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I DAIRY PRODUCE. CES ON LONDON MARKET. a quiot, irregular market for butng the week, moro steady condicvail, reported tho London office 'Jew Zealand Dairy Produce Board ay. Retail prices aro unchanged, icso market is quiet. Tho retail New Zealand choose has been into lid per lb. sale quotations as at tho close of on Friday aro reported by the s follow (thoso for the previous ing in parentheses) : BUTTER. Zealand, salted exceptionally, 134 s 1345; May 10, 1929, 165 s to 168 s); , 138 s to 144 s (1403 to 148 s); first !0s (122 a) ; second whey, 113 s (120 s). lian, salted, 126 s to 130 s. tine, unsalted, 122 s to 126 s (124 s salted, 128 s to 130 s (130 s to 1325); , 134 s (134 s to 1365). i, 126 s .fo.b., 130 s to 134 s spot 36s to 138 s). , unsaltcd, 128 s to 130 s (132 s to lian, 126 s (not quoted), n, 124 s to 125 s (not quoted), in, 1245. (128 s to 130 s). , 120 s (not quoted). Zealand, white, 82s, 83s to 84s 84s; May 10, 1929, 85s to 86s); , 87s to 88s (87s to 88s; May 10, tlian, white, 81s to 82s (81s to 82s); , 85s to 86s (85s to 86s). ian, white, 98s to 100 s (97s to 1003); , 98s (97s to 98s). olivcrics of New Zealand butter for k wore 1050 tons compared with s for tho corresponding week last L'he quantity in store was 10 ( 450 against 9950 tons tho previous id 7900 tons a year ago. Irnpiro Marketing Board’s estimate > of all butter in storo as at May 3 clivories of New Zealand checso for 1 wero 20,000 crates, compared with rates ofr tho corresponding period r. Tho total in storo was 130,000 1 against 145,990 crates a year ago. losition flf shipments recently arLondon is as follows:—Rotorua imbcrland finished discharge butter Mamilius commenced discharge lay 5, finished May 7. Port Brismmonccd discharge butter and lay 6, finished May 8. iliverics of Canadian cheese for tho :ro 1400 boxes compared with 5000 ir tho corresponding period of last l’he quantity in storo was 99,000 i against 40,500 a year ago. lipmonts of dairy produce for Eng-

land last week, reported by tho Dairy Board, totalled 56,897 boxes of butter (53,007 salted, 2781 unsalted and 1109 whey) and 40,492 crates of cheeso (29,450 white and 11,042 coloured). The Ruapehu, sailed May 5, took 8623 boxes of butter and 6559 crates of checso; tho Mohia, sailed May 8, took 30,983 boxes of butter and 7359 crates cheeso; tho Port Auckland sailed May 9, took 7684 crates of cheoso; the Kia Ora, sailed May 10, had 3046 boxes of butter and 13,650 crates of cheese; and tho Maimoa, sailed May 11, took 14,245 boxes of butter and 5240 crates of checso. Tho lonic’s shipment is not included in the abovo total.

Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., have received the. following market advice from their head offico, London, under date of the Bth instant: —Butter: Danish market quiet; Austraian and New Zealand top quotation exceptional; moro enquiry at bottom prices. Danish, 130 s to 132 s (134 s to 138 s); N.Z. fiincst salted, 128 s to 132 s (132 s to 1345) ; Australian finest unsalted, 130 s tp 132 s (130 sto 1345); salted, 126 sto 130 s (130 s to 1345); g.a.q., 120 s to 124 s (124 s to 128 s). Chceee: Market quiet. N.Z. cheeso, white, 82s (82s to 83s); spot prioo for Canadian, white, 92s to 1003 (94s to 100 a); coloured, 92s to 98s (94s to 98s). Last week’s quotations are shown in parentheses. STOCK MARKET. FEILDING SALE. Levin and Co., Ltd., report on Feilding sale held on Friday iast: —For the time of tho season a very excessive yarding came forward, all classes of sheep being well represented. The rise in values of tho previous week, especially in fats, was not maintained and prices reverted to later values. Breeding ewes and wothers were in fair demand, the better sorts selling quite well at late rates, while store lambs, of which there were some very good pens, met with a disappointing market, prices being in the purchasers’ favour.' A fair yarding of dairy cattle sold readily, whilo stores and fats maintained recent quotations. We quote: —Fat ewes, Tss 3d, 15s 9d, 16s, 16s 3d: fat wethers, 255,' 265, 275; fat b.f. 2-tooth’s, 235; prime b.f. lambs, 295; fat lambs, 13s Id, 13s 8d to 17s 6d; Romney ewe lambs, medium, 8s Id, 9s, to 14s; Romney wether lambs, good, 10s, Us 4d to 12s 6d; low condition ewes, r.w. S.D. rams 8s 9d to 14s 3d; 4 and 6-th wethers, 17s to 225; empty storo owes 7s 7d, 7s 9d; cull lambs, 3s 4<l, 4s 6d, 6s sd; springing heifers f)8, £9 12s 6d to £9 15s; springing guaranteed cows £5 ss, £7 10s, £8 15s; three-quarter cows £4 5s to £6 2s 6d; 18-months empty heifers £4 6s 6d; light fat cows £5 17a 6d to £7 12s 6d. WELLINGTON RABBITSKIN SALE. Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., report having held their second rabbitskin sale of the season at Wellington on Friday. A good oll'cring comprising mainly summers, springs, autumns and a few incomings and early winters wero submitted, and prices realised wero well up to and in soino cases a little better than those ruling at the iast southern sales. A pleasing feature of the sale was tho excellent prices obtained for incoming and early winter skins and this news will be very welcome to trappers. A few consignments offered were affected by weevil. The following is the range of prices:—Runners and suckers, 121 dto 15id; summers, 14d to 17id; racks, 25 3-4 d to 30d; dawny autumns, 25 3-4 dto 28 3-4 d; early autumns, 31£d to 32d; second autumns, 26d to 29d; late autumns, 38d to 38jd; incoming 47d to 51d; early winter, 60d to 54fd; summer blacks, 16£d; autumn blacks, 24Jd to 27id; fawns 26d; hareskins lid to 12d; summer weevilly, 9 3-4 d; winter weevilly, 16^d; small, 6d. WELLINGTON SKIN, HIDES AND TALLOW SALE. Tho fortnightly sale of hides, skins and tallow was held at Wellington on Friday. There was the usual attendance of buyers. Hides: As compared with last sale rates, all grades on a par. Kip, yearling and calf also on a par. Ox, 331bs to 441bs, s|d; 451bs to 52 lbs, sid to 6d; 531bs to 591bs, s|d to 6^d; 601bs to 691bt3, 6ad to 7d; 701bs and over, 6j(d to 7|d; cow, 331bs to 391bs, 4RI to 5Jd; 401bs to 48lbs, 4id to 5Jd; 491bs and over, 4d to s£d; kip, 251bs to 321bs, 4Jd to s£d; 171bs to 241bs, 4£d to 9d; yearling, Ulbs to 161bs, 4£d to 9Jd; calf, 91be to lOlbs, 4£d to 7d; 61bs to 81bs, 7d to lOJd; lib to 51bs, 5d to ll£d. Dry sheepskins: £d to Jd per lb higher. Halfbred, 7£d to BJd; fine crossbred, Bfd to 82d; medium crossbred, 6Jd to B£d; coarse crossbred, 7d to 8d; half wools, 6d to 8d; quarter wools, 53d to 73d; pelts, 5d to 7£d. Salted skins; 3d to 6d per skin higher. Pelts, none offering; quarter wools, 2s 6d to 4s Id; half wools, 3s 8d to 5s 6d; three-quarter woolb, 4s 4d to 5s 3d; full wools and extra large, none offering; lambs, 2s to 4e 2d. Tallow: £1 per ton lower. In casks, 20s 6d to 28s 6d; in tins, etc., 10s 6d to 243. Sundries: Cow tails, 15id to 163 d; horse hair, 13£d to 17d. BRADFORD MARKET. LONDON, May 8. The Bradford tops market is firm. Quotations aro hardening. Business is restricted.

