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YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. 9 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. E-. remoter . . 30.31 30.28 30.20 Thermometer .49 SG 52 TTLad, S.W.; clear. - > TO-DAY'S "ALMANAC. ■ Klgh water, 9.25; 9.19 p.m. Rtui rises, 7 a.m.; sets. 1.51 p.r.:.. Moon rises, 10.2 p.m.; Gets, 1.11 p.m. iiawrsD. May 1, 3*3 a.m.—Kitta-wa, s.s., 1217 tons, Pennington, from Greymouth. Union Steam i-v.un Company, agents. .'Uiy.7, 5.30 ,a.m.—Koiuku; s.s., 1051 toils, fltua, from Greymouth. Union Steam Ship agents. May 7. 6.55 a.m.—Maori, s.s., 3599 tons-, AldweJ], from Wellington. Union Steam Ship Ccmncnvj agent l ,. May 7, 5.25- a.m.'—Wakatu, is., 157 ton?, Wills, iroro Kaikoura. Kmscy and Co., 'May?,' 12.55 a.m.—Corinna-, s.e., 1271 tons, Cameron, from Timaru. Union Steam Snip Corr.nany, a?ents. May 7. 1.30 p.m.—Arapawa. s.s., 2fiS tons, Corby, from Wellington. Kinsey and Co , fct»C r .iS. s May 7, 8.20 p.m.—Cygnet, e.s., 124 tons, Murray, frsm Kaikoura. Stevenson, Stewart and Co.. agents. May 8, early—Defender, s.s., 165 tons, Jameson, from Hokitika. Kinsey and Co., cjeuts. ■SAILED. May 1, 4.55 p.m.—Kapiti. s.s., 409 tons, Sawyers, for Wangamii. Kinsey end Co., oients. May 7, 8.10 p.m.—Wajtfttu, s.s.. 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura and Wellington. Kinsey and Co., arent?. May 7, 8.33 p.m.—Maori, s.s., S39fl tons. Aldwellj for Wellington. Union Steam Shio Company, agents. Passengers—One hundred saloon aud sixty steerage. May 7, 9.45 p.m.—Arapawa. s.s., 268 tons, ■ Corby, for Wellington. Kinsey and Co., agents. t May 7, 10.30 p.m.—Corinna, s.s., 1271 tons. Cameron, for Ncison, New Plymouth and O.ichunja. Union' Steam Ship Company, EXPECTED ARRIVALS. THIS DAY—Mararoa, s.s., from Wellington Wimmera, e.s., from Dunedin: Monowai, 8.a.. from Auckland, via Gisborne. Napier and Wellington PalehaTCi.. from Dunedin. From London -.— f, JRuahine, s.s., sailed March 14. at Wellington May 2, due Lvttollon Mf.y '9:' Arawa, s.s.. sailed 'farcli 23, due Wellington. May 14. Lyttclton May 20; Pakeha, s.s.. sailed March 13, due Lyitelton May 6; Pnpsroa. ».s., sailed April 4, due Lyttelton about June 5; Ruapehu. r..«. sailed April 11. left Cape Town Mav 5, due Hobart May 23. Wellington Ma 7 28.. Lyttelton June 3; Tninui, ».s., sailed April 26, due Wellington about Juno 12, Lyttelton June 17. From Liverpool—Kent, s.s., sailed March J? duo Auckland tbout. May 12, Lyttelton Mav 23; Nrwaru, i.g-., sailed March 'l6. due Lyttelton May. 15;' .Nairnshire, *.s„ sailed April -4, due Lyrttelton • about June 19; Delphic, s.s.. sailed April 25, duo Lyttelton about June 27; * r ''' ! '.'■',

