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Wheat continues to be offered in considerable quantities, although • not' in such volnmo as was the caso a week or two ago, when nil the threshing machines were working to their full capacity. The market is very firm and there does not appear any disposition for .the market to weaken, the ruling price covering a very narrow range. There is not much new business to record, the greater part of tho grain now being trucked being in execution of sales made a week or so ago. Tho greater part of this must necessarily bo for shipment, ns the stores, almost without exception, are comparatively full while the accommodation in the Harbour Board’s stores at Port is all taken up. Although prices arc firm neither buyers nor sellers are particularly anxious to do business, tho majority apparently being content to await developments. While the oat market remains firm at full rates, tho business done during the last week has been rather less extensive than it was a little earlier Southland oats are now coming on to the market and generally speaking the quality is rather better than it was anticipated it would bo some time ago. Business from tho Commonwealth has in most cases been filled _ from the south, whero the ruling prico is below tho parity of Canterbury quotations. In Canterbury the threshing of tho oat crop is now drawing to a close, but in many localities the mills are still busy at work amongst the wheat stacks. • The chaff market is quiet and prices aro unchanged. The majority of tho men who usually engage in chaff-cut-ting are still busily employed on the threshing machines, and in consecjuenco the amount of chaff which is available is comparatively small, hut supplies are ample for requirements. Owing to vessels going north finding full cargoes of grain and heavy merchandise, somo difficulty is experienced in getting space for chaff. The potato market remains practically unchanged. So far only a moderate amount of digging lias been done, and supplies aro consequently not very large. The market is strong and values havo still an upward tendency, the current price being £4 10s to £4 15s, while in a few isolated cases prices as high as £5 . have been paid for small lines for immediate delivery. Tho onion market is still buoyant, and in some localities supplies are exhausted. The current price is £7 10s on trucks. The following quotations are for purchases from farmers, net cash, sacks extra, delivery at country stations Wheal-'* Gd to fls '{d, Pearl to 3s Sd. Oats. —Algerians 2s 4d to 2s Gd, Oartons •2s t.o 2s Id; Canadians, 2s; Duns 2s 2d to 2s Sd; Danish, Is lid to 2s. Barley—Malting <s Gd to 4s 9d per bushel, according to quality. Chaff—(batsheaf £2 IGs to £3. Potatoes—£l 10s to £t 15s. Peas. —Pnrtridgo 3s to 3s Id. Onions—£7 10s per ton.