RAW MATERIALS. LONDON, May 10. Friday’s closing prices for the following raw materials were as follow, those for May 3 being given in parentheses:— Cotton.—Liverpool quotation, American middling upland, June delivery, B.old per lb (8.05 d). Rubber. —Para, 8d per lb. (8^d); plantation smoked, 7j(d per lb (7 l-16d). Jute. —May-Juno shipment, £24 12s 6d per ton (£25 ss). Homp.—Nono offering. Copra. —May-Juno shipment, South Sea, £2O 7s 6d per ton (£2O 15e); plantation, Rabaul, £2O 12s 6d per ton (£2l). Linseed oil. —£40 10s per ton (£4l). Turpentine.—39s 6d per cwt. (41s 3d). Beet sugar.—June delivery, 6s 4id per cwt.

FROZEN MEAT. LONDON, May 10. The weekly quotations for the undermentioned classes of frozen meats, based on actual sales of wholesale quantities of carcasses of mutton or lamb or quarters of beef delivered to tho Smithficld market, and/or ox London stores, have been compiled as follows by the quotations committee, Smithfiqld. To arrivo at equivalent ex-ship values, £d per lb. should be deducted from prices quoted below. Quotations are averago for the week, and aro not for selected lines, but for parcels fairly representative of the bulk of shipments now on offer:— Australian sheep, first quality crossbreds and/or Merino wethers, 40-651 b, 3gd; ditto 6eoond quality, 30-551 b, 3§d; ewes, 30-551 b, 3£d. Argentine sheep, first quality crossbred wethers, 48-641 b, 33d; ditto, 65-721 b, 3£d; ditto over 721 b, 2fd. Australian lambs, Victorian first quality, 361 b and under, 7d; ditto, 37-421 b, 6£d; other States first quality, 361 b and under, 6£d; ditto, 37-421 b, 6£d; other States, second quality, 361 b and under, 7d. Argentine lambs, first quality, 361 b and under, 7d; ditto, 37-421 b, 6d; ditto, 43-501 b, s£d. Quotations for all New Zealand frozen meats are as given in tho Now Zealand Meat Producers’ Board report. OTHER REPORTS. Dalgety and Coy., Ltd,, under dato London, Bth May, 1930: —Lamb: N.Z. prime Canterbury lamb, 28-361bs, 73d; North Island, 28-361b3, 7£d; Canterbury, 36-421bs, 7£d; North Island, 36-421bs, 6|d; Canterbury, 42-501bs, 63d; North Island, 42-501b6, 63d; 2nd grade lamb over 321bs, 7d; 2nd grade lamb under 301bs, 7£d. Market for New Zealand lamb very weak; demand moderate. Mutton: N.Z. prime Canterbury mutton, 48-561bs, sd; North Island, 48-56 lbs, 43d; Canterbury, 56-641bs, 43d; North Island, 56-641bs, 4£d; Canterbury, 64-721bs, 4d; North Island, 64-721bs, 3gd; Canterbury owes, 48-641bs, 3|d; North Island ewes, 48-641bs, 3£d; ewes, 2Jd to 33d. Market for New Zealand mutton weaker, demand poor. Australian lamb: G.a.q. Australian lamb, 28-361bs, 6£d. Market weak, demand limited. Australian mutton: — G.a.q. Australian mutton, 40-601bs, 3£d. Market weaker, demand poor. Beef: N.Z. prime ox beef, hinds, s£d; fores, 4£d; Argentine chilled hinds, 6d; fores, 3£d. Market for New Zealand beef nominal. Pork: English porkers, SO-lOOlbs, lOd; N.Z. porkers, 80-1001bs, B£d; 100-1201b6, Bd. Market for N.Z. pork weak, demand poor owing to warm weather. Levin and Co., Ltd., have received the following cable from their London agents dated 9th May, 1930: —Frozen meat quotations (prices on a “delivered” basis, i. 0., including - storage charges, cartage, market tolls, etc.) :—North Island