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11ED GROSS WORK. SAVAGE CLUB ACTIVITIES. The Christchurch Savage Club has among iU members many excellent entertainers. Several have already given valuable- aid at concerts both in the city and. the country, but not under the auspices of the club. At a. recent kororo it was decided that the club should "raid" outside its usual hunting ground and that the results of the chase should be devoted to Bed Cross purposes. The Sa-vagos will bo open ior engagement after the Christinas holidays and any town or district that requires their assistance should communicate with Mr l'\ fc. Meadows, Cathedral Square, and arrange for suitable dates. The performances ot tlic Ravages ert' famous for their originality mid wit, a:ul the club guarantees a programme of a high standard. CATHEDRAITqUARE DEPOT. During the pwt week gifts in kind have b:en received at the Cathedral Square depot (next to th« Tost, Office.) from the following: Mis? Packer, Dr Levi nge. Miss M. .lovce, Mr It. Allen, Mrs J. R. J"?gs, Miss Gerard, Mrs W. W. M'Rae T. (V. B'.uch, Mn Evans. Mrs G. E. Rhodes, Miss Wi.ding, Mr H. Duckworth, Miss Goodwin, Mrs R. J. Mason, A. Kincaid, Hon K. H. Rhode*, per A. E. Lowe. A. R. V. Morten, Ciiri-f. hurch Gas Company. Canterbury Club. Club, \V. H. Clieeeman, A. h. Smith, C. l-'erricr. Clarendon Hotel, H. O. Ell, 'Lancaster Park." Miss Munsoii, Mrs .Tames. G. E. Rhodes., per J. hee ley, Colonel C. J. Cooper, A. Avery, L. Chapman, A. r. Hopkins. Miss HflHsell, Miss Mabeii. A. E. O. Rhode*, per •). Silicon-. Mrs Wilding, Miss R. Early, Mrs Somerfield T R Teague, Mrs Robinson, Mrs 1!. D. Barman. Mrs Whittv, C. Kennedy. Mrs Perkins, Mrs Spencer, Mrs E. F. .Stead, Miss Baughnm, Mrs Swinnerton, Mrs H. Smith. Mrs llimington. Mrs J. i ox, Mrs Allendale, Mrs F. H. Brittan, Mrs \\. Ba - lantyne W. Eowc, West Melton School children, per Miss E. D. Killncr, Mrs Captam Matthews, Mrs Daly. G. Sandford, M. . . Alexander, Mrs H. L. Bowker, junr., G. Telford, Mrs ,T. Gillett, H. L. Wiggins. Mrs Peate, Mrs J. G. Wilson, Mrs J. W. Buddie. Mrs E. E. Daniels, Miss Bowron, Mr Stow, Miss X. Davoy, Miss Sorrell, Mm E. J., Miss Nosworthy, Mrs E. ,T. Knight. Mrs J. Wallace, Mrs H. Elliott, Mrs R. B. Deals, Mrs W B Browne, Mrs Smith Byrcc. Stunner School girls. Mrs J. Ensor, Mrs C. Wood H. rirucc, Miss E. A. Hement. Mrs J. Sutton, I. S. Newton. Miss D. Cook, Mrs J. B. Norris, also numerous anonymous gifts. Cash donations have been received tror: the following:—Mr Harry Thomas, collected for Overseas Tobacco Fund £7 0s 3d. Miss Keua. Early, per J. B. Mcrrett 3s Cd, H. Duckworth £l. , , , , The week-end sa'.e of home-made foodstuffs and flowers was well patronised by (lie public, and the satisfactory sum of £4b was realised. The sole was organised and conducted by Mesdarucs Charles Wood and Walcot Wood.

