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IVic La pen's, Leeds, Traction Engines. The ONLY ENGINES used for Carting Wool from the back country to Christchurch. ■ «viffi?p«TJ3r**Tß f^^m^^AAm^ fiyXm^^M^Mk W J!fii#!##|il s^pippilii^siiHi I^Mteli^m M^KKSSUL 'GOLD MEDAL, Haddington, N. 8., 1891, after a trial open to all-comers. FIRST PRIZE (£75) at Glasgow, in 1888, after an Exhaustive Trial. We do not quote awards gained ten years ago, as is the custom with some makers, although v/e could do so, but in his progressive age we must keep up to date. Tho two ibove awards aro the latest that have been competed for, and McLAEEN was PIBST in both. Mr. John Giuog, Longbeach, writes: — "I havo much pleasure in slating that tho McLaren Traction Engines I purchased from you aro working most satisfactorily, and I can'confidently recommend them for farm purposes as well as for road work. They are quick in movement and easily managed. The governors work easily and well." , "mr. .HL. BScsX.S.JS.EBa', ZLg,&-Xi.-t, 2-3:3 St. iS.ssap>l-j.»s*B?©e'fc, ©Sa.i.risfcesSa.'w^oSa., j Where a Stock of these Engines may be seen. Inspection Invited. « i «anp«iehiro Rolf *' has stood the test op thirty years | lie L=€aßl«rf£aS3lßl3 «3 DCX AHD IS THS OBIGIMX AND OHIiY GENUINE — FABRIC BBIiT. j — ~- = CQ M fcrj § HI — — v g fco ,*i o S fe i Ph CO IMpp h to t-i "'V' 3 \^#§S%! h h o " r 1 - r S=° S p-i 53 v^S , 1-3 o fei i A. L-i - - «§2HffiS 02 i ROBiaRS 1 B. DEHKiSTON & CO., ole Now Zealand Representatives, Stuart-street, Dunedin. Agencies at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Invercargill, Greymouth, Eeefton, Timaru, Oamaru, and Eiversdale. fHE COLONIAL MXJ T U~A L T H ~^~o olon ia l LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Ltd. - wooa™., AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY (Lbd. FUNDS. NEW BUSINESS. * INYBKCARGILIi. Date. Ajiount. Period. Sum Assured. 31st March, 18S1 ... ... £151, 11 d 7 years ended 3lst March, ISBI £4,043,615 British, American, and Continental Impor31st December, 1887 ... 740,155 6J years ended 3lst Doc, 1887 7,437,391 WHO LESALE& BETAIL IEONMONGEES. 31st December, 1894 . ... 1,793,028 7 years ended 31st Dec, 1894 10,112,445 Ircm MerchantSi Door> Sashj Future, mi General Woodware Manufacturers. _^ __„__ „^„„^_^ , We have always ou hand large stocks of TOW.HX, I&JSTmr BUSHSaSS Building Material, Furniture, and General Ironmongery, Sawmill Bequisites, WheelSince Commencement of the So ty exceeds « £|&%^ u sE&S quirements, Furniture, Doors, Sashes, ODwejra.'fcsr-.cKEie ESill 3as e2?15.5a^ Turnery, and every description of Woodware AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PEIOES. (£21,000,000),Now Landing, and to Arrive, ex s.s. I • „ n t\;f-it /■ ' i c • i • 1 "Pakeha," "Waimate," and "Crusader" being an average oi a Million tor each year of its existence, g.c. irou, Plain, and Barbed Fencing wire, - Wire Netting, Bar Iron, Cement, &o. DISTBICT AGENT OTAGO. our FURNISHING DEPAETMENT com- \ \ , n prises ; — Suites of Haircloth, Cretonnes, and Fancy Jnall Parts of ths YV>r"'! ( ;. e riA7\ U- r > At s^o'!"> TOM A BA:"JC \ s a*.OTH E R'S Velvets, &c, Chests of Drawers, „„,,,. „,.,,,,.,„,., Mwwu-MvrTip)™ Wardrobes, Occasional Chairs, WashP.IM i* viu, irdb i .-.J-_W{>TCOM l A!i\GIARCh. stands and Ware, Dressing Tables, Young Infants CANNOT (lijrc-sl STARCHY FOOD^, a perfect Artificial Food for Carpets, Curtains, Floor Cloths, Infants must/therefore. NOT CONTAIN STARCH. Mats . Hearth Bugs, &o. 1 ' ,->,-.' i c.'