Down lambs, 28-361bs, B£d per lb; 36-421bs, 7§d; best North Island crossbred lambs, 28-361bs, 8d; 36-42!bs, 7£d; North Island second quality lambs, average, 30-311bs, 73d. Best NorthIsland wether sheep, under 481bs, s£d; 48-56!bs, 4gd; 56-641bs, 4Jd; 64-721bs, 4d. North Island ewes, under 481bs, 3|d; 48-561bs, 3id; 56-641bs, 3d; 64-721bs, 23d; New Zealand primo ox beef, 160-2201b5, 4£d. As compared with last week’s quotations, North Island Down lamb, 36-42!bs, /d per lb lower; best North Island crossbred lamb, 28-361bs, £d per lb lower; North Island second quality, id per lb lower; best North Island wether, under 561b3, id per lb lower; North Island ewes, under 481bs, id per lb lower; Now Zealand primo ox beef, id per lb lower. Tho market is steady with ft better feeling all round. Prices appear to havo reached their lowest level. The New Zealand Meat Producers’ Board has roceivcd tho following cable from its London office, dated 9th May, 1930, advising that the following are the approximate average prices realised for the week, based on actual transactions of wholesale quantities of the descriptions of moat mentioned and are for representative parcels of the goods offering during the week, being for business done on the basis of delivered to Smithficld market and/or ex London stores; prices for tho two previous weeks are also shown in parentheses:—N.Z. sheep: Canterbury and North Island selected crossbred wethers and maiden ewes, 48/56, s£d (51d, s£d); 57/64, 4£d (4 3-4 d, sid); 65/72, 4d (4£d, 4£d) • North Island do., 48/56, 4 3-4 d (sd, sid); 57/64, 4id (4£d, 4£d); 65/72. 3Jd (4d, 4£d); ewes, 48/64, 3d (33d, 3 3-4 d); 65/72, 23-4 d (23-4 d, 33d). N.Z. lambs: CanterCanterbury, 36/under, B£d (B£d, 83d); 37/42, 73d (73d, 7£d); 43/50, 6 3-4 d (6Jd, 7d); second quality, average, 33d, 73d (7 3-Bd, 7 5-8 d); other South Island brands, 36/under, 8d (Bd, 8d); 37/42, 7£d (73d, 7 3-8 d); 43/50, 6 3-4 d (6 3-4 d, 6 3-4 d); including Downs, selected North Island brands, 36/undcr, B£d (83d, 83d); 37/42, 73d (7 3-Bd, 7£d); 43/50, 6 3-4 d(6 3-4 d, 6 3-4 d); second quality average, 31, 7 3-4 d (7Zd, 8d); other North Island brands, first quality, 36/under, 7Jd (Bd, 8d); 37/42 7d (7£d, 73d); second quality, average, 31, 7 3-4 d(7 3-4 d, 7 3-4 d). Australian lambs : Victorian Ist quality, 36/under, 7d (7|d, 73d) ; 37/42, 6£d (6 3-4 d, 7d). Argentine lamb: Ist quality, 36/under, 7d (7£d, 7fd); 37/42, 6d (63d, 6£d). N.Z. beef: Ox fores, 3 3-4 d(3 3-4 d, 3 3-4 d); hinds, 5 5-8 d(5 5-Bd, 5 5-8 d); cow fores, 3d (3d, 33d); hinds, 43d (43d, 43d). Argentine chilled beef: Ox force, 3Jd (3£d, 3£d); hinds, 6£d (63d, 6 5-8 d). Australian frozen beef: Ox crops, over lOOlbs, not quoted; hinds, over 1601bs. 5 5-8 d(5 5-Bd, 5 5-8 d); N.Z. primo porker pigs: 60/100, 93d (9£d, 10£d); 101/120, 7£d (Bd, 8 3-4 d); N.Z. prime baconer pigs: 121/180, 7£d (7£d, 83d). N.Z. frozen veal: Not quoted. Lamb : Market it steady with bettor enquiry. Buyers are displaying a little moro confidence in the market; consumption continues good. Mutton market; Wethers remian dull, but a little more enquiry for owes owing to present low prices. Beef: Market is quiot; trade slow. N.Z. porker pig 3: Trade now slow. N.Z. baconer pigs : Nominal .prices.

