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TO-DAY’S ALMANAC. High water 11.10 a.ra.. 11.36 p.m Sun rises 7.34, 4.126 p.m. Moon sets 12.31 a.m., risoa 12.56 p.m. YESTERDAYS WEATHER.

ARRIVED. June 16, 6.20 a.m.—Storm, s.s., 405 tons, Broadhouso, from Pictou. A. H. Turnbull Agl Co., agents. -o~e 16 7.15 a-m. —Monowai, s.s., 313., Mine, Robertson, from Dunedin. Union .Steam Ship Company, agents. Passengers—Aresdames Crasko and infant and Barr, Rev C. H. Garland, Jlosara Crasko, Raider, fcengler, Fletcher and Jacobs, and live steerage. June 16, 7.55 a m.—Hnuroto, s.s.. 1638 tons, Collins, from Auckland, via Gisborne, Napier and Wellington. Union Steam Ship Company, agonts. Passengers—Alias Murphy, Mr Raleigh, and four steerage. June- 15, 8.15 a.m.—Mararoa, s.s., 2538 for.s, Manning, from Wellington. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. Passengers— Misses Wertheimer. Gordon, Rowland, Slowart and Cunningham, Nurse Hansard, Nurse Lyall, Mesdamea Russell, Ganimo, Low, Inglis, Lusk (2), Hull, Draper and Cunningham, Messrs Russell, Wilson, Ciissold, Cooper. Toten, Harkncss, Oak-dan. Love, Conbriigo, All trio, Watson, Quirk, Grey, Stubbs,' Herdman, Stewart, Oswald, Coates. Cummer, Jupp, Vincent, Draper and Inglis, Captain Kennedy, and thirty-six steerago. Jnne 16, 8.30 o.m.—To Anau. s.s., 1652 tons, Showman, from Timaru. Union Steam Ship Company, agonts. SAILED. Juno 15, 11.30 a.m. —Storm, s.s., 405 tons, Broadhouso, for Oomaru. A. H. Turnbull and Co., agents. June IS, 3.30 p.m.—Hauroto, s.s., 1988 tons, Collins, for Dunedin. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. Passengers—Mr Pago and two steerage. Juno 15, 5.30 p.m.—Knitangnta, s.s., 1983 tens, Edwin, for Westport. Union Steam Ship Cone-any, agents. June 15, 6.20 p.m. —Mararoa, s.s., 2598 tons, .Manning, for Wellington. Union Steam-Ship Company, agents. Passengers—Atisses AVar'boys, Woodman, Lee, Sluter, Tyer, M’Kie, Valentine and Leahy. Mesdamea Leo, Coo, 'Bartlay, Orbell, Rocke and Payling, Messrs Lee, M’Farlano, Coe, Milne, Bartlay, Orbell, Casey, Herdman Bannister, Friedlender. Pitcaithly. Walker, Hooke, Ainsley, Sullivan, Valentine, Winter, Stannell, Pettit, Smith, Woodgor, Stewart and Kennedy, and thirty steerage. Juno 16, 6.25 p.m.—To Anau. s.s., 1652 tons, Showman, for Wellington, New Plymouth Westport and Grcymouth. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. June IS, 0.35 p.m.—Kaituna, s.s., 1977 tons, Merely, for Greymouth. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. June 15 7.20 p.m.—Monowai. s.s., 3133 tons, Robertson, for Wellington, Napier, Gisborne and Auckland. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. Passengers: Fcr Wellington—Mesdames Barltrop and M’Kinnon, Messrs Barltroo ,and M’Kinnon; for Nanior — Mias Reeoe, Mrs Gorton, Major Flavell; for Gisborne—Mesdames Aleddison and Wilson >nd two children. Messrs S. L. Wilson. Madi.dison, Troup and Harris; for Auckland— Misses Hamilton and Murray, Mr Cooke, and -ix steerage. Jnne 10, 7.45 p.m.—Wootton, s.s., 150 tons, JefleTson, for Kaikoura and Nydie Bav. Kaiapoi Shipping and Trading Company. •Limited, agents; New Zealand Express Company, port agents. June 15. late—Echunga, s.s., 4589 tons, Ellis, for Sydney. Union Steam Ship Company, agents. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. ~ THIS DAY—Maori, s.s., from Wellington; Mosraki, s.s., from Melbourne, via Hobart, • Bluff and Dunedin; Kurow, s.s., from Westport ; Ripple, s.s., from Chatham Islands. