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ON NEW ZEALAND CURRENCY BASIS. The Bank of New South Wales, Wellington, quoted the following rates for their purchases and sales of foreign exchange yesterday : New Zeuland Buying. belliug. on

Shanghai — N ijl l do| C lar .. T.T. 17 5-32 18 17-32 O.D. 16 31-32 18 33-64 T.T. represents telegraphic transfers. O.D. represents on demand transactions. The abovo rates are subject to alteration without notice. The Associated Banks (other than the Bank of New South Wales) quoted the following dollar rates yesterday oil a New Zealand currency basis. I hey are subject to alteration without notice. U.S.A. Canada. (per (per illlN.Z.) SIiN.Z.) Kellitnr— dols. dols. O.D. 4.02 g 4.03 j Buy O.S” 4.05 a 4.08 POSITION OP STERLING. LONDON, Jinn 9. The following mean closing rates on foreign exchanges were current to-day

tSellera, official. ‘Sellers. ♦Par, 8.23 31-32 since doliar devaluation on February 1, 1834.

London — £N.Z. to £ st-. 100 ... T.T. O.D. 124 123/10/0 124/10/0 124/8/9 Australia — £A to £N'.Z. 100 T.T. 101 100/10/0 O.D. 101 100/10/0 Fiji— £F. to £N.Z 100 T.T. 90/7/6 89 New York — Dollar to £1 N.Z. O.D. T.T. O.D. 90/7/6 4.05j 4.O64 89 4.01| 4.022 Montreal — Dollar to £1 N Z T.T. 4.O65 4.03 O.D. 4.072 4.03i France — Francs to £1 . T.T 60.92 O.D — 60.96 Houg-Kcug — N.Z. pence to 1 dollar . T.T O.D 18 15-32 132 19 31-32 19 15-16 Japan — N.Z. pence to 1 yen .... . T.T O.D - 17 21-32 17 41-64

THE MANAWATU EVENING STANDAR] MARTIN CONCRETE MIXERS FARMING AND COMMERCIAL DAIRY PRODUCE. spVih MARKETS QUIET. Witli Motor — Hi WjjfSSrTni or cn^nc * THE STOCK MARKET’S. pork section were considerably higher :han thofie realised the previous week, W. Weddcl and Co. Ltd. report dated London, June 9:—Both markets quiet. Butter: Danish, 120s. New Zeaali j mljMMX per day. Works off III u Heating ADDINGTON SALE. Per Press Association. and other lines remained at par. Prices ranged as follow:—Pigs.—.Store, 20s to 25s 6d; light pork, 26s to 30s; medium, 21s to 35s; heavy, 35s to £2- chopoers, 30s to £2 10s. Sheep: Fat lambs, 19s to 20s; prime do, 23s to 23s 6d; nrime fat ewes, 20s 6d to 21s 6d. Cattle: Fat cows, £3 5s to £4; heavy, £4 :o £4 15s; prime extra heavy, £5 10s ;o £6 2s 6cl; vealers, light, 37s 6d to £3 10s; runners, £3 15s to £4 5s; store cows, 29s, 35s to £2 7s 6d; bulls, land finest, 112s. Kangaroo finest, 110s. ] Cheese: Now Zealand white, 60s 6d; coloured, 60s. c . The New Zealand Producers’ Co- j A i. or Light Point. « Phono 5099. F. MARTIN y L'liiviuiuriuiivii, 0 uiiv iv. 1 Prices were well maintained in most classes of stock at the Addington market to-day. Store sheep.—A smaller yarding and improved values for forward wethers and ewes, the former selling to 24s operative Marketing Association’s weekly cabled market report from London, dated June 9, is as follows;.— a Butter market quiet. New Zealand, r 112s. Danish, 120s. Cheese market ( quiet. New Zealand, white and colENGINEER AND IRON EOUNUliK. / ( 1; sound-mouthed ewes to 24s 6d; oured, 61s 6d to 62s. ] — f.m. to 19s; ewe Iambs to 25s 9d. mbs met with a keen sale, with £3 12s Od to £5. Dairy stock: Springing heifers, £5, £6 10s, £7 2s 6(1; springing cows, £3 los to £5 5s. PAHIATUA SALE. 1 Fat la n IT PAYS YOU TO FEED YOUR HENS ON prices up to -}d above schedule rates. Fat sheep.—A big entry of 5000 head. Big wethers were slightly easier, but export ewes were firmer, other RISE IN PRICE. v _ l “NO UNTOWARD REASON.” B. & A. M T Tf \ IT sorts being unchanged. Best wethers, 27s to 35s; good, 24s 9d to 27s 6cl; medium, 22s to 23s 6d; best ewes, 22s 6d to 27s- good, 20s to 22s; export, 14s to 16s 6d. There was a small va.rding at the weekly Pahiatua sale, there being a small attendance of buyers. Quotations: B.f. lambs, 18s; small b.f. lambs, 18s 9d. AUCKLAND, June 10. It was explained in Auckland to-day ;hat the rise in the price of butter to 112s was due to no untoward reason. Fat cattle.