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THEATRE ROYAL. The appreciation which was accorded the initial screening. of the new series of films at the Theatre Royal lust night was ample proof of the popularity of the laro provide:]'. Dramatic, comic and m>n:c numbers were happily hlondll'l," iim ' vita-ii-.ipli production, I he Intruder," was a fitting "star." Ihe story surrounded thn affaii« of a young maji (heir to a fortune) and his hope ol attaining the hand of a peasant girl. He overcame the natural aversion, ol her people and love triumph**). A ocliit'tion l>y the .same company, " I'lic Way to Happiness," told 1 a , pathetic story with a strong moral tone. Of the litany laughtor-rnakera "Max and thu Portmanteau," with the artiVt Max lender in the chief role, was especially good. Owing to the theatre being- engaged this evening the pictures will not be shown until to-morrow night. PRINCESS THEATRE.

A very lino series of films constituted the bi-weekly change ol' bill submitted at the Princess Theatre last evening. I/il'e in the "Flowery Land" was excellently and picttinlitjuely portrayixl in a drama of convincing interest 'entitled "The Oath oi UtsuM San," in which a pretty romance was unfolded. Incidents behind the wenes wero depicted ill "The Clown and tho Prima J)onnn," while '"rile (lirl Across the Way" told "I a man's restitution after many misdeeds. A fil:m which made a strong appeal to the audience was a scenic production portraying many beautiful scenes ,in the Highlands of Scotland. The comic section was an excellent one. Owing to the theatre lieing otherwise engaged this evening there will be no picture entertainment.

BALL AT CROOKSTON. The annual Young People's Ball was held in the Crnokstou Hall on Friday evening (writes our Tapanui erirresjHmdcnt). 'I here was a larg*; gathering, the hail being overcrowded, visitors iieiiin present tram He not, Kelso and Tapanui. The hall was tastefully decorated lor the occasion. About GO couples took part in the grand march, led oil by Air A. Stewart (secretary) and Miss. ■>iJuh.V Kirk. 'I he catering was in the luufcr* assisted by th» ('roofer lad i'sS W. HoK.irth ami AV. Jtamsay M.C.'s. The music was supplied hy Alessrs Rundlo and Weeden and all urrangoments were ably ca:ried out by Ihe committee.

"THE ROSARY." Messrs. George. Willonghby, Lul., and E. J. Carioll (in conjunction) will stage the long-looked-for play, entitled "The Rosary," at the Theatre Royal on Friday evening next. It is iiom the pen of Mr Edward E. Hose, the author of "The Adventures of Lady Ursula," "Tho Prisoner of JCenda," "Rook of Ages," etc. For this prodm tion the management has brought out tliei entire original company whiih has been playing it in the States, including Air Harrington Reynolds, tho distinguished American actor, who has played the principal character, that of "Father Kelly," for years. During the time the company was playing in Melbourne (a run of six weeks) it immediately jumped into popular favor, although ail of the.members were entire strangers, it being their _ first appearance in the I Southern Hemisphere; and doubtless! they will have a similar experience in New Zealand. Some have an idea that "The Rosary" is a religious play, lv is not. It is a play full of sentiment, emotion and—what might seem strange from its title—comedy, and good honest comedy at that, the sort that brings good stealing laughter from all. There is certainly a good lesson to 1)8 learnt from it, such as there is in "A Message lroin Mars" and "Thy Passing of tho Third. Floor Bark." li will bo staged for one night only on this occasion. Tho theatre will he steam•heated. Tho box plan was opened' a: Steans' this (Tuesday) morning. No extra charge will he made for hooking. Day sale tickets may be obtained at Steans' on Friday morning next. CARNIVAL QUEEN ELECTION.

The interest taken in tho Carnival Queen election continues. The counting of the votes yesterday evening showed that Mi.'B Williamson, of U tiff, stil! holds nicmier position, and' the Gore candidate (Miss Mai tin) wan returned to second rositiou on the list. An auction was held last evening in the Core Town Hall ';f ;;ifts of various kinds and Mime farm produce. There was it large attendance, and Mr'R. L. Hogg 'acted ps auctioneer. While t-onie <>f the articles were sold at less than market value, farm produce was disposed ol' at satisfactory prices. The committee is well ;atit-lied with the result. In order to i.-iine funds to further tile interests of the Mataura candidate (Mrs I'. Amos) a tm;-of-ivar competition was commenced a week ago, when the first round wan decided. The finals took place o:i Saturday evening in the Horticultural Hall, great interest being manifested in the .■ontests. The following are the results—Winners' clawi, ."econd round: Football > team heat Sayer:> team. Waimumiv beat Pipe liand; fina', football team Waimumu. Ixisers' class, second round: liawtio's team beat Tuturau, Broom won by default; third round, fc-'avern' tcjm beat liroom's team. Pipe Rand beat Hastie'.s team, Waimunm Ikmt Savers' team; final, Waimmpu heat Pipe Band. The football team were therefore declared the winners, with Waimunm second. A competition for ladief a'.so aroused keen interest, although there were only two entries. The single ladies had an easy win over the married ladies. Messrs \V. Ingram (judge), J. Waddell (timekeeper) and A. J. Thompson (superintendent) gave c-very satisfaction in carrying out the duties allotted to them.

Attention is drawn to the social and dance to take plaoo in tho Dominion Hall in aid of the- Carnival Queen funds. The social will bo held under the auspices of the Eastern. Dintret Sub-Union and a large gathering is expected. Mr Lints, who has been running "(itieen" elections all through the Dominion, will be present, and it! v; iKipjd that his assistance will bo the means of placing tho local candidate at the h,ead of the poll next Saturday. • \ '. ■

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Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 5

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ENTERTAINMENTS. Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 5

ENTERTAINMENTS. Mataura Ensign, 21 July 1914, Page 5