LONDON SHEEPSKIN SALE. Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., report under date London, Bth May, 1930': —Attendance at Sheepskin sale, good, good demand from foreign and home, buyers. As compared with closing rates of last series: Merino combing 10 per cent. higher; clothing 5 per cent. to per cent, higher; crossbred 5 per cent, to 10 per cent, higher generally.


WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE, LAST WEEK’S BUSINESS AND PRICES. A moderate business was done on the Stock Exchangee of tho Dominion last week. Tho sales wero well spread, tho shares of several companies that havo been noglected lately coining in for a little attention. Some shares have been fairly steady, but others, mainly those of Australian origin, moved erratically. J. B. Wero and Son, of Melbourne, in their weekly letter, dated April 17, says: —“Candidly, we think still lower prices must prevail during the next two or three months, an there is a great shortage of money for investment.” Tho same firm states that since the beginning of the year there havo been recorded 75 dividend reductions, and eight dividend increases. Government securities were in good demand throughout the week, but there were comparatively few sales, business being confined to the •4£ per cents., tho 1939 maturity changing hands at £9B 2s 6d and £9B ss; 1938 at £9B ss, and £9B, and 1941 at £9B 2s 6d and £9B. Wellington Harbour Board 5£ per cents. (1940) sold at £9B ss. In bank shares-by far the greatest number of sales were made of Commercial Bank of Australia, but tho trend of prices was downward. Early in tho week they changed hands at 20s lOd, but later sales wore at lower prices, going as low as 19s Bd. Bank of New Zealand on the other hand showed very little variation, with sales at 58s down to 57s 6d. National Bank sold steadily at £6 6s. Bank of Australasia. received more attention than in the previous week and changed hands at £l2 5s and £l2 6d. Bank of Adelaide are not a great favourite on the local markot, but tho low prico at which they aro procurable .is a temptation. This bank reduced its dividend from 10 per cent, to 9 per cefit., and its shares sold last week at £6 11s and £6 lls 6d, at which prico the return is about 7 per cent. English, Scottish and Australian Bank wero inclined to easo, and sold at £6 5s and £6 4s. casing tendency was displayed also by Union Bank, tho course of sales during tho week being £ll 10s, £ll 7s 6d, £ll 6s, and £ll ss. Bank of New South Wales also moved downwards, with sales at £39 2s 6d, £39 and £3B 17s. 6d. National Bank of Australasia, £5 paid, showed a firming tendency, with sales at £7 63 6d, £7 7s, and £7 7s 6d. There is a 5 per cent, dividend payablo on these shares on May 28.

