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[Per Press Association.]


The following list of casualties of the New Zealand forces was issued today : KILLED IN ACTION.' ARTILLERY. Bell. J. E. (Mrs M. Beil, Ngaruwahia). ... (June 18.) Todd, Oliver" Martin (Mrs Mary Todd, Ooutts Island, Kaiapoi). DIED OF WOUNDS. AUCKLAND REGIMENT. (Juno 13.) Ruddock, TV. D., captain (Archdeacon Ruddock, Napier, father). (June 23.') • '. Gregory, A. F. (J. Gregory, Mount Eden, father),' • DIED OF SICKNESS. CANTERBURY REGIMENT. . (Juno 24.); Burroughs J. «(B. <Burrough, Stoke, brother)- • •, s DIVISIONAL TRAIN. . ' (July l'.j ' Burnand, .0. S., staff-sergeant-major (J. H. Burnand, London, father) DEAD. Previously reported missing, now reported buried by Germans, south of Grenier Wood, no (lato given:—, 'AUCKLAND REGIMENT. Clarke. A. R. (Mrs F. B. Murray, Kilbirnie, sister) N Johnston, 11. (R. Johnston, Georgetown, N. Otago, father). MISSING. MACHINE-GUN CORPS, (Juno "7.) Elder,, W. N. (W. K. Elder, Morningside, Auckland, father). WOUNDED. ANZA'C MOUNTED REGIMENT. (June 19.) Claringbold. W. H., corporal (Mrs A. Ward, Forfeit Street, S. Dunedin).' ' Hancock. J. E. (Mrs O. E. Hancock, Dundas Street, Dmiedin, wife). ■ Hunter, H. (H. Hunter, Wharehuanui, father). ENGINEERS. (June 17.)

Brown, H. J. (Mrs J. Brown, Greymouth, mother). - Muirhead, J..W. (Mrs Muirhead, St KiWa). FIELD AMBULANCE. (June 18.) '

Falla, Hugh Toneycliffe (Mrs Sarah Fnlla, 39, Alexander Street, Richmond, Christchurch, mother). . Reported wounded, admitted to hospital :


Houchton, E. P.. lance-corporal (Mrs E. M. Houghton, Dunedin, mother). (Juno 16J Jenninson, W. T. (J. Jenninson, Tariki, father). (June 20.)

Hocquhard, L. El (P. Hocquhard, Tepuru, father). RIFLE BRIGADE. (June 17.)

Piggales, A. A. (Miss M. Zippell, Australia, sister). PIONEER BATTALION. (June 19.)

Ritchie, T. (J. Ritchie, Scotland, sis-

ter). Roported wounded slightly, remaining with unit: —

ARTILLERY. (Juno 17.)

Browne, C. H. (Mrs L. Browne, Clyde Street. Dunedin, mother). Clark, F. (Mrs Clark, Nelson Street, Auckland, mother). Worsdell, ■ Edward William (Mrs Worsdell, 28, Jerrold Street, Spreydon, Christchurch, mother)


Dangerously ill-Lewer, E., secondlieutenant; Burgess, B. E.; Burnand, C S., S.S.M.; Edwards, TV. H. B.; Haysom, C. H., corporal; Jpiner, G.; Miles, H. R., lance-corporal; Mosen, A. S.j Pelvin, C. A.; Pultord, TV. F.; Smith, T. J. . . Still dangerously ill—Blain, h. , Bradford, J. TV.; Day, L. S.j Galbraith, TV. G.; Halligan, TV.; Jelhngs, W. E.: Petiha, N; Ritchie, D.; Sowry, E. A. C, lance-corporal; Taputoro, T. Still dangerously ill, slowly ■ improving—Skinner, C. H. Removed from dangerously ill list— Harvey, N.; Pittams, J. R.; Wado, J. Seriouslv ill—Boal, H. R.; Denmson, W. H-; Finnerty, J.; Graham; J.; Hall, C.; Leeman, J. II.; Macintyre, R. C.; Mackinnon, N.; Mathias, C. O.; Rod, S.C, dance-corporal; Stanley, H. R., corporal; Walsh, F.'H.; Woodrow, E. Pronounced out of danger—Spillane, A. F.

