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Yesterday r.ltoraoon tbo West Christchurch District High School broke up lor the holidays: Mr Jonee, on behalf of the committee, expressed pleasure at tlio successful year's work just completed. The inspectors had specially commented on the fine tone displayed both in the primary and in the secondary school. In the primary school •11 of the pupils of the sixth standard had pa-ssed, most of them being awarded proficiency certificates. The other classes had •Iso done very good work. The boys wore second for the championship banner competed for at the public schools sports, and they held both the football and cricket banners. The secondary department had had a very successful year. One pupil had passed in all his subjects in the Senior Civil Service examination. All of the six candidates for matriculation, and the twenty-nine candidates for Junior Civil Service examination had passed. J. Tracy und E. Thompson being third and fourth for tho dominion. Two pupils had won senior Education Board scholarships, and another pupil was first in the junior national scholarship examination. In the commercial section twen-ty-one pupils had gained speed or theory certificates for Gregg shorthand, and one pupil had passed for 120. words a minute. The agriculture work done by the boys of Form D. had been a distinct success. Great interest and enthusiasm had been shown in the work in the gardens, and the result was vary...crcditablc. The following is the prize list:

Form - Ai—Form prizes: Vivian. Line, Ada Hall end John Jl’Aloon; P. Graham, chemistry; Lulu Oldridge, mathematics and arithmetic; Howard Kippcuberger, English; Ashley Wilkinson, industry. Special prize; P. Graham, chemistry. Merit certificates: Horace Marks, mathematics; Alan Freeman, and R. Beattie,, geography; Leslie Gudsell, mathematics; Albert Armstrong, drawing; Adelaide Bruce, Latin. Attendance certificates—First class: Jessie Sloanc, Louisa Oldridge, Norman Malcolm and Thomas Kincaid; second-class: Henry Gourlay, Andrew WiisoD, Clarence Oliver, John Malcolm. Lionel James, Harold Craig. John M'Aloon and Percy Graham. For nr B.—Merit certificates: George Conaliffe. first aggregate, mathematics, . English •fid..Latin; Llewellyn Freeman, second aggregate, first' chemistry (equal). Eeeond Engusk, second LatinV Leslie M’Harg. third ogipregate, first dictation, third chemistry, third Latin; Edmund Harvey, fourth aggregate, first history (equal), third mathematics; Josiah Tunnington, fifth aggregate, first, composition, grammar (equal) and • algebra (equal); Ronald Wicks, sixth aggregate, first chemistry (equal), history (equal) and algebra (equal); Horace James, seventh aggregate, first algebra (equal!, geometry (equal) and history . (equal). Special ■ prizes: George Condiiffe, Latin; Llewellyn Freeman, chemistry; Harold Jerred. geography and general Jiroficienoy: Josiah Tunnington, most popuar boy in Fotm B. Attendance certificates— First-class: Horae© Jame 3. Leslie M’Harg •nd. James . Sparks; second-class: Leslie Haliburto-i. Edmund Harvey, Josiah Tun-, xiington, Stanley Thomas, Cedric Mosley* Harold-McDowell, ; Frederick Clarke and James Maxwell. 'Form-G';(l.-).-r.Fprm prizes—Phyllis Broad-. Ifcrst,' English; Gladys ■ Bradley, aritli- . .writing . and drawing! Mont certificates—R,’ Pettrigrew.. English: I.' Dickie, geography and English.- Attendance certificate —First class'. Margaret Stevenson. Form C (11.) —Form prizes—lris Hunter, mathematics, geography, science and his-tory;-C. . Graham, English and Latin; M. Allardvce. . English and history. Merit certificates—M. 'Carmichela, geography and «bienc6: M. Line, drawing and geography; J. Hsrdie, mathematics. Attendance certificates —First class. I. Hester and M. Line; second class, P. Leslie. I Form’ - D.—Merit certificates —Jamey Rutherford” Knox, *Jame3 Paiersou and Robert (Davies. Gregg Shorthand—Theory: Wardill ’Allan, Harold Davidson, James Knox, P. Charles Mason, Arnold Conway and Hilton Tasker. Speed: Charles Mason (60 and 70 word?, a minute) and Harold Davidson (60 words a minute! Attendance certificates— First class: James M’Artkur. Ch-r'es P.

Mason, Alexander Da.vidson and Wardill Allan; second class: Roy Paterson and Ar. thur Kamiltou.

