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The annua) mooting' of tin- Gore Trotting Club was lurid on Tuesday evening, Mr I). M. Montgomery (vicepnsident) in l)it- eliair. The annual rejiort and baluiiec-sheet (already published) were adopted. The election of office-bearers resulted as follows: President. Dr (!. A. Copland; vice-presi-dent, Mr 1). M. Montgomery ; treasurer, Mr F. Wallis ; secretary, Mr ,1. Latham ; Imndieapper, Mr A. •). Gibbs; auditor, Mr George Brett; stewards. Messrs Jas. SI. Barron, A. Gardiner, .1. B. Xicol, .). V. Kelly. J. J. Green, 11. Hay, W. Latham. 1). Holmes, 11. .Martin, and 1), Maeara. It was decided to hold the annual trots in February. At a miljscpient meeting of stewards, Messrs Gibbs, Xicol, and Green were appointed a sub-committee to draw up a programme for a one day's meeting and submit same to a further meetiig to be held on December fi. Honorariums were voted to the secretary (Mr J. Latham) and handieapper (Mr A. J. Gibbs) for past services, and the meeting closed with u vote of thanks to the chairman. The matter of subsidies for mails on the School Commissioners' properties in Wailiaia district, has been held over for a full meeting of the Coinmis sioners.

' At yesterday's meeting of the South land County Council, the condition of the premises occupied by Alex. Allen, near I'uket'au was further considered. A communication was received from the secretary of the Charitable Aid Hoard stating that as Mr Allen had iiUU acres free of mortgage, valued at .C.T2O. and also a farm at Waiwera, the family was not poverty-stricken as was at first suggested. The Board had nothing to doiwith the inattei of the alleged lunacy of one incmta.T of the family nor with insanitary surroundings. There were three young men able to worli, and the chief fault appeared to be want of cleanliness, over which the Board had no control. Councillor Fleming said it was clearly not u case of destitution, but one of dirtiness. The whole 'question was whether the Council could compel a dirtv person to keep clean. Dr. Ogstoii. Chief Health Ollieer, who 'mis present, explained the procedure necessary to meet the ease. He stated that he intended to visit Allen's premises personally, and would report to the Council. It was resolved that on receipt of Dr. Ogston's report the Chairman take such action as is found necessary. A special meeting of the Malaura Borough Council was held on Tuesday evening, there being present the Mayor, Councillors Bulueave.s, Camer o n, Heslin, Lowden, Mtirlcy, and Walton. It was decided that under contract -15 the footpaths be asphalted the lull width at contract price. The Mataura Athletic Society was granted the use of the recreation reserve on Boxing Hay, with power to' charge for admission. Mr W. Humphries applied for a lease of section I'2, block XI, which it was resolved to grant conditionally on his lirst paying costs of preparation of lease ami one year's icnt in advance. It was resolved that tenders be Culled for contract Mi, to be in for the meeting on the 20th fast. Uur JMiupdale correspondent writes : ihe annual social of the r\napdale iiauci ol Jiope took place on> evening fast, Mr A. byars presiding, the cnurch was well lilled, ami tne lengthy programme presented was much appreciated. Recitations were given by Misses Mary Irvine, v.lelland, and Muster (Shave ; solos by Alasteis l-.iiKsl and Koy Lrebble, Misses Dunn uml Aitken and Mr Blue. An interesting dialogue was given 0> the Otama mind ot Hope Society. Messrs .J. Dickson and Giilinnan con tribkitcd a violin duet. Messrs John Mac Gibbon and K. (J. Smith each gave an address, the former directing his remarks chiclly to the adults and the latter to the children. Jn a comprehensive vote Mr I'eter I hanked Ul who had contributed to the success ol the evening.