—450 were penned, with rt was easily explicable. Supplies were ALREADY EGG MASH little change in the market. Best steers made £10 to £13; good mediumweight, £8 10s to £9 15s; ordinary, £6 MARTON SALE. The N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op. Distributing Co., Ltd., report a yarding of 5li0 sheep, 50 cattle and a few.pigs at Lliur sale held at Marton on Tuesday, tdieep sold on a par with late sales. The ea - de section comprised mostly store cows, with a few dairy cows and heifers. lot so readily available from New Zealand factories. The dairying season was nearing its close, while stocks of (With Buttermilk) to £7 10s; best heifers, £7 to to £9 5s; Australian and New Zealand butter !A Correctly Balanced Egg- Producing Food already for use. BARRAUD AND ABRAHAM, good, £5 10s to £6 15s; best cows, £6 10s to £9; good, £5 to £6 5s Fat pigs.—No change in values. Baconers, 48s C l to £4; average price per lb, 5d to .37 cl; porkers, 28s to £2 were short also in London. Factories were unwilling to soli on ;he f.o.b. basis because of the rise in irices. They were still shipping, lint on consignment rather than f.o.b. The LTD.. Is 6c ; average price per lb, 5s to otcr; July and August shipments had been MANUFACTURERS. choppers 60s to £4. section and competition was inclined to drag. We quote: Fat wethers, i’os 6d to 26s; fat owes, 17s 9d to 20s 3d; fat lambs, 17s 8d to 19s 6d; good medium irranged at Is 2d per lb f.o.b., which equalled approximately 113s a. ewt. As an indication of the quantity in [jondon, the amount as at June 5 of JOHN SON V1LLE VALUES. % At w.f.w lambs, 16s; m.a. ewes in lamb. this year and last year were com- jlared. As shown in the latest report if the Dairy Produce Board, stocks of New Zealand butter in store in Lon- p i J. P. HASH terday Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., offered a small yarding of bull18s 6d, 18s 7d to 19s; prime fat cows, dairy, £4 Is to £4 10s; lighter sorts, £2 los to £3 2s 6d; store cows, 20s, 25s to £2 6d; dairy cow, with calf at foot, £6: springing heifer, £4 10s; weauer pigs, 7s 6d; forward stoi cs,. 16s. STORTFORD LODGE VALUES. ! JEWELLER I BROADWAY AND 1 COLEMAN PLACE ocks, a large yarding of station cows and heifers, and an average yarding of cows ex dairy and of runners and vealers. The cattle comprised chiefly tons, compared with 6824 tons last year. Australian in store at present was 5834 tons, against 8146 tons last year at this time. Taking totals, the I The Quality Gift Houses. a few pens of heavier sorts. The heifers penned were of good quality, while the Per Press Association. comparison was 10,233 tons in store at present, compared with 14,970 tons this See our Select Ranqe of HASTINGS, June 10. time last year. Butter Inis not been so highly priced for some months. It climbed into the hundreds in September, 1935, when the | E xquisite New Ladies’ | CHROME prime cattle met with a good sale at la.te rates. Light and unfinished station The fat cattle yarded at the Stortford Lodge sale to-day showed a big improvement in quality on late sales. Toilet Sets from 10s per head, while cows ex dairy showed no alteration. Only good quality runners and vealers met with any deValues loi quality lines showed little change, prime ox beef making about 25i? per 1001b. A draft of 30 heavy bullocks averaged £10 17s 3d; unfiniehprice was Ills. 1 lie next month it rose to P20s, but fell to 102s in November. Since then the price has been much below the present figure, but in I Fashion’s 4% 1 1 Latest! K 1 1 / _ ing hard to quit. Heavyweight wethers ed sorts ranged from £8 to £9 10s; heavy cows made to £7 10s; medium, recent weeks has sltown a markedly stronger tendency. All the V 1 £6 to £6 15s; other killable sorts were