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, Ladies' Column. General ot '°«^- The stud - » m«-»,i;o(-o fTIO thavbl this season In the Gore, Ctattoi-, TTAr-, mT T^^. TT „~~ SJIOIUHSBS. X Otama, Waimea Plains, Ualfour, Lumsden, and HAS THE BALL-ROOM BEOOME Mosslurn Districts, VTTT,ft ATf 9 T BEG to inform the PubUc that I am The Colobratea carriage EtalUon V uuLtAJK I JL now MAKING VIOLINS, and have Granton. every confidence that the Quality will give „. ,_ _ , ■viri, l ■ i l-i n i •« antiofc.H™, Sl,,<! . Trump Card; Trump Card, by Traducer. Wbat SOCial life would be if WO Were satiataction. Granton's dam is by a Pinole Patoheu mare; g-dam told we must not dance it is really im- Tho Tone and Finish have been highly g^g*^ g J^^MS*" w? uT *"* possible to Conceive. The dancing spoken ot by Competent Judges. Tebms-30s when mare proves in foal, and 30s at masters of London and the country— Bows Ke-hahied akd Violins Re^auied. end oi senso °- THOMAS SHAW owner at all events, a good representation of THOMA'TrATUfO'DY john Thompson, m charge. them— have a problem in hand just ",! KnAA T° travel this season m the Riversdale now, but it is not tbat one. They UUltli. s(Mcl X Balfour, MandoviUe, and Waikaia Districts, complain that inartistic and vulgar The ciyde^de staUion methods have found a way into the - T „„ . ...... .." t, t , „ ,, , j lv l c lv ' i. l-ofty is a bright bay, rising five years, bred by ballroom, and that some 01 the most .James Henderson, Esq., Kelso, stands 17 hands, ; beautiful dances are thus being de- THE CASH WAEBHOUSE tt IX^'SS^f SS?S^S^ Stroyed. They are endeavoring to ._._ Bonnie Scotland; g. dam by Sir George Grey (im- ' stem tbe tide, which means showing ffis^?^ffi^J\3!Ss%SS& fight to the vagaries of fashion It FANCY GOODS BAZAAR. ZT&^LTt^^^^^Z^^. 'IS a sort Of rising in the interests OI Lofty gained firstat Tapanui as a yeailinginlß92,flr?t true daiieino- Ti /\T TWr"EI TOTS/^O at Gore in same year; first as a two-year-old in 1803 I m, ° ■, „ , i KOYSMK HKOa £ ,mi at ™™* Park, and second at Tapanui and | Tlie Square dances, the lancers, aud JW»v aa.iju muvwi Gore; as a three-year-old, second at Tapanui; and the quadrilles are now all too fre- T>EG to announce the arrival of a VERY "T£RMS-J3° n £l lO^afeml of season, and £1 10s qiiently danced as they Should not be -L> CHOICE ASSORTMENT of when mare proves in foal. Guarantee as per agree - I i j lv i • l • ti ment. Mares sold or exchanged held as in foal. j danced — tnat IS to Say, incorrectly — NKW SEASON'S GOODS. Groom's fee, ss, payable at first service. i and due movements being omitted and t. Mortimer, owner. 1 others introduced. A quadrille should ' Dress Lustres, a beautiful lot. J. kidd, in charge. be danced according to its proper I French Dress. French Dress. Noti<je t<> BreedeM# • figures, but if you go into a ballroom . JjUstie ber ß es - lustre berges. — 'mn toi I m«af oni-fnliihr c,, Q thor if he „ Crape Pnnts - Cra P c " ln t3- A S the Imported Irish Stallion WICKLOW will YOU Will most ceitaillly see that It be- j Prints in Stripe and Spot. A- be travelling the Invercargill Districts, arI COniOS simply a romp instead of a Moire Surat. Broche Silks. Bead Gimps. ""Semento have been made with the Manager of t c i _ r , , . , i „ -, , ndale Estate for grass for marcs for those breeders grncetul sec cf acts by tlie dancers. who wish to secure the services of WICKLOW from Not only that, but of 20 quadrille sets A or mor. , on a lloor, you may not see more than Children's Straw Hats. marM - p n . row „ nn . two sets doing exactly the same thing, j Children's Dresses and Pelisses. . jo pp' fl stibles InrercargiU. ' and even then these may not be dane- — ' ing according to the correct method. A "v"cry Pretty Assortment o£ Sun Hats and m 0 travel this season in the Waikaka ! 