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A Press Association telegram from Auckland states that the V.M.C.A. campaign has produced £9242. A Press Association telegram states that Mary Rogers was fined £40 for sly grog-selling in Dunedin yesterday. Capt. Edwin wired at noon to-day as follows:—" Heavy northerly gale; glass fall fast; river flooded after 24 hours." A Press Association telegram from Auckland states that a farmer named Exley, Roberts was drowned in the Waito'mo River (which is flooded) today. A Press Association telegram from Auckland states that "the tender of Messrs John McLean and Sons (£16,717 10s) has been accepted for tramways in Mt. Eden borough. Ripe tomatoes have been obtainable in Nelson during the past few weeks, having been sown in heated glass houses. They are at the fancy prico of 2s 6d a lb.^ Mr E. F..*ffealy leaves again this evening for Christchurch, where, after two false starts, the Agricultural Implements Inquiry is expected to take place this week; Mr Healy expects to return on Saturday night. " Hard times must be coming," jocularly remarked the Chairman of the Awatere Road Board yesterday, upon counting the large number of tenders for gravelling contracts. He said it was years since such a large number had been offering. It is stated by a Press Association telegram from Masterton that the Opaki Rifle Club, whose range was closed down by the Defence Department recently as being dangerous, have secured another site, giving a range up to 1500 yards. Your boy looks well in a Navy Bluo Kaiapoi Norfolk, or 3-garment surfc. Good value and low prices.—H. r. Hall. Subject to the approval of the Land Board, Mr Alexander Hogg has sold his grazing lease at Flaxbourne to Mr Sharpe, of Seddon. Mr Hogg has been obliged to part with his highly improved property owing to confirmed ill-health. During the hearing of a case at the Wellington Magistrate's Court it was elicited that Chinamen usually have three names—a private, a business, and an ordinary one. In the absence of further information, the Magistrate surmised that the private name was used in the transaction of love affairs. Moire Under Skirts, in best shades, very full frilled, nicely tucked, fit all figures, only 5s 6d each to-day at R. Allan's. According to a Press Association telegram from Auckland, the Council has passed resolutions opposing the Tramways and Fire Brigades Bills. The Tramways Committee of the Dunedin City CounciLhas also recommended the Council to oppose the Tramways Bill, and to secure help from other cities. Ribbon Corsets! The best asortment in Marlborough, from Is lid pair. Erect form Corset at 2s 9d pair. These prices are something new in Blenheim.—R. Aih\n;. , * The. agricultral implement manufac-, turers ot New Zealand, together with •the agents of British, Canadian, and American firms, have definitely decided not to exhibit at^any of the A.'arid P. Shows, in-' £he Dominion this year. So far as the ■ Maryborough ' Show is ooncerned, however, there is a prospect that one or two Blenheim agents will exhibit in a limited way. Sample Goods.—Ladies' Lisle Hose, in plain and open lace, Is, Is 3d to 2a pair.—H. F. HalL *

