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Warden's Court.

Tcisday, (hrn Femcary, ISB6.

(Before H. S. Hickson, Esq., Warden.)

Jaires Cummin and M. Duane.-"Application for water-rase, commencing at Woody Gaily, Upper Shotover. An objection mas lodged by Mr Tarton, on behalf of Ah Mec aud party, on the grounds (1) applicants had iiOt posted notices every 200 yard* alone the proposed lines of the race; (2) that tlicy had nut given notice of intention to objector* who wtre interested ; and (3) that tbc consti uctiou of the proposed race would inteifere with their claim and raw. Mr O'Meara for applicants, stated i:i reply that they did post notices; bat did not give notice to objectors as the latter had no iuterest in tiic n.atter, nor would the proposed race interfere with that of objectors. Mr Tarton contended that the interests of his clients was affected, and that lac present Aleve was to their injury. Mr O'Meara called attention to the date when his application wa* made-*Jannary 6 whilst the objection was not !<a! jpd antil February 5. James Commin, one ct the applicant*, admitted that only two notices ha ! ! ccn (XMled on the ground, and that the line cf the pmpe*d coarse of the race had not been matked ffffcy pegs every 200 yards. Mr Turton quoted the Begnlations, and submitted that if bis clients were thrown out of Court for not objecting in time, then applicants were equally so, and should make fresh applications for not having pegged out the line of race according to regulations. After contention, the Wardeu stated the only objection lie had was that the race had been badly described. He did not think the objections lodged were good ones, nor that a* to pegging crery 200 yards fatal. He would adjourn the application for the purpose of the ground being properly pegged, and ss soon as notice was recetred of same being done, the application would be granted. s»amc applicants for anothet race higher up the gully. Adjourned for similar reason to previouj case.

i Ah Mec and party wtre granted an extended claim of three acres, a «lam and a reservoir sit': at Left-hand Branch, Upper Shotoverjas also water race at Bushy Creek, provided it dia Dot interfeie with that applied for by C'cmmiug and party. llr Tnrton for applicant*. P. ail's application for a residence area at Greenstone was adjourned till uext sitting for surrey report as to the exact site.

Api»!'?at.on cf J. Flint (by his executors) to pufciMoC section 107, block 111., Shotovrr, was granted. UoM-mining leases were granted to the Invincible Co., Kccs Vailty, and to F. Wedlake (Duke of Corm; ell Co. i. Rces \ alley—th? latter to cc;r.piv with repaired condition by employing eight instead of six m»-n when in full work.

E. Stevens.—An adjourned for one a?re for tunnelling purposes, at Left-hand Branch, Skij.p«?r3 Cre?k. Granted, on condition that applicant? uid not interfere with the rijht of Frascr and Co.

The case of Stndholcie v. Queen, which 111; been before tne Supreme (7otirt in Christcburcii for some week.s, *»• decided on Monday, wh.u the jury gave a verdict for p!aint;iT for C4OO. The claim was made on the ground that sparks a railway engine had set tire to plaintiffs run. withaiar.aui" that it w;.« prove.! that a spark dvSector had l»et:n in use on t!<e The jury that the Government hvi been guilty vf neHicenje ch.efiy n» t!;<» ground- that brown coal bad •t't-n u"c>l at lhe time. An humorist says:—An editor's hardest task is to dispose of bis time. It n a morf touors L.'e indeed, v.tie it not for the kindness of a few I.firt!rt«i p»'op!v •* bo rail upon him dailv 10 uiliven bid i.uii I.;«::u ' <f their and ut-.v n.:<.iv::ses, nr.d with anteddnvian anecdotes.