Still seriously ill—Cunningham, I.; Darcy, I. D. S.; Deighton, G. N.; Irvine, G.; Potts, L. A.; Russell, TV. H.; Watt, J. 0. P. ' Still seriously ill, improving—Wilson, G. Still seriously ill, progressing satisfactorily—Fraser, J. TV., second-lieu-tenant.

Removed from seriously 'ill list— Shortt, A. W., captain; King, S., se-cond-lieutenant ; Armstrong, L. M.; Craddock, H.B.j Flavell, G. S., lancecorporal; Harris, A. J.; Hutton, A.; Heatley, J.; Kenny, C. E., sergeant; Menzies, J. H., sergeant ; Randell, 0. J.; Scott, C. H.; Warren, S., corporal : Webby, S. P.. Severo cases—Payne, W. H.

Not reported as- sovere cases—Allen, G., captain; Bagley, J. J.; Murphy, C. A.



Korcko, Henry (Eka Koreko, Tuahiwi, Kaiapoi, sister). (Juno 21.) Nikorima, F. (To H. Nikorima, Waotu, father). Savage, C, sergeant (D. Savage, Kopu, Thames, sister). Taiwhanga, H. (H. Taiwhanga, Coromandel, step-brother). DIED OF WOUNDS. (June 19.)

Brown, H. (Mrs M. Hooker, Kaikohe, mother). (June 21.)

Manuel. J., sergeant (W. Manuel, Te Kao, North Cape, father). (June 23.) Hope, T. (H. T:ngiora, Manaia, Gishorne).

. . WOUNDED. (Juno 17.) Brown, T., lai ce-cdrporal (TV. H. .Brown, Henley, Otago, father). Katau, TV. (T. Katau, Bruce Bay, father). Kerei, H., corporal (P. Kerei, Tokaanu, father). Mita, A. (Mrs T. Hikihara, Otaki). Owen, G. TV. .(Mrs A. Owcu, Poroti). Rotimana, P. .(Mrs E. Retimana, Waihopo, wife). Turi, ,11. (M. Turi, Hicks Bay,

father). Subntzky, 11. (A. TV. T. Subritzky, Awanui, father). Wehipeihana, H. (K. Wehipeihana, Ohau, father). Wilkinson, T. (Oneroa, Otorohanga). (June 18.)

Albert; P. (E. Albert, Makarau, brother). Lockwood, TV. M. (TV. Lockwood, Tologa* Bay, father). Petiha,, N., sergeant (M. Petilia, Hastings). • (Juno 19.) Teniaru, H. P. (R. Tomaru, TVhanakl). (June 21.)

Hautapu, P. (A. Haro, Hautapu) father).

(June 24.) Brown,' T., lance-corporal (M. A. Rakiroa, Gisborno, sister). Karina, R. : (K. Muhu, Koparanui). Lardelli, TV'. (Mrs B. S. Lardelli, 1 Gisborno, mother). Pcnotito, H. (H; Pcnetito, Bay of . Plenty, father). 1 Reported wounded, embarked for England : (Juno 20.)

Mulligan, T., ■ lahca-corporal (Mrs C. Mulligan, Tokomaru Bay, wife). The .following- reported wounded, admitted to hospital.— . (June 19.) 'Rickus. Tliomas Samuel (Mrs R. Tainui, Post Office, Woodeud, sister). (June 20.)

Smaill, J. (W. D. Carson, Kaitan- . gata). t Slightly wounded, ; remaining with unit ;• i (Juno IS.) Akuhata, R. H. (E. Akuhata, Kaikohe, brother). ■Gardiner,. G.,> sergeant (K. Gardiner, Tauranga; father). (June 22.) Vercoe, H. 11., lieutenant (Mrs A. Vercce, Ohinemutu, wife). (Juno 23.) Maitai, TV. (Miss E. Maitai, Tologa B,ay, sister). .