The contract that .Messrs Briscoe and Co. have been, given by the Wairan Hospital and Charitable Aid Board for the lining of the walls and ceilings with figured steel has been commenced, two walls having been completed. Messrs Hegglun Bros.' contract for an addition to the women's ward and the erection of a long verandah hasalso been started. Boys' Blouses and Tunics, in plain or striped Drill and Holland, from Is 6d each.. A very large assortment to fit from.—R. Allan. * The Commonwealth Postal Department has obtained from New Zealand, for service on the mail vans, a stamp-cancelling •machine, which will deal with 350 letters per minute. The electric machine at the General Post Office (says the Melbourne Argus) cancels 1000 stamps per minute, but it is not suitable for installation in a railway van. A Scarce Line.—White Linen Insertion for this season's linen dresses.-— H. F. Hall. Messrs Dalgety. and Co., Ltd., report the sale, on account of Mr 0. de V. Teschemaker-Shute, of the Glenlee Estate, Awatere Valley, comprising 13,600 acres freehold and 15,500 acres leasehold, with 8500 sheep, as a going concern, for delivery after shearing, to Mr William Shipley, Greendale, Canterbury, at a satisfactory figure. Is 6d pair—This is the price of our well-known Lace Hose, in white and black, etc. Fit ladies and children with any size.—R. Allan. * A discharged prisoner from Dumgree recently visited Dr. Me Arthur, S.M., and asked for assistance to procure lodgings. The Magistrate sent him to the Salvation Army quarters, where the man went and informed the officer in charge that he was to have the best accommodation the institution afforded. Inquiry over the telephone, however, elicited the fact that the S.M. had only authorised the ordinary treatment, and would not be responsible for the luxury which the soul of the Dumgree gentleman craved. Calico, in white and unbleached, 2s 6d dozen yards. Extra weight, full yard wide/6d yard.—H.'F. Hall. * With the evident concurrence of the other members of the Awatere Road Board, Mr Meehan remarked at the meeting yesterday that limestone for ! road metalling purposes had been tried and found wanting. _ The weather appeared to soften it too quickly. The Board has placed miles of this metal on the Flaxbourne roads ! since the opening up of the estate for settlement, but the policy has now been entirely discontinued, the shingle being at present obtained from £he ITre and the FJaxbourne Rivers, and the Needles Creek, besides various gravel pits on private property. Second-hand Cycle Sale.—l Gent's I "Raleigh" free-wheel, new tyres, only seen eight months' use. Cost £22. Our Sale price, £8 10s. Don't I miss this. —Wellington and Wairarapa • Motor Company, Ltd., Markei Street. 7 j

At tho Awatere Road Board meet- j ing yesterday Mr Meehan brought up I tho question of deviating tho Seddon- ! Grassmere road by taking it through Mr Ham's section, and avoiding the Lion's Back. The length of road would be shortened to about one-third, according to Mr Meehan; and when the Blind River railway station was opened all tho traffic would be upon the new section. Mr Cunningham thought, without pretending to know the locality intimately, that the loan money raised for this district should be spent oil the old road. It was finally resolved, on the motion of Mr Bell, that the Chairman and Mr Meehan interview Mr Ham about the matter. New this Season. —Ladies' Linen Sunshades, in white, cream and coloured, plain and embroidered.—H. F. Hall. Labour Day is being observed only in a half-hearted manner in Blenheim to-day. Beyond a football match amongst two branches of the housebuilding trade, and a smoke concert that will be held to-night, nothing is being done to mark the day. The Civil Servants, of course, are having a day's rest from their labours. Considering that there must be nearly 300 men engaged in the district in the house-building and allied trades, it is rather surprising that the conventional procession of larger towns has not been instituted. Perhaps needyweedy gardens account for the quietness of the town. Ladies' and girls' Delaine Nun's Veiling and Viyella Blouses, only 4s 6d each. Come at once and pick your choice.—A. Allan. * Lawns for Blouses and Dresses, in all plain shades, very wide. A big line at 6J yard. Take a dozen at the price.—R. Allan. * The spectaclo of a Road Board's stray-stock ranger careering around a village township, at no earlier an hour than three o'clock in the morning, with twenty or thirty horses, gathered from all the paddocks in the neighbourhood, and withal, hiniself in a bibulous state fitly described in i Burns's expression, " roarin' fou'," was presented to a Marlborough local body this week. The complaining member further asserted, admittedly on hearsay evidence, that the people of the township were complaining bitterly of being kept out of their sleep by the erratic impounder's nocturnal yells. The chairman came to the relief of the impeached ranger's character by declaring that he had seen him in the hotel at 9.30 the previous evening, and he was then perfectly sober, with only half an hour to go till closing time. Becoming serious, the members of the local -body expressed the unanimous opinion that it" was time people realised that the practice of turning their horses loos^i on the roads at night must be stopped. Linen Damask, full double width, unbleached.. Is, white Is 6d. Special value.—H. F. Hall. A petition is in circulation amongst the ratepayers of the Awatere road district praying to have the boundaries of the three subdivisions altered, with the objectr--of more : evenly distributing the rate money^. lAt present the Flaxbourne subdivision pays £1544 in rates, the Lower Awa; I tere £1322, and the Upper Awatere j £253. Under the scheme of altered boundaries each subdivision would ' give territory to each, until the rates levied would be as follows:—Flaxj bourne, £1213; Lower Awatere, £1061; Upper Awatere, £845. At present the Upper Awatere boundary on the north side of the river is fixed at the Bolton Run. Under the new .scheme the whole of Dumgree would be taken in, besides runs lying between that estate and Bolton Run. Cotton Vests for girls . and ladies, cool and strong, plain and lace yokes, to be cleared at 9d each; startling value.—R. Allan. * Once you see them we are sure to sell them.—Tidy Embroidered Lawn Caps an motor shapes; spiffing value at Is each.—R. Allan. *

