. Yes, Jack Frost is making his visits too numerous, isn’t he? But the days arc nice after the sun has chased him away. Foil ding. Dear Hub—We had a very heavy frost last night and though it was so cold this morning I was out of bed before Mum. Wo had a lovely white rabbit given to us last, night, and Freda, Keith and I have been feeding it today with carrot-tops. Tho rabbit has a collar Tound its neck and we tied a lon.g, thick string to it and let bunny have a run out on the lawn, but we havo to watch Nigger, our cat, in case he springs on it and kills it. I finished the Skilltest on Saturday and forgot all about it until to-day. I am getting on much better now with my painting. Well, it is bed time so I will close with best of love to you and the Cogs from Curly Locks. A nice little lettor, Curly Locks, and I am pleased you are getting on well with the painting. How nice to have a lovely white rabbit for a pet! What havo you called it? Feilding. Dear Hub—We are getting our heavy frosts now, and I don’t like getting out of bed. Last night’ a friend of ours gave us a white rabbit for a pet, and all day to-day Imelda and Freda were feeding it on carrot-tops. We start school on Monday, and it is my birthday, so I hope it is a fine day. Sometimes my cousin conies up and wo play football, kicking tho ball over a goal, and each time we kick it over it counts two points. I beat him 66 to 54, although lie is older than me. As news is short I will stop and go to bed. Love from Mother’s Man. It is not an easy task to get out of bed when Jack Frost is about, is it? A new pet. causes great excitement, doesn’t it? I hope you have a happy birthday. Apiti. Dear Hub, —It is such a long time since I last wrote to you that I thought I would write. We went down to Apiti this afternoon to see the football. Apiti won from Waituna. W'o are having our holidays now and I am having a good time. Well, Hub, nows is getting scarce. Love from Snowclaa. You have been missing from the page too long, Snowelad, but I suppose you have been busy painting the mountains. Apiti. Dear Hub, —I am sending in the Skilltest and hopo if is correct. Doreen has got five teeth now. Wo went down to the river yesterday and sn.w a hind. There was quite a heavy fall of snow on the ranges yesterday morning. May I have Butterfly for my pen name? I got 247 marks for my examination and my sister Noeline got 258 marks. I must close now with best love from Betty. Yes, you may be Butterfly. Won’t Doreon be proud of those teeth? You both did very well in your examinations—well done! Apiti. Dear Hub,—We have two little pigs at home now. Doreen has five teeth and she can bite. I hopo to go away for two or three days during my holidays. In the examinations I got 25S marks, and Betty, who is in the same standard, came second with 247. We have another little kitten, about five months old. Their names are Tui, Wecti and Mother. Doreen crawls now and gets on chairs and tries to walk about. Well Hub, news is .short. Love from Snowflower. You managed to give me quite a lot of interesting news, and I was very pleased to hear about Doreen, the piggies and kits, also your success iu the examinations. Apiti. Dear Hub, —I am sending in the Skilltest again this week. Last week I mentioned not seeing any more snow on the ranges, but on Sunday morning there was quite a lot and it is still there. We had our first hard frost this morning and it was cold. On Sunday we went out to see the deer, which by this time is fairly big. It has two antlers and is now one and a half years old. Wo got one snap of him and I hope it is all night. Well, it is nearly bed time and I havo another lotter to write, as well as the Skilltest to copy out, so I had better close. Best of love from 'Mountain Maid. I am glad you got a snap of the deer. I shall be so interested to see it. We have all been having trouble to keep warm lately. Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret'each own one of the "home safes” for saving money, which are issued by the Post Office. When they are seven years old they will bo able to handle their own accounts, following the example of King George’s family, who all had accounts as children.

