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DOMINION AND OVERSEAS. The following radio' programmes will be beard ili i* evening anil to-morrow morning from l lie Dominion National. Australian, Umpire and Kuropcnii stations (all schedules are Now Zealand time): IYA ?\U(_'KUAND (461 metres; 650 kilocycles).— 5 0: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner music. 8.0: Studio Orchestra, “Man hall all *IMi a j >sod yd’ 8.9: ('el cs t e Quartet (vocal), “Queen Mary’s Song,” “Hungarian Dance No. 5,” “The .llordcr Tkillad,” “Lite's Lullaby.” 8.21: Studio Orchestra, “Robin Hood.” 8.29: Kva Simson (sopra no), “'I lie Did mi ry,’’ “.Fold Your Wings,” “Undivided, ** “Glamorous Night.” 8.41: Studio Orchcislra, “Down Rio Wav.” 8.45: Malcolm MeJCachcn' (Ivkss), “1 Ain Chn-Chin-( •how,” “Olivo Oil.” “Behold.’’ 8.53: Studio Orchestra, “La Dau/.a.” 9.0: Weather. 9.5: Andre Kostclanotz (iirslrumeiiial and vocal), “Re ; venge W ith Music.” 9.13: Acciordionocrn (accordion duo), “La Spagnola,” “Rosalie.” 9.19: Kenny Baker (light vocal), “.Just Let iVIe Look At You.” “Love Walked In.” 9.25: Carroll Gibbons and Associated t Artists (variety sketch), “Carroll Gibbons’s ! Birthday Parly.” 9.33: Will Kalinka (vibraphone), “Under the Starry Sky.” 9.36: Renee Houston and Pat Aherno (musical sketches), “True- To Me,” “I i I.)<».” 9.42: Accordioueers, “Liebesfrcud.” |‘‘Music. Maestro Please.” 9.48: Comedy I I larrnonists. “Whistle While You Work,”

“The Don key V Serenade.” 9.54: Carroll Gibbons and I Joy Friends, “Caret rce.” 10.10: Dance music. IYX AUCKLAND (340.7 metres; 880 kilocycles).—s.o: Selected nuusical programme. 6.0: Close. 7.0: Alter-diimer programme. 2Y A WELLINGTON (526.0 metres; 570 kilocycles).—s.o : Children's session. 6.0: Dinner music. 8.0: “Coronets of England, the Life of Queen Elizabeth,” a serial. 8.29: New Mayfair Orchestra, “Gilbert and Sullivan.” 8.37: Evelyn McGregor and Walter Preston (vocal duct). “My Heart Stood Still.” “Give Me One Hour.” 8.43: Lukcwela’s Royal llawaiians,

“Hawaiian Hospitality,” “To You Sweetheart Aloha.” “South Sea Island Magic.’ 8.50: Hill Top Harmonise)-*, “Thompson’s Old Gray Mule,” “Giles Scroggins's Ghost,” “Reaver Greek.” 8.54: Orchestra, “King Revel.” 9.0: Weather. 9.5: Oldtime dance programme. 2YC W ELLINGTON (356.9 metres; 840 kilocycles).—s.o: Light music. 6.0: C 10.-o. 7.G : After-dinner music. 3.0: Light classics. 8.15: Early English music. 9.0: Music and humour. 10.0: More inu*ic and mirth. 3YA CHRISTCHURCH (416.4 metres; 720 kilocycle*).—s.o: Children’s session. 6.6: Dinner music. 8.0: “Homestead on the Rise.” a serial. 8.15: ‘‘One Good Deed a Day,” a comedy serial. 8.2/: Quentin M. .Maclean (organ), “A Garland of Roses.” 8.35: “Coronets of England, the Life of Charles 11. the Merry Monarch,” a serial. 9.0: Weather. 9.5: 3YA Orchestra, “ r I lie Rohemian Girl.” 9.12 : Light Opera. Company. “The Quaker Girl. 9.21: Orchestra. “Hide and Seek.” 9.30: Cecil Johnson. “Good Health, ’ “A Running Commentary on a r ilm Premiere. 9.37: Winnie Melville and Derek Oldham (vocal duct*), “Trot Here and There.” “The Swing Song.” 9.44 : Orchestra, “Pizza cat o Polka,” “Dance of the Icicles.” 9.52: Jack Buchanan and Elsie Randolph. “Mr Whittington.” 10.10: Dance music.

3YL CHRISTCHURCH (250 metros; 1200 kilocycles).—s.o : Selected recordings. 6.0: Close. 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: Alternative concert programme. 4YA DUNI'.DIN (379.5 metres:' 79C kilocycles).—s.o: Children's session. 6.0: Dinner music. 8.0: 4YA Orchestra. “The Country Girl." 8.10: A. J. 11. Jeavons (baritone), “A Group of Negro Spirituals. 8 23: Orchestra, “Snsehirika.” 8.37: Olga Halev (soprano). “So We'll Go No More a-Roving.” “Annie Laurie.” “At Night. 8 48: Orchestra. “When I’m Looking At you.” “Falling Leaves.” “The Song of Freedom.” 9.0: Weather. 9.5: Dance mimic.