Form E.—Form prizes—Charles White, first proficiency; Doris Devereux, second proficiency. Special for neatest note-hooks: Charles White. Highest speed in shorthand: Edith Strickett. Beet progress during tlio year: Doris Devereux. Merit certificates— Alton Uren, third proficiency; Hilton Seeker and Freda Sims, fourth proficiency. Attendance certificates—First class: Doris Devereux, Lilian Pounsford, Freda Sims, Anni® Barnett and Alton Uren. Shorthand.—Speed—Edith Strickett, 120 words a minute; Doris Devereux and Edwin Taylor, 80 words; Charles White, Nellie Paterson, Connie Hill, Elsie Clarke and Percy Mason, 70 words; Elsie Goodwin, Celia Unwin, Dora Smith, Harry Boundy, Percy Mason, Harold Davidson and Hilton Seeker, 60 words. Theory—./Eileen Flanagan, Annie Barnett, Freda Sims, G. F. lies, J. R. Knox, Wardill Allan, Arnold Conway, Hilton Xacker and Httia Thomson.

Standard VI.-—Boys—Attendance certificates: First okas, Eric Swanson, William Allen, Archie Barker, Rewi Cuming, Gordon Haines and Victor Rule; aecoud class, Roland Hall und Stanley Steel. Merit certificates: Rewi Cuming (dux, silver medal), Roland Hall, Archie Barker, ■ George Carmichael and Gordon Haines. Girls—Attendance certificates: First class, Kate O. Kicne; second class, A. M’Clure. E. M’Davitt., Ml. Hansen, I. Wylie and R. Wilson. . Merit certificates: Kato O. Kiene (dux, silver medal), Aroha Carrick, Irene Wylie; Eliza Budeman and Oianah MTGregor. Standard V.—Boys—Attendance certificates: First class. O. Askew, C. Campbell, C. Hamilton, L. Ha.liburton and J. Sinclair; second class, L. Buchanan, H. Lester, A. M’Davitt, H. Toplijs, F. Vincent and S. Woods. Merit certificates: C. Hamilton, J. Bell, R. Higgins, T. Sinclair and O. Askew. Girls—Attendance certificates: First class, Myrtle Augusta Andrews, Minnie Rose Fort,' Ivy May Hay and Elsie Young; second class, Eileen Dorothy . Shirker and Vera Beatrice Newton. Merit certificates: Elizabeth Victoria Former. Du’cie Mercia Ha-herfie’d, Minnie Rose Fort, Myrtle Augusta Andrews an! Death:- Hina Musvrave. ■ - - Standard IV.—Boy?—Attendance : certiorates: First class. John Hamilton. Jamcn Simpson. Henry Fort and John Rule; second class. Vans Gladstone, Charles Gillesnie, .Tam's Carrick. William M’Clure. Robert Gillies and Leslie Hurre 1. Merit certificates: .Tames Simpson. Sydney Truman. Morris Dunkley. John Rule and Claude Kermode. Girls —Attendance certificates: First class. Ettie Archbold: second class, Doris Rvdings, A*nie Bent and Rita Pickeries?. Merit certificates: Annie Bent. Rita Pickering, Anita Gr-ham. .Tess-W WhjHaker a-d Alice Bell.' Standard lll.—B.oys—Attendance certificates: First class. Joseph Archbold, Duncan Farlane, Arthur Hack*, Henry Silvester and* Wilfred Roner: second class. Norman Alston, Cynl Gladstone. Herbert Brown, Stanley Frost, Cyril Neave and Louis Prrbble. Merit-certificates: Fred Taylor. Leslie Craig. .Ren Lord. Norman Smith and Louis Prebble. Girls—Attendance certificates.: Find class, Nellie Bradshaw, Elsie Bailey, Elsie Truman. Rita TVcrry and Lucy Rule; second class, Doris Cragg,'Hazel Hay, Alice Hill, Dorothy Hurrell, Beatrice Kydings and Lizzie ■ Hepburn. Merit certificates: Dorothy Bfurrell, Muriel Knox, Phyllis Kingsford. Myrtle Gieselcr and Beatrice Rydings. Standard ll.—-Boys—Attendance certificates: First class, Eric Werry and Robert Lestev; second class, Arthur Mantel!, Claude Neaye, Stanley Barlow and Byron Rowe. Merit certificates: Arthur Williams, • Tyrrell Labati and Tracy Atmore. Girls—Attendance certificates.: First 'class, Cissy Roper, Gladys Rugg, Eva, Truman. Rose Wilson. May Wvlie and Hazel Hamilton: second class. Ethel Goodman, Alice Hobbs and Myrtle Woodcock. Merit certificates: Mona Cant, Winnie Williams and Hazel Hamilton. Standard I.—Upper division—Proficiency: Ivy Newton. Alfie Haines and Hector Sinclair; first class, Helen Simpson. Ada. Truman, Isabella M’Allister. Warnock Hay, Hector Sinclair and Victor Wilkinson; second class, Margaret Stewardson, May Smith, Kathleen Merrill and Eric Evans. Lower division—Frofioioncv, Irene Neville, Vera Line and Charles Fuller; first class, Charles Allen, Fred Arclibold, Jim Rug® and Vera Line; second class, Mabel Miller, Lizzie Terry and Rutland Swanson.