LATEST DONATIONS. The Ladies' Committee of the Red Cross Branch of the St John Ambulance Association has received gifts in kind from the following:—Tha Kaiapoi Red Cross Branch (per Mrs Leithead). Anonymous, Mrs Monscm, New Brighton Red Cross Branch. Mrs b. Clark. Mis Walter Moore, Domett branch (per Mrs J. Puschel), Miss Thelma Puschel. Soldiers' Sewing Guild (Mem-ale). Boys H-oh School. Woodend-Waikuku Branch, Mrs Little (Woodend), Redcliffs Branch (per Mr-, A. W. Beaven). R.'dcHffe Bandaging Committee, Mrs J. C. darkson, Mrs warren (Fendalton). Scar<ril] Red Cross (per Mrs I\ Overtoil and St Albans Red Cross.

BANDAGE DEPARTMENT. Tho committee wish to specially thank the boys of Christ's College and the Christchurch High School for their splendid bandage work. It is most gratifying to noto tho amount they ere turning out, and its excellent quality. . , in this department, binders, triangulars, manitails and slings are much wanted. Tho Bandage Committee and all Red Cross Branches kindly note that, owing to tho great demand for large quantities of old linen in tho hospitals in Egypt, it mis been found advisable to request that it should not, in future be torn into small medicine or operation cloths, but sent in bundles to the Central Depot.

RUGBY STREET. The Rugby Street ned Cross unit has just completed it's first half-yearly balance, which discloses a highly satisfactory and creditable position. The unit was inaugurated in May with voluntary contributions from members amounting to £l3 '2s, and promises of weekly contributions which are still being continued On June 2H a most successful produce and gift sale was held in tho Rugby Street schoolroom, and realised the sum of £165 4s 3d, which enabled the unit to conaiderably extend its operations. Tho balance-sheet showed a credit balance, of £93 18s, and the following articles have been made and forwarded'to tho central depot during the year:— 80 pillowcases. 10 nightshirts, 12 bed jackets, '23 pairs pyjamas, 34 surgical shirts, 9 dressing jackets, 69 underpants. 152 scarves, 200 flannel shirts, 19 pairs bed socka, 35 Balaclavas, 1G pairs mittens, 45 bottle covers, 2 ice bags, 227 handkerchiefs, 208 arm slings, 294 fomentation cloths, 181 operation cloths, 359 tray cloths, 351 toilet cloths, BO rolis medicine cloth. 12 wringers. 703 bandages, 120 -urgical veils, 167 jug covers, 10 dusters, G flannel belts, 130 binders, 430 triangular bandages, 25 flannel bandages, 14,01)0 swabs, 172 tins condensed milk, 6 feather pillows. The sum of £7 was voted for leather waistcoats and £5 towards the re-equipment of nurses in No. 1 Stationary Hospital, who lost their ftquicmsiit in tho Marquette. Two packets of antiseptic undervests were alto sent to the Methodiit chaplain at Treutham for distribution. There was a crowded attendance at tho Rugby Street Schoolroom on Thursday evening, whan an excellent programme was oarrial out bv the Christchurch Tramway Band and Comedy Troune. The proceeds, which amounted to about £l4. will bo devoted to the St Albans Red Cross Fund. , ST STEPHEN'S CHURCH DAY SCHOOL. A very successful entertainment in aid of the Red Cross and Parish Funds was held in St Stephen's Church Day School! St Albans, on Thursday evening. There was a very large attendance. The Rev L. Hard, who presided, congratulated the staff on the: large number of pupils attending the school end on their high standard of effiriency. Tho first part of the programme consisted of choruses, tableaux and action songs, including "'Autumn Leaves," " Sons of Britain " and a very pretty scarf drill. Tho secend part comprised the operetta " Little Snow-white and the Seven Dwarfs," in which the principal characters were taken by Dorothy Ward as Little Snow-white. Kathleen Brown as Queen of Poppyland. Kitty Gillies as Prince of Aready, Leonard Besfj ns Poggio. and Ronald Arres as Chief Baron, The training of tho children reflected much credit on Sister Eleanor and the staff. CASHMERE. A general meeting of the Cashmere Branch of the Red Cross Society was held at Packvood's Store on Tuesday afternoon. Airs Bennett (president) said tho meeting' would be tha last one held this year, and owing to tho holidays no meeting would he hold in January. The secretary, Mrs Moore, reported that a large amount of garments and bandage work hud been sent to the depot during November, and workers were still getting all tho work possible don* before December 21. After the lioHdays she hoped to gel more helpers. Vcio3 of thanks were passed to Mrs Packwood for the use of the room, to Mrs Tnbnrt and Mr Carey for conveying parcels to and from tho depot, to Mr and Mrsi Stocks. Mrs Forbes and Mrs Tory for their help in connection with flie work display, one, to tho president, secretary and committee for the work dune by them since April.


