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Wool Market Buoyant Practical Clearance Near December Rates With an aggregate catalogue of 27,000—the quantity allotted by the New Zealand wool committee—the third Wellington wool sale of the season opened briskly on Saturday at the town hail Bidding began on the stroke of nine with a catalogue of (wbJ bales, followed by one of 3872 bales. It was evident from the outset that the tone of the market was sound. As the first of the catalogues were disposed of it became clear that super wools were selling on a par with, and sometimes slightly better than, prices current at the sales held here in December last.

.’Medium crossbreds kept at about par, and for average crossbreds competition was very strong and tbero was a tendency for them to make rather better prices than those realised for such descriptions of wool at the December sale. Inferior crossbreds sold very well indeed, and at a slight advance on rates ruling for them in December. For halfbred wools the demand was not so keen, and they had an easier tendency on the December rates by probably Jd per pound. Merinos were neglected, and the market was disinclined to fall into line with growers’ valuations of these wools. Slipes were offered in limited quantities, and made good prices. Lamb’s wool met with very keen competition. Prices of bellies, compared with those made in the December sales, were down, but pieces were about on a par with last sale Tates. Fsr necks there was a very strong demand. Bradford buyers were again a strong feature qf the sale, and were prepared to lift a large quantity of wool. Franco keenly competed for all lambs wool showing any quality, and paid very good prices for necks. The United States was a good buyer of super lots, for which very satisfactory prices were paid. Russia was eager to buy the fine crossbred wools of good quality, and purchases for this , market were relatively heavy. Germany paid excellent prices for the inferior and lowgrade crossbred wools. Brokers’ Reports FARMERS’ CO-OP. Special to “ Times.” - WELLINGTON, Last Night. The New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op. distributing Co., Ltd., reports as follows: We held our third sale of the season bn Saturday, when we offered a catalogue comprising 3408 bales to a full bench of buyers, representing all sections of the wool trade. Our catalogue was a most attractive one, a few choice lots of locally grown halfbred being • included amongst a line display of lambs’ wool, Southdown and Romney, Romney crossbred hoggets and ewe wool, with a sprinkling of Lincoln and Lincoln'cross clips. Competition was animated from the commencement of the sale, and we sold our entire catalogue at auction with the exception of 15 bales at prices which must be considered highly satisfactory to growers. The Continental section was much in evidence and Bradford buyers took a greater proportion of the catalogues than at the earlier Wellington sales. We quote the market for fine wools on a parity with November rates and medium and strong crossbreds a halfpenny to one penny dearer than prices ruling in December, and pieces, bellies, Jocks and crutchings also a shade dearer.

