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Feilding and District

each: Mr. H. Haythorne 1, Mr. H. Haythorne 2, Miss M. Martin 3. Collection of dahlias; Mr. H. Haythorne 1, Miss M. Martin 2, A. R. McKenzie 3. Gaillardias, 3 colours, 1 of each: Mrs. Grey 1. Hydrangea, 3 heads: H. Haythorne 1, Mrs. T. Nix 2. Hollyhocks, 2 colours, I"of each: E. Malcolm 1. Penstemons, 3 colours, 1 of each; H. Haythorne 1, R. W. Haythorne 2. Sunflowers: Mrs. W. Y. Viies. New or rare flowers: Mrs. H. L. Osborne'l, H. Haythorne 2, H. Haythorne 3. Larkspur, 3 spikes, different colours; H. Haythorne 1, H. Haythorne 2, Miss Alderson 3. Cut flowers, best collection, 6 varieties: R. W. Haythorne 1, H. Haythorne 2. Roses, specimen bloom: H. Haythorne I, H. Haythorne 2. Roses, collection, not more than 6 varieties: Mrs. Cowan 1. H. Haythorne 2. Marigolds, any varieties, collection, 1 of each: Mrs. Grey 1, R. W. Haythorne 2. Delphinium, 3 colours, 1 of each: R. W. Haythorne 1, R. W. Haythorne 2. Sweet peas, 6 spikes, different colours: H. Haythorne 1, Mrs. J. 13. Pettigrew 2, E. Malcolm 3. Sweet peas, 3 spikes, different colours: H. Haythorne 1,- H. Haythorne 2. Antirrhinums, 3, 1 spike of each: H. Haythorne 1. Verbenas, 4 heads, 1 of each: H. Haythorne 1. Nasturtiums, collection, 1 of each: Mrs. J. B. Pettigrew 1. Geraniums, collection: Miss Leslie. Geraniums, double; H. Haythorne. Geraniums, single: Miss Leslie. Everlasting flower collection: H. Haythorne. Phlox drummondi, collection: Mrs. Cowan. Stocks collection: R. W. Haythorne 1, R. W. Haythorne 2. Zinnias, two: H. Haythorne 1, H. Haythorne 2. Dianthus, best collection: A. R. McKenzie. Fuchsias, double; Mrs. Cowan 1, H. Haythorne 2. Fuchsias, single: Mrs. Cowan. 1, H. Haythorne 2. Carnations collections: R. W. Haythorne 1, A. R. McKenzie 2. Carnations, 3 varieties: R. W. Haythorne 1, A. R. McKenzie 2. Carnations, 3 varieties: R. W. Haythorne 1, R. W. Haythorne 2. Godetia: H. Haythorne. Pansies, G colours, 1 of each; R. W. Haythorne I, R. W. Haythorne 2, A. R. McKenzie 3. Petunias, collection: H. Haythorne 1, H. Haythorne 2. Daisies, collection: Mrs. Grey 1, H. Haythorne 2. Pot Plants. Plant In bloom: Miss Leslie 1. Plant foliage: Miss Leslie 1, Miss Leslie 2. Decorations. Buttonhole, bouquets, two: Mrs. H. Haythorne 1, Mrs. H. Haythorne 2. Hand bouquet :Mrs .Haythorne 1. Vase or Epergne arranged for effect: Miss Leslie 1, Miss Leslie 2. Juveniles, under 14: buttonhole bouquets, two: E. Wlnhard. Hand bouquets: Nellie Jacobson. Basket of flowers: E. Winnard. Collection of native flowers: B. Miller 1, David Cowan 2. Collection of grasses, 3 heads each; David Cowan. Best collection of native ferns; B. Miller. Points prize: H. Haythorne 13, 1; H. Haythorne 14, 2. Vegetables.

