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From Our Own Correspondent. Owing to ill health, Mr C. H. Coley, Sheehan street, has been compelled to relinquish his farm and take up resilience in Palmerston North. Mr B. Lockett, of the Shannon Post Office staff, returned from his holidays on Friday. Miss Norris, the Shannon Plunket Nurse, who has been away on a month’s holiday, resumed duty in Shannon on Thursday. The rainfall in Shannon for the month ending April 30, was 2.03 inches, April 14th being the wettest day, when 120 points fell. Bain fell on five days and the average temperature was 65.2.

Mr Selwyn Jones is spending a few days with his parents Mr and Mrs. Clifford Jones. Mr Selwyn Jones was selected by Mr Melody to represent Victoria University to play off with seven others for the two positions of representatives of Wellington at the New Zealand Junior Tennis Championship. In the games played on Saturday, he was the only one of his team to win his match and was chosen .to fill one of the positions. Mr C. H. Satherley, telephone exchange clerk, has received notice of his transfer to the Wellington office in a similar capacity. Mr Satherley will probably be succeeded at the local office by Mr Blackbourn, at present messenger.

Miss Bhoda Mackereth and Mr Bruce Hackereth, of Okaihau, Bay of Islands, have been spending a few days with Mr and Mrs. C. Croquest, Stout street. Constable Bell, of Foxton, is relieving Constable Blaikie, of the Shannon police station, who is pursuing the elusive feathered birds for a week.

Special anniversary services were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday. In the morning the Bev. Beckett, from Levin, was the preacher and the soloist was Mrs. Gibson, also of Levin.

Bishop Sprott, Welllington, held a confirmation service in Yen Bede’s Church on Sunday evening. A railway truck with one of the railway houses on board became derailed on Saturday morning at the Shannon station during shunting operations. As a result the down AucklandWellington express which passes through the station at 10.4 a.m. was utilised to bring two jacks from Palmerston North.

The first euchre tourney of the second series conducted by the Shannon branch of the New Zealand Labour Party was held in Laurvig’s hall on Thursday evening. The winners were: Miss M. Butt, 51b. box of tea; Mrs. Terry 2plb. bag of flour; Mrs. Bussel lib. of tea; specials, Mesdames Eadford and Butters. Mr T. Moore, 51b. box of tea; Mr B. Bussel 251 b. bag of flour; Mr G. Kook, lib. of tea. The following qualified to compete for the gold watch: Mesdames Holdsworth and L. Bichard-sc-n, and Messrs. Mitchell, A. Mabey, and N. Mabey.

Women’s Institute,

The masked and fancy dress dance given by the committee of the Women’s Institute in tbe Institute room in Carter’s buildingc, proved an unqualified success. The room had been prettily decorated with green and red streamers, the Institute’s colours, and with the gay colours of the fancy dresses, presented a pretty effect. The hall was well filled, a large number coming from a distance, and with the good music supplied by Mrs. Parcell (piano) and Mr Parcell (violin) a very pleasant time was spent, the gathering being a most sociable one. Mr J. T. Bovis carried out the duties of M.C., adding much to the enjoyment of the

evening. A large number vrere in fancy dress, the costumes being very varied and quaint. Prizes were awarded by popular vote, that of the ladies being close, the Winner, Miss Turvey (Wooodvillc) as a Hawaiian Lady, being very pretty. In the men's section, Mr C. Johnson representing a man after a night out was declared the winner. During the evening a Monte Carlo waltz was held, Miss S. Roach and Mr W. Warman being the winners, whilo Miss E. Johnson and Mr Roberts won the Spot waltz. It is the intention of the committee to hold a “Hard-up" dance in about a fort night’s time

Girl Guides,

On Thursday afternoon at the Women’s Institute rooms, Miss Dalton, who is touring New Zealand in the interests of the Girl Guide movement, accompanied by Miss Kobbell, of Levin, addressed a large number of ladies, who are interested in the formation of a troupe in Shannon. Miss Dalton, in a most interesting talk, explained the aims and objects of the movement. As a result of the visit the following committee. was appointed to form a troupe in Shannon:—Mesdames Clifford Jones (president), Cronquest, Waring Taylor, McKenzie, Alexander, Thurston, Stevenson Parcell Burling and Taylor. An instruction school for prospective Girl Guiders is to open at Ngatiawa, near Marton, on Friday May 15, where instruction in the duties of Guide leadership will be given for one week. It i-s hoped that local young ladies will avail themselves of this opportunity. Further information can be obtained from Mrs. Clifford Jonee. School Committee.