A wider business than usual was dono in financial shares. A good turnover was done in Dalgety and Co. in view of tho 5 per cent, dividend payable on Thursday, but tho investments were erratic, with sales at £ll 2s, £ll 3s, £ll 3s 6d, £ll 4s, £ll 3s 6d, £ll 2s 6d, £ll 3s 6d and £ll 3s. Goldsbrough Mort and Co. sold at 30s 3d down to 29s 9d. National Mortgage changed hands at 59s 6d, 62s 6d and 60s; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Coy., Ltd., at £95, and Wellington Trust and Loan at £7 2s 6d. Insurance shares were quiet, but firm. National Insurance 6old at 14s Bd, 14s lOd and 14s 9d and New Zealand Insurance at 445. There was no business doing in gas shares, except Auckland Gas, which were very steady at 23s 9d and 23s lOd; Taupiri Coal and Grey Valley Collieries came in for attention bccauso of the pending dividend distributions. Taupiri Coal will pay out a 5 per cent, dividond on Thursday, and the shares sold during the past week at 25s 9d and 25s 7jd. Grey Valley Collieries is distributing a half-year’s dividend of 3 per cent, next week, and its shares changed hands at 23s 9d. HuddartParker showed a weakening tendency, with sales at 38s 6d and 37s 3d. Northern Stoam wero turned over at 14s 6d. Meat shares wero slow. Business was dono in Gear Meat at 38s, and New Zealand Refrigerating 20s paid at 10s 9d, and 10s paid at 4s lOd, 4s lid and 4s 9d. Kauri Timber sold at 13s 6d. New Zealand Breweries were very active, but tho opening price of tho week was not maintained, the shares selling at 51s 7d, 51s 9d, 51s 3d and 51s 6d. Staples and Co. changed hands at 48s, and Tooth’s Brewery at 32s and 31s sd. There wore quite a number of sales of British Tobacco, but prices moved downward. Sales were recorded at 38s, 37s 9d, 36s 9d, 35s 9d, 35s 4d and 35s 6d. A moderate business was done in other miscellaneous 6haros. D.I.C. preference sold at 20s 3d; Farmers’ Trading Co. at 8s 2d and 8s 6d; Now Zealand Farmers’ Fertiliser at 18s 6d; Beath and Co. at 275; N.Z. Paper Mills at 20s 3d; Henry Jones Co-op. at 28s 2d; Robinson’s Ice Cream at 25s 6d; Wilson’s Cement at 39s 9d; Colonial Sugar at £4O 5s and £4O 10s. Electrolytic Zinc and Mount Lyell havo eased becauso of tho heavy decline in metal values. Three weeks ago Electrolytic Zinc sold as high as 28s, while last week they changed hands at 23s 4d. Mount Lyell were up to 34s three weeks ago, whilo last week they went down to 26s 3d. Waihi Mining were firm at 14s 2d, 14s 3d and 14s 4d.

The following sales were recorded on the Stock Exchanges of the Dominion on Saturday;— Wellington.—Commercial Bank of Australia. £1 0s Id; Tooth’s Brewery, £1 12s

3d; British Tobacco, £1 16s 6d; Colonial Sugar, '£4o 103. Auckland. —Huddart, Parker, £1 176; Mount Lyell, £1 6s 6d. Christchurch. —Government Bonds, p.c., 1938, £9B ss; Christchurch Drainage, 5} p.c., 1965, £100; British Tobacco, £1 17s; Dunlop Perdiau Rubber, 14s 9d; Mount Lyell, £1 6e 9d, £1 6s lOd, £1 6s Bd. Dunedin. —British Tobacco, £ll 6s 6d.

Quotations compare as follows with those previously cabled : — Apr. 17. Apr. 24. May 1. May. 8. lb. lb. lb. lb. d. d. d. d. Sixty-fours ... 28 284 29 294 Sixties ... 26 27 28 28 Fifty-sixes ... 20i 21 m 214 Fifties .... 174 18 • 184 184 Forty-sixes ... 154 153 153 16 Forties ... 15 154 154 154

LONDON, May 8. The following rates on foreign ex* changes are current to-day, as conujered with par: — May 8. Par. N. York, dol. to £1 .. 4.85 31-32 4.866 Montreal, dol. to £1 . — 4.866 Paris, francs to £1 .. 123.86 124.21 Brussels, bol. to £1 34.825 35.00 Geneva, francs to £1 .. 25.085 25.221 Amsterdam, florins to £1 12.075 12.107 Milan, lire to £1 .... 92.68 92.46 Berlin, marks to £1 . 20.36 20.43 Stockholm, knr. to £1 18.105 18.159 Copenhagen, knr. to il i 18.165 18.159 Oslo, knr. to £1 18.16 18.159 Vienna, schgs. to £1 34.455 34.585 Prague, knr. to £1 164 164.125 Hel'fora, marks to £1 1921 193.25 Madrid, pcs. to £1 39.725 25.2215 Lisbon, esc. to £1 .... 108.30 — Athens, drac. io £1 . 375 375 Bucharest, lei to £1 ., 818 013.6 Rio de Janeiro pence to milreis 55 5.899 B. Aires, p. to dol. . 435 47.577 Calcutta, p. to rup. .. 17 13-16 18 Hhanghai, p. to tael .. 223 — H.-Kong, p. to dol. .. 17 15-16 — Y’harna, p. to yen .... 24g 24.58 Batavia, florins t° £1 12.075 12.107 PRICE OF 1 SILVER. LONDON, May 8. Silver.—Spot, 195 per ounce; forward, 19 7-16d per ounce.