The plain and fancy dress ball held at Renwick on Friday last, under the management of the Renwick spinsters, proved a great success, dancing being kept up till an early hour. Excellent music was supplied, the supper-room being under the capable charge of Mrs Mills and Mrs Eraser. Some of those present in fancy dress were:—Miss E. Brydon, as Lady Clare; Miss K. Eraser, Runaway Girl; Miss L. Fraser, Empire; Miss P. Brydon, Spanish dancer; Miss E. Mills, Gipsy fortune-teller; Miss T. Haineb, Sailorgirl; Miss A. Fraser, Japanese; Miss M. Brydon, Fairy Queen; Miss Q. Branton, Fairy-tale; Mrs Cheesman, Yeoman of the Guards; Mrs Millar, Japanese; Mrs Watson, Early Victoria; Mrs W. Haines, Good Luck; Mrs Hounsell, Lady huntsman ;'Miss Wemyss, Grecian; Miss Effie Brydon, Awatere Football Club; Miss Mollie Brydon. Scotch lassie; Miss F. Gleeson, Waitress; Miss M. ■ Gleeson, Pierrette: Miss R. Paul, Nurse; Miss K. Eves, Butterfly fairy; Miss E. Eves, Forget-me-not; Miss Murdock, Grannie; Miss Murdock, Housemaid: Mr G. Hare, Jockej;; Mr S. Haines, Nigger; Mr F. Haines, Jockey; Mr P. Gee, Huutsman; Mr A. Herd, Clown; and many others. Gents' natural wool Socks, no dye*, no seams. All sizes, Is 3d pair; usual price 2s.—H. F. Hall. * i The monthly meeting of the Blenheim Borough School Committee was held last evening, when there were present: Messrs Penny (in the chair), White, Lord, Birch, Brown, Pike, and Jordan. The Headmaster reported that out of 236 boys on the roll, the average attendance for the past month had been 200, and out of 204 girls the average atendance had been 166.3. As the Inspector's examination is in progress, the Headmaster did not deem it advisable to observe Labour Day as a school holiday, the usual examination holiday taking place on Friday, when the examination will he finished. It was stated that the attendance was steadily improving, thr majority of those who were away with influenza and whooping cough having returned. Mention was made of two doors and a window at the girls' end being in need of repair, and it was also stated that in consequence of the cooking classes the water-supply had lat times been deficient, but was at i present good. It was resolved, on the motion of the Chairman, that Messrs Bythell and Co. be instructed to have the doors and windows repaired. The Sem-etary of the Education Board wrote coUEsrxin7 to the wish of the Committee with reg?vd to a certain tree in the school ground.''. Messrs Brown and Ching were appointed the Visiting Committee for the month. Accounts totalling £20 5s 11<7 wero passed for payment. You can do a suffering friend ;* kindly service by saying " Steams' •Headache Cure will quickly cure that headache." A trial will convince you if you have not used it yourself. *