. PERSONAL NOTES. . Private R. J. Gunning, who died of wounds on. Juno 18, was tho eldest son of Mrs and the lato Mi* John Gunning, Duvauchello's Bay. Previous to enlisting with tho Sixth Reinforcements lie had'lived'all his life at Duvauchelle s Bay, where ho was engaged in farming. In November," 1915,, he was wounded in Gallipoli. Private A. Harvoyi Nineteenth Beinforoements, who was killed in action in France, was forty-two years of age. A native of London, ho wa.s for many years employed as a waterside, worker at Lyttelton • •

Sergeant Charles TVillam Bean, killed in action in France, was thirty-three years of age. Ho was a native of Christchurch, and received his education, at, tho Marist Brothers' School. Previous to enlisting with the Seventeenth • Reinforcements he was in a situation in Wangauui. Whilst in Christchurch he took a keen interest in volunteering matters and held tho rank of corporal in tho Linwood Rifles. Ho was also a prominent footballer. Serjeant Bean was a brother if Messrs H. F. L. and H. Bean, of Fcndalton. He is surviyed by a widow and three children. • Private L. A. H. Nieholns, killed in action on June 7, was tho oldest son of Mr William Nicholas, of'Christchurch, late of North.lsland. H c received his education at tho East Christchurch School. Before enlisting with tho Eighteenth Reinforcements ho was employed as pressor at the Kaiapoi Clothins Factory. Ho spent his nineteenth birthday in. France. Gunner. Lawson Charles Newman,reported' dieel from wounds on June 14, was the pnly son of Mr C. A. Newman, lato of tho Christchurch branch of tho Post Office Savings Bank. Hc was born in Christchurch twentyeight years'ago and was educated at the Richmond School and tho Christchurch Boys' High School. For eight years prior to enlisting with the C.Y.C. squadron of tho Canterbury Mounted Regiment of tho Main Expeditionary Force, Gunner Newman was a member of the Christchurch branch of Dalgoty and Co., Ltd. He was seriously wounded on June 12, 1915, on Gallipoli and was sent to Malta and England. During his convalescence in England he married a young English lady in March-4, 1916. In the same month ho was sent to Egypt to rejoin Ins regiment, i While, waiting, however, he and others transferred to the New Zealand Field Artillery. He was sent to France for training and later to England for tho same purpose. Early in January of this' year he was sent to France with'the loth Howitzer Battery, and had been serving in tho line until ho made the'supreme sacrifice on June 14 Gunner Newman was a keen tennis player, being a prominent member of the United Club. • He was also a member of the High School Old TWs' T(V "' ball" Club, tho Linwood Swimming . Club,. tho Canterbury Rowing Club,, the Savage Club and the Lcidertafcl. Gunner Newman was moreover a popular member of the week-end " " baching " ' fraternity at Ascot, above North Brighton. At last evening's meeting of -the Canterbury Philosophical Society Mr L. Birks. referred to the'deaths in action at Messines of Sergeant W."TV. Summers and Private.P. S. Nelson, members of the society. A vote of condo-lence-to the relatives was agreed to in silence, all standing. Word has been received by his relatives'* that Sergeant R. H. Webb, ot tbe Canterbury Regiment. w n *> wound ol in tho.abdomen on ,June 7, but .was progressing favourably, and expected to bo removed to the base. Sergeant Webb is the seventh son of the lato Mr H.' R. Webb, and is thirty-three vears of ajre. .He was eduentr>d •'>' Christ's College, and prior to enlistment with tho Fourteenth Reinforcements was on tho staff of Messrs Aulscbrook and Co. Sergeant Webb was wellknown in musical circles in Christchurch. While in England ho was twice recommended for a commission.

Mrs F. I. Ormandy, 274, Worcester Street 'has been advised that her son Oswald David (" Gog") Ormandy, has been wounded in the left arm (slight), and admitted to tho Canadian General Hospital. He was horn and educated in Christchurch, and was well-known throughout Canterbury in football and swimming circles as a prominent member of tho Linwood Football Club and East .Christchurch Swimming Club.