4Y(i DUN FI) IX (272 metres; 1140 kilo cycles).—6.o : .Selectoil recordings. 6.0: Close. 7.0: After-dinner music. * 8.0: Alternative conceit programme.


2FC SYDNEY (492 metres: 610 kilo cycles).— News. 9.5: Music llall Memories. 9.40: “I he Daughter of Dragon,” a musical romance. 10.4 C: Bi ts bane Concert Orchestra; Artur Schnabel (piano); music; arid news 2BL SYDNEY (405 metres: 740 kilocycles).—7.3o: Dinner music. 9.30: “AfterDinner Show.” 10.0: “Radio Roundsman” : music; Jim Davideon s Dance Band; and news.

AUSTRALIAN RELAY, MELBOURNE. YLP.3 (25.25 m., 11.88 m.c.) 4 -8 a.m.11.45 p.m. ■ 1.30 p.m.-7.30 p.m. YI.R (3i.34m., 9.58 m.e.).—7.45 p.m.7.45 p.m.: Dinner music. 8.15: Sporting. 8.45: Nows. 9.15: Spoiling. 10.0: “Mr Walker Wants to Know”; a musical comedy; music : news; spurting; and Jim Davidson's Dance Band. THE EMPIRE STATION.

4.30 p.m.: Big Ben: “Cards on ilio Table.” 4.45: 8.8. C. Military Band. 5.30: Rex al llorse Show, Richmond, a commentary. 6.0: News. 6.15: “London Log.” 6.30: instrumental variety. 6.45: Slock exchange report, dairy produce, and sports new s.


TP A 3 (25.24 m., 11.88 m.e.); T.PA4 (25.6 m.. 11.71 m.e.).—11.30 a.m. : Records. 12 30 p.m.: News in French. 1.35: Records. 1.45: Close. 2.0: (dill'erent aerial direction): Play or relay. 3.30: News in English. 3.40: Records; talk in English. 4.30: ('lose. TP.A3 (25.24 m.. 11.83 m.e.); TPIUI (31.41 m., 4.55 m.e.).—6.30 p.m. : News m French. 7.0: Records. 8.45: News in English. 9.5: Records. 9.30: Close. 3.45 a.m. : Reopen. 7.30 a.m.: News in English. 10.30: Close.


4.35 p.m. : Call (German, English). German folk song. 4.50: Light, music. 5.30: News in German. 6.50: Greetings. 7.0: News in English. 7.15: To-day in Germany. 7.30: Market report. 7.45: Music. 9.0:' Variety. 9.30: News in German. 9.45: Dance music. ll.C: Light music. 12.0: News in English.


930 p.m.-7.26 a.m.; 10.30-11.55 a.m 12RO 25.4 m.. 11.8 m.e.

7.30 a.m.-10.25 a.m.; 12.0-1.30 p.m 12RO 31.13 m.. 9.6 m.e.

4.40 a.m.; 10.30 a.m.-1.30 p.m IRE 30.52 m., 9.8 m.e.

9.30 p.m.—Symphony concert or opera. 10.30: News ill English and concert. Midnight: Chamber music. 3.30 a.m.: News in English, followed at intervals with other languages. 7.30 a.m. : Relays from Italian home stations. 9.45: News in English.


IYA AUCKLAND (461 metres; 650 kilocycles).—9.s: Records. 11.0: From Mount Eden Baptist Chufoli ; preacher, Rev. Dr. J. ,1. North. 12.15: Records. 1.0: Dinner music. 4.30: Close. 6.0: Children's 'one service. 7.C: Iron St. .laini's's I’reslivlerian Church; preacher, Rev. R. !•’. Fish. 8.15: Records. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, “Übcron.

8.40: Gwenda Weir (soprano),. “Love m Spring,” “Sleep Sung,” “I he L ull-Orbcd Moon,” “Cradle Song.” 8.52: London Philharmonic Orchestra, “I'estino.” 9.0: Weather. 9.5: Nancy Vaughan (piano), “Little Polly Flinders,” “Ballade in G Minor,” “Nocturne in I! Major,” “Pierrette.” 9.17: Gerhard lluseli (baritone) and Margaret Kilpinen (piano), “Two Songs of Death,” “Three Songs of Love.’ 9.26: Jerques Thihnud (violin), Palko Casals (Velio) and orchestra, “Double Concerto in A Minor. On. 102. 2YA WK1.1.1 N'G'l ON' (620.0 moires; 57G kilocycles).— 9.0: Records. 11.0: From St. Peter's Anglican Church, \\ iliis Street : preacher. Veil. Archdeacon .Bullock. 12.15: Records. 1.0: Dinner music. 4.30: Close. 6.0: Children’s song service. 7.0: From Wesley Methodist Church, Taranaki Street; preacher, Rev. Percy Paris. 8.15: Records. 3.30: B. 13. C. Symphony Orchestra, “La Scale Di Sola. 8.33: Charles Kulhnan (tenor), ’“Prize Song,” “Lohengrin’s Narration.” 8.46: Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York. “Siegfried Idyll.” 9.0: Weather. 9.5-10.0: “Music from Iho Theatre.” 2YU WELLINGTON (356.9 metres; 840 kilocycles).—6.o: Records. 8.30: J: ireside entertainment.