7ni v • ii ii i '• Bonnets, bilk Hoods and Hats, -*- Valley, Chatton, Otama. Wendon, Rivendale, Xiie waltz IS all tUO rage , SO much i Pinafores (new shapes). Waikaia, Wendonside, Balfour, Gore and surrounding ,so that among tbe aristocratic elassos' Wr „„ . „,„ m „ „,„,„ „, distnois, ! i- ii i • t t t, • iliOWBBS! iLOWEBSI! I 1 LOWERS 1 Tli. P,».1™l ra,j™j.i ot in ; practically nothing else IS danced. It j p AKOy Lacb [ Chiffon ! Purebred Clydesdale Stallion ' is the waltz, the waltz, all the night, Sir Robert. with perhaps tho lancers introduced In tho Fancy Class Department, we Sir Robert's tire, Lord Salisbury ; dam, Norah, by miw nr Iwicn mr? it rm'trlif lin i ivillrn ' have a Pretty Lot of Napoleon. (Tor extended pedlcree see cards.) Sir I OllCe Ol tViICO, aucl It migtlt UO a pOlKa, J Robert is a first-closs breeder. His stook have topped I for that dance shows siffns Of COUlinff FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, the i market m Dunedin at Messrs Wright, Stephenson li i , t ■ c n ■ i I TEAPOTS. BUTTER DISHES. <&0. anil Uo -'a annual horse fair three ypars in succession. back tO favOl' in fashionable Circles, j J.biuuid, auiiun wduuo, au, TERMS-^I at end of season; and £2 when mare The waltz is a wholly delightful dance The Book Department is added to by in itself, but after all not our ouly J Every Mail. Bld '"■ exehauged after service, owner at first service dance, or its stop our only step for A Sydney Side Saxon, by Rolf Boldrewood. <*«rg«l Ml pri«L . .■,„„„:' I The Crooked Stick, by Rolf Boldrewood. w - GRIERSON, Groom in oharge. uuuuuf _ .Old Melbourne, by Rolf Boldrewood. _ : : AS an example Ot We dancing to Nevermore, by Rolf Boldrewood. rriO travel Tins seasoh in Gore, Riversdale, which exception is taken, take tho A Modem Buccaneer, by Rolf Boldrewood. JJ: Waikaia, otama, Waikaka, Heriot, Tapanui, first figure of the quadrilles. Its Boy Myrtle and, by Crockett. Walkoiko1 ' P^" d s ™<""e WWo* • movements are half right and left ; sot • ££ 8 »^f »«• b g^^ ■ Thoroughbred Horse to partners and turn ; ladies chain ;; A lf oocam e a / c ' e oyf0 y f T "° Worlds, by Marie Corelli. lmnmAm „, t I f^ a f t f B ' n. A . and gallop round tbe set. Tbat is j A Son of Reuben, by Silas Knocking. otX^XtC^'. \^Zt oit^t what should be ; but instead of setting j The Heart of Man, by Silas K. Hocking. by Krettrader. Tubal Cain out of Zillah, by Treto partners and turning, the dancers S^L^M^ H^ Wo^ PeiU ' SC - i^A^^Z^t T^^i, ll waltz in a small space. After the Works by M la HemyJ.Yood. _ ladies' chain, they also waltz instead Agents for Dresden Piano Co. tubus— Half guarantee £3, 30s at end of season nf nollnninrr nnr7 who f ia fhn vncmlf nf and 30s wheu more proves in foal. Fall guarantee, Ot galloping, and Wliat IS tbe leSUlt Ot — — £4. Mares sold or exchanged, owner at Umo of waltzing? Perhaps your first and J^™ 3 hav n e n .?, w , a La V s ? St °r ° , £*™ % hM responsible, Groom's fee, ss, payable at -, ° , , L „„l „ l MUSIC, and will be receiving the LATEST first responsible, second couples ha\e not an accurate SONGS &a every month. COLLINS & O'BRIEN-, . ear for the music, so they waltz too ' AL— ' j_ K y Mß °™oharg^ aikski long, and tbe third and fourth couples RHV^IP Rl^O^ "" ' ' ' ' do not bave