AiVlio: 11 I a p ity.—The chronic debauchee fe*!? tiiat he positively cannot exist without thu .ilcoho'ic st.inula:.''ii'. 1 o ''.: it drinking or to continue the hab.". L;ir.iS diath *!l the same. Such a man can Cr..! ::i American Cos Hop Bitters projierly used, a perfect; au.icta for the drunkard's cure. Kead


Li!:e .a thief at night. it steals ia rpon us unawares. Mir.v perv.ns have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in the back. They f'.;l dull r.n-i *!ccpy : the mouth has a bad taste, especially in th? morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a like a heavy load on the stomach ; oornetiums a faint all-gone sensation at the pit of the stonnch which fr*jd does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a u hile a cough sets in, at first dry, let aiter a few months it is attended with a greenish coloured expectoration The afflicted one feela tired all the while, and sleep daes n r -t seem to afford any rest. Aft*r a time he became* nervous, irr. tabic, and gloomy, and has evil forbodintn There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensations the head when sisinj* np suddenly. The bowels become co3tive ; the skin is dry and hot at times : the blood becomes thick and stagnant, the whiles of the eyes become tin?e.l with yellow, the urine is scanty and high-coloured, depositing a sediment after standing. There is frequently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste, and sometimes with a sweetish taste ; this i 3 frequently attended with palpitation of the h'art; the vision Incomes impaired, With sj>ots before the eye* : there ii a feeling of great prostration and weakness All of these symptoms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-third of our jc.'pulat:on has thi: disease in :ome of it 3 varied forms. It haa been found that medical men have mistaken the nature of this disease. Some have treated it for livet complaint, soiiie for dyspepsia, others for kidney dve'w?. kc., 4c., but non«* of thf various kin Is of treatment have been attended with success. Itisfocul, however, that Curative Syrup will effect a perfect e.ire in every case. This article cin lie obtained from a!! chemist* and methane vendors throauhoat tiie world, and from the nroprietc rx, A.J. N kite (Limited), 17, Karringdon Ko/l, London ; or the wholesale age"t*, Kempthorr.r, Prove r k C.V, Zealand L'rug C'o. (Limited) Ih.iKdm, Christchurch, Wellington and. Auck'nd.

"Spanish Town. Jamaica, West Indies, October 24, 1382.

"Dear.Sir,—l write to inform you that I Live derived t;reat benefit from 4 Sei?e!'<! Syrup.' For some years I have snffered from liver complaint, with its many an:! varie-.l c-rtKCm-taiit -li. it th.»c m> life was a perpetual misery. Twelve niort'c ago I was induced to try Steel's Syrup, a:i«i a!tiion?li rather sceptical, having tvietf so m-;iy reputed anil *nf«llibie remedies, I dtler.iiinod to give it a fair trial. In t;n or three days I fcit c<nsiderablv letter, and now at the cr.<i of twelve months (having ccUi acil taking il) I am {d*d to say that I ?.:n a diiT'.rent altogether. It is said of ct i tnin pens that they 4 come a l/x>n and a blo:si!!<_'t j men ' and I have no roasts to dou'ot the tru:up»!n*.?j of tike statement. I can truly say, iiuHcvti, tint Scigel'* Syrup has come as a boon aai a l.'.taiin/' tome. I have recommended it to sever:! tVi.<jv.-."mlTerttS Irom this distressing comwitli ... <;r.;tii«d* fur tie Wnotit I have den»c . .: :Lu preparation, prompts Q et'j fn:i!..sii you with this uasolicitcd testimonial. —I am, Dear ."Sir, Yorrs ever gratefully, fSi-.-ncd) * 4 Carey B. Berry, J. v. into, Ei j.'' •'Baptist Missionary. Sei.i )i*-r»ti:ig Hills are the best family physic that ■ t '.er heart divovered. They cleanse the liowels ti-ijiti all irritating substances and leave them in a lical&iiy condition. They care costivenesa 44 Kcnsin/mm, Whitehaven, Oct. 16, 1882, "Mr A. J. *V!iit<u— T w» a r Sir.—l was for some for some I in-: with piles, and was <»«1 vised tome M th.r J»yn>p a trial, which I did. I >m m>« ]-y tc tiatc that it has restored me to compiet. b-tiitQ.—Yours respectfully,

(Signed) 44 John H. SeigrVs Operating Pills prevent ill effects from excf«a in eating or drinking. A good dcac at bedtime render* a person lit for business in the mining

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Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1521, 26 February 1886, Page 6

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Warden's Court. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1521, 26 February 1886, Page 6

Warden's Court. Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 1521, 26 February 1886, Page 6