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The Palmerston Bowling Clubs' grewns will be opens» oa October 1. Paragraph in the annual report of the Dannuvirke Bowling Club: "In connection with the recent t rmation of centres, onr club, at oir request nas been inclu ed in the Manawatu centre, with headquarters at Palmerston North Mr J A. Nash has kindly consented to act as our delegate."

Tfjis afternoon at 2.30 a matinee will be given at Fullers Pictures. Besides t e great Victor Hugo picture "Les Misers bles," a tine assortment of comedies will be shown.

Keen interest is being taken in the oatd or demonstration on diseases of t e cow to be given at Kairanga to-day, bv Mr Primmer. Government Veterinarian Several animals will be available for practical illastration. Tie procee ings will commence at »alfpast one, so that farmers can retnr i home early. Has a policeman authority to accept bail money? This q estion was the subject of a bone of contention at the Ci»ristchnrch Supreme Court Mr Flesher confceude tat there was no authority under t e Justices of the Peace Act for a policeman to accept bail money, but Mr T. W. Striugfir, KG , "sai t e police averred t'ey had ample ant ority. " s your house mortgaged?" asked Mr P iynton of a jn igrneut debtor at the Court yesterday. "I on't know" came the reply. "Surely y u don't expect me to telieve that," said Mr Poynton. T e debtor then stated that the wife attended to those matters. (Laughter). " Well all I can say," added Mr Poynton, ' is that she mnst be a very discreet woman." !

When a debtor was'called upon at t e Court yesterday e 8 owed great resentment and considered t e claim was an unjust one When an order was made against him to poy fort wifcti in default tire ays' imprisonment, he ask«d the Magistrate to send him t Puimerston gaol as ! e did not intend to pay the amount. Mr Poynton did not reply, A judgment debtor at the Court yesterday sai > he hid an in a racehorse whic ■ broug t him in £2OO in prize money during the past eighteen mouth?. Ho betted a little when he went to the meetings, but (Jid not risk mrre than £5 at a time on the machine. He made very little out of the ! orse au milke > a few cow?, which belonged to his wife pa ely for her benefit and .is family. T e horse was only worth £lO as it h*d broken down. The Magistrate said he was surprised thas a ma i shoal < wast a his time an i money on a losing viutnre in t is way

A special general meeting of members cf t e Manawutu A. and P. Association was held yestenay, fir the purpose of conhruipg alterations to rules allowing for the representation of t ! >e B rongu Council on the committee of t e Association f r just as loug as t'>'e rates payable by the Association to t r <e Borougo are remitted; also to allow that one of tfie vics-presi exits of the Association shall be the Mayor of the Borough. In moving the motion embodying the reposals, Mr W. F. Jacob said : "This will complete the marriage between ns and the Borough Council. Facilities are for a divorce in case we disagree," he adde , amid laughter. Tne motion wa3 carrie f with one or two dissentients. Mr Hugn Gillies was among tne rumbor, an i he made a request that his protest sboal i be recor ed on the minutes.

Eeferrirg to the appointment of Sir Joseph Ward as leader of the Opposition "Givis" in the Otaso D ily ; imes says :—" It is idleto N talk of the fief orm party, the Liberal party, ths Labour party, the Socialist party. There are two parties in this country, and two only—the party of revolution and the party of order. In contract wiih tlw Paynes and the Webbs, the Hickeys and the Semples, Minister MasseyistoOp positionist Ward an his own bloodbrother."' Civis did not nail Sir Joseph Ward as Mr Massey's 'blood-brother" just prior to la*t election !

Floral Foulards with dainty little designs in black and white striped backgrounds are becomingly effective and are showing at the Bon Marche in exclusive assortment at 1/11 yard. Also with light saxe, dark saxe, and reseda backgrounds and floral designs in black and tangerine, most unique effect and undoubtedly magnificent value at 1/11 yard. Complete display of all the newest materials all this week —C. M. Ross and Co., The Bon Marche.%* STEAK & KIDNEY PIE and Gd FRESH PUT OF TEA DUSTIN'S REFRESHMENT SHOP Opposite Railway Station, southern end.