The Gore Homing Society (lew a pigeon race from Jiiuaru yesterday. The birds were liberated by the slutionumster tvt 'J a.m., the weather being line with a light southerly breeze. The distance is 102J- miles. The result of the race was most unsatisfactory in one way, an the birds homed before they were expected, with tin 1 result that 51 r Fisher had no record or their arrival. The race was, therefore, declared off. Miss Hutchinson's and Mr Pigeon's birds arrived at the same time, and were declared to huve recorded a dead heat. 'lhe velocity of these two was MUT.lSyds. which is a record for the Club. .Mr Pigeon's bird was the black i-he-picr cock Dartmore, which put up a record for the Club as a young one from Studhobue, when he homed at a velocity of 13'Jliyds. Miss Hutchison's bird was the blue pied hen Little Wonder. The Club desires to tlnuik the railway authorities for their care of the pigeons. The New Zealand Kxpress Co. Ltd., have l»een appointed forwarding- agents throughout -New Zealand for the New Plymouth Carnival and Kxhibit-on. Tlie Exhibition opens ul Christinas time, and exhibits are accepted from practically all over the colony. Full particulars will be announced Inter.Advt.

Ever abreast of the limes, Mr John Jamie, Gore and Wyndham, is already opening up his stock of Chtistinas and New Year novelties in jewellery, plate, and presentation articles. The goods have been chosen in the best markets and the prices being as low as is compatible. with lirst-class quality, those in search of seasonable' gifts should experience no difficulty in making a satisfactory selection.—Advt. Messrs McCutcheon and Kiuhie having dissolved partnership, offer the whole of their stock at unheard of prices. Settlers should not fail to call on them when' in town and see the marvellous bargains.—Advt. Mr Frank Jones, representative of Fitzgerald's New Continental Piivis and .Menagerie, arrived in (.lore JaM night, tojmikc arrangements for lliu of this well-known organisation on December 1 and :! (show nights). Full particulars will ill our next issue.

The Southland Acclimatisation S„. ciety yesterday despatched three line red deer stags to the Ilawea district. Central Otago. where they are to be liberated for the purpose of uni;ni»uting the herds in that locality. Mcnibers of the Gore Presbyterian Church choir and their friends 'to the number of thirty, held a very enjoyable. ]»ieiiic at Croydon bush ves'te'rday, the day being perfect. ' Two drugs conveyed the party to the bush, where Mr and Mrs I'atcrson (choirmaster and organist) had everything m readiness for a feast in tho 'open. The day was spent in the usual outdoor pastimes, and the party returned to Core about eight o'clock, having thoroughly enjoyed the outing l . Coiiii'liing yel? Kver think of Irvine a bottle of Uneeda CTiTigh Kvrun (Marshall's)? Its rapidly curative n<l.on astonishes all who use it Sr>!,-.i did for old p..-0,,l l; and children. 1.-: i»| and 2s f„|, „t „|| chemist* .„„] S , ;)| .. J —Artvt.

Mrs Thornton, the victim ot Ihe Waikaia shooting tragedy, being flint in the body with a revolcer by L'tank Erwin (who subsequently committed .suicide), died at the laveiynrgill hospital about ten o'clock iust night. after an operation performed several duys ago. Mr .1. L. Whiltinghani. brewer of (lore, Ims icoived authority from the Collector of Customs to erect a at Mundeville for the storage of hcc-i', and also permission to retail liquor from those premises. Mr W. ti. Hiddell, Duiudin, the newly appointed magistrate, vas sworn in at Gore yesterday by Mr G. Cruickshank. S.M., and made his first appearance on the Bench at lnvcivirgill to-day. Jiewarded for its jiaticnce in Moling, the Gore Citizens' Tennis Club was favored wieh |>erfe I weather for Ihe opening of its season yesterday afternoon. There was a large att.vidunee of players, and afternoon tea (provided by the gentlemen) was dispensed. The Hcv. A. N'iehl. Warden of >'e.lwyn College, is to prcnt-li at St. Saviour's Church. Matanra, on . unduy afternoon next, and at Holy Trinitv Church. Gore, on Sunday evening." On Monday evening the Vrimate [l)r Ncvilll is to conduct a special adult conlirniution service at Gore.

