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Radio programmes for to-night are as follow: —

IYA AUCKLAND (329 metres, 910 kilocycles).—s.o: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner music. 7.0: News session and reports. 8.0: Chimes. Orchestra, “Lilac Time”; (b) “The Singing Fool.” 8.16: Popular songs, Miss Eileen Smithson, (a) “In tho Garden of Your Heart”; (b) “Silver in My Mother’s Hair”; (c) “Waiting”; (d) “Your Eyes Have Told Me So.” 8.28: Orchestral Octet, “Student Prince”; “In a Chinese Temple Garden.” 8.44: Tho Bohemian Duo, (a) “Where the Sweet For-get-me-nots’;’ (b) “Since I Found You”; (c) “Na Lei o Hawaii”; (d) “Blue Hawaii.” 9.0: Evening weather forecast and announcements. 9.2: Bass-baritone, Air Arthur Wright, (a) “Mountain Lovers”; (b) “Keep on Keoping On”; (c) “The Three Bachelors”; (d) “The Gay Highway.” 9.16: Orchestral Octet, “Three Famous Pictures”; (a) “A Village Wedding”; (b) “The Doctor”; (c) “The Laughing Cavalier.” 9.31: Soprano, Miss Phyllis Martin, (a) “June is Calling”: (b) “Spring’s Awakoning”; (c) “Farewell”; (d) “Aly Hero.” 9.44: Orchestral Octet, “Nights of Gladness”; “Lioheslied; “Tho End.” 9.58: Dance music. 11.0: Close down.

2YA WELLINGTON (416.7 metres, 720 kilocycles).—s.o: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner music. 7.0: News session. 8.0: Chimes. Orchestra (a) “Soltcoin of Stephen Adams’s Songs”; (b) “Funeral Aiarch of a Bumble Bee.” 8.16: Quartet, Tho Lyric, “Sing Me a Shantey with a Yo-Heave-Ho.” Tenor, Mr Chas. Williams, “Song of Songs.” Baritone, Air Will Goudie, (a) “The Christening”; (b) “What the Red-Haired Bosun Said.” 8.28: Alandolin, Air Lad Haywood, (a) “Liebcslied”; (b) “Little White Lies”; (c) “Swingin’ in a Hammock”; (d) “A Cottage For Sale.” 8.40: Humour, Air Len Ashton, “Otherwise She’s Alother’s Kind of Girl”; (b) “Our Village Concert.” 8.49: Records. 9.0: Weather report and station notices. 9.1: Xylophone with orchestra, Air L. Probert and Salon Orchestra, “Favourite Polka.” Orchestra, “Pnle Aloon Paraphrase”; “Violin Song.” 9.16: Soprano, Aldllc. Pola Sehca, (a) “La Sorenata”; (b) “Only a Rose”; (c) “I Wonder if Love is a Dream.” The Lyric Quartet, “Tho Desert Song.” Duot, Messrs Chas. Williams and Will Goudio, “Wyoming Lullaby.” 9.26: The Lyric Quartet, (a) “Shanadar”; (b) “A-ltoving,” (e) “Blow the Alan Down.” 9.38: Record. 9.46: Orchestra, “My Lady Alolly.” 10.1: Dance programme. 11.0: Close down.