Oatmeal—£l4 per ten. Flour.—The New Zealand Flourmiller* Cooperative Association, Limitad, quotes the following pricos psr ton, local or snipping: Sacks £8 10«, 1001 b bags £8 l£s, Btlb bags £3, efllb bags £0 6s. Bran £4 IBs. pollard £6 Seeds. —Ryegrass, Italian and Perennial 3s Sd to 2s Gd; cocksfoot to 6d. Dairy Produos.—Cheese, dairy _l»rge Bid, leaf 6d; factory, large 5Jd to Go. Butter, fresh local factory print* Is 2d, second gr»de pats Is Id, farm dairy lOd Hams 9Ja, sides Od rolls 9id, rolled hams 9Jd. Lard, pats PJd. Eggs to Is 9d per dozen. RANGIORA. Yesterday was a busy day at the Rangiora market. The entry of live stock included 8000 sheep, of which 25C0 were fat, 100 cattle and 150 pigs. Prices were : Prime fat lambs. 17s to 20s 3d; lighter, 14s to 16s 8d; fat wethers, 18s to 22s 6d; fat ewes 14s to 18s lid; other'ewes, 10s to 13s lOd; sound-mouth ewes, 11s to 15s Od; four and six-tooth ewes, 13s to 17s; old ewes, 6s to 10s Gd; forward store lambs, 11s to 13s; backward ditto, 7s to 9s 9d; store two-tooth wethers, 14s Id to 16s Id. Cattle:—Pat steers, £7 15s; fat heifers; £4 10s to £5 10s; yearlings, £1 15s to £2 ; springers, £7 10s to £9 2s 6d; calves. 5s to 10s. Pigs:—Choppers, 60s to 80s; baconers, 55s to 70s; porkers. 35s to 48s; stores, 30s to 355; small pigs, 6s to 14s. In the produce yards heavy half-bred sheep skins sold at ss, lighter, 3s; merino skins, 4s 6d; calf skins, 5s 6d; lamb skins, 4s 3d; hides, 64(1 'per lb; wool, 6 id; fa.t. lid. Poultry;—Roosters, 7s Id a couple; liens, 2s sd; pullets, 4s 6d ; ducks, 4s 6d; chick wheat, 3s 9d per bushel; oats, 2s 6d: Cape barley, 2s 9d; grass seed, 2s 3d ; kibbled beans, 4s; pigmeal, 16s a sack; sharps, 8s 9d; bran, 5s 6d: potatoes, 13s; swedes, 3s; onions, Id per lb; apples, 3s 6d a pase; pears, 2s 6d; tomatoes, 2d per lb; peaches, 3d. , SPRING STON. At Springston on Monday thero was a yarding of 3078 sheep, 82 head of cattle and 108 pigs, 5 horses and sundries. The attendance of buyers was a largo’one and competition was very keen. The following were the principal sales made:—For Mr J. Barnett, 31 lambs at 15s lOd; for Messrs Cuneen Bros.. 136 at from 15s 8d to 17s 2d; for Mr G. M’Bean, 70 at 19s 7d; for Mr J. Andrew, 32 at 18s 7d; for Mr TV. Foster. 82 at from 15s lOd to 20s 9d; for Mr A. F. L. Moore. 53 at from 16s 5d to 16s Gd: for Lassen’s Estate, 70 at from 13s 7d to ,16s 6d; for Mr I>. M’Veigh. 40 at los 7d; for Mr J. M’Cormack, 158 at 14s 4d; for Mr C. N. C Powell, 87 at 16s; for Mr S. Gibson, 150 at 16s lOd; for Mr T. FT. Bachelor, 34 at 16s Id; for Mr A FI. Dearnlev, 21 at 15s: for Mr H. J Powell, 12-at 20s: for Mr V. J. Riordan. 26 at 15s 4d; for Mr J. Gordon. 159 at 17s 9d: for Mr L. Lowe, 88 at los 3d; for Mr T. H. Bachelor, 128 ewes at 13s 7d, 44 wethers at 16s 2d • for Mr G. Davidson, 59 wethers at 17s: for Mr H. J. Powell. 23 ewes at 16s Id; for Mr D.’Marshall, 30 wethers at 18s 6d; for Mr .T. Chamberlain. 29 owes at 11s 7d; for Mr P. Gillan, wethers at 20s; for Air TV. Foster, wethers at 19s. Store sheen sold well as follow: For Mr J. Chamberlain. 102 forward lambs at 12.3 6d; for Mr A. F. Moore 43 aged ewes at 8s 3d; for Mr A. H.’ Kimb'er, 52 two-tooth ewes at 15s and 38 at 13s 6d: for Air TV. .T Kime. 268 -store lambs at 10s Id; for Air FI. Bovlo. 0# aged ewes at 8s 6d. Thero was a good demand for both fat and store cattle at full current rates, and nigs, both fats and stores, sold well. Harness horses sold at from £25 to £2B 10s. ASHBURTON STOCK MARKET. Thero was a large attendance at the weekly stock sale held at the Tinu aid yards yesterday, and tho entry was a satisfactory olio, that of fat sheep (7520) being a record for the yards. Tho yarding comprised 12,506 sheep. Of these 1939 were fat ewes. 132 b tat wethers, 4253 fat lambs and 4986 stores. There was an exceptionally keen demaml for good quality fat sheep, and export buyers were operating exten-