Feilding. Dear Hub—l hope you and all the Cogs are well. Daphno has a cold, and I think I am catching ono. I have not been away these holidays and we will soon bo going back to school. It is very cold to-day, so Mother says wo can have a fire in tho dining room. I enjoyed reading Mr Puzzloman’s lotter, and I also liked reading Pearl’s letter. We have a dog called Bruce and ho is so funny. He mimics the roosters when they crow. I know the piece of poetry called “Como Little Leaves.” We learnt it as a song at school. I went to my Grandma’s yesterday and got sonic carnation slips. I am not sending in the Skilltest as lam over ton. My aunt-io has somo boautiful chrysanthemums out now. It is raining hero today, Hub. Havo you had much rain in Palmerston North? I know a lot of the Cogs. A good while ago a man came to our school and took a photograph of us all together. It is a nice timo of the year now, isn’t it, Huib? We arc also playing basketball at school. Well, Hub, I will close this letter as I want to write to a friend of mine. Love to the Cogs and yourself from Dawn. I hope you will os capo the cold. A holiday at homo can bo almost as much fun as going away I think. Waituna West. Dear Hub, —I hopo I manago to got tho Skilltest right because I have never had a prize yet. My mother has gone away and my big sister, too. We have two weeks holiday from school. It has been a very windy day and cold, too. I am not writing a long lotter because it is a quarter past twelve. I wrote to my mother and sister this morning and my auntie too. Love from Sunbeam. You did not mean after midnight, did you? Aro you playing at being mother ? Oringl. Dear Hub—Just a few lines to send with tho Skilltest ,which I hope is correct. Dad is taking our cows out to Weber for the winter. Please may we have jumbled names of towns for the Skilltest next time. Our horse dropped dead in the cart with six bags of potatoes. I helped to pick up the potatooa during the holidays, but I soon got sick of it. Wo took a photo of my pot rabbit sitting up on its hind legs. I will closo now with love to you and all tho Cogs, from Skipper. I am sure Mr Puzzleman will be only too pleased to give you jumbled towns. How sad to lose your horse. Was lie old? Koputaroa. Dear Hub, —May I join your happy band of Cogs? I am 14 years old and my birthday is on October 16. May I have Flax Flower for my pen name? I am the youngest in our family. Last Saturday my sister and I went out to the Poplar flaxmill at Moutoa. My sister went across tho river in the cage and it was a very thrilling experience being up 40 feet in the air. Enclosed you will find 3d in stamps for a badge. Eicon Jones. Welcome to the happy family, Eleen, and Flax Flower you may be. You will bo able to tell us all about the flax mills. That would be a very exciting experience crossing the river in a cage. Palmerston N. Dear Hub,—l am enjoying the two weeks’ holiday, but. the days seem to go altogether too quickly for me. The mornings aro nippy and I have to run round to get warm. I suppose a good many people arc piling logs ou their fires. As the month of May is here again, the ducks will have to take ca.rc of tho men’s guns that will shoot them on sight. Hub, could we have a “car Skilltest to solve? I would liko to know if you publish serials or short stories in the page; if so I could send one in. I have noticed how the page has grown. When I first joined it was no more than half a page, and I remember you saying that we would soou havo a whole page. As I have no moro news I will close now, Hub. From your loving Cog, Noble. Yea, the page has grown tremendously, hasn’t it? I like to have short stories or serials to put in the page, especially if the Cogs write them. Mangawhata. Dear Hub—How are you getting on, Hub? I am writing a little letter to send with tho Skilltest which I have solved aud hope is right. On May IS I will bo in town and if I have time I will pop in and see you. I think this and last week’s puzzles have been very easy as I was able to solve them in five minutes ,that was, as soon as the paper camo. Mr Puzzleman will havo to got harder Skilltests to catch some Cogs, won’t he? Mv horse, Darkie, was harnessed in the dray, when she bolted, running with tho dray past the cowshed and then went slap-bang into the pig-sty, breaking tho board fence as she did so. When Dad came homo with, a load of wood, Darkie bolted, banging straight into tho fowl-run and breaking it with tho shafts. Isn’t she naughty? Love from Lavender Moon. Darkie does not like being harnessed up; would you? But whau a chapter of accidents. Bainesse. Dear Hub—l have not written for a long time so I thought I had bettor write during the holidays. I came second in the examination with 31S marks, Frank Lcgg beating mo by three. My brother made a cart Gut of two old car wheels. We pull it up to tho top of the hill and have rides down again. 1 am in tho Rangiotu-Bainesse football team. I am learning to play a mando-lin-guitar. I havo only had two lessons so far. My baby brother has two teeth and can crawl a little. If he sees anything on the floor that he wants he always says “ ta. ” Ho can also say “Mum,” “Dad,,” and “bubba.” Two of our cousins are staying here. I go to the Y.M.C.A. every Wednesday night. I am going for the third time to-night. As there is no more news I will close now T . Your Cog, Smithy. You managed to send quite a lot of nows, Smithy, and I am most interested in all your doings, and the progress of baby brother. The examination result was vary satisfactory, wasn’t it?

