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In another column we are taken to task by a Feilding resident for, allegedly, throwing cold water on the forthcoming Industrial Exhibition to be held at that place. Our correspondent seems to be laboring under an hallucination. The heading of the article in question—" Feilding's Little Flutter," may have been a little racy, and such as to hurt the feelings of hypersensitive persons alert to take offence, but when we said, " Everybody will be glad to see the Feilding venture as great a success as the pluck of its promotors entitles it to be," and when we intimated that " as soon as Palmerston people got to know about the details they would do their share towards making things hum," we were evidently speaking in no spirit of carping criticism. We are a newcomer and do not enter into the petty parochial spirit that would disunite Palmerston and Feilding. We figure out the aims, objects, aspirations, and destinies of both places as identical, though the day may arrive that, as the result of the expansion of both, Feilding may become a suburb of Palmerston, or Palmerston of Feilding, Who knows ?

The Friendly Societies' Executive will meet this evening. The local schools open to-day, after ihe Christmas vacation. Classes in connection with the Technical School wil J resume to-day. The mile bicycle race &t Jhe Caledonian Championship meeting at WangAiim was won by W. Clarkson from scratch on a'■ Eudgc-Whitworth bicycle. On Saturday Messrs Jno. Mowlem and R. Edwards, J's.P., convicted Chas.' Calvert, alias C. Halbert, of having stolen a pair of boots valued at 18 6d. A line of 10s w.a,;> inflicted, or in default imprisonment for three mouths. A prohibition order was made at the same time against J. T. Mclvenzic. A sad talc of domestic infelicity, due to the .drinking and gambling habits of the husband, was -unfolded at the Wanganui Magistrates Court on Wednesday ; morning by a woman, who applied for a j separation and maintenance order. She ' stated that she had been married £6 years but her married life had never been a happy one. Her husband frequently came homo drunk, and spent most of his earnings away from home, either gambling or drinking. He had on several occasions threatened to take her life, and once one of her sons had to come to her rescue. Her husband attempted to cut his own throat about three years ago, and since then she was frightened to live with him. The Magistrate made an order for separation, for the payment by the husband of £2 per week, and costs of the Couri a-eiion, and gave the custody of the two ypungesji children (the others being old enough to work) to the complainant,