3YA CHRISTCHURCH (306 metres, 980 kilocycles). —5.0: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner music. 7.0: News session. 7.30: Sports results. 8.0: Chimes. Selection, "Florodora.” 8.9: Alezzo-contralto, Airs Anita Ledshain, (a) “Whistle and I’ll Come tae Ye Ala Lad”; (b) “We Sway Along the Ridges.” 8.15: Clarionet, Air E Withers, “The Ashgrove.” 8.20: Vaudeville Entertainment, The Four Rascals, Opening Chorus,’ Hello, Everybody”; duet, "Weeping Willow”; violin—waltz, “Waiting,” “Ragging the Piano”; .‘‘Song nnd Dance”; “The Darktown Strutters Ball”, popular melodies. 8.40: Alouth organ, Mr J. Woodham, (a) “In a Little Spanish I'oWn”; (b) “Aly Blue Heaven.” 8.45: Soprano, Aliss Alonica O’Connell, “I Sing a Song to Suit the Day.” 8.49: Record. 8.55: Banjolin, Air Arthur Hodgson, (a| *‘Rendezvous”; (b) “La Paloma.” 8.59: Weather forecast and station notices. 9.1: Orchestra, “Rio Rita Alcdlcy.” 9.9: Alezzocontralto, Airs. Anita Ledsham, (a) “The Sweetest Flower That Blows”; (b) “Love the Jester.” 9.15: Clarionet, Air E. Withers,. “Lc Rieve.” 9.19: Vaudeville entertainment, The Four Rascals, “Irish Revels”; “Irish Jig”; .“Irish Emigrant”; piano improvisations, “Mother Alachree”; “Popular Irish Alelodies Patter and Finale.” 9.39: Alouth organ, Air J. Woodhnrn, (a) “Pack Up Your Troubles”; (b) “Good-By’ec.” 9.44: Soprano, Aliss Alonica O’Connell, (a) “Big Lady Moon”; (b) “Coming Home.” 9.50: Banjolin, Air Arthur Hodgson, “Darkeyland.” 9.55: Record. 9.59: Dance music. 11.0: Closedown. 4YA DUNEDIN (463 metres, 650 kilocycles).—s.o: Children’s session. 6.0: Dinner music. 7.0: News session. 8.0: Orchestra, “Potpourri of Waltzes.” 8.9:» Baritone;' Mr S. Kershaw, (a) “Friend of Mine”; (b) “I Come to Thee”; (c) “God Touched the Roso.” 8.19: Novelty Syncopators, (a) “Around tho Corner”; (b) “Any Time’s the Time to Fall in Love”; (c) “All I Want is Just One.” 8.30: Recitals, Aliss Anita Bowlor, (a) “Alaking Ruben Propose”; (b) “Tho Limitations of Youth”; (c) “Grandma.” 8.40: Contrallo, Miss S. AlcCready, (a) “Three Fishers”: (b) “Over tho Aleadow”; (c) “When tho Rooks Fly Homeward.” 8.50: Novelty Syncopators, “Sweeping the Clouds.” Saxophone, Air J. AlcCaw, “Slap’in’ Sax.” Syncopators, “Jasmine.” 9.0: Weather report. 9.2: Records. 9.14: Soprano, Miss Dorothy Dagg, (a) “The Lifo of a Roso” ; (b) “The False Prophet”; (c) “The Cuckoo Clock.” 9.24: Record. 9.31: Tenor, Air J. B. Hamilton, (a) “I Heard You Singing”; (b) “Temple Bells”; (c) “Kashmiri Love Song.” 9.41: Saxophone, Air J. AlcCaw, “Nola.” Syncopators, fa) “Desert Rose”; (b) “Aly Guitar and You”; (c) “Telling it to' the Daisies.” 9.56: Record. 10.0: Dance session. 11.0: Close down 2ZR WANGANJJI (500 metres, 600 kilocycles).—7.o: News session. 8 to 11: Concert programme. 2FC SYDNEY (451 metres, 665 kilocycles).—3.o: Afternoon session. 6.0: Children’s session. 8.0: From 3LO Alelbourne “Puss in Boots.” An old-fashioned pantomine presented in a new way. 10.0: Dance orchestra. 10.15: A talk on the 2nd Test Alatch, Australia, v. West Indies, relayed to 3LO, 4QG, and SCL. 10.32: Dance Orchestra. 11.30: Close.

2BL SYDNEY (350 metres, 857 kilocycles).—3.o: Afternoon session. 6.0: Children’s session. 8.0: Gwladys Evans, soprano. 8.7: Colston Carter, novelty pianist. 8.14: Dorothy Nall, entertainer. 8.2 HP. C. Spouse, mouth organist. 8.28: Foreword. 8.30: From the Sydney Stadium, a description of tho boxing contest. 9.30: Colston Carter, novelty pianist. 9.37; Gwladys Evans. 9.44: Dorothy Nall. 9.50: Danco Band. 10.0: P.C. Spouse. 10.7: Danco Band.. 10.25: Late news. 10.30: Dance Band. 12.0: Close. 2GB SYDNEY (316 metres. 950 kilocycles).—B to 11: Concert programme. 3LO AIELBOURNE (375 metres. 800 kilocycles).—B.o: Pantomime production, “Puss in Boots.” 10.15: A resume of the play in tho second Test match, Australia versus West Indies, relayed from 2FC Sydney. 10.30: Alcl Alorns will discuss the cricket match. Victoria versus South Australia, played at the Alolbournc Cricket Ground (relaying to Station SCL, Adelaide). 10.45: News Eossion. 10.55: Dance Band. 11.30: Close down.