their share in the dance. DvT Iv C E3rlv/*3.j mo travel this season iv waikaka vaiiey, > This means confusion, a general mix- MAIN STEEET, GOEE. tttcon • 0 "" na • Bi ' eradole ' * ad Waltoia ; ture of tbe dancers. When a quad- The Purebred oiydesdoie stallion rille is being formed there is always a Ejb Roy (by aJt^JE*^ K(ttoa Eose) is , rush to bo 111 the first two Sets of a . . — r' Bn g Aye years old; color, bay; with immense clean, ii , • ,i i± l l l flit bone, and plenu of hair of the best ciuality. group, tnese naving One nrS6 turn tO -rT-ATTANfi-ATA -RAILWAY AND GOAL Bob Boy"s aum, fclrton Hose, Importa I, hy Prince : dance. Dancers would rather not ba l-T AIJ - AINOfA - , - A itAILWM AJS,U WMj enariie 629; g-jam,R, S e, by Prince of waies.ezo. ; „ „ ■ -, i . „ , . „ -*-»- Full pedigree see cards, in the third and fourth SCCS, Since they COMPANST, LIMITED. TBRMS-£1 lOs'at en' of season, and £2 when ' may trion lie r>vii«horl out nf ilir>ir full mare proves iv foal. Groom's fee, si, pajahle at first ■ may tnen De ClUSCiea OUC OI tneil lUll . !5318 ., ff1 , =«■« «,«« » n s ' J ■• vi < ! ' , • All maixa to be arranged for on or before proportion Ot the dance. Eg Hi | UralSS H H Ellllll 25th January, 1897. Mares soil or exchanged held , Probably the greatest change of all B B «»*^ff% ■ « « ¥"3" as ta iwh thomas ourrie. Groom m charge. : has taken place in reference to the fifth fie-ure of fcho lancers— a change ts " This very Superior Coal for House- HPO travel this season in Gore, Mataum, „,° lUiUiiOia a ouauge J a X Waikaka Vulley, Waikaka, Chatton, Otama, which began among the aristocracy, hold and Steam Purposes can be delivered at Mandeville, Riversdale, Balfour, Waikaia, and adand has spread all over, much spo ling any railway station twenty-four hours after Jomins Ti, e °c c i c brnted Trotting gta'lion a perfectly dainty dance figure. The receipt of the Order. Texas. Correct movements are these : —Start Texas, sire Berlin, imported from America. Dam "rand chain • first COUple gallop round One Trial is sufficient to establish it by Shales, tho champion trotter of England in his in the set and finish facing the reverse in Publio Favour. TERMS— £3, half guarantee. Guarantees as per way, third and fourth COUpleS follow ArAQQITv -^ m "TmTparticuhrs in future advertisement. in behind ; ladies set to the loft ; gen- ' MAbbliiX & OU., B „o ss „„ er tleman to the right and vice rasa ; AGENTS, GORE. R. forbes, in charge. ladies slightly turn to the right, gen- w p w , iTgON mo travel this season in Gore, otama, tlemen to the left, and follow round IU ' ' -*- Chatton, Waikaka, Pukerau, Mataura, Tuturau, line; advance up the Centre with General Manager. Edendale and Wyudham District,, hands joined, then disengage ; advance Crawford-street, Dunediu. Ktag o* the cllnT' 0 " lhat IS the fagure; but after starting CIS.SJTI'XOJN. metsl that the piindpal breeders in the South have >ith the grand chain dancers waltz nTQnw . „,7— „, . . S!^^S2^ t^S ,ott - J,rI "' """" W • ddo,l • round 16 bars, instead of galloping pOISON is laid for. Do S s over tho whole wyndham stto co. round the inside of the set eight bars. ° £ the New Zealand Agricultural Com- . __ , While they are waltzing they fall in pany's Property. T°v? R „^ L n^ S w E^ s ?^, i , ver3 S? 1 ?' , „ " ii.i-1- l j tr 1 j. Wendon, Otama, Wendonside, Cattle Flat, Waibenina One another, ladies turn ■ " " ' kaia, uaUour, Lumsden, and Surrounding Districts, Slightly to the right, gentlemen to the PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR The Thoroughbred Stallion left, link arms in fours, wheel round 1 cnec Gipsy Prince, in what is called the soldiers' figure, lchoc. Le Loup-Gitana. and waltz to places. yAN S. SIMSON (on behalf of the Poverty «2Kd«*Si SiTa^'prov* in foal.