SATURDAY’S QUOTATIONS. Buying and selling quotations ; at Saturday morning’s call on the Wellington Stock Exchange wero as follow :— Buyers. Sellers. N.Z. GOVT LOANS- £ s. d. £ i. d. 4* p.c. Ins. Stk., 1938 98 0 0 — b'z p.c. ditto, 1933 and 1936 99 5 0 — 44 p.c. Bonds, 1941, 1939 and 1938 98 0 0 — 4£ p.c. ditto, 1930 99 5 0 — 54 p.c. ditto, 1933 and 1936 99 5 0 — DEBENTURES— Wgtn. Racing Club 105 0 0 — BANKS— Australasia 12 2 6 12 7 6 Aust. of Commerco ... 1 3 9 — Commercial of Aust. (ord.) 1 0 1 1 0 2 Commercial Banking Co. (Sydney) 20 0 0 — English, Scottish and Australasia — 6 5 0 National of N.Z 6 5 6 — National of Australasia (£10) 14 15 0 *15 0 0 Ditto (£5) *7 6 0 — New South Wales ... 38 15 0 *39 2 6 New Zealand 2 17 6 *2 13 0 Ditto, long term *1 6 6 — Union of Australia ... 11 2 6 — FINANCIAL— Goldsbrough Mort ... 1 10 3 1 10 10 N.Z. Guaranteo Corp. (ord.) 0 7 7 0 8 0 Well. Invest., T. & A. — 0 11 3 Well. Trust and Loan 7 1 0 — GAS— Christchurch — 1 6 8 Gisborno — 0 14 0 Wellington (ord.) .... 1 10 3 1 11 0 MEAT PRESERVING — Well. Meat Ex. (ord.) 0 7 0 0 8 0 N.Z. Refrig. (10s) — 0 5 0 TRANSPORT— Huddart-Parker (ord.) 1 17 0 1 18 0 Union Steam (pref.) . 1 0 6 — P. and O. def. stock ... — 2 12 0 WOOLLEN— Wellington (ord.) .... — 5 19 0 Ditto (pref.) — 6 2 6 COAL— Waipa — 0 10 9 Westport-Stockton (ord.) — 0 2 3 Ditto (pref.) — 0 3 0 TIMBER National — 0 8 6 Leyland-O’Brien. — 1 10 0 BREWERIES— Crown 0 9 0 — New Zealand 2 11 3 2 12 3 Stapler* and Co 2 7 7 2 7 11 MISCELLANEOUS— Burns, Philp and Co. 1 13 3 *1 14 3 British Tobacco (Aust.), (ord.) 1 16 6 1 16 9 Colonial Sugar 40 5 0 — Dental and Medical . — *0 13 0 Dunlop Rubber 0 15 0 — Electro. Zinc (ord.) . 1 3 6 — Ditto (pref.) 1 5 0 — National Electric — 0 11 0 N.Z. Drug — 3 6 0 N.Z. Farmers’ Fertiliser — 0 19 3 Sharland and Co. (ord.) — 1 0 0 Ditto (pref.) — 1 0 4 Wairarapa Farmers’ (pref.) — 0 15 0 Wellington Cordage . — 0 11 9 Well. Queen’s Theatro 1 3 0 — Wilson’s Cement *2 1 0 — Mount Lyell *1 6 7 — *Cum. div.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 5

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FARMING AND COMMERCIAL Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 5

FARMING AND COMMERCIAL Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 5