Infant, department.—Attendance certificates—Preparatory I.: First class. K. M’Allister. Preparatory III.: Second class, Edith Inkster, May Johnstono and Paynor Busch. Preparatory IV.: First class. Beryl Parlane® William Hamer and ■ Harold Gyde;. second class, Hilda M’Clure. Preparatory V,: First class, Francis A’Vchbold. William Busch. Phillip Cornish. John M’Allister and Violet Inkster; second clnss, Elsie M’Clure, George Firth and Ethel M’Donald.

TECHNICAL COLLEGE. MANUAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT. The annual distribution of prizes in connection with tho manual training department of tho Christchurch Technical College was held yesterday afternoon in the College lioJl. Mr C. H. Opie, chairman of the North Canterbury Education Board, presided. In addressing the children, Mr Opie referred to tho great strides made by technical education and tho advoncp in the manual training of children of the primary schools. Manual training had taken its proper place in the education system cf the dominion, and it could not hut have a great effect for goed. The training would not fir. tho children for a trade, but it prepared them to enter a trade, and increased their value to the country. Mr J. H. Howell, director of the College, said that manual training had not yet rcceivod tho recognition that was its due nor the support it received in other countries, though a great deai had been done in Christchurch. Mr T. S. Foster also addressed the children, and congratulated the Collogo staff on

the work that k3d been done during the ye The following is tho prize-list Cookery and Laundrywork. Richmond School-Standard Vl.-C'ookcry: Gladys Peters L Dor°thy Crichton 2. L-aun-drv ■ Doris Baser 1, Jeanmo Dunlop 2. Standard V.-Cookery: Lily Purdue 1, Bethel Riordan 2,'Clara -Cimrnid 3. St Albans -S'choo!.--Standard Vl.-Cookery: Mav Smith 1, Phyllis Hollow 2. Laundry: Ivy' Lewis 1, Queen le hue 2. Standard V.Cookery ; Sybil Dunn 1, Nunue Wilson 2. New Brighton Schoo .-Standard Vl.-Cook-ery: Nelho Hookor 1. Gwendoline Gale 2, Iris Alexander 3. Standard V.-Cookery: Elsie Howard 3, Ethe Lines 2. West • Christchurch. School.—Standard Vl. Cookery: Maggie King and Eileen M’Davitt 1. Laundry: Oianah M Gregor anil Peari Shuter 1, Irene Wylie 8. Standard V.—Cookery: Maude Hopkinson 1, Eva Turner 2. Secondary School Cookery: Annie Barnett, and Doris Devereux 1; Addington School.—Standard Vl.—Cookery; Ivy Merry 1. Laundry: Nellie Sheehan 1. Standard. V.—Cookery: Thelma Clark 1, Winnie Johnson 2.. Opawa School. — Standard Vl.—Cobkcrv: Alice Hollobon 1, Alice Reeves 2, Alice Wilson 3. • Papanui School.—Standard Vl.—Cookery: Lucy Allingtou 1, Deris Blumsky 2, Connie Horner 3.

Wnltbam School.—Standard Vl. Cookery: Mav Scott E Rhoda Ryff 2. Laundry: Eileen Scott 1. Standard \.—Cookery: Charlotte Raaff 1. Freda M-azcy 2.