Tokomaru. Dear Hub, —I am sending in the Skilltest this week and hope it is correct. I have been in bed all day, ill. There was a heavy and cold frost this morning. My little sister is going to join the Cogs noxt week.- I have two friends staying with mo for their holidays and we are having a lovely time together. I will be sorry when they leave. As this is all I will close now, with love to you and all the Cogs, Robin Hood. What hard luck having to spend a day of the holidays in bed! I hope you are well again. I can imagine the lovely time you aro having with your ohums. We will be delighted to welcome little sister. FeUding. Dear Hub, —I was very pleased to know that you have room for me in your page, because I enjoy writing letters. I am enclosing three penny stamps for my badge, and, Hub, will you please send it to, as I may not be here. The Feilding boys have the kite craze at present. There is a kite up nearly every day. I think it is a pity that autumn flowers are dying and withering. Most of the trees look as if they had forgotten to dress, but soon they will bo clothed in green. As I have no more time to write I will close, sending much love to tho Cogs and yourself, Autumn. I shall look forward to many letters then. Havo you had tho kite craze? Your badge will arrive in due course. Glen Oroua. Dear Hub, —I am sonding in the Skilltest this week and I hope it is right. Did you get frozen on Monday morning? I was glad that it was not a school day because we would havo had to sit on the cold scats. I read Mr Puz ’a letter and it was funny. lan has gone to play at a boy’s place. We have a wireless now and I listen to the children’s hour nearly every night. I came second in my class with 484 marks. I am sending in somo riddles and a piece of poetry for the page. I will close now with best wishes from Forget-me-not. There has been lovely sunshine for your holidays, hasn’t there? I think we can put up with frosts if the sun comes after. How nice to have tho wireless and a good lire, ch? Thank you for the riddles. I think you did very well in your examinatin. Palmerston N. Dear Hub, —How was it that my name was not among those who won last week’s Skilltest, and yet I had the same answers as published in the page? I was so disappointed about it, as I thought I would get it. I only joined last week and I am glad to be • a member of the Cogs. I am nine years old and my birthday is on November 13. My brothers are members of the page also. I am sending 3d for the badge, as I didn’t send it in last week. Well, I must stop writing, Hub. From your loving Cog, Ailsa. That was a very unfortunate mistake, Ailsa. Your name should certainly havo appeared and it was only when tho page had been sent away I found your Skilltest had been missed. Feilding. Dear Hub, —I am enclosing the Skilltest and hope it is correct. The trees are looking beautiful in thoir autumn colouring, but I suppose they will soon be bare and dull as winter is nearly here. We are having our holidays now and lam enjoying them. lam staying at home, but my sisters have gone away. I have a little pony. His name as Etie and he is very nice. Our teacher is teaching us to play football, while the other teacher is teaching the girls basketball. We have had our examination and I came first in my class. I had my ninth birthday a little while ago, and I asked fourteen boys to my party. We had a great time playing games, but best of all was afternoon tea time when we sat down to cakes, sweets, fruit salad and nuts. Love to you and your happy family from Tarzan. Congratulations, Tarzan! I hope you keep up the good work. That must have been a lovely party for your birthday, and isn’t it nice to sharo the fun with ono’s friends? Palmerston N. Dear Hub,—We will soon be going to school to start the second term. My birthday is on May 25. Winter will soon be here, with cold frosts killing tho plants and trees. The leaves are falling thick and