A sacred concert was given in the Theatre Royal last evening by the members of tho combined Majeroni and Rangiuia companies. A large audience was present and the programme of instrumental, vocal and clccutionary submitted was greatly i/ppreciatcd. The good rains which have fallen from Saturday to the time of going to press will be appreciated throughout the district especially by those sheepfarmers who have any area under rape and turnips. Haymaking opcratinns may lie retarded in some cases, but generally the benciit to the agricultural community has been great. One of the largest pri/.etakers at tlie recent show of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association "has'donated his prize money, after deducting his expenses, as a nucleus for a fund for the reduction of a mortgage on the association's grounds in the nope that others will follow his example. If there is any missionary enterprise lying around loose, as the" Americans say, Taihape (and not China) presents a Held for its exercise. The inhabitants of that way-back locality habitually hold horse race meetings, and cricket and football matches in season on Sundays, and at a recent " grass-fed hack " function held on the Sabbath about five hundred men, women and children were present. Owing to one of the front bogie wheels on the engine becoming defective, the I mail train for the north on Saturday, was delayed for about two hours near Fordell. As it was thought the breakdown was rather a serious one, a special train was despatched from "Wanganui to convey the passengers and mails north, but before it arrived on the scene the defective wheel had been repaired, and the train was able to continue its journey. The late train from Wanganui to Palmerston, however, was delayed for some time, ancl did not reach here until 10.40 p.m. To-morrow evening the music-loving people of Palmerston, as well as those who can enjoy a good entertainment, will have an opportunity of attending a first-class concert, and in doing so support a local musician worthy of their appreciation. Mr Wesley Woolhouse, the musician in question, will be supported by the best local talent, as well as by Miss I. Oliver, of Feilding, whose singing is expected to be a feature of the concert. The other vocalist, Mr McKinnon, is known as a artist of considerable ability. The programme, which includes two selections by the Orchestral Society, is certainly an attractive one. Store pigs have never been so short in this district as they are at present, and there is no prospect of any improvement in the immediate future. Farmers would do well to consider the question of extended operations in this direction as the outlook for pork products is very favourable, and there is no indication that any fall in prices is likely to take place. Farmers have the greatest difficulty at the present time in securing any description of stores to replace the fats which are in great demand at big prices for right descriptions. The members of the Palmerston Fire Brigade are jovial souls and apparently successful students of human nature, that is if the statement of Councillor Haydon is to be taken seriously. He told them at the opening of the Terrace End Station on Friday evening that the reason they were so successful in always getting on the right side of the ■ Council in regard to matters of finance was that they generally accompanied their request with a banquet. They invited the Council to dine with them, and then fired requisitions for assistance at them! The Maori opera " Tapu," written by Mr Arthur H. Adams and composed by Mr Alfred Hill, is now in active rehearsal by the Pollard Opera Company, who will open their Wellington season with this production. Mr Hill is now in Dunedin supervising the rehearsals, and will probably conduct at the opening performance. The threshing-mill owners in the Christchurch district have agreed on an increased scale of wages for their mill hands, the principal items being :—Per 100 bushels, 12s 6d per man ; hour work, Is 2d per hour per man; all threshing from the stook, 3d per bushel. A difference was made between threshing on light and heavy land, but the price ol threshing from the stook remained unaltered. Farmers in the district have received the new scale with mixed feelings, and there is some tails: among a small minority, of introducing other machines. Cyclists competing at the Caledonian meeting at Wanganui had rather an exciting time. The track was unbanked and a grass one. This with warm weather made the going fast and dangerous. In one of the events Barrow, an employe of Mr J. B. Clarkson, of Palmerston, had a very nasty spill. A competitor in front of him came to grief, and Barrow collided with the wreck. The result was that he was thrown in the air and landed on his head. Fortunately the result was not so serious as the nature of the fall would indicate. Beyond receiving a nasty scalr. wound and being insensible for an hour Barrow came through tho accident without serious injury. Messrs Macdonald, Wilson and Co., Auctioneers, Wellington, insert in our advertising columns a lengthy advertisement to the effect that they will hold an important sale at the Camp, Lower Hutt, near Wellington, on Thursday, 12th February. Sixty Clydesdale mares and geldings, the Clydesdale stallion " Federation," 22 tip drays, traction road engine with crane attachment, by Aveling and Porter, also a large quantity of shaft and leading harness, horse covers, and sundries. The sale is to be held on account of Mr J. T. Jones, the contractor for the Hutt river embankment, who has finished his contract and has no further use for the horses and plant. The sale is one of the most important of its kind that has ever been held in tbe North Island and the horses are described as a grand lot. The Liberals of Taranaki intend to celebrate the success of the four candidates of the party at the late election in a rather unique manner. The demonstrotion on February 13th, will take the form of a drive to Waitara during the day and a banquet in the evening at New Plymouth. A handsome souvenir card is to be printed for the occasion, to contain the portraits of tho Premier and Messrs Smith, Symes, Jennings and Major, the successful members, the toast list of the banquet to be on the back. As the Kaipara train was passing through the Mount Roskill district, on the way to town, shortly after three o'clock last Wednesday afternoon, the engine-driver discovered a huge stone on the line some 50yds on the Mount Eden side of the Mount Roskill bridge. The train was slowed up, and the obstruction removed. The stone, which weighed upwards of 901bs, had been removed from a wall close by and wedged in between tho railings placed across the line at various points to prevent stray cattle and horses wandering on to the lines, and usually spoken of as " cowcatchers," Had the engine-driver not noticed the obstruction, serious damage might have resulted, as the position in which the stone was placed was such that it would have been impossible for it to have been thrown off the line by the engine. It is supposed to have been the work of boys, who evidently did not recognise the seriousness of the offence and the danger caused by their foolish prank. List Friday 150 purebred rams were shipped from Canterbury to brti.ders in this island, Tbey include 44 Southdowns from the flock of Mr J Deans of Riccarton; 90 English Leicesters and Border Leicesters from the flock of Mr Donald Grant, Temuka; 20 English Ltceistors from Mr A, P. Sutton, Amberley; also Soutbdowns from W A. IjTixon and W. Baiiley. A particularly sad accident happened yesterday morning. A. little boy named Fred Ttueman, five years of age, received a very nasty kick full on the base of the skull from a horse. He was immediately removed to the Hospital where he now lies in a very critical condition. The child's parents live in Grey Street. The horse sale on Saturday was marned by a limited entry and poor competition. A number of lines were quitted at more or less satisfactory priceß and a good many were passed in. Buyers generally are no doujbt waiting for next Saturday's sale when fully two hundred good sorts are to be p'fjfered. The extensive alterations which hava been in progress for soma time past to tLe interior of St Andrews' Presbyterion Church, in order to perfect the acoustic properties, nape now been completed, only the painting now requiring to be done. The undertaking has been of a somewhat extensive character, costing close on £300. In view of this fact it is gratifying to know that tho work has been ent:.ely successful, the acoustic properties of tho building being now practically perfect. WADE'S WORM FlGS—the won derful worm worriers—are always effec. Ipe. is bosea p d everywhere;

