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Borough Schools. — The Borough Schoo's will re-assemblo to morrow (Tuesday) morning. H.A.C.B.S.—The annual meeting of the Society takes place this evening for the election of officers, &a. Gas Day.— Consumers aro reminded that 10-day is discount day. The Gas Company’s office will be open this- evening at the usual hour. Good Business.— lt is alleged that during ihe recent sports at Dunedin some clever speelers c eared over L3OO with the monkey and ninrcle dodge. Dunedin Autumn Meeting Mr Sydney James, the always popular Secretary of the Dunedin Jockey Club, has courteously forwarded us a very neatly arranged card giving all the necessary and, at present, available particulars in connection with the AutumnJ Meeting, Feb. 23, 24 and 26. The Gasworks. Although the Borough Council went into committee on Friday evening to consider Messrs Sinclair and McCallnm’s letter with reference to the purchase of the gasworks question no decision was arrived at and the Committee adjourned the matter for further consideration till 10-morrrow (Tuesday) evening. KaiTCNA to Tua Marina —At the last meeting of the Spring Creek Ron 1 , Board, a letter was received from the Pelorus Road Board asking the Board to contribute towards the formation of a dray road from Kaituna to Tua Matina Whilst the proposal met the views of the members present it was felt that owing to scarcity of funds, no p?cuniary assistance could be rendered by the Board and the Secretary was instructed to reply to that effect. It will be observed from onr report <f the last meeting of the Qmaka Boad Board thi; the samr request was made to that Board but as no estimate of the cost of the proposed work had been sent, the Board could not pledge itself in the matter. The work is a very necessary one and it is to be hoped |the seitlers in the di=trie s interested will some lioibb,- way to secure the formation of the tvad, at any rale, before the winter gets in.

Correction- —Mr Wemyss has called to explain that an error crept into our report of the Borough Council meeting, wherein it was stated that an account for L2O was passed to Ids name, whereas he only received LI 12s. Cricket.— The next and fifth Cup match is the re urn match Picton C.C. v. Wairau C.C. which is fixed for Saturdiy next on the Wairau J.C. ground. At present the gtouDd is not in a very fivorab.e condition, and the local mail wool 1 do well to give it their attention during the weekBush Fires— Bush burn'ng lus been going on at Taramki for the last week and the town has been smo’hered with smoke ;at Tikorsngi Mr Baldwin was burnt «ut on Sunday, through fire from his neigbours clearing spreading to his bti3h aod catchiug the boose, Oaly a few of the contents, such as b ankets, were s-ved, aud as there was no insurance the loss will fali very heiviiy on B ill winIt is aDo reported that from a simi ar cause Mr Gayliard, a settle.- near Egniont Village had the whole of his crop of grus3 seed destroyed: Cavalry Volunteer Officers. —The Wanganui correspondent of h ■ says: —There is some talk among cavalry officers of interviewing the Defence Minister with a vi'W to get ing placed on a more satisfactory foo ing respecting commissions. Old officers, with whom promotion has been slow-, find themselves, after years of hard work, suddenly under (in point of rank) men who have no: had the same experience, and they intend to deputalionise the Defence Minister with a view to getting some provision made whereby .cavalry officers, when receiving their promotion, may have theireommisdonsante* daled, and so regain the seniority they lose at present by the v j rv fast rate at which promotions arc obtained in another branch of tho servico. uotectiye Works at Spring Creek —At the last meeting of the Spring Creok Road Board, Mr John Came on, one of the Groretoivn delegates appointed to wait on tho settlers wi r h the object of ascertaining to what exte it they would contribute to the propose 1 river protective works, waited on tho Board stating that as many of the settlers were away harvesting lie was not prepared with any definite information on the subject- Mr Cameron suggested that the matter should stand over till tho B >ard met again. This course was agreed to and the Board adjourned. Bad Form. —A orresp indent writes that, one of the Piet n men made rather an exhibition of himself and his Club on the cricket fieU on Saturday, on the occasion of the match Picton C.C and Blenheim C,C, We ilo'not care to publish our correspondent’s letter in full, but would just throw out the hint tint what our correspondent eal s '• skit,mu” and crowing over already defeated men is not cricket-lik" and the use ol obscene and blasphemes Dnguige on the cricket field i j , to say the l-uast, ujgeotlem-anly Wo are exceedingly sorry to find tlm l there are foine erieketers in Marlborough who do not recognise this an 1 hope the hint thus conveyed will have a salutary offset in the fu’ure. SrßvxuEßehaviour in a Church. — This incident oceured at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney, a few Sunday’s ago. A man, evidently disapproving of the learned Bishop’s “ discoorse ” gave vent to sundry grunts and “pshaws ” signifying the most utter contempt. He also indulged in audible remarks such jis, “Alt, but take the other side, ” “ I’m not so sure about that, ” etc. A person behind him took umbrage at these marks of scorn and unbelief, and tapping the infidel on the shoulder, asked him to desist. Not he. The grunt* became longer aud more withering,the asi les were more scornful. At last the peacefully inclined parson could stand it no longer, nn i iu a fierce whisper challenged the disturber to “ come outside.” They went. And this all occurred on a Sunday masters and in the best church in the city. Tiie Newest Thing. —The “baby stare” is the very newest thing fro n America. When the eye-glassed dude fixes his glistering pane upon a pretty little girl she reciprocates his regard with a “baby stare.” It is ogle proof and entirely destitute of “ soul.” The unhappy man writhes like a warm oven xm der that stare. Any fellow who has been “fixed” by a six months’ old baby in a tramway ear or railway carriage can understand the dude’j dilemma. He is as one being mashed by a graven image His originally general glance deepens i 'to a look of abashed perplexity. Finally he drops h : s cyeglassand turns to flee. For the next 24 hours lie vaunted not himself and is not puffed up. Sydney maidens on the bL-ck please copy. The Coming Woman. — Will the coming woman take an active part in politics ? “ Ouida’s” opinion is, that if the coming matt has sense lie’ll warn her to keep off the platform. And “ Ouida’s ” reasons are because the woman is the enemy of freedom. Give her power and she is at once despotic : —“ As wc again and again see the woman expecting from her son the purity of manners of a maiden, and making no account—because she ignores them entirely— of the imperious necessities of sex, so we should see her in matters of national or universal concern similarly disregarding or ignoring all facts of which she chose to take no note.

