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Frum Our Gnu Correspondent

The aunuiil general meeting oL' (he Woodvillc A. and P. Association was held in the Foresters’ hull, AVoodville, ou Monday evening. There was a large attendance and Mr. J. C. Bolton (vicepresident) occupied the chair pending the arrival of the president, (Mr. AV. 11. Gaisford). The chairman, in moving that the report and balance sheet ho adopted, said there was little that he could say about either. They were very fortunate in that there was only a small book loss. Other association., would consider themselves lucky to be in such a position. Air. R. C. Leach seconded the motion and the report and balance sheet were adopted. Tho election of officers resulted:— Patron, Air. S. Bolton; president, Air. \V. H. Gaisford; vice-presidents, Messrs J. G. Bolton, E. J. Harding, H. P. Horne, E. H. Alorgan, J. Alurray and G. Peebles; treasurer, Air. W. A. Lyon; auditor, Air. L. J. Whittington; committee, ALcssrs. A. F. Curry, A. Dunford, F. J. Harding, AT. J. Hutchinson, G. Alorgan, N. AlcKinlav, T. A. B. Sinclair, and AT. Toogood. The following votes of thanks, were passed with acclamation: —To Air. Av’hittiugtun, who had carried out the duties of auditor at very little cost to the Association, (proposed by Air. E. 11. Alorgan). To tiie AVoodville Jockey Club for its help and for the use of buildings, etc., (proposed by Air. llartridge). To Air. R. N. Alorgan and his helpers lor the work they had done in keeping the ground in order, (proposed by Mr. A. F. Curry). Mr. 'J’. Hildreth, in seconding Air. Curry’s motion, said ijfat. lie thought more me miters should come forward to kelp with the grounds. To the caretaker of the racecourse for the way in which lie had assisted at- the shows, (proposed by Air. E. J. Harding). To ALT. Bolton fur the use of his sheep for the deg tiiais, (proposed by Air. W. H. Toogood). To Air. Jensen, for taking samples of milk, (proposed by Air. H. Holbrook). To the president (Air. AV. H. Gaisford) for his work during the past ycai (proposed by Air. IT. P. Horne). To. Air. Frank Ormond, for his exhibit's and for tlic help he had given tho association by tho redonating his prize money, (proposed by Mr. E. H. Alorgan). To Mr. A. Bcaglev and those who had lent, their paddocks, (proposed by Air. In'. J. Gillmil). To the secretary (Air. R. E. Johnston) for the excellent manner in which lie had carried out his duties, (proposed by Mr. Alorgan). Air. A. I'. Curry, who had given notice of motion, that the association revert to a one day show, said the matter was one that needed serious consideration. At last year’s show,'there had been a loss. There had been no sheep exhibited until the second day. He considered that they would have to go back to a one day show or do something to increase the number of entries. Air. J. McCormick seconded tho motion. Air. J. Alurray wished to know what had been done lo canvass the district for additional entries. Mr. E. C. Leach said that he had undertaken to canvass. However, lie had had no assistance and very little time iu which to do the work. If thcie was only one day there would be no time for a parade. If some of the voung. farmers would conic along and show their oaltlo and some sheepowner would show, there would be no need lo revert to the ono day and he would be sorry to see this done. Had they considered having two judges, one fur the male and one for the female cattle classes'! asked the chairman. Two judges could not judge o:t the one day, said Air. Murray. He did not think they should revert to a one day show, as entries would suffer. The Jereov Breeders’ club was doing a good deal ’ for the association and donated a limit £3O of the prize money.. Mr. Hart ridge asked how Air. Alurary nad fared at l’ahiutua, where they had a one day show and was answered that ike judging was too late in the day at Pakiatuu. He did not thing there would be so man v entries there next yoni. On being asked if he thought judging the stock the day before the show would surmount tho difficulty, Mr. Murray said that competitors wished to see other entries judged, and if thej were judged the day before, they would have to attend on two days, Air. Hildreth said that farmers wanted the public to see their stock judged. Air. Alurray thought tho matter should be referred back to the geiieial committee to see if there was not some wav of increasing the entries. Aloro “ginger” was wanted amongst the fanners. . Air. Harding wished to know in v.Tial way money would be saved by a oneday show. , The secretary said that the staff hau to be paid for two days, if the show was a one-day affair it would be'a savini; iu tliut respect. IJi they hud had a. one-day siiow this year, there would have been a pi'oiit. He quoted the ' figures for the past year or two. The opinion was voiced by Air. Leach that not having AVcdncsday for the show was accountable to a large extent lor the loss and Mr. 11. I’. Horne agreed. It was since they had taken Friday and Saturday iu place of Tuesday and AVcdncsday that a loss of gats money had been experienced. Air. Blatchi'ord said that he would like to say something as a sheep man. Bv having a one-day show, Pahiatuu had experienced a great number of entries in the slieep classes. At AVoodviila, there was no paddock for sheep, and moreover -the sheep were not at their best ou tho second day. Air. Leach said tho association ought lo be complimented on its acoomiuodat 1011. Mr. H. Neilson said that lie hud entered sheep ami had found his own accommodation. Air, J- Alurray moved as an amendnunt, that the matter bo referred to the general committee. The president (Air. AV. 11, Caisford'. wished to oppose the amendment. The o,utter had been thrashed out. ou previous occasions by the committee and if. was now a matter for the general meeting. He was in favour of a one-day show, providing some way out. of the difficulty regarding the Jersey breeders could bd found. If there was an ar-