Craze! / weights were not wanted. A small pen chiefly inferior and found demand". An outstanding entry of 15 unweaned extra prime heifers made to £7 10s. Only a small yarding of store or prime two-tootlis met with spirited c'omnetition. with nrices firmer to the FARMING NEWS. of Is per head on last week s x-tra prime heavy ewes sold well — cattle was offered, consisting chiefly of RURAL ltAKINGS. • on previous quotations, medium and heavy were firm, while light and plain good station eighteen-month steeis and _ heifers, selling equal to last neck s values; good 3-yea.r steers £8. It is estimated bv an authority that the annual loss to New Zealand farmwere of indifferent quality, A very small yarding of stole sheep ers through the piri piri weed is ■atwith nnlv a few liens of heavyweights. was offered, with values remaining unleast £250,000. mbs met with a ready sale at changed. Fat sheep fouii(l_ a steady Mnay farmers have been heard to showintr no alteration, while market. Good ewes made 21s to 23s; sav that the cows will not eat hay jiiiffjjj' rti ip Ji light and unfinished lambs were hard to sell even at reduced prices. medium, 18s Gd to 20s; prime two tooths, to 24s 6d; lambs, generally light to medium, made 19s to 21s 9d. when there is good grass. They certainly won’teat at such a time hay of Cattle.—Prime extra heavy bullocks, poor quality, hay that has been left £13 £12 15s. £12 10s. £12 os (single;; WESTFIELD MARKET. Per Press Association. AUCKLAND, June 10. over from winter feeding, probably’ the iREAD 5 prime liea.vv. £12, £11 18s, £11 Ids, £11 12s 6d.‘ £11 2s, £10 18s: medium, £10 12s 6d £10 8s 6d, £10 os; light „ ro 17s £0 12s to £8 bottoms of stacks, but if there is good hay available they will certainly eat it especially if they have not been allowed to gorge themselves to repletion on succulent grass, a common cause, by the way, of indigestion and udder •1 IS the Best and Cheapest Food. 10-3; extra prime heavy cows and heif-f-m £f) 18s £9 12s 6d, £9 5s There was a general finning of values at the Westfield fat stock marf Our BIG BROWN CRUS l hu £ ket to-day. In the ox beef section f. LOAVES .r« Ihc BEST BREAD S jl Let us supply you. P JENKINSONS J £8 14 s, ers, £7 £6 4s; 6d, £5 £8 5s (single); cows and heif5sV £7 2s, £6 18s. £6 13s 6d, cows ex dairy, £5 15s, £5 12s 8s (heavy), £4 17s Cd, £4 12s, boner cows. £2 18s (good eondithere were increased yardings which included some of the heaviest cattle penned at Westfield for some months. There was a good demand and values had a definite firming tendency. Cows Supplies of cauliflowers are now becoming more plentiful at Pukeko.he, the price quoted on Monday being 14s a. large sack. Cabbages have not elia.nged in value, Drumhead selling at 7s St.. PALMERSTON N. hi E2 3s £1 17s 6d; runners. and heifers sold Ircely at late rates. a sack and Savoy at 7s fid a sack. A Phone 5365. £5 2s. £4 17s, £4 los 6d, £4 Extra choice ox beef made 27s pei 100 small quantity of table potatoes is still Ps f sin del. £3 18s; vealers, £3 <0. £J lb; choice and prime, 23s to 25s; secavailable, the price being £8 a ton. os, £2 ]9s £2 17s 6d; small vealers, 31s, 28s 6d, 23s. 18s 6d,15s. ondary and plain, 20s to 22s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 24s to 26s; Seed potatoes sell at £10 a ton. Onions are quoted at £8 a ton; carrots, pars38s. Sheep —Prime extra heavy wethers, ordinary cow beet, 13s to 20s; extra nips and beetroot, 3s Gd a sugar bag. 31« 7d. 31s. 30s 6d, 30s 3d: prime heavy prime steers made £11 10s to 11 ITS FAMOUS J heavy, 29s 9d, 29s 3d, 29s, 28s 4d; meuium 27s 9d, 27s 6d, 27s (well finished), £14 17s 6d; heavy prime, £9 10s to £10 5s: lighter prime, £8 10s to £9; ■ Because iris a 26s 9d, 26s 5d, 26s; prime extra Heavy ewes, 24s lOd. 24s 8d. 24s 6d (single light prime, £7 10s to £8 os; small and unfinished, £4 to £6 5s; extra heavy FOREIGN EXCHANGE. GOOD Bit pens); prime hea.vy 24s, 23s lUd, 2ds od; medium, 22s Id, 21s lOd, 21s <<L Pis - heavv lambs. 