A Social Leper.— Father Boyle, of Ramsgrange, Ireland, recently denoun, ced the Marquis of Ely’s agent, Godfrey Taylor, for the large number of evictions which lie had made, and for the unfeeling manner in which the tenants were being driven from their homes. He compared Taylor with the common hangman to the disadvantage of the former, and in tones full of bitterness he asked his flock from the alter whether they would enter the same boat, or train, or stop with this worse than-executioner. Shouts of “ No ! no ! ” wele heard on all sides. Since Father Boyle’s denunciations Taylor lias practically become a social leper. Twice he has crossed the bay to Waterford and Duneannan, and on each occasion every passenger has left the steamer. On another occasion, when lie entered a train, every passenger left it and waited an hour for the next.

Omaha Road Board. The usual monthly meeting of the Board was held on Saturday, all Hie members, except .Mr A. J. Litchfield, being present. Tenders for the office of "V aluor were received as follows:—J. B. Green, L2O ; GrifHtns, L 25 ; S. J. Macalister, L 35 ; D. Dobson, LIO, and Huddlestone, who tendered for whatever amount Mr Green might tender for. After some discussion, it was resolved to accept Mr Grren’s tender. Tenders for keeping clean the ditches at Southside were received as follows :—M. Leonard, LSO; H. O’Leary, L 114: H. O’Leary. Redwood - street, L9O; P. Honan. Lll9 ss. Leonard’s tender was ace pted. The Secretary was instructed to write an 1 ask the Blenheim Borough Council ti pay part of the cost of the same. A tender to do certain wotk in Renwick for Ll 4 19s by W. Tapp avis accepted. Accounts to the amount of LOD 17s lOd were passed for payment, but the Secretary slated that ns the B ink acc.uot was ove drawn neirlv L7OO, they would have to be held over for payment until the arrival of the subsidy, which had been passed for payment on the 16th

December lost, hut hid not yet arrived. Resolved, That O’Dwver’s application for a slaughter house be granted. The Secretary was to write to tho agent of Mr J. R. W. Cock, asking him to repair the damage to a culvert across Dashwood Pa<9 Road* Resolved, Tuat the letter of the Pelorus Board concerning a dray road betwe°n Knitum and Tua Marina be acknowledged, but that ! they be inform'd that as no estimate of [ tho probable cost is given, this Board l cannot pledge ic-elf in the matter. Resolved that this Board gives its sanction to the Land Board granting a liceose to the Blenheim Borough Counci over section 28, Ouiaka. The Boird then adjourned. “Rough on Piles.” —’Why suffer rile*. Immediate. relief and complete cure guaranteed. Ask for “ Rough on Piles, a fiure cure for itching, protruding, ble ding or any form “Rough on Itch.”—“Rough on Itch cures skm humors, erup'ions, ring w >rm, iettor, saltrheum, frosted feet, chilblains, itch, ivy poison, barber’s itch. MEMORANDA. Wanted—A general servant T{.A.C.B.S.—Annual meeting thisovoniug Tapp Bros, butchers. Renwick, insert a business notice Tlie Borough Schools will ro-open, after Christmas vacation, to-morrow

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Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 2055, 10 January 1887, Page 2

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THE Marlborough Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1887. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 2055, 10 January 1887, Page 2

THE Marlborough Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1887. Marlborough Daily Times, Volume VIII, Issue 2055, 10 January 1887, Page 2