At a meeting of delegates to ch-l a re|)resen(alive on the Southland Hospitals and Charitable Aid Hoard for the grouped boroughs of Kivert Winloii. Camphelltown. Gore, Mniiura and the Stewart Island C.naly Council, held at Invi rcargill yesler dav. only Messrs Ni.hol (ltluli'). Kenned v (Winton) and l.ow.len (Mut.iur.i) atteiuled, and Mr l.owden was un-i'ii mously chosen for the position. I'er several years past a member of ihe Gore Borough Council has been the representative elected. Mr doliu Mae Gibbon acting last year. There is a scheme on foot am-fig several promini'iit Soiithlnnders to promote a monster excursion of Can-(ei-burv farmers to this portion >f Hie province. It is that if dtlers ill the North coiilil only be made to realise what excellent hind is to be obtained in Southland nt a low |irice many of them would embrace the o|iporlunity to uc juiie farms without delay. In ruder to achieve that end it is quite on the cards that something in the nature of a special trip from the North lua.v be befoie very long. Ashowing the ignorance that prevails in Canterbury In regard to the advanced state of Southland, a prominent Kdendale fanner relates how. on a recent visit lo Christ' lunch, he vas aji|ironched by a Northern settler v ho intend.d looking at some land in the Morton Mains district to know whether, in the event of his coming down, he would be able to get a bed i.l Invcrcargill ! Crops all over the district are i ,■ ginning to braird out bravely, and in the vieiniiv of Half • turnip sowing has already eomniniced. Making handsome amends lor p-si unpleasantness, (lie weather y.-st.'day was simply perfect, and the change has been heartily welcomed by iwuy oue. In such a delightful setting ihe tlS|.t;ct of everything is eon)|llel •'!>' changed, and no room is left for any sentiment but splendid optimism in regard to the coining season. Mr It. McNab's Ivel agricultu-.d motor arrived in Gore yc-tenlny. and in a trial run through the streets acquitted itself most creditably, Ie ; ig the cynosure of all eyes, owing hj, its novel appearance. A test race under the auspices of the Gore Harrier.-' Club was rim at the Caledonian ground last eveing for the iinrjiose of selecting a team to represent the Club at Dunedin ,n December 2. S. v. a candidates fined the starter, and afti r a most sati4.,rtorv contest it was divided to sel.-t L. Smith. .1. Tosswill. J{. Dust and W. Uoss as the team. The hearing of the charge agai:i-t Henry Vernon King of making a false document, namely a power of attorney purporting to be executed by Thomas Keenaii. was concluded at (lie Dunedin Supreme Court vested.iv. Alter an hour's retirement the ,i.;ry returned u verdict of not guilty. n,n\ accused was acquitted. Jtoollis to let. Genera! servant wanted. Improver to wanted. Latch key lost. " <1 K. Hodgvr, Mora Studio, inseits notice. Friday week bank holiday at Gore and Matanra. Mrs Kenning wants cooks. Imlgetv and Co. announce wool sales. Borough of Malaura want lenders for asphalting. Dresden jiiano turner in Gore !omorrow and Saiurday. Tothill. Ltd.. offer C.'iH reward for information as to persons sell-ng seeds as Sutton's other than Sutloa's Church parade of Matanra ItiliYs on Sunday. Show visitois are asked to call at Simon's cash store. .1. V.. Broad holds cheap sale of saddlery. Thom|isoii and Co.. Matanra. law grass for sale. Great bargains at McCutch i and Kitchic's. Southland A. and I'. Show on I.Vcembcr b! and 11. G. and M. Dickson apply for a lignite license. N.M. and A. Co. sell Gnrryowen claim and dredge on December ll*.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 2

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The Ensign. GORE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 2

The Ensign. GORE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Mataura Ensign, Issue 1415, 24 November 1904, Page 2