From Montreal4yWniroato, s.s., sailed March 15, due Lyttelton June 5; Tokomaru, sailed April-15, due Lyttelton about Jldv 5. ■ .-■ •;-■ . ’ . From New York—Angln-Bolivian, a.s., sailed February 11,' left Sydney May 5, due Lyttelton about May 15; Fohenfeis. b.s.. sa ; !ad March 7, du» Lyttelton itb-.ut May 30; Tomoaya. s.s.. sailed March 24, duo Lyttelton about Juno 6; Neidenfela, m., to sail April .27;. CourtSeld, s e , to sail May f>; Star of Australia, s.s., to sail May JO; Anglo-Saxon!: b3*. sailed April 25, duo Lvttc] ion about ‘.lgi- t ■ From Gefte, Swedep—Don, barque, sailed Nm-ember 11,'' lfe'fp Plvihonth January 12 From Pure! -Sound—Alumna, four-masted, left Port . Blakely March 19, due Lyjtelton about May '3l. hrom Calcutta—Waitemata, a.s., sailed April 3. left Samarang April 15 due Newcastle Anril 29, Auckland May 4, Lyttelton about May 10. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY. The Mararoa. will arrive from Wellington this morning and will sail to-night for the northern. poTt. The Monowai ia due here today from Auckland, ,via por.s. She will sail \aitr for Drfnedin. The.Koonya will leave for iVcstport at noon today. The Kittawa is to sail on Friday for Picton. Nelson, New Plymouth, Westport ar.d Greymouth. Tho Kotuku will leave for Greymouth on Thursday. The Komona is to leave Westport to-day with .coal for Lyttelton. The Chatham. Island Fishing Company’s steamer Himitangi; returned to Wellington yesterday morning. -.The vessel is to leave the northern port to-day for Lyttelton, and will sail for Chatham';lslands to-morrow afternoon. . Ur ■y ■ ■ The' New Zealand ” Shipping Company’s Ruahino is due to-morrow from Wellington with 1809 tons of London cargo. She is expected to complete discharge on Saturday, and will then sail for southern ports for Homeward loading. Mr J. Beswick has joined \he Pukaki as chiei officer in. place of Mr F. J: Cauldrey, who has been granted extended leave of *• During the -psstltoiTr-or. five weeks the outward tonnage to London handled at Wellington has been -particularly heavy. In all, sight vessels JfaVi; left the port, practically fully laden, during that time. Their combined displacement amounted to 70,061 tons. Tlio li3t is as -foliowß: —Hurunui, Indrabarab, Remuera, Waiv.-era, Athenie, Indrapura, Tuiakina and Rangitira. The Huddart-Parker Company’s Wimmera is duo here this morning from Dunedin. The vowel will load a big cargo of' general produce. and will sail later for Sydney, via Wellington; Napier and Gisborne. The Federal-Houlder-Shire -steamer Everton Grange is due .here on Monday or Tuesday next from Timaru for Homev.-aid loading. The vessel, will ship a big cargo of grain, frozen ~,mealj, .wool and tallow, and if ter coaling Will sail on May 18 for Avonra.iuth and other -west coast of England ports. The Huddart-Parkor -Company’s intercolonial steamer Ulimaroa is due here to-morrow from-Melbourne, via Hobart, Bluff and Dundin. ■ After loading a big cargo of grain she will leave for Sydney. Mr F. W. "Watson, second officer of the Mokoia, is at present on holiday leave. His is being fallen by Mr R. H. Stewart, late of the Te Anau. Mr D. Cameron, lato Df the Mapourika, is ashore at- Lyttelton, and will sit shortly for his mate’s certificate, t Mr J. D. Townsend, formerly fifth ongineer on the Makura. has- gone to Dunedin for orders. Mr J. Wills, master of tho Wakatu. has gone on holiday leave, and his place has been filled by Mr W. Brigden, lato of tho Queen of tho South.

T>(, "Union Company’s Makura Trill leave Auckland on Friday next for Vancouver, via port'. Ilia vessel will be practicallv a full ship as far as her passenger accommodation ,i? concerned. She will also take 15C0 boxes butter, lines of frozen meat, hides, wool and general cargo. The Norwegian steamer Hans_3., 4555 tons, route from Valparaiso to Newcastle, via Evdney, which put into "Wellington for bunker coal on Jfnndey. continued her voyage to the New South Wales port yesterday. The local agents of the Shaw, Sayill and Albion Company have received advice that the Tonic, which 1 sft Wellington on March 21 for London, vis Monte Video. R“> do Janeiro and Toneriffe, arrived at Plymouth on Friday last. The local agent' for thp Shaw, Savill and Albion Company have .received a cablegram she ting that the steamer Zcalandic saded from London on April *23 tor Auckland. Weljinpior nml Timaru. via Sydney. The. liner fs bringing out a large number of immimc.ots for New South Wales, and has on Ivtord ■rf.nn tons of cargo for Auckland, 500 tons for Wellington and 2000 tons for Timaru Tho Z»ala.ndic is duo ct Wellington about Juno 17. . . ... 1,Cable adviocs state that the latent addition to tho Typer line, the JJlaknrini. which has "bsen specially constructed to suit _tho t'ado requirement? lwtween Australia, hew Zealand and the United Kingdom, arrived at London on April 27 from the bui’dars vends at B'-Ifast. The new vessel, which has been. similarly designed to the Nerehana end Aturifni. will not. visit New Zealand on ’ic' mnirVri voyage, but will be despatched from Lor-drm (or MBhourng and Sydney only. Can fair. T/ilsfone will have command of tho JVka.rini. According to mail advices. th» AngloAmerican Oil Comnany h.-s. in odd*"t : on to ■previous sates, disposed of the following: Tbo four-roasted steel barque Comet. 2990 tons net. built at Port G]p«-c'v in 39U; the frrar-msst"d steel barono Brilliant. ?699 net tons, built, at Pert 'Glasgow in IfPl: tho four-masted steel barque Uadi-lit. 3TO net ♦ ens, built on the Clyde :u 1392 and fitted with’water .ballast tanks (or 2000 tons: the steel barque Calcutta 157? net tons, built at JfcJ arrow in 1802. and adapted for carrying oil fu bu’k; and tho iron four-masted barque Drumelton, IS2O net tone, built at Greenock Tho German stool sailing vessel Mabel BickmcTS. of CCES tons gross register, which i« at present at Hamburg, has changed cwnernbip. and is now known as the Winterbude. She'was built at Brcmerhaven in 1333. with dimensions 287.1 ft by 40ft by 21.7 ft, and is

fitted with water ballast ■‘anks for long voyages without cargo.