^luU The actions are not nearly so pretty, J. Bay Earmors . co-operative Association Z™ S <Z°^. and they are apt to make the dancing (Limited)i has FO r sale or LEASE, o room's fee, 5s v rough and confused. Just work the ' „ .„. on „„ „tn glo. Holland, owner, m oharge. fit ■ t Th f• t 1 1 several Properties, ranging from 20 acres to _ — ,° „ • 1 , ,' U P °, a wa / S 400, to 2000, and up to 5000 acres. The rpo TRAVEL THIS SEASON in the Otama, Wni have their backs to Orchestra, the * v '"" • * „,■■■ lv ■*- koka Galley, Waikaka, Cliatton, Greenvaie second COUple beinff opposite. The Prices are from £10 for laud adjoining the Glenkenioh, Waikoikoi and Gore Districts, third Couple are to the right of the Township, where you can make 5s per week The Clydesdale Stallion first; tho fourth couple to the left of per acre out of the land, selling milk v or The Banker. the first. Now, suppose that of one butter, to £5 5s for land six miles away, K^^ &£>_?,_£*%£?,£. Hanke? group of dancers, the first COUple hi"hly improved, or can be leased ; to land (imp.), <iam Jean by L rtS.dishury (imp.), grand- am waltz round and faco the reverse way. t buah aud part cleared , gnaranteed to Bia'V y Empcror ' Breat grand - daD ' K,te by At the sa'.ne time tho second set of I the two sheep to tho aore all the year fl *£ S^n'^^f^^^f U iT^e^ next group may 111 error bO Waltzing , „„ „ . „. , „. An , old : second at Duuedii. Atth.T.iieriSUo* inlß9o, iWosi-l nf tho fiiNfMof fhi« hniin.nina rouud - 30 mlles Irom G'sborne— puce, 40» 6be , nOl , second B 3 a hroo4 mare , al o second for lllSteaa Of the UlaC-SOt, tOIS nappjning Wli 0 and two of he • or g-ny. Jean U full S'ster to Vei'V often. The OLltCOme is that yOU " acre> Flnra Macdonald which gained firsf, prize at Dunedin haw these two couples-the first set I have also, on behalf of the Company of one ei'OUD. the second set of another two or three HOTELS for Sxle or Lease li 1891 she gained Hrst prize at Timaro and Ashbur--6 . , . , , „ . „.,,. „,,, „ ton, and second at Christchurch. Flora Macdonald group — Coming bang into each Other doing sploncid businesses, very little capita was firat and champion at Christchurch and Asoburand making a regular playground of required to go into them, and a sure thing n J^^ l Sai^rtt^^Mtt , ". t,, the place. A change whicb actually for those that do. TERMS— JS3 (guarantee). Groom's fee ss. implies a measure of danger has been I. S. SIMSON, Baxter bros., owners, otama. introduced into the third figure of tho 0359 Gisborne. lanceiS. ~ rpo TRAVEL THIS SEASON, in Gore, Matnura Tn thn Tinql.-ut. fimirp nf rhp lniippvc. I-T 1-1 - 1 - Wyndham, Fortiose. Waikaka Valley, Waiin me DaSheß nguieor cne lailCClS, XI.XX. kaka, and Waimea Plains Districts, as the third one is. Called, tho gentle- TV Tbe Standard-bred Trotting Horse, men should first join bauds. Then XT „ Kentucky, tbe ladies should rest tbeir hands EECOaN^ D T ™!°TnM ™,™^ U,n> *" By Berlin (imp.)