Vegetable marrow: A. R. McKenzie 1. Peas, 12 pods: Miss M. Martin 1, Miss M. Martin 2. Beans (scarlet runners): Mrs. W. Hobbs 1, Mrs. W. Hobbs 2. Beet, table: A. R. McKenzie. Cabbage, table: Annie Ireland 1, A. R. McKenize 2. Cauliflower: A. R. McKenzie 1, A. R. McKenzie 2. Carrots, table, long: A. R. McKenzie 1, A. R. McKenzie 2. Carrots, short: R. W. Haythorne 1, R. W. Haythorne 2. Cucumber: Mrs. Cowan 1. Eschalots, pickling; A. J. Ireland 1, A. R. McKenzie 2, A. R. McKenzie 3. Onions, six, heaviest: Archie Cantwell. Onions, keeping, six; Mrs. Cowan 1. Parsnips, table, six: A. R. McKenzie 1. A. R. McKenzie 2. Potatoes, six, red: G. Malcolm 1, A. J. Ireland 2. Potatoes, six, white: R. W. Haythorne 1, Jock McKay 2, A. R. McKenzie 3. Potatoes, kidney: A. R. Me■Kenzie 1, A. R McKenzie 2, R. W. Haythorne 3. Best collection of potatoes, locally grown; A. R. McKenzie 1, G. Malcolm 2. Potatoes, six, heaviest: H. H. Jensen 91bs., 120z5., 1; R. W. McKenzie 71bs. ,7ozs., 2; Miss M. Martin 61bs., 120z5., 3. Potatoes, six, any variety not mentioned: A. R. McKenzie 1. Turnips, table, yellow: R. W. Haythorne 1. Vegetables, best collection: A. R. McKenzie. Farm produce: Mangolds, prize-winner, yellow globe: H. Cowan 1, Jock McKay 2. Mangolds, Golden Tankard, two; Jock, McKay 1. Mangolds, yellow: A. R. McKenzie 1. Oats, in twp sheaves, most suitable for chaff: Jock McKay. Swedes, any variety: A. R. McKenzie 1, A. R. McKenzie 2. Turnips, green 'top, yellow Aberdeen: H. H. Jensen h. Turnips, hardy green globe; H. H. Jensen 1. Fruit; Apples, keeping: Mrs. A. W. Cave 1, W. Alderson 2. Apples, dessert; Mrs. A .Cave 1, W. Alderson 2. Apples, cooking: W. Alderson 1, Mrs. Cowan 2. Apples, largest; W. Alderson 1, Mrs. Cowan 2. Quinces; Mrs. Cowan.. Peaches: J. Malcolm 1. Collection of apples: Mrs. Cowan. HOME INDUSTRIES. Beer, home-made: Mrs. A. Dick 1, Mrs. A. Dick 2. Collection of preserved fruit: Mrs. Martin 1, Mrs. Vail 2, Mrs. Vail 3. Bottled tomatoes: Mrs. Vail 1, Mrs. Vail 2, Mrs. H. J. Morris 3. Jams, collection: Mrs. Churcher 1, Mrs. Vail 2, Mrs. Vail 3. Jellies; Mrs. Churcher 1. Marmalade: Mrs. Vail 1, Mrs. Bennett 2, Mrs. Viles 3. Pickles: Mrs. Vail I, Mrs. Vail 2, Mrs. Churcher 3. Chutney: Mrs. Vail 1, Mrs. Vail 2, Mrs. Churcher 3. Ketchup mushroom: Mrs. Mrs. Bennett 1, Mrs. Churcher 2, Mrs. Vail 3. Tomato sauce: Mrs. Dick 1. Mrs. Vail 2, Mrs. Dick 3. Plum -sauce: Mrs. Vail 1, Mrs. Bennett 2, Mrs. Bennett 3. Worcester sauce: Mrs. Vail 1, Mrs. Vail 2. Butter separator: Mrs. Bennett 1, Mrs. Jensen 2, Mrs. Bennett 3. Hen’s eggs, heaviest: Mrs. Vail 1, Mrs. Jensen S, Duck’s eggs, Mrs. Pratt

1. Home-made soap: Mrs. Bennett 1. Mrs. Jensen 2, Mrs. Bennett 3. Points prize: Mrs. Vail C 4 points. Bread and Sweets: Bread, homemade, white: Mrs. Bennett 1, Mrs. Hobbs 2. Mrs. W. J. Vilcs 3. Bread, home-made, brown: Mrs. H. W. Bennett 1, Mrs. H. W. Bennett 2, Mrs. \V. Hobbs 3. Bread, home-made, for girls under 16; Annie Ireland (Alaugarumu), 1; Ngairc Viies 2. Buns, yeast, with currants: Miss Duicle Millar 1, Mrs. W. Hobbs 2. Scones, girdle: Mrs. A. Dick 1, Miss 'M. Martin 2, Mrs. R'. Jacob 3. Scones, oven baked: Mrs. L. F. Vail 1, Miss A. Osborne 2, Mrs. A. Dick 3. Scones, oven baked; best to competitors who have never won a first prize in scones before: Mrs. H. L. Osborne 1, Miss A. Osborne 2, Miss D. Millar 3. Scones, brown: Miss D. Millar 1, Mrs. A. Dick 2. Pastry, short crust: Mrs. Arthur Prince 1. Mrs. A. Dick 2. Jam tarts: Mrs. Arthur Prince 1, Mrs. Arthur Prince 2, Mrs. H. J. Morris 3. Sausage rolls: Mrs. H. J. Morris 1, Mrs. Arthur Prince 2. Apple pie: no prize. Cake, fruit; Mrs. L. H. Vail 1, Mrs. W. J. Vilcs 2, Miss F. Malcolm 3. Cake, eggless: Mrs. A. Dick 1, Mrs. L. F. Vail 2. Mrs. Pratt 3. Cake, seed: Mrs. A. F. Churcher 1. Ginger bread: Mrs. L. F. Vail 1, Mrs. W. Pratt 2. Sponge sandwich; Mrs. L. F. Vail 1, Mrs. H. J. Morris 2, Annie Ireland 3. Sponge roll: Mrs. L. F. Vail 1, Mrs T. Nix 2. Short Bread :Mrs. C Mclntyre 1, Mrs C. Mclntyre 2, Miss M. E. Cowan 3. Oatcake: Mrs. A, Dick 1, Miss Cowan 2, Mrs. W. Pratt 3. Biscuit, home-made: Mrs. A. F. Churcher 1, Mrs. A. F. Churcher 2. Pikelets: Miss M. Martin 1, Airs. R Jacobs 2, Mrs. A. Dick 3. Cream puffs: Mrs. Viies 1, Miss E. Cowan 2, Mrs. L. F. Vail 3. Plum pudding: Mrs. A. F: Churcher 1. Chocolate cremes: Miss M Martin 1, Mrs. A. F. Churcher 2, Mrs. L. F. Vail 3. Date cremes; Mrs. L. F. Vail 1, Mrs. M. Martin 2, Mrs. A. F. Churcher 3. Walnut Cremes: Airs. A. F. Churcher T, Aliss M. Alartln 2, Airs. L. F. Vail 3. Points prize: Miss M. Martin 51 points. Turkish delight: Aliss AI. Alartin 1, Airs. L. F. Vail 2, Mrs. L. F. Vail 3. Toffee: Aliss AI. Alartin 1, Mrs. A. F Churcher 2. Sweets, homemade, collection: iss AI. Alartin 1, Airs. M. Martin 2, Mrs. H. H. Jensen 3. Cocoanut Ice: Aliss AI. Alartin 1, Aliss A. F. Churcher 2, Airs. A. Dick 3. Industrial.