A new evening newspaper, to be known as The Minor, is to be started in Melbourne. The nominal capital of the company is £200,000. The second enquiry into the Devon wreck was yesterday afternoon and tee Court reserve J its judgment.

At a meeting of the Homing Pigeon Society Mr Low presented a cup for a race from Auckland, and Mr ST. Hnnt, a gold meal for a race from Blenceim. Yesterday the Clnb hampered 00 pigeons for a fly from Paekakariki.

Thomas Cahill, whilst orus'-ing maize yesterday morning at Gieborne, was caught in the shafting, and had three lingers torn from his right hand. His arm wa» broken and his left leg severely injured

Opapa will in future be the name of tue railway statiou in Hawke> Bay, which has been tnwn so long as Te Ante. The change took effect yesterday.

Mr Moody, of South Australia, notines the Sydney Daily Telegraph that from the replies he has received to bis communication from the other btates, he thinks that there is every prospect of a first class team of bowlers being seeded for New Zealand

The applications for the position of secretary to the New Zealand Sports Protection Leasue, which were narrowed down to five by the executive of that body, were further considered on Monday. The five applicants were examined with a view to a final decision being come to this afternoon.—Post

Cr. Voss reported at the Borough Oooncil meeting last nigr.t that although Wood Street was closed for driving cattle yet cattle and sheep were being driven along this street every Thursday: also t?at droveia were allowing t ieir horses to ron loose in the vicinity of the yards on sale Hays, and property owners were complaining. It was decided to refer the Wood Street matter to the Borough Solicit r for his opinion

The A. and P. Association daci 'ed yesterdav cot t > adopt the proposal of Mr J. A. Nash to run au art union of a motor car in connection wit i the show, a resolution bv Mr J M Johnston, seconded by Mr r. R. Hod er. that the Association c nsider it most inadvisable to undertake any snch art union beine oarried.

At a meeting of the executive of the Manawatu Employers' Federation yesterday, Messrs C.F. Johnston an - P. J. Nathan were appointed delfgates to represent the Association at the annnal conference cf the N Z. Employers' Federation at Wellington shortly.

| The Minister of Justice, in reply jto the Boron h Council for extra police for Palmerston, repliei that Palmerston was as well staffed as any town in the Dominion, and until other localities where extra police were >eqaiie. were attended to no action cool ■ be taken. The Mayor suggested they should brinq t>»e matter under notice again at a later I date.

In the course of nig address at ! the S cial Democratic Party's meetj ing at Wellington, Mr E Tre«rear oealing with the Bill to amen* the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitiation Act, asserted that the individual liberty which had been formerly allowed in tie Act was now swept away, and t at the Bill, so tar fr m being an amendment of the Conciliati n an f Arbitration Act, was really a Bill for industrial repression. The alteration of the boundaries of electorates in connection with the last General Election resulte in the Porirua Hotel (occupies by Mr and Mrs St. Lege, now of Masterton), Aohauga Hotel (leased by Mr A. Crawford), and the Pahautanni Hotel being placed in a no license area, thus losing their licenses A compensation Bill to deal with such matters as these was introduced at the last sessioa of Parliament, but was r.roppei. It has been decided by the ex-licensees rnpotiuned, says the Waimrapa Daily Times to petition Parliament for c mpsnsaticn an! the services of Mr G H. Oullen, solicitor, f Ma=terton. have been retained in support of the petition..

Lowers of oil paintings should not fail to at! end the auction sa T e of thirtyfive valuable oil painring< from the brush of \. W Kirkwood, whict» is to conducted hy Moansev and Co in the premines adjoining the Evening Standard on Saturday, the 20th, at 230 p.m. As Mr Kirkwood U leaving for Sydney shortl , this will he the lastonportunity patrons will have of obtaining any of hi-- work-and would do w.±ll to make t-eir pun'h'ise at this sale Pictures a', present are on view at Hancock's, the Square—Advt.

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Bibliographic details

Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 2027, 17 September 1913, Page 4

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Untitled Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 2027, 17 September 1913, Page 4

Untitled Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 2027, 17 September 1913, Page 4