24s lOd. 24s -xl, 24s prime young cows and heilers, £7 £8 2s 6d; heavy prime, £5 to £6 5s; lighter £4 to £4 12s 6d; other killable ON NEW ZEALAND CURRENCY BASIS. Ut course it s good. Justlook KK!IIi 3d, 22s. 24s medium. 23s 9d, 26s bd, Ms, cows, £2 10s to £3 7s 6d. at the ingredients—all famous ffjg ////_ 21s 2d. 21s: light. 19s 8d, 18s 6d. Sheep were penned in good numbers, lington, quoted the following ratus for for healthful properties ; the ) jJ —- and while bidding for wethers was not their purchases and sales of foreign ex* finest cod liver oil, rich in •! health-giving vitamins; soothLEVIN SALE. so spirited as last week, ewes advanced cliunge yesterday : — New Zeuland Buying. Selliug. ing, healing Beechwood Creasote, the enemy of bacteria; hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, valuable to nerve and muscle; the whole perfectly combined by fresh eggs. 4 i 2/9 & 4/9 a bottle at ail Chemists and Stores. M THE PERFECT EMULSION § There was a good nttendance_ of buyers at the Levin weekly sale X ardmgs were not the usual size and in tlie pig section it was the smallest yarding presented for some considerable time. There was a small yarding of sheep and a large yarding of cattle. Owing to the scarcity prices ill the wethers, 28s 6d to 33s; heavy prime, 26s 6d to 27s Gd; medium to heavy, 24s Gd to 26s ; light to medium, 22s to 23s ; unfinished, 18s 6d to 21s; extra heavy prime ewes, 22s 6d to 24s 6d; heavy, 2ls to 22s; lighter, 19s to 20s; other killable ewes, 17s to 18s. Competition for lambs was keen, and lato rates were on London— £N.Z. to £stg.l00 ... T.T. 124 124/10/0 O.L). 123/10/0 124/8/9 Australia— £ ‘l00° £N '. Z '.. T.T. 101 100/10/0 O.D. 101 100/10/0 save’s #i easily maintained. Extra heavy prime lambs 24s to 25s; heavy, 22s to 23s 6d ; Fiji— 100 T.T. 90/7/6 89 O.D. 90/7/6 89 New York— — EMULSION lighter, 20s 6d to 23s Od; light, lbs Od to 20s; small and plain, 14s to 16s 6d. The calf pens were again well filled, and bidding for all classes was spirited, values being firm at fully late quotations. Runners, £2 15s to £o X8s; heavy vealers, £3 12s to £3 los j medium, £2 16s to £3 3s; light, £2 6s to £2 13s; small, £1 16s to £2 4s; unfinished and bucket-led, los to _8s; bobbv and rough calves, os to 14s. Fat pigs were penned in increased bT—#4 MMHW> WHY risk 3 733UR SKIDDING KSSSK 1 WHEN YOU DlllS!l CAN HAVE your TYRE REBUILT WITH N z T.T. 4.051, 4.015 O.D. 4.O64 4.02b Montreal— Dollar to £1 N z T.T. 4.06jt 4.03 O.U. 4.03 b France— Francs to £1 N Z T.T. — 60.92 O.D. - 60.96 Special j u NEW NON-SKID TREAD ■ a | AT HALF COST? numbers, but although quotations toi I Ji WORK GUARANTEED. heavv baconers were about the same as Houg-Ktng N Z. pence „ to 1 dollar .. T.T. 1815-32 19 31-32 O.D. 132 1915-16 Japan— N to'l P yon e T.T. - 17 21-32 y O.D. - 17 41-64 1 J Sea A _ MANAWATU TYRE REBUILDERS, LTD. Holben and Kirk’s Buildings Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North. ’Phone 5755 for Prompt Attention. last week the demand generally was not so strong. Choppers, £2 to £4; heavy prime uaconers, £3 14s tc £4 3* ; medium, £3 5s to £3 10s; light, £~ 15s to £3 2s; heavy porkers, £2 4s to £2 10s; medium, £1 14s to £1 1/s; nap li-dit £1 9s to £1 11s; small and unfinished 16s to £1 6s; large stores, 19s Shanghai— N io-'l 1 dXr .. T.T. 17 5-32 18 17-32 O.D. 16 31-32 18 33-64 T.T. represents telegraphic transfers. O.D. represents on demand transactions. The ubovo rates are subject to alteration without tiotico. The Associated Banks (other than the Bank of New South Wales) quoted flic U d H — to 23s; slips, 14s to 18s; weaners, is to 12s. Baconers averaged od to Oid a lb, and porkers 5d to 5Jd a lb. BURNSIDE SALE. Per Press Association. VALUES i DUNEDIN, June 10. following dollar rates yesterday on a WITH EASY TERMS g The 269 fat cattle yarded for the New Zealand currency basis. they are Confidentially Arranged. Burnside stock sale to-day comprised principally medium cjiuvlity bullocks with odd consignments of prime heavy subject to alteration without notice. U.S.A. Canada. 