Woolston School—Standard Vl. Cookery: Winnie M'Lean 1, Ethel Rond 2. Laundry-: Olive Prisk 1. Standard V.—Cookery: Hilda Bonnington 1, May Duncan 2. East Christchurch School.—Standard Vl. Cookery: Alison Burns and Ruih Anderson 1, Dorothy Brc-wins 3. Laundry: Doris Brown and Florence Emerson 1. Standard V.Cookery: Beatrice Edmonds, Dorothy Sword, Mabel Vizer and Violet Dearaley I. Elmwood School.—Standard Vl.—Cookery: Irene Milne 1. Laundry: Edna. Barrett 1. Standard V.—Cookery.: Janet Graham 1. Normal School. —Standard Vl.—Cookery: Doris Biggins 1. Laundry: Marion Walker 1. Standard V.—Cookery: Pearl Lloyd 3. Sydenham School.—Standard Vl.—Cookery: Nellie King and Annie Cavis 3. Laundry: Irene Simpson 1. Standard-V.—Cookery; Ivy' Wilcock, Doris Hoddinott and Con's Millar 3. Burwood School.—Cookery: Gladys Judd 1. North Linwood School.—Cookery: Sylvia Ardlev 1. Whareuui School.—Standard Vl.—Cookery: Florence Bailey 1, Gladys Eaton 2, Doris Holiday 3. Fendalton School.-—Cookery; Ethel Cawwood 1. Woodwork. Richmond School.—Standard VI.—B. Butler. 1, G. Attwood 2. F. Dann and L. Prankard 3. Standard V.—W. Baker 3, E. Caldwell 2, W. Pauueil and T. Gullirk 3. St Alba.ns School.—Standard VI.—L. Hassell 1, D. Ashley 2, C. Franklin and D. Lamb 3. Standard V.—R. Round 1, V. Ward 2, R. OLliver and L. Newell 3. New Brighton School.—F. Hobbs 1, L. Stevens 2. C. Hanham and P. Glasson 3. West Christchurch School.—Standard Vl. C. Haines and F. Brown 1. Standard V.— F., Wagstaff 1,- I). Spenco 2. Secondary School —11. Thomson 1. Addington School. Standard VI.—H Smith 1, D. Woodfield 2. Standard V, —T. Kerridge 1, B. Roso 2. Opawa School.—Standards V. and VI.—F. Tate 1, A. Parker 2, R. • Johnst'ono and P. Scott 3. Papanui School. —R. Smith 1, C. Hornet 2, W. Chenery and S. Pv® 3. Waltham School.—Stnadard VI. —A. Tench 3, W. Ditford 2. Standard V.—R. Aitkcu 3," P. Grenfell 2. Woolston SchouL —Standard VI. —B. Cleworth 1, N. Hall 2. Standard V.—W. Retallick 3, W. Harwood 2. Wharonui School.—Standards V. and Vl. R. Calvert 3. H. Lane 2. East Christchurch - School.—Standard Vl. T. Hanna and A. Russell 1, G. Ecroyd 2. Standard V.--E. Taylor, M. Price and E. M’Dowell Bowring 1, K. Spooner 2. Normal School.—Standard Vl.—District High School: T. Eslick 1, W. Sharpe 2. Standard V.—A. Cook I. Fendaltcu School.—G. Francis 3, A. Craw o. Burwood School.—W. Thomas 1, E. Staco 2. - Elmwood School. —Standard VI.—N. Coxhead 1. Standard V.—W. Wilmer 1. Sydenham School. —Sta ndard VI. —L. Smith I. Standard V.—A. Ross 1. Special prizes- - K. Kirk 1, E. Sewell 2. North Linwood School.—Standards V. and VI.— C. Mardon 1. Spocia! prizes for best note-books—A. Parker . (Opawa) 1, T. Dench (Richmond) 2. W. Sinclair (Elmwood) 3. OPAWA SCHOOL. The Opawa School broke up for th© Christmas holidays yesterday. The chairman, Mr W. Brondhur.-t, introduced Mr G. Lauren son, M.P., who presented the prizes. Be/or® doing so Mr Lauronson exhorted the children, as also did tho hoad-nft,ster, to look upou their prizes as an incentive to further efforts, and to place above all things their aim to load good lives and to develop into good citizens. The Rev H. Williams also addressed the gathering, and expressed the pleasure it gave him to give the Bible lessons. Tho following is tho prize list: Attendance—Standard IT., C. Kircher, C. Rolls, E. Wood, M. Cooksley, A. Hollobon, Nollia Ingley and L. Thomas. Standard V., 11. Herdman. G. M'Harg. G. Penberthy, C. James, H. Burnett; I. Gebbie, J. Pease. I. Tomlinson. F. Tate. L. Williams, L. Richards, O. Round and E. Willcox. Standard IV. G. Davidson, H. Gillespie, S. Latimer, E. Marshall. E. Munro, A. Petheram. W. Spedding, H. Taylor. L. Baunton. M. Baunton, E. Ellis. M. Gebbie, G. Monro, M. Harrison, I. Jacobson, G. Rose, N. Wilson, F. Wicks and N. Young. Standard 111.. C. Falloon, W. Gebbie. E. Eskett. N. Harper, V. Harris. G. Jowers. F. Malmanche, I. M’Harg, A. Mills, W. Small, J. Wheeler, A. Wright, G. Foster, M. Gillespie, H. Hunt, J. Johnstone. C. Leighton, Q. Lowe. M. Odvers, W. Rolls, E* Spedding, P. Temby