fast and form a carpet on the ground below. Down in our creek there are two oak trees and this year there were many acorns with big shoots. My father planted some. After the rain the creek was filled up, but now it is only about six inches deep. Yesterday when my brother was flying his kite the string broke, and it flew into the nectarine tree and tore a hole in it. Well, Hub, 1 must close now as it is bed time. From your loving Cog, Garry. The days fly past when holiday-time is here, don’t they? I think old Jack Frost has been very busy this week. Apiti. Dear Hub,—There was a frost this morning and it was cold. There was some snow on the ranges on Sunday. On Sunday we went out to the Valley road. We saw the deer and it has got some antlers, just two long points. He is a year and a half old now. I think it is time I closed for it is bed time. Love to all the Cogs and yourself, from Rae. You will have to get a photograph of the deer to let me sec how it has grown. We had visits from Mr Jack Frost in the city also. Karewarewa. Dear Hub,—Here I am writing to the page once agaih. I was quite oxcited to find that I was a Skilltest winner. Thank you very much for sending me a badge. I like it very much. Well, I will close now, hoping you and all your Cogs are keeping well. Kingston! Smith. It must be quite exciting to find one’s name among the prize winners. Take care of the badge.

Waituna West. Dear Hub, —Would you please send Sunbeam a badge? I am very sorry I have not written for such a long time. At school we are allowed to write lotters to our brothers or sisters or Mrs Petorson, or someone in the school. Wo had our examinations to-day and I got 60 for reading and I was sitting in Kathleen’s desk. My sister did not go to school to-day. This afternoon I wrote to Mary. There is a little boy who comes to our place and who brings his kitten, down and it is a dear little thing. Thore were two girls staying at our place but they went away today. I must close now, Sunbeam. Did you send the stamps for the badge, because I cannot send it out until you do so. Your letter was crowded out last week. Kakarikl. Dear Hub,—lt is such a long time since I last wrote to you and I think I had nearly forgotten about you. I am sending in the Skilltest and hope it is right. I have a bad cold and last night I had earache and could not get to sleep for a long time. We are going to havo our examination this w-eek and we are starting on Tuesday or Wednesday. Well, Hub, as there is no more nows I will close with love from Audrey. I am sorry about the cold and hope the holidays will chase it away. We could not squeeze your letter in last week. Palmerston North. Dear Hub,—l was very pleased when I received my badge and I’m delighted with it. My sister was very anxious to join last week, but she had no time to write. This week* however, she had enough time. My birthday is on May 25. AVhilo we were -working to-day, my brother found a little frog under sonic wet grass. Wo put him in our crock, where he gladly swam away. My sister Ailsa solved the Skilltest after a lot of hard thinking and hopes it is correct. Wo aro having our two weeks’ holiday and I’m enjoying it very much. Wc have had our examination and I passed, as also did my brother and sister. Last night about twelve o’clock tho good old rain came down heavily and about quarter past eight it started to hail. The leaves of the willow trees are falling very fast and thick, as well as those of tho poplars. The leaves look very pretty as they come fluttering down at each, gust of wind. Winter will be coming soon and Jack Frost will be biting nearly everybody’s toes and fingers. The show is drawing near, too, and every school will get a pass so that they shall enter free. Well, Hub, I’ll close now as it is bed time. From your loving Cog, Garry.

I aim glad that you are having a happy time in holiday land. You must keep busy and not let Jack 1 rost bite your toes.