8 h.p., 1935 model Sa- / (per (per FORD A grades and a smaller percentage than £1 N.Z.) £1 N.Z.) Rpllitia— dols - dols ’ q\ 4.01 1 4.03 O.D. 4.02g 4.03j loon only 12 months, old. J/ usual of cows and heifers. Prices generally were firm at late dates. The yardFORD Model A Sedan, '4-door / p JrK inrr of store cattle numbered 200, inde uxe, with luggage box. / -*4 i l eluding a good line of 100 three and Buy of7 4/052 4.08 1933 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH (W yj&f four-year steers, which in keen competition realised from £5 14s to £8 *s 4-door Sedan, in new car conVealers were in short supply and had dition, floating power, all steel Jv /a Ay a firm sale. The fat sheep entry totalled 1280 POSITION OF STERLING. body. P medium quality ewes being forward — > 1927 ESSEX 6 SEDAN, 4-door, sound condition, low price. M Y low they in greatest numbers. The wethers forward were confined principally to medium quality sorts. All prime heavy LONDON, Ji »ie 9. The following mean closing rates on foreign exchanges were current to-day AUSTIN “7” Tourer £55 1 RUGBY, 4-cyl. Tourer ... £65 1 R-U-S-H for it! ewes sold at Is higher, and niediun quality ewes from Gd to Is firmer, witl no noticeable change in the value o compared with par:— June 9. Par. New York, do!, to £ ... 5.017-16 £4.866 DODGE Roadster £55 1 DODGE Tourer £45 1 ,,,-ive on “PANSANO”! They LKldw S( dmvC[” flayour And Mother ove t 1 *, r P ; t “rat ANCED ingredients wethers. The entry of 413 fat lambs was i small one The quality generally wa Paris, francs to X ...... 7611-64 124.21 Brussels, bel. to £ 29.675 48.611 knows iuat the right Proteins and Vila J ,u„ norrect proportions for sturdy Ghe them all “PANSANO” to unattractive, but prices remained mi Amsterdam, florins to £ 7.42 12.107 “T” Tourer £12 10s I changed. Only 18 dairy cows wore for FORD health, day ! ward, and host young sorts close to Stockholm, km\ to £ ... 19.395 18.159 USED CAR SHOWROOMS I profit brought to £6. There were 109 fat pigs, with pork Cop.nhaeen, knr. to £ ... 22.395 18.159 -'Oslo, knr. to £ 19.90 18.159 GEORGE STREET B j D) ers in the majority. Botli porkers and Vienna, &chgs. to £ 26.75 34.58b baconers sold at recent values. Only, Prague, knr. to X 121.125 164.25 A (Next soldiers oiud; s i A ) - . ’PHONE 7190. JUSTICES cnuitNnc THE LOAF THAT'S FRESH TO TH1 LAST CRUMB! ORDER IT NOW FROM BONIFACE BROS. SQUARE SHOP sold at slightly increased prices. C0L0MB0~TEA MARKET. Per Pr os « Association. DUNEDIN, June 10. The following is the cabled repor on the Colombo tea sale of June 9:— Madrid, pcs. to ij 66. lb 26.226 Lisbon, esc. to £ 110.125 110 Milan, lire to £ 65.75 92.46 Athens, drach. to £ *'533 375 Belgrade, din to X 221 276.31 Bucharest, lei to £ *675 813.60 Bio cle J., p. to mil. ... 5.809 B. Aires, p. to peso ... +35 47.62 M. Video, p. to peso ... +38q 51 (Near Commercial Hotel) The market for common kinds ad vnneed at-the close of the sale, price Shanghai, p; to dol. ... 1413-32 — Manawatu Distributors for ' And at CUBA STREET, being slightly dearer. Medium and lin< Yokohama, p. to y>»i ... 14 5-64 24.582 1 Batavia, .florins to £ ... 7.33 12.107 PALMERSTON NORTH. | teas were irregular and declined abou

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 163, 11 June 1936, Page 5

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FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 163, 11 June 1936, Page 5

FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 163, 11 June 1936, Page 5