D’Oyley .crochet, one; Mrs. A. Dick 1, Mrs. A. Dick 2, Mrs. D. Marshall 3. Fine point lace: Miss F. Malcolm 1. Cotton crochet* Mrs. Marshall 1, Mrs. E. M. Haynes 2, Mrs. A. Dick 3. Crochet, baby’s bootees: Mrs. H. H. Jensen 1, Mrs. A. Dick 2, Mrs. A. Dick 3. Hand-knitted socks: Miss Leslie 1. Darned socks, worn: Mrs. A. Dick. Pin cushion; Mrs. A. Dick 1, Miss P. Malcolm 2, Miss P. Malcolm 3. Soft cushion: Miss D. Malcolm 1, Miss D. Malcolm 2, Mrs. Dick 3. Tea cosy: Miss E. M. Jensen 1, Miss F. Malcolm 2, Miss M. Pettigrew 3. Plain sewing, machine: Mrs. H. H. Jensen I. Mrs. H. L. Osborne 2, Miss P. Plain sewing, hand: Mrs. H. H. Jensen 1, Miss M. Martin 2, Miss F. Malcolm 3. Six’ hand-made : buttonholes, calico, to be worked In a garment: Mrs. A. Dick. Eyelet embroidery: Mrs. J. Jensen 1, Miss D. Malcolm 2. Montmellick work: Miss D. Malcolm 1, Mrs. J. Jensen 2, Miss J. Pettigrew 3. Afternoon tray cloth: Mrs. H. H. Jensen 1, Mrs. D. Marshall Z, Mrs. J. B. Pettigrew 3. Table centre, to be pen painted: Mrs. B. Osborne 1, Miss P. Malcolm 2, Miss F. Malcolm 3. Child’s embroidered frock: Mrs. H. Jensen 1, Miss D. Malcolm 2, Mrs. A. Dick 3. Embroidered camisole: Miss D. Malcolm 1, Miss D. Malcolm 2. Most useful article made 'from sugar bag: Mrs. A. Dick 1, Miss P. Malcolm 2, Miss J. E. Pettigrew 3. Special prize: Miss Reid. CHILDREN’S SECTION. Any article or garment made during the year. Writing. Under 9 years: Sam Lewis (Valley road), 1; Wesley Beard (Bluff road), 2; Zella Meads 3. Under 11 years: Owen Meads (Rewa), 1; Jean Waugh (Valley road), 2; Jessie Lewis (Valley road), 3. Under 13 years: Edna Harland (Bluff road), 1; Dorothy Pratt (Apiti), 2; Milletta Dov/hty , (Apiti), 3. Under 15 years: Willie Lisle 1, Mavis McMurtrie 2, Sylvia Nix 3. Drawing. Standard I and 11, rose leaf: Bernard Meads. Standard HI and IV., a spray of fuchsia: Willie Lisle 1, Aleen Schmidt 2, Nancy Hills 3. Standard V and VI, design, any plant; Dorothy Pratt 1, Sylvia Nix 2, Marion Hills 3. Map Drawing. Standard 111 and IV, no entries. Standard V and VI, Map of India: Howard Vlles 1, Milletta Doughty 2, Sylvia Nix 3. Children’s Cooking. Best plate of scones: Dorohty Pratt I, Jean Nix 2, Elsie Winnard 3. Best plate af jam tarts: Dorothy Pratt 1.

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Manawatu Times, 25 March 1926, Page 3

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Feilding and District Manawatu Times, 25 March 1926, Page 3

Feilding and District Manawatu Times, 25 March 1926, Page 3