At the monthly meeting oi the, Valdhiirai Heel Cross Branch tho following articles were, brought in:— 20 pairs socks UU pairs being made in the morlh by Mrs Franks, son., who has completed .i 4 pairs for tho branch), 1 pair mittens, t pair bed seek?, i) bad jackets. :i day shirls, i vests and vi parcel of old linen. On December :t Mis. Firth's conceit party, consisting of Miss Gray, Mis= Twos?, Messrs A. Scott, Pettit. Smitii and La-wry. gave a concert nt Yaldhurst. Tho proceeds, including donations of £1 from Mr I'. Kavanagh and His from Mr A. Freeman, amounted to over JEIO.

Some time ago the sum of £2 13s Cd was raised and a. crate of plum puddings sent away. Tho following persons contributed to the sum.—.Nlesdamen Spencer. Parish, Guv, Wilson, AV. Johnston, A. Johnston, Wi!kir.eon, Earley, T. Cox, H. Cox, G. Cox, Coates, Burgess, J. Franks, Kingston. Misses Nicklaua, E. A. Nicklaus, Fear, F.. Fear, Messrs \Y. Shirley, A. Cooper. J. Johnston, T. Joa.l, Keir, Carpenter, Crawford, Stone, M'Donough, Collier. Brook.?, Thomas, Dudu.

RANGIORA. Another month's work has been completed bv the Rangiora Red Cross branch and forwarded to the depot in G'hristchurcb. There is a steady increase in the amount of work done and of help given by new workers. During the month a concert was given in aid of the Red Cross funds by (hemembers of the Clmslchurch Estudiantina Band, the proceeds of which were ±'l(> 17s. Sioc» tho branch opeued in July last, 11,308

articles from the bandage department and 1463 garments from the work department had been sent forward. In addition to adult help the childron are contributing in no small degree. Jessie M'Kenzic came into the bandage department, bringing 3s 6d, which she had collected by selling radishes. A few days later Cecil Hunnibell brought v in a tin containing £1 3a Gd, the result of selling plants during the mouth. Special gifts and assistance have been received from: —Mosdames Volckman, Rowsc, W. Cunningham A. Pcarce, D. Chapman. Oolding, Will, Hughes, Bcttger, Lane. M'Giffert, T. R. Cresswcll, Ansford, Josling, Crawshaw, Sheppard. Hisses Tyler, Edith Cunningham, Josling, Boyd, Johnston, Wycherlcy, Hunt-en Wilson, the third and fourth standards of the Borough School, Cora Hunnibell, Pal» Allison and the St John Ambulance Association. Xow workers are Mesdaines W, Cunningham. J. Hammond, Compton, Newbury, Misses Victory. Lace, Rita M'Gruer and Walker and Muster Harry Kinley. Tho following goods have been sent for ward:—Bandage department—l3s manitails, 100 wringers, 210 operation cloths, 000 medicine cloths, inn swabs, 110 surgical veils, 100 binders, 100 bottle covers. 100 fomentations, 150 triangular bandages, 100 toilet squares, 70 tray cloths. 421 roller bandages. 1 box sterilised rag: total number of articles, 2626. Work department—lo dressing gowns. 10 waistcoats. 30 suits pyjamas. 70 handkerchiefs. 11 bed jackets. 1 mittens, 5 slippers. 8 Balaclavas. I surgical shirt". 2 j nightshirts, 4 pillows, 8 pillow slips. 8 mufflers, 55 pair jocks, 10 shirts, 87 undershirts, is underpants. 10 bed seeks: totnl number. 384. Donations to the amount of £Bl 16s Id have been received in addition to £](> 17s which was realised at a concert given by the Christchurch Tlstudiantina Band. Most of this has already been acknowledged in the newspapers. Additional ' contributions are:—Mrs J. O. Josling 13s. Mrs Pearce, senr. ss. " The 'rainier?" (twelfth contribution) 12s, Mr C. Baylor (fourth contribution) £l, proceeds of social at Okuku, per Mr Philpott £2 0s lOd, Jessie M'Kenzie (sale of radishes) 3s Gd, Joan Luxton (Belfast) ss, half-proceeds sale of horse given by Mr G. Dalziel .£lO, Cecil Hunnihll (sale of plants) £1 3s 6d, Mrs Len James (Northbrook) 10", per treasurer Patriotic Fund lis 2Jd, "The Tanners" (thirteenth contribution) IBs Gd. The last contribution makes a total oi five guineas contributed by " The Tanners" since, the branch was opened.