sively. As a result of keener competition there was a rise in prices of from Is to Is 6d per head for prime quality. The heavy yarding was duo to the advent of winter, holders being desirous of getting rid of their stock before they depreciate in condition. Primo owes made up to 16s Id, wethers to 19s and lambs to 19s 6d. Prices obtained were as follows: —Primo ewes 13s to 15s 3d, extra heavy 16s Id, medium weights 10s lOd to 12s 9d, light and inferior 8s 9d to 9s lid, prime wethers 16s to 18s, extra heavy 19s, medium weights 14s to 15s 6d, light and inferior 12s 5d to 13s 9d, primo freezing lambs 16s to 18s 3d, extra heavy 193 6d, medium, weights 14s 4d to 15s 9d. The principal sales of fat sheep were:— Ewes—Forty-oue half-breds at 11s 6d, 31 at 12s 4d, 50 at 13s 4d, 49 at 14s 6d, 3S at 10s lOd, 30 at 14s 2d, 47 at 11s 7d 40 at 15s 3d, 179 at 12s 6d, 50 at 11s 4d, 85 at 11s 9d, 51 nt 13s Gd, 89 at 11s. 179 at 11s Id, 50 three-quarter--I,reels at 13s 3d. 34 at 13s 9d, 36 at 13s lid, 53 at 13s 3d, 36 at 14s, 48 at 15s, 50 cross-breds at 11s, 31 at 14s to 14s 3d, 42 at 13s 4d, 88 at 13s, 25 at 16s Id. Wethers —Twenty-eight half-breds at 16s lOd. 130 cross-breds at 17s 6d. ICO half-breds nt 16s lOd, 281 at 16s Bd, 112 three-quartor-breds at 19s, 123 two and four-tooth half-breds nt 14s lid, 112 half-breds at 6s 6d. 306 at 16s. Lambs—One hundred and one at 16s lOd. 184 at 16s 4d, 130 at 16s 9d, 205 at 16s 6d, 141 at 17s Gd, 106 at 16s lOd, 220 at 17s lid, 218 at 16s 2d, 142 nt 15s 3d, 270 at 16s 6d, 389 at 15s sd, 178 at 16s, 138 at los Sd, 226 at 16s 6d, 151 at 15s 4d, 122 at 16s, 70 at 16s lOd, 71 at 19s 6d, 36 at 17s. 97 at 18s 3d, 90 at 18s 2d, 57 at 17s Bd. 30 at 17s 6d. There ’was only a limited demand for store sheep, and of the 4986 yarded 2690 were passed tt auction. _ Sales were: —One hundred and ten six and eight-tooth half-bred ewes at 14s lOd. 96 sound and failing-mouth at 11s 4d. 435 four-tooth half-bred wethers at I4s 9d 350 at 14s lOd. 55 two and fourtooth at, 12s .10(1. 197 sound and failingtnouth half-bred ewes at 12s lid to 13s 3d. 47 broken-mouth half-bred owes ft 3s 9d, 103 aged merino ewes at 2s 6d, 143 four-tooth half-bred wethers at 12s 10d. 156 two, four and six-tootli halfbred wethers nt 13s 3d, 116 small half-bred lambs (mixed sexes) at Bs, 67 fading-mouth merino ewes nt 4s lid. 231 three-quarter-bred wether lambs at 9s Sd. 184 two, four, six and full-month tmlf and three-quarter-bred ewes at 11s. There was a pood yarding of fat cattle, and all classes met with a spirited demand. Eat steers made from £2 10s to 4*3 17s 6d. fat heifers £4 15s to £i 7s Od fat cows £5 to £6 17" Gd. heifers in full urnfit £6 5s to £6 15". cows m profit £3 to £4, yearling heifers 3os. TEAIUKA. The fortnightly Temuka stock sale was held on Monday. There was an exceptionally large entry of fat sheep, including some good lines of owes and lambs. There was a fair entry in the cattle classes, and prices were ra advance of late rates. The bidding for the various lines was brisk throughout tlie sale, and tho result was that tho prices realised were very satisfactory. The following are some of the prices realised :—Fat sheep—Ewes: 59 at Us 3d. 39 at 13s 6d, 40 at 11s lOd, 30 at 14s 6d, 26 at 15s 6d, 41 at 12s od, 32 at 14s 6d; fat lambs: 74 at 16s 4d, 88 at 16s 6d, 258 at 18s H, 103 at, 14s lOd 137 at 16s, 55 at l(s 3d, 42 at 19s, 81 at IBs, 75 nt 17s 6cl; store lambs: 150 at 10s Bd. 345 at 13s sd; wethers: 100 at 17s > 6d: cattle : springers £9, spring calvers £6 15s to £4 2s 6d: pigs, weaners 8s to 15s; porkers and slips met with good demand. .

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15923, 8 May 1912, Page 12

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MARKET REPORTS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15923, 8 May 1912, Page 12

MARKET REPORTS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXIII, Issue 15923, 8 May 1912, Page 12