3YA CHRISTCHURCH (416.4 metres; 720 kilocycles).—9 0 : Records. 11.0: From Knox Pro-byterian Church; picaclier, Rev. T. W. Armour. 12.15: Records. 1-0: Dinner music. 4.30: Close. 5.30: Lhildron's song service. 6.15 : Records. 7.0: From Christ's College. Chapel (Anglican); preacher, Rev. (). W . W illia’ms, 8.15: Records. 8.30: Boston Promenade Orchestra, “Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ 8.42: Jean Scott (soprano). 8.53: Philadelphia Orchestra, “Hungarian ‘Rhapsody No. 2.” 9.0: Weather. 9.5: Ashburton Silver Band. “Harlequin,”' “The Bells of St. .Mary's.” 9.14: Peter Dawson (liassharilone). “0 Sing to Me an Irish Song.” “Auld Songs o’ Jlame. " 9.22: 'Band, “Flying Dutchman.” 9.36: Turner Layton (tenor), “My Piano and Me." 9.42: Band, “The Blackpool Walk.” 9.45: Peter Dawson. “Rudvnrd Kipling’s Bar-rack-room Ballads.” 9.53: Band, “Plain anti Gwarry,” “The Cossacks.”

4YA DUN FLUX (379.5 metres; 790 kilocycles).—9.o: Records. 11.0: From St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral: preacher, the Dean. 12.15: Records. 1.0: Dinner music. 4.30 Close. 5.30: Children's song service. 6.15: Records. 6.30 : Front Knox Presbyterian Church: preacher, Rev. J. F. Permian. 7.45: Records. 8.15: Professor V. F. Galway (organ). 8.45: Miss Dorothy Davies (piano). “A programme of Brahms Oft. 116.” 9.0: WValltcr. 9.510.25: “Victoriana.” it dramatic mosaic.


VLB3 (25.25 m.. 11.83 m.e.).—B a.m. 11.45 p.m. ; 1.30 p.m. VLU (3i.34iii., 9.53 in.c.). —7.45 p.m. 1

8.0 p.m.: “Adventure in Music.” 8.30: Talk. 8.45: .Music. 8.50: News. 9.0: Talk, Professor W. J. Dakin. 9.30: Music. 10.15: “Palm-day Afternoon.” a. play; talk, music, and news. THE EMPIRE STATION. 4.30 p.m.: Big Ben; Aldershot searchlight tattoo. 5.0: Sports talk. 5.10: Religions service (Church of England), from Ringmer Parish Church, Sussex. 5.55: Sunday news, weekly newsletter. 6.15: “Kings in Chains.” a feature programme. 6.45: Saturday sport. PARIS-MONDIAL, FRANCE. TP A 3 (25.24 m., 11.88 m.e.); TPA4 (25.6 m.. 11.71 m.e.).—11.30 a.m. : Records. 12.30 pm.: News in French. 1.35: Records. 1.45: Close. 2.0 (dill'erent aerial direction): Play or relay. 3.30: News in English. 3.40: Records; talk in English. 4.30: Close.

TP A 3 (25.24 m.. 11.88 m.e.); TPBl 1 (31.41 m., 4.55 m.e.). —6.30 p.m. : News in French. 7.0: Records. 8.45: News in English. 9.5: Records. 9.30: Close. 3.45 a.m.: Reopen. 7.30 a.m. : News in English. 10.30: Close. GERMAN STATION, BERLIN, 4.35 p.m.: Call (German, English). German folk song. 4.50: Light music. 5.30: News in German. 6.20: Greetings to friends in New Zealand. 6.30: News in English. 6.45: To-day in Germany. 7.15: German Studv Club. 7.30: Music. 7.45: Round About Germany. 9.30: News in German. 9.45: Symphony concert. 11.0: Light music. 12.0: News in English.


9.30 p.m. —Symphony concert or opera. 10.30: News in English and concert. Midnight: Chamber music. 3.30 a.m.: News in English, followed at intervals with other languages. 7.30 a.m. : Relays from Italian home stations. 9.45: News in English.

<;si 19.66m., 15.26 m.c. (ISO 10.76m., 15.18 in.c. (IKK 19.82m., 15.14 m.c. (IS 1) 25.53m., 11.75 m.c. csn 31.55m.. 9.51 m.c.

|U.\ 31.45m., 9.540 k.c. I,.Ill l!).74rn., 15.200 k.e. TI.IQ ....... J9.63m., 15.280 k.c. ij.j i-; . .. 16.89m.. 17.760 k.c. i >.i 11 16.81m., 17 in.c. DJS , 13.99m., 21.450 k.c.

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Bibliographic details

Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 162, 10 June 1939, Page 3

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RADIO PROGRAMMES Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 162, 10 June 1939, Page 3

RADIO PROGRAMMES Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 162, 10 June 1939, Page 3