Our principal realisations "were: — Halfbred, A Aim, 23d; hoggets, 20d; B, 19id; ‘ • Coop ’ ’ A, 205 d; B, 19id; Southdown A, H. 8., 23d; Coop A, 21d; B, 193 d; Southdown X, A Coop, 19Jd; B, 184 d; Tre Southdown X-H, 193 d; Bomney hoggets, Mangaone/S, 18d; F & H.P., 18id; FT/Pukokahu, ISJd; D.G.G. Wairere, 18d; Jy/A, ISd; Matauia, 18Jd; C.W.M./Willowbank, 18}d; L.G.N., ISd; Kiwi, ISd; Flag Creek, 18Jd; Makarewa, 18id; Ongo, ISJd; Myani, 19/20d; Co-op., 19d; Tonawhai, 18id; Bomney ewe, T.8.H., 17d; F and HP, 17Jdj R.F.M./M.V., 17Jd; Cross Keys, 184 d; Matauia, 17d; Link, 17d; Flag Creek, 17Jd to 18d; Makarewa, 17d; Ongo, 17d; Myani, 18d; XXX, 183 d; H. 8., 18d; HB/Terracc, 19d; L.A.E., 17d; J.8./Brooklands, 18d; CiZ, 173 d; Co-op., 183 d to 19d; crossbred, A. Tonawhai, lGid; B/Spring Hill, 165 d; Mangaone/S, 161 d; Sandyford, 16id; P and H.P., 164 d; FT/Huia, 16id; Dochroylc 17d; F/Epukenui 162 d; D.G.G./Wairere, 164 d; Kintail, 164 d; HD/Hr, IGJd; Aim, 16Jd; HB/Tcrrace, 16Jd; Afl, ICJd; Co-op., 16Jd; Various, l'64d; Tokaroa, 161 d. Medium crossbred, JJD, 163 d; JB/Oraki, 16d; AB/Pukenui, 16id; Greenwoodside, 101 d; CCD/C, 16d; F and' HP, 16d; Wairepo, 16d; JMW, 16d; Bfm/Mv, lOd; Cross Keys, 163 d; BST/Mangaio, 16Jd; MG/Baunuinga, 16id; Link, IGJd; Kiwi, 16d; Kilmory, 163 d; Flag Creek, 16d; Mvani, 16d; Pariroa, 163 d; Hinau, 16d; T/KK, 16d; WN/Fernhill, 16d; HB/Terrace, 16d; Co-op., 16d to 163 d; Various, 16d; NMK, 163 d. Strong crossbred, Foxley, 14d to 14}d; HB/Bathkeale, 154 d; Ederdale, 14Jd; •JT/M, 14id; 88/K, 15d; CS/Linkfield, laid; TEE, 15Jd; AFL, 15id; OBX, laid; JB/Brooklands, 15id; CXZ, 151 d; Co-op., 13d. Lincoln, TF/Otawhao, 14d to 141 d. Lambs, Super Link, 22Jd; Motu/Kowhai, 203 d; Bfm/MV, 204 d; Flag Creek, 203 d; JD/T, 21fd; Co-op., 204 d; Dochroyle, 223 d; JHD/Ngatawa, 2ljd. Pieces and bellies, AB/Pukenui, lojd; ALM, 13d. Pieces, Link, 173 d; Flag Creek, 15id; Co-op., 15|d. Neck pieces, Bfm/MV, ISd; Various, 17fd.

A. and W. and W.S. and Coy. Ltd. Messrs 'Abraham and Williams Ltd., in conjunction with Messrs Wright Stephenson and Co. Ltd., report as fob

lows:—Wc offered 3655 bales at Saturday’s Wellington sale and disposed of 99 per cent, of our catalogue under the hammer. We offered some very nne clips at this sale the majority of the wool being well grown and of attractive appearance. Tho buyers benches were crowded and competition was general and very animated.. Bradford was very much to tho fore in*the bidding, as was to be expected from recent reports of better trade at tho consuming end. The Continent was also bidding keenly for the shorter and finer wools and America, for any suitable lines, was a keen bidder. Compared with the last sale, prices all through were more stable, the bidding being at no time erratic. Practically a total clearance of the offering of 27,000 bales was made under the hammer at an average value per bale of £25 or £675,000 worth of wool. Mr O’Connor, our auctioneer, offered 431 lots within the hour and was accorded a round of applause from tho buyers on concluding. This works out at 7 lots per minute and shows what be done when buyers are keen and bid their limits straight out.