In tfco course of a month or so Sydney is to bo visited ljy the largest and one of tho most interesting sailing vessels afloat, namely, the five-masted barque La Franco. Tho barquo, says the “ Sydney Shipping List,” is a new vessel, having been afloat but a few months. She was- built at Bordeaux by the Chantiers de La Gironde to the order of Messrs H. Prertout, Leblond and E. Loroux, of Rouen, and is propelled, in addition to her s.'ils, by two Diesel motors of 900 h.p. each, capable of giving the vossel a epecd of ten knots per hour. Her dimensions are: Length. 390 ft Sin; breadth, 57ft 3in; and displacement, fully loaded, 10.730 fcn3. Her groin register tonnage is 0539 tons, and her soil area something like 7810 square yards. Sho is provided with a double bottom carries water ballast, and the forepeak is r ted to ensure stability when the vessel is without cargo. Mechanical powor will, of course, be employed for the hoisting of tho mainsail yard', and it expected that when under good pressure of canvas and with her twin engines going, the big five-master will easily reel off something like seventeen knots per hour. It is understood that the La Franco will _bo employed in the trade to and from New Caledonia for some years. SAN FRANCISCO SERVICE. Tho latest nows regarding the TO-cstablish-ment of the Oceanic Line is to the effect that tho two steamers to reopen the service will he ready for sea this week. This servico, it will bo recalled, was discontinued in 1998, and tho presumption is that it .is being renewed in anticipation of tho prospective ship subsidy cf 103 4d per miie from the United States Government on the outward voyage as well as the largely increased business that will result from the PanamaPacific International Exposition. The steamers will stop at Honolulu, Samoa and possibly New Zealand, with Sydney ns the terminal point. A four-weeks’ service from San Francisco and Sydney will be maintained, the distance between these, terminals being about 8325 miles. The Sonora 3 and Ventura are being practically rebuilt in a modern manner. Improved machinery is being installed as well a« an oil-burning plant with a capßcitv of 17,009 barrels for each steamer. The freight capacity of each is some 3000 tons, and there will be accommodation for about 200 first-class passengers. At the annual meeting of the stockholders the following directors were re-elected:—John D. Sprockets A. B. D. K. Gibson. F. S. Samuels, John W. Burdette and H. W. Thomas. The directors organised by re-oleoting the foil-wing officers : John D. Spreckels, president; A. B. Screckels, vice-president and treasurer; and H. W. Thomas, secretary.

TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. AUCKLAND, May 7. Sailed, 3.50 p.m.. Hauroto. for Fifi. . . , WELLINGTON, May 7. Arrived, 6.25 a.m., Mararoa, from Lyttelton.

Sailed, 2 -p.m., Hans 8., for Newcastlo; 8.5 p.m., Mararoa, for Lyttelton. GREYMOUTH. May 7. Sailed, 1.5 a.m., Ennerdnle. for Melbourno; 4-15 p.m.. Breeze, for Lyttelton. KAIKOURA, May 7. Arrived, 6 a.m., Cygnet.. from Lvttolton. .Sailed, 11 a.m.,- Cygnet, for Lyttelton. PORT CHALMERS. May 7. Arrived, 1.30,p.m., Karamea, from Lyttelton. Sailod, 5.30 p.m.. Wimmera, for Lyttelton. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, May 7. Sailed—Tarawera, for southern ports. Hauroto, for Fiji. ■ * ‘ WELLINGTON, May 7. Sailed—Kia Ora. fqr London. Monowai (6.30 p.m.), for Lyitelton and Dunedin) passengers for Lyttelton—Misses Lumsden (2), Mrs Marshall, Mr Marshall. Mararoa (8 p.m.), for ■ Lyttolton; passenger?—Misses Weir. Langford. M’Gregor and Pickerman, Mcsdames Watson. Foster, Dickson, Wall ar.d Sadler, Messrs Bakker, Townsend, M’Donald, Langford. Whitcomb, Smith. Booth, Beauchamp. Williamson, Wallis and Piokerman and Master Pickerman. DUNEDIN, May 7. Arrived—Karamea'. from northern ports. Ulimaroa, from Melbourne. Sailed—Pstone, for northern ports. Wimmera.. for Sydney, via Auckland; passenger for Lyttelton—Mr Roberts. AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. 1 SYDNEY, May 7. Arrived—Moeraki (8.30 a.m.). from Wellington. Manurewa, from New Zealand. Kent, from Liverpool. She has fifty immigrant* for Now Zealand. FREMANTLE. May 7. Arrived—Macedonia, from London. MELBOURNE, May 7. Passengers for New Zealand by the Omrah —Rev Hawdon and eleven third-class.

d. Ii. m. Pu'l moon . . 1 0 Last cuarter 9 8 26 p.hi .Now moou . . 37 3 44 a.m Fint quarter . 24 1 41 a.m Full raoon . . 31 11 0 a.m

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15923, 8 May 1912, Page 8

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15923, 8 May 1912, Page 8

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15923, 8 May 1912, Page 8