-i p-^-a All Orders entrusted to us will receive I W^M'^B» £-'-;.! \hX% h-Ai t yy £"ts »-. careful attention and despatch. „**sft K^-l^ Wss fe-'-'^-a |0l! jwlW ly/VV-A fi- ' , '-^^S Sl r»v. Inquiries by letter, wire, or telephone fj^S& fei-?l W'^3^l %ih p*s |p fo yM (&' y : '^y\ promptly attended to. Quotations for 1 WM^&S'^ fe'3f*~ &$h WH y^ F-% PAAy k<y __7 specifications scut on application, and ; Ml^ W■ W l^-^lit-^^f \AXAi \AAkAI yAX.. Estimates given. I M^l M PSiS^ !:«,—-_-—^..,_ feg ygf M^ V?*^ THE COLONIAL, HABDWAEE, AND I 11^ cs^sn p^™. -^|W IMPLEMENT CO., Ltd. I |fe# CfONT^IMS ' M© STARCH, BUT MAKES A PERFECT FOOD FOR THE YOUNGEST CHILD. MELLIN'S FOOD for Infants and Invalids may be obtained of all Dealers throughout the World. T r n , mT -, Tr i ,/■, nnmrv-nn tt-tt- t n G. mm, MARLBORO' WORKS, PECKHAM, LGfJBON, ENGLAND. Siimo'S powdeh §lls Agents— War dell Bros, aud Co., Kempthorae, Prosser aad KEATiNG'.S TOWDEE KILLS Co., and P. Hayman and Co., Dunedin. ' KEATING'S POWDEE KILLS ' J ■ ' lyLluuul,J « KEATIKG'B POWDER KILLS " KEATING'S POWDER KILLS V.:,:i\ V^\a iLia^^^fi, SLJMk IWl' m^ «UT IS IIABMLBSS TO ANIMALS. iy lij j:\-r® «^ vnTtt S ra JS3F I k^^ BUT JS HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. E. : :?^' * j; ' w " W''f| M W I «^ Ik. )H DUT IS HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. £>"-"" 1^ i ra . % . C%& DUT ]S HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. _ „.,. M MSS lms3 %zW BUT IS HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. l^ihrhTr^r Ncr^°f Disor j lc "' eh ns WM, «d,Mi ra the Stomach, Sick BUT IS HARMLESS TO ANIMALS. Ilea l.uhe, Giddiness :, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Tt . TT . „,. , , . „ T „. a Uiill,, flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness Blotches It is Unrivalled m destroying FLEAS, on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous 'and Trembling BUGS, COCKROACHES, BEETLES, Sen-ations, &c. Tim first Dose WILL give relief in twenty minutes. This MOTHS iv Furs, and every other is no fiction. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they species ol insect. Sportsmen will find w 'p' k? acknowledged to toe "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." tllis invaluable for destroying fleas in i i, iii SP S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete tlie (lo B s . .«- s a'so ladies for their pet nealtu. lncy promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the sy^em For a dogs. Weak Stomach, ; XsspaireeL Bigestion : Disosdesed Zdvez ■ The pudlic are cautioned that thoy act like magic. A few doses will work wondS-a upon the Vital Oroans • StronKthcnii^' tho ? vevy l J "- cka S e o£ ™ a genuine powder , Muscular System; restoring the long lost Complexion ; bringing back the keen edfro of imnctito" nnd ,jr - ;X1 ' s tl)0 of THOMAS • S?r t XT, S«M -nv'tl"? ° F , X™™^ W " t °'- E "i™>OAL KN-KnOY of the frame. 1 These are KEATING ; without this any article lS^ i .?? f "l ,t ?f 1? thousands mail classes of souioty, and one of tho best guarantees to the Nervous i offered is a fraud Sold in Tins only ■ «nd debihtated is thf.t llcechamS Pill, have the largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in tht world Full Oilcictl is aII ami. bold in J. ins only. directions with each box. - — Prepared only by THOMAS BEEOHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England CHILDREN SUFFER Fitoai WORMS, Sold eve^hero, In Boxes, OJd., U. ljd., and 2s. gd. each. CIIILDHEN SUFFER FIIOM WORMS, CHILDREN SUFFER feom WORMS, ,-_ — -^- = - = — . — .