-.Tcnny Trace^ (Im & , Full brother „ „, „ ti , 11 i THE LEADINa JLS'I'ABLISHJIENT. to Geueral Tracoy, winner cf Sires' Handicap, two lightly on the gentlemen S elbows, and miles, in 5.4, constituting a record for Sires. the group wheel round in circle. What 171J&ANK TTYAMS, Kentucky is a iw.l^ with t>i»k pointsj 10 IS done IS tbat the gentlemen join -JL JL- L ' years old, and a rare goer, with a bcantifui temper ; 16 hands behind the waists of the ladies, 14 Princes Street, E»w3ne«aiix, ]£S 1 0 , r . vu * l,; and is a true trofctor ' and suro Ioal " who rest their hands on tho gentle- „„ T^„„ KENTOOinrh^ sired timmdi-taown trottersmen's Shoulders. When the Wheel WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, £«***,^^ Kentucky JfaU, Mist, Larry, Maggie round comes, the ladies are carried off AND BIRECTBIPORTBR. thoir feet, and should a gentleman's dam, Sm Dudley, dam of Mambriuo Dudley, 2min hnnd «lin— 1« n Uirl alnvn miv pmiciA E-H. holds the Largest Stock of Gents' and 19s;c; s-oond dam, STadame Dudley, by Bashaw nana blip— as a KlO gIOVO may cause Ladies' Watches in Gold Silver aud Horse; third dam by May Day, siro of May Queen, it to dO— a lady may come down Nickol Ston Watches Salt Smin 26se 3 ; Woodford Mambrino's dam Woodbine, , , ,1/1 i i l i JNICKOI, btop wattnes, Dpiu 2min 19seo ; Woodford Mambrino sired Abbois oid, Sharply lipou the liOOr and hurt ber- Seconds and Repeaters. • 2miu 27Ssec; Conway, Smin 22Jsec; Magenta, 2min «bU ' T">nilv P,livr,ni(>ln ' S'fseo ; Lady MoFatridge, Smin 29sec; Dacin, 2min SBH. J^any OUloniOlO. Mjseo; George Ayer, Smin 30seo; Mambrino Chief, . Or-UiSl AND OiOLD JlliVVlliLljllißX. sire o£ Mambrino, sired twelve winners with records Tho Finest Selection in the Colony. from 2miu 18Jseo to Smin 23seo. Berlin Is a fnll Men quite immersed in business. — Evehy Article Guaranteed, brother to to Mambrino Dndley,2min 19seo. I Jenny Tkaoy. got by Tom Stamps (standard), dam Divers. , by Bourbon Chief, sire of Calmar,2niin23}3eo; second Mr>H-><iv (*<r ,-,^l•^■^T^ • " Win i\\i\ vmi 1^" Written Orders Receive Immediate and a tt m, Luthie Rotieers, damof Sophie Temple, 2min lUOCDOI (at pauy; . WnyaiCl you Personal Attention. 27sec; Abdallah Pi.'ot, sire of Tom Stomps, was fi-om allow VOUnff Sauhead to kISS you in • Mambrino Chief mare; second dam, Burohe's mare, ,1 , tin r, 1 1 i, \xr\ „. . Rosalind's dam, Smin 21jsec ; and sired Heard, 2mln. tbeconservatory.'' Daughter. Why, Solid Silver and Electro Plate for Presenta- isjscc; also Red Jim, 2min2Bseo, at tbreeyearoid ma I" Mother: "Oh, you needn't tion, Wedding Presents, etc., etc. Tom stamps' dam, Queen Dido, was also dam of the „ ' J „ . ' famous Red Wilks. Tom Stamps had a four-year-old ' Why, ma me. Ono Side Ol his nose «»«»» record of 2min 36seo, but died before having n chance io nnivrl/»i-orl nnfl nnf> villa nf vniira Old Jewellery Bought for CASH atthestud. is powaeiea, ana one siae or youis or Ke-modelled. Kentucky won, in harness, two miles in smia isn't, and the people havo noticed it." " 38seo; also won at Lancaster Park, three miles, Smin /-, . , „ . 23sec, as a fourycar-ol . Ooverei three miles in Girls are more COUrageOUS than REPAIRING IN ALL BRANCHES- A harness at the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral men. Thoy are ready to make a SPECIALTY. show Grounds oa the i2tb Aogiist,iß92 ; time, smin ..u^ij. j. uj 7, • , ■ . 23sec. Also trotted four miles in 10mm SSseconthe match With a fellow tWICe their Size. same ground in August, 1891. Trotted one mile in TVTiicrmna- "To vnni- son in Vinui JFRJvNTIC UICA-jVIS, harness at the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral iUUggIUSi . IS yOUL son IU DUSI- Grounus on 11th August, 1893, in 2min «sco, passing llCSS?" Bun-oins : "He's a COlltraC- Post Office Box No. 299. lelephone No. d 42. through a big field. Also won tho Si-es Race, Lni.