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY'S FLEET. The Maori is due this morning from AVclfington. The Moeraki will arrive from Melbourne, via southern ports, to-aay, and will leave for Sydney, via Wellington. The Kurow is expected this morning irorn Westport. On her next visit hero the Moana will arrivo on Wednesday, a day early, owing to the large amount of cargo she has to discharge. She will stay overnight, and will sail on Thursday according to time-table. The Pukaki and tho Kittawa are both to leavo Greymouth to-day, loaded with coal and limber respectively, for Lyttelton. The Ripple is duo at any time now from fce Chatham Islands. Captain Broadhouse, of the s.s. Storm, reported yesterday morning that at 11 a.m ■ m Tuesday he passed the schooner Annie •Hill off Tory Channel, and apoke her. * She : Kriahcd to be reported all well. The Dilkera is duo from Timaru on Saturr \*7’ to land a large consignment of sleejrera iluppod at Bunbury. , After discharging at Wellington, tho Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Arawa will come to Lyttelton, where the remainder of her cargo will be discharged. The vessel's loading ports are Lyttelton. Gisborne, Timaru, back to Lyttelton, and then Wellington. She will return to Wellington on July 8, and will sail finally for London, via Monte Video, in July 14. Bookings by the Federal-Houlder-Shiro lner Drayton Grange, which will leave Lyttelton on Saturday for Avonmouth direct, are:—Mesdames Hope, Dorset and two children, Plunket and child, Misses E. Fred- ' rickson, 0. F. Robbins, Messrs J. A. M’Ewan, W. Teller, M. Gerrard and Dr Hope. The Fedoral-Houlder-Shire liner Sussex, from Liverpool via Australian ports nnd Auckland, is now at Wellington, discharging cargo. She i 3 duo here with a part cargo lo land on Saturday. The Tyser liner Mimiro. under charter to the United States and Australasia line, is expected to arrive Lore on Sunday from Wellington, where she is now discharging cargo ahipped at New York. She will complete discharging here. The Mararoa is to be docked here on Monday for cleaning and painting, but her running will not be interrupted. Last week the Svdney-Auckland steamer, taught 1 in a fog while rounding Capo Maria, . lost her hearings and came within tweniy tniles of the Three Kings. Sho was then Stopped, and after wandering slowly about hr a dense fog found after a while that she was somewhere south of Capo Maria. Tho agitation for a light on the Three Kings, raised after the Elingomite disaster, has been Revived; and while it is admitted that a light would be very useful, the obstacle of first oost and maintenance is regarded as insuperable. If it was decided to light Three Kings the lamp would have to be on the western island to ensure maximum of usefulness. That island -i3 precipitous; tho seas are seldom still round about, and the .difficulties of landing materials would bo formidable. Moreover, the island would be a “ rock station,” like Tho Brothers (in Cook Strait). Hence tho keepers wou.d need to have a change ashore every four or five weeks, for they could not bo expected to remain prisoners for a longer period at a •tretch. Tire Blackball Coal Company’s new collier JJgatoro left Port Glasgow on June II for New Zealand, and is due in these waters about August 10. The Ngntoro is reported |o have been built upon designs based upon ahoso of the Ngahere, with the performances of : wbich the company has been well satisfied. Details of her dimensions and arrangements have not yet arrived. Tha Adelaide Steamship Company's collier Echunga, under charter to tho Union Company,, .eft last evoning for Sydney, having had excellent despatch at Lyttelton. It is not known exactly what she is to do next; out unless the Union Company secures her for another trip, it is probable that she will work for some time in the ore trade from Port Piris to Sydney. The Shaw-Savill steamer Mamari took the following cargo from Lyttelton:—Bß,6s4 carcases of mutton and lamb, 500 caskß of tallow and pelts, 562 sacks of gTass-eeed, and IQO bales of woo). The shipment of meat is tha largest which has left Lyttolion in one bottom for two or three years, but it is a long way short of tho record, which tha Afrio established soms years ago with about 115,000 carcases. The Mamari will probably • make a notable round voyage from London to London, for if her arrangements hold sho will be back with her cargo within 100 days of having left for New Zca'and. This has been made possible by her fast loading. • She is only spending a fortnight on tho •oast.

TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. AUCKLAND, June 15. Arrived, 10.30 a.m., Atua, from Nukualofa; 8.15 p.m.. Star of Canada, from Sydney. WELLINGTON. June 15. Arrived. 6.50 0.m., Maori, from Lyttelton; 9 p.m.. Maitai, from Sydney. Sailed, 8.5 p.m., Maori, for Lyttelton. PICTON. June 15. Arrived, 5.5 p.m., Defender, from Lvtto'ton. PORT CHALMERS June 15. Arrived. 11.30 a.m., Mamari, from Lyttelton; 12.40 p.m., Breeze, from Lyttolton. Sailed, 3.45 p.m., Moeraki, for Lyttelton. A NEW STEAMER. DUNEDIN. June 15. Messrs Huddart-Parlter and Company's fine WW utearodr Zealandia iB now on her way 5j Australia from Durban, and them has keen some speculation in shipping circles as to the purpose to which she will be applied when placed in commission. The " Otago Daily Times” is informed officially that the Zealand's will replace the Manuka in tho jydney-Va.nccTwer scrvico, and tho Manuka

will immediately re-enter tho intercolonial trade. Until the end of last year tho Cana-dian-Australian Royal mail service was run by the Makura, Mdr.,ma and Airangi. About November the Noiv Zeiuand Shipping Company decided fo withdraw from tho and tho Aorangi was replaced by the Mnuuka. Tho Manuka, however, has her limitations, and those in charge cf the service, boing anxious lo make it thoroughly efficient, tho now arrangement as merely temporary. Tho outcomo of negotiations has boon that the Hudriart-Pnrker Company ka3 decided to oilier the service with the Zealandia. Sho is of 6100 tonß burden, and specially built by tho Huddart-Parkor and Company Proprietary for tho Australian trade. During her trial trip she recorded six.con knots per hour. Sho has extensive accommodation fcr three classes of passengers, and is fitted with wireless telegraph apparatus. Tha Zeilnndia will take up tho Manuka's running on August 1, leaving Sydney for Vancouver, via Brisbane aud Honolulu. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. June 15. Arrived —Atm, from Sydney and the South Sea Islands. Star of Canada, from London, via Australian ports. WELLINGTON. June 15. Sailed —Maori (8 p.m ). for Lyttelton ; passe gers—Misses Harris (2), Duff. Belle \ AVa.sher, Forrester, Mcatcs, James, Grand and Dixon. Mo'dames -fiVhitial, Avers. Cunninvhnm. Gread. Jones. Trapnel), Dixon. Crushon and Abr ham Messrs Dixon, Borth- ••• ick. Cooner, Strona-h, Peacock. BF. Sim, M’Cullough. Brown. Abr?ham, Mills Washer. Cunningham and Traprcll. Maitai, fron Sydtey; passengers for Lyttelton—Mesdames Irving and son and Midlnne, Messrs C. S. Howard and Midlane, a~d seven steerage. 'DUNEDIN, Juno 13. Arrived—Mamari, from Lyttelton. Breeze, from Lyttelton. Sailed—Moor.rki. for Sydney, via I\Y ! 1 • •• -- ton; passengers for Lyttelton—Messrs Nash. Whito and Martin. Koonya, for Greymouth. At'S'i KALIAN STUDPTUO. SYDNEY. June to. Sailed. 2 p.m.—Mahono. for Auckland. MELBOURNE, June 15. Sailed—Moana. for tho Bluff.

3. h. n> Lut quarter . 1 9 55 «.in. New moon . . S 0 46 a.m. Firal quarter . 15 3 49 ».m. Full moon . 23 7 42 a.m. lia»t quarter . 80 4 9

9 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer . . ‘29 .SO 29.S0 S&.80 Thexmomater . 45 52 48 Wind, S.W., fresh overcast; rain.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXI, Issue 15333, 16 June 1910, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXI, Issue 15333, 16 June 1910, Page 6

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CXXI, Issue 15333, 16 June 1910, Page 6