SOUTHBRIDGE. The St James's Red Cross Guild held a most successful produce ea:e in the Southbridge Town Hall en Wednesday, for the purpose of raising funds to purchase farther supplies of materials for garments, etc.. for the wounded soldiers. A light shower of rain interfered to some extent with the attendance in the afternoon, but in the evening the hall was thronged with people, and business was exceedingly brisk. Stalls were arranged for the sale of all descriptions of small produce, plain and fancy work, sweets, flowers, pottery, pictures, soft drinks and. ice crcain. Weight-guessing and ether competitions were held and numerous works of art v.-ero disposed of by raffle. The ladies all worked hard to make the sale a success, and in this thev succeeded. Tho Soufhbridge Red Cross Branch held a very successful concert on Saturday night. in aid of tho Material Fund of the Bandago Brigade. There was a crowded house, and the proceeds amounted txi over £23. The greater part of the programme was in the hands of Miss Lucy Cowan and some of her pupils, tho children's performance being particularly charming. Mr Fred. Bullocks performance also was very pleasing-Mr t. M'lntosh brought up a team of Highland dancers, and the dancing of the children was much admired. The pipe music was supplied bv Pipe-Major Eraser. The concert was concluded with the amusing comedietta "Kitchen Clock," which sent the audience away in a thoroughly good humour. A feature of tho entertainment was an addresson Red Cross work given by Mr J. A. I-iesher, deputv-chairman of the Red Cross Organisation. ' The concert party was motored to Southbridgo by Messrs Ranger, flawkes and J. A. Fleeher.

DOYLESTON. A most successful concert was held at Doyleston on Wednesday evening, when Mr Walter Inch's Concert Party motored to the township and contributed an excelleiiu programme to a very large attendance, every itc-m being loudlv applauded, 'lho people of Dcvlcston responded in their usual generous style, /the sum of £lls Ueing collected in aid of the Red Cross Fund for a flag presented In- the Now Zealand Farmers Co-op., and auctioned by Mr P. S. Xicholls, of Christchurch. The flag, after being sold several times, was purchased by Mr George Osborne, of Boylesf ;i, for the sum of £l7 17s. ami was afterwords presented to the. Doyleston Alhjotic Club. A box of cherries, preson'.ed by Mr Job Osborne, was auctioned, end mvise'd £3 15s. Messro D. Redpath. J A. Redpath, P. S. Xicholls and J. Osborne lent cars for th ß concert party

WOODEND. Supplementing the recent effort for Bed Cross funds :i pet lamb, given by Miss Crawford, realised £2 10s at Rangiora on Tuesday.