- ,— , . , CHILDREN SUFFER from WORMS, T>URITY CIGARETTE'S. BScGSVI ST ILN& CO. CHILDREN SUFFER from WORMS, -*- ! BREWERS. which ruins their health. KEATING'S ; WORM TABLETS are PURELY VEGE- | Never travel without a good supply of NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS TABLE SWEETMEATS, furnishing, both ° "f" ■ „„ TT r T , T ,„ T „„ „ m appearance and taste, a most agreeable - Purity Ciffirottos They swe-fcen vonr ' 1880-90-s'our First meUlo d of administering the only certain : J. urity Oigarottcb. iiiey sweeten yoni . Prizes; 'jl'ibto Saconds. remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD , temper, and mako you look philosophi- M WTPnTTT7MT? VYUrPTTTrw i^™ WORMS. It is a perfectly safe and mild I L J L L Mliii^OUKNii lbo3-&9— preparation, and is especially adapted lor cally at "the discomforts of travelling. | 'Urn 1)!1 Villi's. Children. Sold iv Tins, by all Druggists. _ __ | i . ixrT|xT T— — „ T „ T Proprietor, THOMAS KEATING, London. TUToD 0N A L D BROT II ERS,' manian exhibition, lsoa-as--LtJ- Two Cold filodalo, Ons Silver, MERCHANT AND MILITARY %£J£" Bronze ~ AGAINST ™ E TAILOHS XJzTLi&TnL JSye&Tia&vy, ,- rr c- T ~ WATER OF Lite I )J I ott .^ ii D I i! G F ,V; 0u i -Ai TIMEBI (Over Mair and Shepherd's), " y:?-Pi r .Z ''-ii-- . ■.•--7;'-';.\T-,i~y-'&SM "I"S7"ATSONS' COMMERCIAL HOTEL If] \'il iV^'v. ,'■" v i-\' ( L;" W»^^ (Next Door to Grand Iiotel). jf ! 1 1, L O & ti iiu 9 iil 1 1 tt I . INVEROARGILL, {jf^rAi fjiA? X^fWWWll An Hotel with a moderate tariff to suit |V: ; :^S3,^^j and 108 Gkohoc-ktkhkt, Dosunijf. i those who do not wish to pay 12s Gd pei day, , r , „ '" , __ and who oft(JU _an infel . iov room t0 y lose punry l.ic I-lo.vl ;-0,.«t nh Disorders of the ; T7l S P E N C E,' for which we charge 7s per day, or £2 2s per /■■«■'. K,.!ney., and Boxvels They ! $7 . iweek (including board). We also provide i;-,"":;'-; '•'-'■■; n'-''i y-'^.lo health Debilitated i Taxldfismist. . rooms without board. y ' i; V '"."! "- f ".'" a ™ '" V llua ''•;, m all Com " j biroiiTANT to Commeiiciat, Tkavelusrs.— l-l'ii-l- ':'-^-''i-d to ,■ emalcs of all ages. House, Teviot-street; Workshop, Tvuc-strcet :W° ™° sti " } n possession of our old Sample i^,' '.yr^^sz^zss^ INVERCARGILL. .Rooms. Wire it you want ono, besauss j^F;ji ;.7*i*'V'. f <. Xlt>i!'4iM | they arc in great demand. L'jy-r^^'- 1 ■'Jg-5-'««»™| BIRDS, ANIMALS, AND FISH STUFFED j A TTT x T ~~X^r k. mnnv -BP '"^".''•v "'i^ f ° r B fJ n Le 8: s > ??d : AND MOUNTED. !«| . AND J. VV ATBON. l ." ra y, ,v! U > 0, : C3 a » d For ; ■ ' b-"^ 1 !;;..'.-. -;, Lronciulis, Coughs, Colds, Artificial Rockwork and Back Scenery to (Builders of the Grand Hotel) '-• --■"uali.s.n, -Glandular Swellings, and j Cases, equal to Lest London Work. Prize- I „„„„„„„„„„ ill Skin Diseases il has no equal. I taker Tooua Exhibition, 187 S. Over 20', PROPRIETORS. T1 ,,„,, „-..., , -. . . , '; years New Zealand experience. . . „ X I,c J ": h ;,m ' ( ""i"™*-™ Manufactured ; Skins Prewired and racked for Trans- CAUTION. 7S™7oxfora£t.(-ar' ; s3sozfordSt.)London: ' ■mission Abroad. „ , „ , „ „ , „,,,,.. , „ „,.,,. ANY PERSON found TRESPASSING y ,tl a , re M "' 1 ! 1 '')' M Vendors of Medicines I>. S. was a pupil of Mr. Ward, of London, J\_ on the Property of the Undersigned l ; lro "K» 0 «t 1 ' 11 -' Civili.-.i-d ,Woild; with direo and has had a large experience in many without permission will be prosecuted ° lions lor u ~ e '" alniost every language, countries. Patrons can rely upon haying I ' 6»- Pnroiasors should look to tha Xabel . t heir specimens set up naturally, without the I G. M. BELL, Wantwood. on thu Pots tin-l Boxes. If the address is not ! s tiflness usually seen. August 12, 1893. 533, oxford Etriet. london, they are spurious. '

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 214, 12 November 1896, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Issue 214, 12 November 1896, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Issue 214, 12 November 1896, Page 4