Palmerston North. Dear Hub,—Just a few lines to let you know all the news. Tho days arc getting cold now, and I must say I find it. a pleasuro to sit by tho fire at night with a book. I went up to see my grandad on Sunday and I think he seems a little better. We broke up for our holidays on Friday, so now there will be some fun. We get a fortnight of joyous holidays. When you have so long a holiday you do not feel like going back to school, do you, Hub? I will bring my little pet in to show you one day. He is such a dear little thing, a bail of fluff, and has blue eyes, the same colour as mine. My sister and I had a bet; she said he would have brown eyes and I said he would have blue ones, so I won. Mum said I can bring you a bunch of chrysanthemums before they finish flowering. We have lovely white ones, and I am sure you will like them, too. I am going to a party on Thursday night, so I hope it is fine. I have a god crop of winter cabbages, that is if the fly docs not destroy them. My brown lion that I was tolling you about, has laid every day since she has started—quite a record I think. The term examinations were last week, so I hope I did well. I went down to “Sergeant Tex’s” place last week and we had our lunch outside in his little houso. I enjoyed the play down there very much. Did you go to the band concert, Hub? I did, and I thought it was very good. There was one item which I thought the funniest of the lot—it was the fire brigade one. They rang up the station to say that “Cook’s Mill” was on fire. Go the funny firoman told him that, he hadn’t time to come, but if ho hk _ cd he would give him a form to fill in, and then he would put it before the directors, and then he would come, if he bad time. The audience simply roared, Hub, and I think you would have if you had scon it. There arc quite a number of Cogs, aren’t there. Hub, and wc will have to think seriously about getting another page, won’t wc? Sometimes when I read Mr Puz s letters it makes me laugh to think of the funny adventures he and Mrs Puz get up to. We went, out mushrooming about a week ago and we gathered quite a number. Mum fried some for breakfast and tea, and they . were quite nice. Well, Hub. as it is tea time I will close with lots of love to all the Cogs, not forgetting yourself. I remain your cvcr-loving Cog, Ludo King. You have given us quite a budget of news and I love to hear about all the pets and your adventures. I shall look forward to that visit and those flowers. Feilding. Dear Hub,—l am sorry I have not written for two or three weeks. I went to Wanganui for three days last, week. We have to go back ‘ to school next Monday for another term’s work. A friend of mine has come from Hal combo and is staying down the road from our place, and she is a Cog too. Last Sunday while I was flying my kite I heard the bells over the wireless from Wellington. It is cold up here to-day. A fortnight isn’t long, but it is enough because we get on our mothers’ nemos. Well, Hub, I must close as news is scarce. Love from Ammon Ra. With kites to fly and friends to visit, to say nothing of the wireless I am suie you found plenty of holiday pleasures.