Sapper G. A. Drake, reported severely wounded and gassed, is the fourth son of Mr and Mrs J. P. Drake, EssexStreet. ' Linwood. Sapper Drake left with the Fourth Reinforcements (Field Engineers), and served on Gallipoh, where ho was also wounded. lie was educated at the Christchurch Boys' High School, and was a member of the School Football Club, subsequently playing for Old Boys. Ho was a member of the well-known swimming family, and following the example of his brothers, Messrs W. A., V., and F. Drake, was very successful both .at school and afterwards. On leaving school ho'was in the employ of Messrs A. J. White and Co. and Benjamin and Co. respectively* but prior to ert-

listing was employed in Dunedin. He is twenty-eight years of age. Rifleman Robert John Hall, reported wounded, is thirty-two years of ago, and a native of Christchurch. Ho is tho.youngest son of the. late Mr William Hall, of Marshland He was a member of tho Ninth Reinforcements;.

Mr John Hallidny, 162, Wordsworth Street, Sydenham, has received word that his son, Private Adam Halliday, of the Seventeenth Reinforcements, was wounded on Juno 15. His youngest brother, of tho Eleventh Reinforcements, was killed in action in September last.

Rifleman It. J. C. Gronfell, reported wounded, is a son of Mrs E. Gronfell, Hastings Street, Sydenham, and is twenty-one years of age. Born in Christchurch, Rifleman Grenfell received his education ut the Waltham School and is a cabinetmaker by trade. Ho enlisted with tho Eighteenth Reinforcements, and prior to receiving gunshot wounds'in tho left arm took part in several engagements. Mrs Willis, of Montreal Street, has received word that her husband, Private Harry Francis Willis, was admitted to hospital in Franco between June 8 and June 11, suffering from gunshot wounds in wrist and cheek. A cable message received yesterday from Lieutenant 0. R. Rawlings reports that his injuries are not serious, and consist of shrapnel wounds on tho loffc arm received during the battlo of Messines. Mr W. M, Walker, TVoedons, has received advico that his son, Rifleman \V. Millar Walker. Vvas wounded on Juno 9. Rifleman Walker left with the Third Battalion of the, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, and saw ovor twejvo months fighting in Franco. Prior to enlisting ho followed, the occupation of a blacksmith.

Private Eric Dass, roported wounded en Juno 8, is tho second son of Mr William Dass, of Gapes Valley, and is well known in Lyttelton and Marshland districts. Private Dass was born in Lyttelton. thirty-one years ago, and educated at the Woolston and Papanui schools. Prior to enlisting ho was ongaged in farming in the Marshland district, where lie was well respected. Rifleman Ernest Dass, reported dangerously ill, suffering from gunshot wounds, fracturing the right thigh and the lower part of tho left leg, is the fourth son of Mr William Dass, Gapes Valley, Goraldine. Ho is twenty-three years of ago, and wa.« educated at the Tl;>vsh'nnd School. Rifleman Dass was well known in cycling circles, and was a member of tho Marshland Cycling Club for some years. Prior to onlisti'ig ho was engaged in fanm'np » f Gapes Vallcv, and left with the Eighteenth Reinforcements.'

Mr J. H. Jessop, William Street, Ashbnrton, has been advised that hit? son, Private B. T. Jessop, has been wounded in tho left arm, and was Admitted to hospital on Juno 20. Private Jessop left with the Twenty-first Reinforcements, and prior to enlisting was employed at the Ashbnrton branch of tho New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association.

A cable has boon received stating that Private James Stewart Patrick, fifth son of Mr and Mrs R. Patrick, of Sydenham, has rejoined his unit.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17523, 5 July 1917, Page 6

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ROLL OF HONOUR Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17523, 5 July 1917, Page 6

ROLL OF HONOUR Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVII, Issue 17523, 5 July 1917, Page 6