3AR AIELBOURNE (484 metres, 620 kilocycles).—B.o: St. Vincent do Paul’s Band. 8.10: Alary Hotham, mezzo soprano. 8.17: Description by Mel Alorris of Dirt Track Motor Cycling Events. 8.32: Versatile Guitar Trio. 8.38: J. Clarke Scott, tenor. 8.45: Band. 8.55: Description of Dirt Track Alotor Cycc Events. 9.5: Mary Ho_tham. 9.12: Band. 9.20: Description of Dirt Track Alotor Cycling Events. 9.30: Guitar Trio. 9.36: J. Clarke Scott, tenor. 9.43: Description of Dirt Track Motor Cycling Events. 9.52: Band. 10.0: Harmonised Coon Songs, Plantation Choruses, Alinstrel Alelodies and Negro Spirituals, sung by the "Alaster Four” Quartsttc. 10.15: Guitar Trio. 10.20: News session. 10.30: “Aloditation” Alusic. 12.0: Close down. -

4QG BRISBANE (395 motres, 760 kilocycles).—B.o: Dorothy Rudder, soprano. 8.7: Moana Duo, Hawaiian instrumentalists). 8.14: Humorous Interlude. 8.20: Peter Dawson. 8.23: Dorothy Rudder, 60prano. 8.27: Moana Duo. 8.33: Humorous interlude. 8.39: Reproduced music. 8.45: Jack, Atkinson, baritone. Phyllis Dauth. soprano. Jean AlcLaron, violiniste. Jack Lana, tenor. 9.0: Alotropolitan weather forecast. 9.1: Part song. Gonvyn Jones. Constance Buchan. Part Song. Phyllis Dauth. Vera Parker. Jack Atkinson. Part Song. Constance Buchan. Joan McLaren. Jack Land. Vera Parker. Gerwyn Jones. Part Song. 10.0: Weatlior information. 10.15: Review of tho play in connection with the match between the West Indies and Australia from Sydney. 10.30: Dance music. 11.0: Aloditation music. 11.30: Close.

TO-AIORROW’S PROGRAAIiYIES. IYA AUCKLAND (329 metres, 910 kilocycles).—3.o: Afternoon session. 3.30: Literary selection. 6.0: Children’s song service (“Uncle Bert”). 6.55: Relay of divine sorvicq from St. AJatthcw’s Church. Preacher, Canon C. H. Grant-Cowan. 8.30