Feilding. Dear Hub,— To-day was very windy, but late in the afternoon there was a heavy shower. Did you feel the earthquake? Wc did, and the lights went off. Most of tho flowers about chrysanthemums. We have not long to wait for the winter to come. I am not doing the Skilltest because I am over the age. lam not going away during my holidays. Tho trees are nearly all bare, with the leaves falling to the ground. I must close as news is scarce. Love from Ladybird. That was a nasty shake, wasn’t it? The lights went out hero for a moment too. I love a holiday at home, don’t you? Your letter was crowded out last week, I am sorry to say. Palmerston N. Dear Hub, —I am absolutely ashamed of myself because I have not written for three weeks. I have done the Skilltest and hope it is right. Wo broke up for our term holidays on Friday. My little brother has a cart which a friend made for him. Wc went for a ride in the cart the other day and we also had some up-turns. First, when I was pushing my little brother along on tho edge of the road, I went plomp and sat right on tho ground. .My brother then gave me a ride down a bit of a hill and as we were within a yard of the fence I told him to turn out, but instead of turning out he stopped the cart which went rolling into the gutter with me in it. I don’t think I will ever forget that ride, would you, Hub? I havo started collecting stamps now and I have at least 106. Don’t you think that is a good start? I am entering a painting competition, but I have not sent it in yet. The other day we went to the cemetery to put some flowers on my grandfather’s grave, and I saw three or four fresh graves there. Did you feel tho earthquake the other night? I didn't. Oh, I remember that little surprise I said I was going to give you. Well hero it comes. See if you can answer these two riddles: What, ship never goes to sea? (2) Spell kewpie in two letters. There we are, Hub, two. easy riddles. Well, I shall have to say good-bye to you and all your happy Cogs. General Tex, W.M.P.F. Note. W.M.P.F. moans Western Mounted Police Force. That was certainly a thrilling adventure, General Tex. Mr Printormah will not wait for me to answer all your questions and I shall try and solve the puzzles during the week. Woodvillc. Dear Hub, —It is quite a long while since I last wrote to you. If you havo the piece of poetry I sent you would you please send it to me. I will send you a stamped envelope to return it in. I passed in the. school examination with. 272 marks out of 400, 240 being the number of marks required to * pass, which wasn’t very good. I am.sitting for a theory examination next month also. Did you feel the earthquake on Thursday night? It was quite a big one. Just as it started, tho lights went out and wo were in darkness for 15 minutes. I hope we get fine weather during tho holidays. It hasn’t started very well as it is cold and windy here. Well, Hub, as I cannot think of any more news, I must close, with lots of love to you and all tho Cogs from Sunbeam. I was pleased to find a letter from you, Sunbeam. I thought that poetry had appeared but will look into tho matter. lam glad to know you passed and hope the theory exam goes off well. Bainesse. Dear Hub, —I am just writing you a short note to thank you for the prizemoney which I received on Saturday morning. It arrived very unexpectedly, as I thought the prizes were not distributed unless the puzzles were entirely correct. I am enclosing the prom-ised-account of autumn. I was going to send it in last week but did not have time as wc were very busy with examinations. An inspector came to sec the school on Friday. Wc play football as much as possible now as we want to be fit for the inter-school matches next term, for which Itangiotu and Bainesso schools combine. On Saturday I had the opportunity of witnessing the match between the R/angiotu arid Oroua Downs junior teams. The game proved very exciting in parts, the latter team winning by six points to nil. Wo had to pick all our water melons, pumpkins and tomatoes last week so as to prevent them from being attacked by the sevcro frosts. I must close now as news is scarce. Much love from your sincere Cog, Rufus. The prizewinners must have all the answers correct, Rufus, so where did you think you were wrong? It is just the best thing in the world to be fit, isn’t it? Apiti. Dear Hub,—l am .sending in the Skilltest this week and hope it is correct. I came eighth in my examination, with 371 marks. I saw some snow on the ranges to-day. Wc milk. 33 cows every night and morning still and two once a day. My father said that when the cows are dry I can play football, so 1 will be glad when they go dry. As it is getting toward bed time I had better close. Hoping all the other Cogs arc well, I remain your loving Cog, Southern Sun. That snow has made conditions moro wintry in the city, I think. One needs to play strenuous games to keep warm and I am sure you must appreciate a spell from milking. Feilding. Dear Hub, —As I have nothing to do I thought I would write you a line or two. Aren’t the nights cold? It, was raining heavily here off and. on through the night. I am enjoying. my holidays by flying a kite or playing football. I passed with 256 marks. We are going to have a fancy dress ball on June 24, so I hope it will be a success. I will close now with best wishes from Mother’s Man. With all those marks- to your credit I am sure you are facing the holidays with a very easy mind, and the fancy dress ball is something to look forward to, isn’t it’

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Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6864, 21 May 1932, Page 15

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COMPETITIONS Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6864, 21 May 1932, Page 15

COMPETITIONS Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6864, 21 May 1932, Page 15