We quote values: Halfbred, par to a little easier; super crossbred, fully up to last sale and occasionally a little higher; average grades of crossbred, par to a halfpenny up. Lambs showed better length and prices were correspondingly higher. Bellies and pieces, good quality at par; lower quality, slightly easier. Following are prices realised for wool from this and adjacent districts:— E. and M. 5 A lambs, 20Jd, 1 super necks 19d, 7 AFE 18Jd, 2 lambs 17fd, 12 AMed E 17d, 3 AE 16d, 6 BE 15Jd, 5 Ist pieces 14Jd, 4 bis 13d; LOGIE, 3 S.DOWN 201, 1 lambs 20id, 19 XE 16Jd, 2 bis. and pcs. 124 d, 2 cts. 12Jd; CJM/H 1 SDOWN 204 d, 12 XBE 16d; ZZ/TADCROFT 1 halfbred 20Jd, 31 XH 16Jd, 15 XE 15Jd, 5 XW 15d, 1 lbs. 8d; MB/S 1 halfbred 20Jd; WP/F 4 SDOWN 19Jd; AMK 5 lambs 19d; AJW/MAHOE 4 A lambs 181 d, 2 lambs 16 Jd, 1 XB 16 Jd; EV/A 2 lambs 18d, 7 XH 17Jd, 8 XE 16d, 6 XW 1553; JOB 3 lambs 18d, 7XH 16id, 18 XBE 15Jd, bis and pcs 12Jd; JN 3 lambs lSd, 6XH 15|d, 15 XE 142 d; OLL 1 lambs 173 d, 11 XE and H 15Jd, 1 bis and pcs. 124 d; PARETAI 2 lambs 173 d, 4 XH 17d, 19 XE 153 d, 1 bis. and pcs lid.; TE ROHENGA 3 lambs 17|d, 19 XE 15Jd; WS/M 1 lambs 17 Jd, 5 XE 143 d; WLG 1 lambs 173 d; DP/K 6 XH 171 d; SW/W 1 fine XB 173 d, 2 XB IGJd, 1 XB 152 d; TE Rata 5 XE 17Jd; OK/BURU 5 lambs 17d, 5 XW 15Jd, 33 XE 14 Jd, 2 B and P lid, 1 pcs and Iks SJd 1 lksßd; WP/ Lin 6 AE 17d, 1 XB 144, 1 B and P 13J; HNW/B 1 fine XB' 17d; JEN 4 fine E 162 d, 4 med. E 154 d, IXB 14 Jd, 1 B and P 13Jd, 1 B and P lid; ATI 6 AXB 162 d, 13 BXB 16d, 4 CXB 14Jd; DC/BAWEA 23 XE 16341, 5 XH 16J; DIR 13 XBH 16 Jd, 11 XBW 15Jd; JDW 1 lambs 16Jd, 6XE 14d; DW/K 4 XB 16Jd; EB/TITAHI 10 XH 16Jd; B/ROPORUA 2 XB 16Jd; PS/S 3 XB 16Jd; HA/H 20 XE 16d; BIGHILL 12 AE 16d, IB and P 12Jd; AEG/A 6 XE 16d; KERERU 9 XB 16d; PALMS 6 XB 16d; IRS 44 XE 16d, 29 E 15Jd; EPS 8 AE 16d, 2 XB 144 d, IXB 14Jd, 1 B and P 12J; JAW 9 XE 16d; WCS/WAREHORNE 9 XE 153 d; CHC 6 XE lojd; LM/B 5 XE 153 d; WHAKATANGI 40 AE 15|d, 4 BE 144 d, 4 B and P IOJd, 1 pcs and Iks 83d; WJH/P 1 XB 153 d; WHIROKINO 8 AE 154 d, 5 BE 14Jd, 4 B and P lid; LASIGNY FARM 5 XE 15Jd; M/TPE 4XB 15Jd; GMD BXE 15Jd; AJ/K 1 XB 15d; TGV/L 4 XE 15d, 4 XE 134 d; MOANA/CB 4 XB 15d, 1 B and "p 12Jd; JAA/TURA 17 XE 143 d; 88/W 8 XB 14Jd; LMR 11 XE 14Jd; KORI/JB IX 14J; HB/T 3XB 144 d; RT/KARERE 2 CRTS 12Jd; LBS 1 B and P lid. The following are the prices realised for wool sold under our Challenge brand. A lambs 22Jd, A half bred 203 d, Southdown. 20Jd, Merino 19Jd, A hogget 19Jd, “ half bred 19d, A fine Xbred 19d, A ttreequarter bred 18Jd, B fine XB lSd, lambs 172 d, halfbred 17Jd, A med XB 17Jd, B F X B 17Jd, B med hogget 17d, A med XB 163 d, Med XB 16Jd, fine XB 16Jd, AXB 16Jd, Med XB 16Jd, Med XB 16d, B med XB 16d and 15}, B XB 15Jd, A XB 15d, A dead 15d, B XB 143 d, med XB 143 d, coarse XB 14Jd, A pieces 14Jd, B coarse XB 14Jd, Med XB 14d, crossbred 14d, 133 d, 13Jd, 13Jd, A bellies 12Jd, Lincoln 12Jd, bellies and pieces lljd, crutchings lOd, B pieces 9Jd, locks Bd, 7Jd, crutchings 7Jd; A coarse XB 15d.

LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY The N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Ag. Coy. Ltd., submits the following range of prices offered by it:— LINSIDE su-per threequarter RH 6 bales 201-d, super threequarter bred 5 bales 193 d, Ist fine 19 bales 184 d, Ist 174 d, nks. 2, Ist pcs 3, 5 bales 16d; NPN Rom. E 14 bales 151 d; WT E 4 bales 154 d; MXV Rom. E 42 bales 163 d; 888 H 8 bales IGJd, E 22 bales 15d; HO/ , APITI H 5 bales 2643, E 6 bales 173 d; ; RS/TF H and E 4 bales 154 d; AEL/ • PIJTEVIEW. Xb. 5 bales 153 d; FRT/

AHR H 5 bales 17d; J I H 2, E S, 19 bales 163 d; WFJ/K Ist fine 14 bales IS Jd, Ist Xb. 7 bales IGJd, pcs 7 bels 3, 10 bales 13Jd, lambs 4 bales 19d; RRS H 1, E 4, s~bales 143 d; SHR E 6 bales 16d; BAF Ist threequartcr H 4, E 2, 6 bales 191 cl, Ist fine II 2, E S, 10 bales 18Jd, Ist E 6 bales IGJd, P and B 4 bales 13Jd, lambs 4 bales ISJd; TEIHJNGA'h 4 bales 15d, E 6 bales 15d; JB/LINTON fine H 5 bales 19d; Ist fine W 2, E 9, 11 bales ISJd, Ist E 5 bales lojd; PAEWAI, Ist fine 7 bales 17d, Ist Xb. 7 bales 15d, Line. Romn. cross 5 bales 13Jd; 7L below* stroke H 1,2 9, 10 bales 14R1; AB'DLUI AE 19 bales lGd, BE 7 bales 143 d; TG/K fine Xb. 4 bales ISJd,Xb. 4 bales 152 d; SHL/K, fine Xb. 5 bales 16Jd; Xb. 5 bales 15Jd; DEN H 7 bales 16jd, W 5 bales 16d, E 12 bales 15|d; HLO/K fine H 4 bales 17d ,super fine 1, fine 6 7 bales 17d; HW/A E S bales 15jd; RR/W Xb. 6 bales 15J; HIGHLAND/ HOME Ist threequartcr H 4 bales lSd, Ist fine H 7 Es*l2 bales 16Jd, Ist Xb. 4 bales 15Jd; JC/T Ist fine 4 bales 16d; SHR Ist fine H 4 bales 18d; MR/B Ist fine 5 bales 153 d: BW/L super fnrecquarter H 7 bales 19d, Ist threequartcr bred 7 bales 18d, Ist fine H 10 bales 17Jd, Ist fine E 15 bales 17Jd, Ist fine W 12 bales 16d, Ist E 7 bales 16d, Ist W 9 bales 14Jd, bis 5 bales 113 d, crut-s. 6 bales lOd; JW/L Ist threequartcr bred E 4 bales 172 d, Ist fine H 6 bales 173 d, Ist H 4 bales 16d, Ist fine E 16 bales 16d, Ist Xb. 9 bales 143 d, Xb. 4 bales 14d, lambs 4 bales 17|d; DIR threequartcr bred E 6 bales lojd, E 9 bales 14Jd, lambs 6 bales 17d. DALGETY AND COMPANY. . Messrs Dalgety and Company Ltd. report: —The result of the third sale is in every way satisfactory, competition from English and Continental buyers being exceptionally keen with buying well spread. It is pleasing to be able to report that Bradford competition is generally more pronounced than at last sale held in December, and their purchases to-day are heavy. The quality and condition of the offering is generally good ,tho majority of wools being w*ell suited for the English trade. Continental operations obtained w*ool for all classes of textile suitable to their requirements, and when any lines of fine carding wools were brought under the hammer, the French limit were high enough to secure such wools. A good order was to hand from Russia, the class of w*ool required by them being generally medium preparing top making sorts. This country secured a fair weight of wool and their competition was valuable. Super Romneys, par on December salo * rates; good crossbred spinner’s style, also medium top-making sorts can bo quoted as selling in sellers’ favour. Bellies and pieces were hardly so firm and prices can be quoted about Jd below December Tates. There was an exceptionally strong demand for lambs’ wool, English and Australian buyers being very keen to secure any lots of good colour and length. Some very lusty Tates were secured for paroles of 48/50 quality showing colour and length. Briefly, the position at the moment is sound, and average Tates established, excepting probable for Merino, and which will no doubt be considered very satisfactory to growers. Following are some of the realisations of clips from this district:—