The telegraph authorities last night received notice of a blockage on the English cable lines. It is pleas'mg to note that Veterinary Captain l'oung, M.R.C.V.S., has decided at the request of a number of influential settlers, to continue to practice his profession in this district for the present. The Ashburton A. and P. Association, a live organisation which regards show promotion as only a detail of its iunetione, is promoting a hirvest festival, and is seeking the Christchurch Association's assistance in the matter. It is seldom now-a-days that one hears of " knocking down a chequa." At the inquest on John Gormley, of Napier, a day or two ago, it was deposed that deceased had gone through £S6 in three weeks. Another imported veterinary suigeon has left the service o. tbe Government for more remunerative employment. At a meeting of tbe Ashburton A. and P. Association last werk it was deeded to secure the services of Mr Reid, M.R.C.V.S , as veterinary surgeon for the county. It is undeMio.d (-ayß the Chiistchurch Press) that the extra amount required to sccuro his seryic s will be forthcoming, tnaki g a guarantee of £400. Tho above suggests the question—Can tho meat inspection scheme of the Gov. rnmeht be efficiently carried out, with an increasing number cf abattoirs and meat-freezing works, and a decreasing nurnbar of properly qualified men to inspect the meat ? or is it 1-ks the present dairy inspection to resu'fc in a farce? At the Congregational Church yesterday a special memorial service for the late Mr A. Buchan was held. There I was a crowded congregation and tna»>y representatives cf tho local Friendly Societies were prosent, among whom were Bros. Griggs (Chairman cf the Friendly Societies' executive), Watson aod _ Eyre (Oddfellows*, Ho.brock (Druids), aod Aitehison (Foresters). Special hymns were sung, and tho Rev. Mr Baker preached an eloquent aud impressive sermon emphasising the good U3e to which their late brother had devoted his talents, to the glory of God, and for the benefit of his fellow men. Consielerable surprise has been expressed by dairymen and others that, apparently, no steps were taken by the Agricultural Department to have the Colony represented in the big colonial butter competition included in tlie programme of tlie recent Islington Show, London. It now appears, according to a Home corresponelent, that the advisabiliiy of having; the Colony represented at the show was suggested to the Department by the London Produce Commissioner, but that the Department considered that the butter shown would have had to be made curing the winter months. This, in the opitiion of admitted authorities, is, practically, no reason at all. It is certainly peculiar, in view of the manner in which Australian exhibits swept the hoard with butter which is admittedly inferior to that of this country. A few questions you should require answering when you purchase your new cycle.—ls it British made ? Is it fully gaaranteed 1 Have the manufacturers of it a good reputation for cycle building ? How long have they been making bicycles ? Is it as light as is consistent wi.h strength ? Is ie thoroughly up-to-date ? Do I get any advantage for cash payment? Can I have it on easy payments if I choose? For your answers consult J. B. Clarkson, RudgeWhitworth agency, Coleman Piace (next firebeli), and Manchester-street, Feild'ing—Advt.

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Manawatu Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7632, 26 January 1903, Page 2

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FEILDING V. PALMERSTON. Manawatu Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7632, 26 January 1903, Page 2

FEILDING V. PALMERSTON. Manawatu Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7632, 26 January 1903, Page 2