The Hon. Mahuta Tawhaio, M.L.C., ' intends to divide half of his interest in the Moerangi Block among his i landless followers. The gift means the partition of 15,000 acres among those who agree to the only condition of the gift, which is that the land shall be worked, and not allowed to remain idle. Cough! Cough! Cough! Don't cough; take Tussicura; stops the tickle at once. Make your summer holiday Dress while you can buy one yard wide Hollands, Linens and Crashes from 7£d and 9d yard, at R. Allan's. * " We are still experiencing earthquakes in Sail Francisco," says an American writing to a friend in Wellington. "We have had a very unusual summer—cool and damp—which I think is in some way due to the earthquakes. There was another good one on Sunday morning, which had us all up. In San Francisco it is a poor week when they do not have one or two shocks, but the papers never mention them for fear of injuring the rebuilding of the city. If you come over this fall you will see a great improvement in the city, and in a few years it will be itself again. Large buildings are going up, and as the Board of Supervisors have removed the height limit, more skyscrapers are going up than before the earthquake." Mountain King Asthma Powder never fails to give relief in old and chronic cases. If suffering give it a ferial at once. Richly Embroidered Aprons, in fine muslin. Everybody should have one of these, as we have reduced them to Is 6d each.—B. Allan. . * Mr G. B. Chick, a Christchurch builder and formerly a city councillor, who has just returned from a trip Home (says a Post special), found, in England a considerable prejudice against frozen meat from the i Colonies. Frequently New Zealand and other meat was avoided, and in j no case was it given preference. Many people called it dirty foreign stuff. On several occasions he pur-, chased meat which was beyond any question New Zealand, and Mrs Chick cooked it. They found it practically tasteless and far short of what it should be. He could account for the condition only on the supposition that the method of thawing the meat was bad. Tussicura,. for coughs and colds, has stood the test or time j procurable all chemists and stores. * Delaine Dressing Jackets, the latest shapes, worth gold, selling now at 3s Id each, at R. Allan's. *

What we escape in New Zealand. As Mrs Clutterbuck, of Kiewa (Victoria), was leaving her house recently she saw a snake, which she attempted to kill with a stick.' She tripped and fell, and the snake became entangled hi her clothing. She seized it through her skirt six inches below the head, and lay still until her son arrived. As he was cutting away her clothing she relaxed her grip, and the snake bit her six times. In- the meantime her son had cut the snake in two. The bites were scarified, and antidotes .were administered. Mrs Clutterbuck is out of danger. Headaches and dizziness quickly dispelled by .taking Dr. Ensor's Tamer Juice; obtainable all chemists and stores. . " . \

Going like hot buns—rMushrooms, only 6d each. Just the thing for school wear.—R. Allan. *

The appeal which is being made 1j the Mayoress of Wellington (Mrs.His-' lop) throughout the Middle University, District for funds to assist the establishment of the Women Students' Hostel is not (says the New Zealand Times) meeting with quite the success ! that might have been anticipated. With the object of raising a sum for the purpose of furnishing the hostel, Mrs Hislop circularised about fifty ladies, asking them each to undertake to raise a sum of, say, £3 amongst their friends. Some of these have responded to the appeal, and have even exceeded the amount asked. Two or three have stated plainly that they think the girls would be better engaged learning household, duties than prosecuting their higher education. Mrs Hislop does not despair, however, of being able to raise something like the desired £150 by next week. There are women students from all parts of the Middle University District at the Victoria College and Training College, and the object of the hostel is to provide them with all reasonable home comforts and necessities. The sum which the committee,has set itself to collect for the furnishing of the estab- i lishment is £300. Mrs Thornton,:who-j has been appointed lady principal of j the Students' Hostel, is at present in Wellington. Mrs Thornton is the widow of the late Mr J. R. Thornton, M.A., LL.D., a well-known Dunedin solicitor". Woman's advice to woman:—lf troubled with constipation, headache, liver or kidney ailments, take Tamer Juice. *

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Marlborough Express, Volume XLI, Issue 239, 9 October 1907, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLI, Issue 239, 9 October 1907, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLI, Issue 239, 9 October 1907, Page 4