The first meeting of the newly elected school committee was held on Thursday evening. Present were Messrs. A. E. Hyde (chairman), A. H. Hill (secretary), P. W. Bass, C. Hansman, L. Christie, A. H. Richards, D. Ellwood, W. Radford, and L. F. Jones. It was decided that Mrs. Thompson, the caretaker, be granted £1 in consideration of the extra cleaning work she had done during the remodelling of the sehool.

The board reported that Miss R. E. Wapp, the new assistant mistress, would take up her duties on May 27. The chairman said there were a few details around the school needing attention.—Left to Messrs. Radford, Hill and Christie to attend to. It was resolved to call tenders for six cords of rata or matai barrel firewood in approximately one and two foot lengths, to be delivered at school. Messrs. Hyde and Christie were appointed the visiting committee for the ensuing month. The chairman, referring to the septic tank said they had to make a move this year. They had £3O in hand and ho moved that they write to the board tliat the committee was prepared to find £SO immediately if the board would proceed with the work of installing the septic tank at school, this amount to be the committee’s total liability. The motion was carried.

Municipal Elections,

Lack of interest aptly describes the light polling in the Shannon borough. The following were returned for the council: Messrs. A. E. Hyde, R. Downes, T. C. Thwaites, R. Hook, I. Curran, Jnr., S. Anderson, D. Laurvig and I. Curran Senr. Of the old council Mossrs. E. J. g. Spencer and W. H. Gunning did not offer themselves. The remainder were re-elected with Mossrs. S. Anderson and D. Laurvig to fill the vacancies.

The installation of Mayor and Councillors of Shannon takes place at 7.30 p.m. this evening, after which committees for the ensuing term will be appointed and general business taken.

Surprise Party.

On Friday evening, the members of the Shannon Golf Club raided Messrs. Stern Bros.' house at Buckley as an appreciation of the excellent work done by the brothers for the Golf Club. Over 50 people were present and a most enjoyable evening was spent in games and competitions. During the evening Mr. A. Blackwood, president of the Golf Club, proposed the toast of Messrs. C. and R. Stern, praising the work which they had done for the club. Mr. C. Stern replied. Mr. A. Morgan proposed the health of the,Easton family, another family who had done a lot of work. Mr. H. Clifford-Jones, captain of the club, proposed the toast of golf, and the final toast of the ladies was in the cap able hands of Mr. C. Cronquest. No content with proposing the toast in humorous vein, he replied still more humorously on behalf of the weaker sex Among those present were:—Mrs. H Stern (Whakarongo), Mr. and Mrs Stern, senr., Miss Goodwin and Mr Goodwin (Kingston road), Miss 'i'ur vey (Woodvillc), Mr. and Mrs. Peder sen and family (Moutoa), Mr| and Mrs Saxon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Me Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Mr., Mrs and Miss Blackwood, Mr. and Mrs. .11 Easton, Mrs. C. and Miss Nancy Eas ton, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pranks, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford-Joncs, Miss Camp.

Birthday Party.

On Thursday a very pleasant evening was spent at Mr. Wiggins' house, BuckIcy, where some 20 guests assembled to celebrate his son’s birthday. A most enjoyable time was spent in games and competitions.


Saturday saw the president’s team play the captain’s team, when for the first time in the history of the club, the president’s team won by 4 games to 2. Only three holes were available for play.



F.ui Mai turned up with 11 men, but made up the team on the licld. Shannon had to replace Satherly and Johannah, owing to sickness and their places were filled by N. Dalzell and Gray. From the commencement the issue was never in doubt, Shannon winning by the comfortable margin of 30 points to 0. Kicking off up field Shannon went to the attack and a good move b> Picard, Goodwin and McKenzie saw the ball go to touch in Hui Mai’s 25.

From the line out, the ball went to Picard, who passed to Guy for a certain score, but the pass was missed. A good mark by Goodwin in front of goal failed to bring any points, nor did a similar one by McKenzie. A free kick to Hui Mai sent the ball into Shannon territory. Picard held the ball and a well placed' kick, followed up by McKenzie and Dalzell, sent Payne over, Picard failing W'ith the kick—Shannon 3, Hui Mai 0. Shannon continued to attack, the ball coming out of the scrum cleanly. Excellent work by McKenzie and Picard sent L. Dalzell, who camo up fast inside, over the line. Guy failed to convert —Shannon 6, Hui Mai 0. From a line out in Hui Mai territory, Goodwin sent Robbie over, Picard’s boot again lacking the necessary direction —Shannon 9, Hui Mai 0. The Hui Mai three-quarter line now made a determined attack and soon Smith, intercepting a pass, scored a try for Hui Mai, which was unconverted —Shannon 9, Hui Mai 3.