SCARGILL. The fortnightlv meeting of the Scargill Red Cross branch was held' on Wednesday. It was reported that the following garments had been packed and sent to the Red Cross depot:—2 dressing gowns, 5 tea jackets, 10 fomentation packs, 4 pairs suppers, 10 slings, 2 scarves, 2 mi'.tcns, 60 toilet squares, 10 triangulurs, G trayejoths, 20 binders, 30 operation cloths, 160 medicine cloths, 44 bandages, 24 handkerchiefs, 00 swabs, 2 bundles books, 10 cards of safety pins, 1 bundle old linen. An appeal was made by Mrs Overton for soldiers bags and five bags were promised, and a good manv contributions towards providing soldiers' bugs were forthcoming. The next meeting will be held on Friday. December, 17, when a social afternoon will be given.



The following is the list of contributions <o the Canterbury Patriotic Fund for week ending December 11: Elsie Stephenson, Marjoric- Bridges, Winnie Revell pud Eileen Kcirney £3 Is. 11. F. Stevens's employees £i ss, City Council office staff (monthly, P.S. Queen) £7 Ss, Mrs Crozier's garden party £6O, E. 'Marks. Ml', Tawera County Council (monthly) i'-J 7s. Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.'s staff (seventh contribution) £3 17s, N.Z.M.C. 10s. Yaldhurst stable Hoys (monthlv) £L 2s 6d, Killiiichy school children (voluntary gift of prize money) £3 10s, M. A. and M. K. Young £'l, Sydenham Cricket Club aftwnccn tea. £1 13s, J.B. (£1), M.M.P. (ss), C.C.yi Kb) £1 da. ,T. D. Way i\>, Star oi Dunsandel concert (per F. Noble) £l2. Oiioid County Council (Queen of the North) £3, Fcndalton Girls' Guild (per Mr W Jameson) £BO, balance Patriotic Trotting Meeting (oer C. W. Hervcy) £lO 7s Id, Loyal Orange Ledge (collection at church parade) £1 5s ad: grand total, £32,457 10s sd. RANGIOIIA. The treasurer of the Ranpora Patriotic Fund wishes 'to acknowledge with thanks a contribution of 13s 2d from, the children ni th" infants' department of ihc bowrngn School. The little folk made n collection amongst themselves entirely on their own initiative with a desire to help the wounded soldiers. The treasurer has also received the sum of 8s 2d for the Wounded holdiera Fund from three Sefton boys-K. Boyce. b. Quick and L. Suilivan-the dona ion being a Guv Fawkea collection. Through an oversight' the acknowledgment oi this contribution has been delayed.



Mr Cyril It. J. Ward (of Kinsey and Co., Ltd.), Acting Consul for Belgium at Christcliurc'.i. has received the followinß donations to tha Be'.j-iu.n Fund:—Children of the Grove Makal;ip«wa, saved by them ior tlic poor orphans of Belgium (per Mrs J. Dalziei) £0 !)-• V. Pouthwaitc ipe* West-land County Council). 10s: A. Mutier, £T; Islington Freezing Works employees. £25 lis; A P I'richard (monthly), .El: Bright-lings employees (fortnightly), £1 Ids; Famliain Fair Committee (per Mrs Chaytor), ,i'l; M.F.H., 10?: Subsidies from Government for November—Canterbury £164 7s 7d, Marlborough £2O ,10s: total to date, £9368 10s 2d. Mr Ward has alto received parcels of clotUing from Mrs Ma* FricHlaniTrr (Ash burton), Mrs OrbcM (Waimate), B. Cameron (Waikari), Miss Taylor, and the Ojiawa School children.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVI, Issue 17038, 13 December 1915, Page 5

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THE DOMINION'S HELP Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVI, Issue 17038, 13 December 1915, Page 5

THE DOMINION'S HELP Lyttelton Times, Volume CXVI, Issue 17038, 13 December 1915, Page 5