raiigeiiicnt for extra leaders to lead the sioek into the ring, there was no reason why separate judges could not judge the male and female classes at the same time. Mr. 0. B. Morgan said that he had judged at a good many shows. Although he was in favour of a one-day show he agreed with Mr. Martin Murray that competitors should lead their own cattle into the ring. Cattle could not be handled well bystrangers. The amendment was lost. Mr. Curry said that canvassers had been appointed. He himself had canvassed a district and had secured one entry of two maiden ewes.. These had won their class and lie was proud of the solitary entry he had secured. The motion that the association revert to a one-day show was carried bylb votes to Id. I'ollou-ing the general meeting, a .Smoke Concert was bold in ihe Forest--ers’ haii, Mr. IV. H. Gaisf'ord presiding. Visitors -were, Mr. T. Cornford, (president of the Pahiatua A. and P. Association), Mr. U. H. tfodd, (Pahiatua); Mr. G. O. C. Oxley, and Mr. F. Bounce. Apologies were received from Messrs. M. 0. Grainger, AValsh, P. Morris and J. Mackie. During the evening, the following toasts were houtured, “Tliq King” (president); “The Woodvillo A. and P. Association” (Mr. Cornford, responsed to by the president). "The Woodvillo Jockey Club,” (Mr. H. P. Horne response to Mr. J. Murray). ‘‘The workers who had cared for the grounds,” (Mr. J. C. Bolton response Mr. If. 11. Morgan). ‘‘The Jersey Breeders,” (president response Messrs. It. C. Leach and M. Murray). “The musicians,” (Mr. Whittington). ( ‘The secretary,” (president) and the Press (Mr. Hodd). Items were rendered by:—Messrs. Moore (Danncvirkc); Bourne (Pahiatua); Husband, Oxley, Millar, I-laycs, and Austin (Pahiatua). Mir. Austin played jho accompaniments. The singing of the National Anthem-concluded an enjoyable evening. Jersey Breeders’ Farewell. Last Sal urday, mem hers of I lie Jersey Breeder.';’ club gave a farewell i vening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. li. Wilkins, Pap,liana, who are. leaving for Aorangi. During the course of the evening, 'Mr. Bdgar Harding, or. behalf of the club, presented Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins with a handsome afternoon lea. service. J 1 c regretted Hu: fact of their leaving but hoped their life, in their new home Mould be happy' and sueeessful. | Mr. J. Murray, snr., also spoke of the esteem in which the guests of the evening were held in the district.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6946, 27 June 1929, Page 10

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Woodville Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6946, 27 June 1929, Page 10

Woodville Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6946, 27 June 1929, Page 10