Two free kicks to Hui Mai allowed them to get into Shannon’s 25. Here another free kick was allowed but Collycr failed and Vertongen sent the bail into touch. Hui Mai pressed hard and from a five yards scrum the ball went out to Smith, who again scored an unconverted try—Shannon 9, Hui Mai 6.

Shannon players now set off to place a good margin of points between the scores before they had to face the sun. A move by McKcnzio and Vertongen found Guy offside. From the ensuing play, Robbie caught tho field napping and gained some ground, enabling Goodwin to send Picard over, Picard converting his own try—Shannon 14, Hui Mai 6. With four minutes to go to half time L. Walls following up his own kick, which the Hui Mai back failed to collect, collared tho ball and scored, Picard again adding the major points—Shannon 19, Hui Mai 6. After the temporary respite, a change was made in the Shannon team, Vertongen replacing Guy as wing threequarter, Guy going to wing forward. Shannon now slowed up, playing against the sun and a period of free kicks ensued. Williams was playing a great game in the Shannon forwards, as also was Norman Dalzell, who added the next try, placing the ball botween the posts. Picard again placed the ball between the uprights—Shannon 24, Hui Mai 6. A determined Hui Mai attack was stopped by Vertongen falling on the ball, V. Dalzell eventually clearing, Goodwin and Picard carrying the ball to tho Hui Mai line. A free kick to Hui Mai sent the ball to Pratt who returned it. Shannon pressed hard but from a five yards scrum, Shannon went offside and Hui Mai relieved. Eventually a good dribble by Dalzell, McKenzie and Goodwin saw Payne go over, Picard failing with the kick— Shannon 27, Hui Mai 6. Hui Mai now made a determined effort but offside play allowed L. Dalzcll to clear. A free kick to Shannon allowed Picard to have a try at goal but the sun was in a direct line. Shortly afterwards, Robbie made a brilliant dash down tho line, but was pushed over on the corner. Hui Mai forced down and from the ensuing 25 by the aid of a trick drop kick, took tho ball to half way. Hero a scrum ensued and Shannon forwards dribbling xrp sent Moody over, L. Dalzell failing to find the goal—Shannon 30, Hui Mai 6. Time was sounded shortly after by Mr. P. McLeavy.

Wanderers v. Weraroa.

Saturday saw the two Levin teams in action on the Levin ground, with only a very small attendance of the public. At the time the game was due to start, there were only five Wcraroa players and the referee present. At 3.15, Wanderers had a full team and Weraroa 14 so a start was made. The game was onesided, Wanderers keeping Weraroa on the defensive all the time. A regrettable feature of the game was the evident element of' illfeeling between some of the players in both teams.

Wanderers quickly attacked with good play among the backs, Ryder, at five-eighth, sprinting well into the danger zone. Bryant carried on to Weraroa’s line, where Wanderers were penalised. Wanderers were still aggressive and Bull, failing to take the ball, Tatana broke through, W. Parata following up to fall on the ball and score. Tatana’s kick failed—Wanderers 3, Weraroa 0.

On resuming, Weraroa worked into Wanderers’ territory but a passing rush enabled Wanderers to go over the half way line, where from a penalty Tatana attempted to-goal, the ball falling short. Prom one of these bouts, Brynnt was collared on the line, shortly after which Tatana had another unsuccessful shot at goal. Weraroa forwards now dribbled down to the 25 line, where, from a line out Warren kicked the ball across the line, compelling Wanderers to force. Weraroa continued to press, but Byder saved by kicking out at half way. The spell ended—Wanderers 3. Weraroa 0. After the lemons, tho Weraroa boys attacked, but Bryant on the wing upset their calculations, and sot sail for the line with only Bull in front of him. However in short punting over Bull, the latter got possession, and sent the leather back. Wanderers pressed hard but .T. Broughton cleared by running round tho opposition and kicking to the half way line. Shortly after, this player got a knock on the head and had to retire, and W. Grcig had to be carried off with an injured leg, still a third member being down with cramp. On resuming from a five yards scrum, Nicholson -A-ent over, McDonnell failing with the kick. Wanderers pressing hard carried the ball to Weraroa s line where from a scramble, McDonald went over, Tatana being unsuccessful with the kick —Wanderers 9, Weraroa 0. No further score was added. Mr. T. Parata controlled the game. Shannon juniors were well trounced by Boston juniors to the tune of 21 points to 3. Thirds met the same fate against Weraroa, the margin being 11 to 4.

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Bibliographic details

Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6902, 7 May 1929, Page 9

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Shannon Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6902, 7 May 1929, Page 9

Shannon Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6902, 7 May 1929, Page 9