and 0. Williams. Standard 11.. C. Belcher, B. Chappell, G. Chappell, W. Davidson, L. Er.eor, H. Jarden, R. Lain?, C. Lowe, K. Mintrom, R. Hunuibell, A.. Rose, W. Wicks, E. Dixon, M. Hunt, R. Marshall. E. Smith, V. Weakley and K. Wright. Standard 1., W. Alexander,. E. Eastwick, A. Falloon,. G Falloon, T. Gillespie, G.. Johnston, H. Lowe, A. Odecrs. L. Priak. S. Collins, B. Dixon, H. Mills, R. Talbot and C. Wicks. Preparatory IV., G. Ellia, J. Jower*, C. Low®, B. Peugram, G. Small. J. Wareing, J. Dav.dson, I. Patterson and B. Petheram. Preparatory 111. R. Mintrom. M. Tomlinson, S. Alexander, F. Gebbie, R. Lloyd, M. Marshall, A. M’Ke.nzie, R. Odgcrs and B. Smith. Preparatory IT., L. Adams, A. Wiltshire, W. Wiltshire, I. Belcher, E. Chappell, E. MaJmanche, N. Ang-us, R. Falloon, I. WnjrnQ H. Ensor, N. Phillio* and M. Weakley. Sewing—Standard VI., May Cooksley and Alice Reeves. Standard V., Alma Woodham and Gladys Mintrom. Standard IV., Olivo Buxton and Millie Harrison. Standard ILL, Gwen Foster and Rose Adams. Standard 11., May Wiggins and Maud Hunt. Standard 1.,Rita Penberthy and Rita Talbot. Preparatory IV., Hilda Hart and. Irene Franklin. Preparatory 111., Marjory Johnstone and Doris Eaetwiok. Special prizes.—Best attendance in Standard Vl..Walter Laing, Percy Scott, Alice Wilson and Doris Wright. Industry. Standard VI., Albert. Parker and Iyy Wicks; Standard V., John Pease and Winnie Graham. Writing, Standard YT.. Nellie Ingley; Standard V., Darval Poulton. Writing, Standard IV., Nancy Wilson. Sewing, Standard ll.—Hetty Bismsn. Manliness, Standard 1., P». Woodham and G. Johnston. Willingness, Standard 11.. Vera Weakley. Helpfulness, Standard 11., D. Moms. Willingness, Standard 111., Percy Lewis. Eameatnees, Standard 111., Jean Johnstone. Industry, Standard VI., Rudwin Johnstone. Progress in reading, Seddon Baker and Agues Cunningham. Industry and care, Nancy Wilson. Improvement in composition, Marjorie Gobbio. Neat homework, Sydney Latimer. Love of reading. Poppy Muuro. Progress. Edward Graham and Chrisaio M’Kcnzio. Perseverance, Lena Hart. Signalling, Charles James. Sports. Ivan Gebbie, Irene Harper. Ella Willoox and F. Lowe. Cooking. Alice Hollobon 1, Alice Reaves 2. Alice Wilson 3. Woodwork, Fred Tate 1, R. Johnstone and P. Scott (eoual) 2. Note-book, Albert Parker. Vicar’s Bible Class.—Attendance prizes. Rita Lloyd, Etu Chappell. Cora Wicks. Alfred Wright, Wetbey Gcbbo, Ivy Wicks, Bertie Chappell, Ivan Gebbie; Leila Thomas, Gordon Chappell, Irvine M’Harg,. Ella Wilcox, Edith Wicks. Doris Wright. Llewellyn Williams, Cordon M’Harg, Nellie Ingley and Marjorie Gebbie.

FAIRTON SCHOOL. The annual school sports in connection with the Fairton School were held on Friday. in the school grounds. The prizes for the year were distributed as follows: Attendance prizes—Sidney Willis, Muriel Johnson. Lulu Breiuuer, Mollie Anderson and Holly Chambers. Proficiency prizes— Senior division: Muriel Johnson. Infant division: Harold Chambers and Hugliic Ur-' ou’nart (equal). Improvement prize: Rene R. Johnson. __________•

Another remarkable alloy has appeared in Germany, called. Ruobel bronze, after its inventor, Walter Rue bel. Its mam ingredient is magnesium, to which zinc, copper and aluminium are added. A fine-grained homogeneous alloy of considerable strength and low specific gravity is thus obtained. Tliis new alloy is important, in constructing airships. The Zeppelin airship, with its mechanical parts of tho new metal, would weigh three and a half to four tons than at present constructed.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXI, Issue 15494, 21 December 1910, Page 11

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXI, Issue 15494, 21 December 1910, Page 11

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXI, Issue 15494, 21 December 1910, Page 11