(approx.) : Relay from Albert' Park of a concert by the Auckland Alunicipal Band. 9,30 (approx.) : God Save the King. 2YA WELLINGTON (416.7 metres, 720 kilocycles).—3.o to 4.30: Selected gramophone items. 6.0: Children’s song service (Uncle George). 7.0: Relay of evening service from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Preacher, Rev. R. J. Howie, B.A. 8.15 (approx.) ; Studio concert by tho Band of tho Wellington Division of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Band, “Galvini”; “Giralda.” Soprano, Miss Ella Fair, (a) “Tho Asra”; (b) “Spring Song.” Record. Baritone, Mr Claude Aloss, “In a Alonastery Garden.” Band, “Love and Laughter.*’ Tenor, Mr Chas. P. Edwards, (a) “Be Bravo and Smile”; (b) ‘.‘To Sing Awhile.” Band, “New Colonial.” Weather report and station notices. Soprano, Miss Ella Fair, (a) “At Twilight”; (b) “Just for To-day.” String Quartet, “Alignon Gavotte.” Band, “Fra Diavolo.” Baritone, Air Claude Moss, (a) “Coronach”; (b) “The Arrow and the Song.” Orchestra, “Alelodious Alcrnories.” Tenor, Mr Chas. P. Edwards, “I Love the Moon.” Euphonium, Bandmaster Baker, “Land of Hope and Glory.” Record. Band, “Our Director.” God Save tho King. 3YA CHRISTCHURCH (306 metres, 980 kilocycles).—3.o: Afternoon session. 5.30: Children’s song service. 6.15: Chimes from sTudio. 6.30: Relay of evening service from St. Albans Alethodist Church, Rugby Street. Preacher, Rev. M. A: Rugby Pratt. 7.45 (approx.) : Musical recordings. 8.15: Piano, Air Fred Page, (a) “La Plus Quo Lento”; (b) “Afazuika in A Flat”; (c) “Old Vienna.” 8.25: Baritone, Air A. G. Thompson, (a) “I Know of Two Bright Eyes”; (b) “Aifrida”; (c) “I’ll Sing Thee Songs of Araby”; (d) “An Episodo. 8.35: Harp, Air H. G. Glaysher, (a) “Love’s Fascination”; “By tho Fountain”; _(c) “Dermot Astore.” 8.48: Soprano, Aliss Agnos Cunningham, (a) “Open Thy Blue Eyes”; (b) “Thy Daily Question”; (c) “’Avourncen”; (d) “Tho Last Rose of Summer.” 9.0: Weather forecast and station notices. 9.2: Tenor, Mr J. A. Blythe, (a) “Wandering in the Wood”; (b) “Aly Lovely Celia”; (c) “0 Aly Love is Like a Red. Red Roso.” 9.12: Orchestra, “Good News.” 9.20: Contralto Aliss Nellie Lowe, (a) “Boloved, it is Alorn”; (b) “Angus MacDonald”; (c) “Aly Curly-Headed Baby.” Tho Dulcet Duo, “The Coming of a Dream.” 9.30: Orchestra, (a) “Talcs from tho Vienna Woods”; (b) “Blue Danube Waltz.” 9.56: God Save tho King. 4YA DUNEDIN (463 metres 650 kilo-cycTos).—-3.0: Chimes. Selected records. 9.30: Children’s song service (Big Brother Bill). 6.15: Instrumental recordings. 6.30: Relay of ovening service from Knox Presbyterian Church. Preacher, Rev. D. C. Herron, AI.C., AI.A. 7.45: Selected recordings. 8.15: Relay of 3YA. 9.30: God Save the King. 2ZF PALAIERSTON NORTH (285 metres, 1050 kilocycles).—7 to 9.30: Concert programme. 2FC SYDNEY (451 metres, 665 kilocycles).—7.o: From Pitt Street Congregational Church. 8.30: A concert programme (relayed to 2NC Newcastle), arranged by Albert C’azabon, musical director of the Prince Edward Theatre. (Relayed to 4QG Brisbane, at 8.45 p.m.) Assisting artist, Constance Burt, soprano. 9.15: “Sidelights on Old Sydney.” 9.30: Second half of concert programme. 10.0: Aloditation music. 10.30: Close.

2BL SYDNEY (350 metres, 857 kilocycles).—7.o From St. James’ Church of England. Evening service, conducted T>y Rev. P. A. Micklein. 8.30: Relayed from 3LO Alelbourne. Transmission from “Tho Plaza,” St. Ivilda. Concert by Gustave Slapoffski, and the Victorian Professional Orchestra. 9.0: From the’ State Theatre, “By the Fireside”; “The Sundowners’ Quartette,” with Arnold Coleman at tho Wurlitzor. 9.20: Concert by Gustavo _ and the Victorian Professional Orchestra. 10.0: Close.

2GB SYDNEY (316 metres; 950 kilo cycles). 8 to 10.30 p.m.: Address and concert programme.

3LO MELBOURNE (375 metros; 800 kilocycles).—B to 10.30 p.m.: Address and concert , programme.

3AR AIELBOURNE (484 metres; 620 kilocycles).—B p.m. to 10.30 p.m.: Address and concert programme. 4QG BRISBANE (395 metres, 760 kilocycles).—7.3o.- Relay from the Albert Street Alethodist Church. 8.45: At the conclusion of tho church service. 2FC’s programme will be relayed. 10.0: Close. Note.—New Zealand summer time is two hours ahead of eastern Australian - time.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LI, Issue 28, 3 January 1931, Page 3

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RADIO PROGRAMMES Manawatu Standard, Volume LI, Issue 28, 3 January 1931, Page 3

RADIO PROGRAMMES Manawatu Standard, Volume LI, Issue 28, 3 January 1931, Page 3