Mount Erin 12 bales E, 15Jd, 4 bales H, lGd; JR/M, 8 bales E, lojd; CW/U, 6 bales crossbred, 15J; Teautere, 12 bales E, 3643, 5 bales H, 17d; RB/S, 5 bales Dn. E and H, 21d; CBROS/ LTN, 8 bales A.A.E, IGJd, 4 bales Ist. E lold, 7 bales A.E., 15Jd; F/NZ, 17 bales A.E., 17d, 20 bales E, 154 d; MAC, 14 bales E, 15Jd; Arapito, 13 bales E, 15d; MR/Pukeroa, 14 bales E, lGd; SM/O, 13 bales E, 14d; KMK/M, 13 bales A.E., lGd, 4 bales 8.E., lod, 4 bales A.Lbs., 21 Jd; AIP, 12 bales E, IGJd; EAH/P, 4 bales E, lod; AMS, 4 bales E, 16d; JMM/Y, 4 bales E, 154, 4 bales H, 17J; WG/K, 5 bales Sup/E., 18d, 10 bales A. X. E., 18Jd; 4 bales Sup./Lbs, 19Jd, 3 bales Ist pcs., 133; Palm/JS/Grove, 7 bales E, 17Jd; HBD/Glenwarlock, 8 bales A Xb, IGJd, 5 bales B Xb, 15J, 4 bales C Xb. 14Jd; EAZ, 12 bales E, 18Jd, C bales Sup. H. 19J, 4 bales A.H. 19J, 4 bales B. and P. 124 d; AH/PN, 15 bales W. and E., lGd,

5 bales H. 163 d; EWC, 4 bales E, 16Jd; 4 bales H, 16 J, 5 bales Sup H., IS J; AILSA, 21 bales E, 153 d, 4 bales W, 15d; GD/Matuku, 4 bales A.A.E., ISJd, 19 bales A.E., 17d, 2.1 bales B.E, 163 d, 3 bales Sup. A.A.H., 203 d, 5 bales A.H., 18d, 7 bales Pcs, 13; Papanui/D, 9 bales A.E. and W., 163 d, 13 bales B.E. and W., 143, 9 bales Pcs, 144; Valhalla/ HC, 17 bales A.E., 18d, 5 bales Ist. Pcs.

14d; TH, 7 bales E, 154; FT/R, 24 Bales E, 16J; ELS, 9 bales E, 153 d; Manston, 51 bales 16d, 29 bales H, 16-3, 10 bales Lbs., 193 d; JEE, 7 bales W, 15Jd; ATT, 5 bales H, 16Jd; Whakaruru, 9 bales E, lod, 4 bales H., 154; JGOS, 6 bales E, 15Jd; RH/W, 5 bales E, 374 d; JH/Ikiroa, 55 bales A Xb, 18Jd, 24 bales B Xb, 153 d, 8 bales Sup. Unshorn H, 183, 23 bales Pcs., 14£d; CTH/S, 4 bales E, 143; EWC, 12 ables W, 343; Mangatau, 4 bales Sup. E, 17d; GDA/T, 5 bales Xb. E, 143 d; GEA/T, 8 bales Xb. E, 344; JP/R, 10 bales W, 15d; CEV/ Pukenui, 6 bales Xb, 153; Ngaputald, 7 bales A.E. 17Jd, 17 bales 8.E., lofd, 8 bales A.H.. 173 d, 10 bales A. Pcs., 14}; X, 4 bales Ist Lbs., 203 d; Clunvhills, 8 bales W., 153, 8 bales H., ISJd; RH/W, 3 bales. 3.7 d; SM/O, 3 bales H„ 16Jd; Palm-.TS/Grove, 3 bales A.A.H., 18d; MAM, 3 bales A.Xb., 16J: Ngaputahi. 3 bales Lbs, 15}; TC/ GTD., 6 bales H., IGJd.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6810, 14 January 1929, Page 8

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SOUND PRICES AT WELLINGTON SALE Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6810, 14 January 1929, Page 8

SOUND PRICES AT WELLINGTON SALE Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6810, 14 January 1929, Page 8