---j. »' i\r ° a - ' ,t wru l i- nn 14 PBINCES Stbeet, DUNEDIN. casttr Park, 17th April, 1895; also won a trophy at tOl". MuggUlS: Wnat line I the same meeting^ for the fastest time put up by auy Buggins: "Debts." mO TRAVEL in the Gore, Mataura, Edendale. £°™*f ° d J£ t K ne ? h 'J^ mltesta koikoi,Ommß,andWa^ KENIUOKY took first prhe at the Canterbury aA-rwTTkXT7-i»-^r ii Celebrated Irottuig btallion gt lg9o . took &fst and BJX , cial prize 3 afc n ai ,gi or Z, OA-JJUJjill LV-jl. Fleetwood Abdallah. and s;cond prize at Leeston. 1891; 1802, first and Fleetwood Abdallah is a grey horse, rising seven special at Rangiora, second at Christchurch ; 1893, wr, Tirrw iwompiwo no IVVMnmM years old, and stands- 16 hands high. Sire, Blackwood first at Christchurch. beating horses from America. J-*J ItlUi Ill'j&llJliiMb Ur WXJNJJUA.U Abdallah, the world-renowned trotter. Dam, Duco, His stock have taken prizes iv all cur local Shows. AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. by I reducer, out of Bella, by Cracroft Wilson's Arab . horse Wauctrer. for full pedigree sec Cards. TERMS— £3 10s. Half guarantee ; £3 on Ist SUTfiTiimcAM i,„,r 0 +„ „„fif„ H,„* ho TERMS— £3; half payable at end of season, mil January, and £1 10s when mare proves in foal. RICHARDSON bogs to notify that He hnU wh(m mare proTOS ia foal- Guarantees as iev Groom's fee, ss. . IS now prepared to supply agreement. Any mores sold or exchanged, the owner H SAVAGE, Groom in Charge. FIRST-CLASS SADDLERY at time ol scrTice ucld responsible. Groom's fee, 6s. .„,... , T , „ „,„ . J- SESIPLE, Proprietor. rrjo STAND AT GORE, and Travel Iv the Gore, of all descriptions, at Lowest Possible Prices. _ _ J. Mataura, Edendale, Wyndham, Kolso, Tapanui, npO TRAVEL THIS SEASON iv Gore, Mataura, Waikoikoi, Waikaka, Chatton, Glenkenioh Distriots, Repairs Prornntlv and Neatly Executed. -*- Mataura Island, Edendale, Pine Bush, Scawm-j The Thoroughbred Steeplechase Horse 1 ' J J Downs, Tokonui, Otara, Mokoreta, Eorttosc, aud - „ T *T„ rT .T,T\r<m.T Wyndham Districts, Rouser. S. RIGHAEDSON, The Thoroughhted Horse . . , „ ,„ . . . . . . k^ i.^um, " ui 'i m * Eouser is a grey horse, standiug 16 hands high, byWYNDHAM HOT)SE RAZAAR Torrent. the renowned Messenger (sire of Tho Lad, etc.), out , WMUflAiu Jiuiisii DAiaau. By Aprcmort-Watersprite. cf Kate O'Shane, by -Caledou (imported), out of — — Torrent was a first-class performer on the turf, -arti Laura, by Emigrant (imported), out of daughter of Jrvnrw Bum j. onvrc, t-, „j.-„ t j is a full bro her in blood to Cynisca aud Pygmaiion, Spaewife, by Skeleton, imported. ' unrs lU_,ID es bUJNH, Duneain, Jjano, an daholf brother to Stonyhurst, sire of St. Katherinj ' TERMS— Season, £3 half guarantee; guarantee, Estate, and Commission Agents, Autho- ; ( winner of Wanganui Derby). £4. Groomage fee, 6s, payabl< ot first service. AU rised Surveyors, bave Country and Town I Tehhs— £3 half-guarantee; &i full guarantee, mares sold or ohauging hands in any way to be paid PranprHp? nl »1 r,lis B p« Unv Snip M ' Groom's fee, ss, payable at first service. All marcs for by owner at time of service, rropei ties ot au Classes I) oi bale. Money , sold or exobanged he i d to be in foal _ . ' tilson owner ,to Lend, large and Small Sums. I THOS. SHAW, Owner, Gore. I W. WMGHT.TJharge.

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Mataura Ensign, Issue 214, 12 November 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Issue 214, 12 November 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Mataura Ensign, Issue 214, 12 November 1896, Page 3