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NORTH CANTERBURY. The third ajamial show of the North Canterbury Poultry, Pigeon and Canary Chub war opened in the Rangiora Drill Hail yesterday afternoon. The entries exceeded, last year's number -by over a hundred and fifty, and the quality of the exhibits is everything to he desired, being equal, and in some classes superior, to those shown at Christchurch last week. Nearly ©very class and variety of poultry is represented amongst the eix hundred and fifty-three exhibits, the pigeon section being particularly good. The Staging Committee did its work excellently, oil the exhibits being displayed to the best advantage. Mr C. W. Bell, as secretary, again proved tho right man in the right place, the catalogue having been well compiled, and issued with the swards, inserted very scon after the ©how opened. The judging of the poultry, pigeons and canaries was done in a satisfactory manner by Messrs F. Caere and iO. Deal, and Messrs R. Hughes and T. Pyle judged the scones and cakes, in which classes there was 'large and keen competition'. The appearance of tho room was brightened considerably by a number of oil pointings by Miss 'Partridge and her pupils, and lent lor -exhibition. 'Owing to the- Royal visit festivities, the attendance was not so large os is usual for market day, but the room was well filled in the evening. The show remains open until this evening. Following is the prize-list:— POULTRY.

Game.—Black rod cock—Alf. (Walker (beat bird in the show) il and special, M, Donohue 2, Gilbert Wilson 3. Black red hen— Ali. Walker 1, T. Kennedy 2, -Miss Cissio Brown 8. Black red cockerel—T. Kennedy 1. Black red pullet—Aii. Walker 1, T. Kennedy 2 and 3. Duckwing cock—'Gilbert Wilson 1. Duckwing hen—M. Donohue 1, Gilbert Wilson 2. Duckwing- cockerel—M. Donohue 1, Gilbert Wilson 2. Duckwing pullet—M. Donohue 1. Pile cock or cockerel—Alf. Walker 1, Gilbert Wilson 8. Pile -hen or pullet— Alf. Walker 1, Gilbert Wilson 2. Indian hen —G. P. Pulley 2. Indian cockerel—G, P. Pulley, seven months old, imported, 8, Andalusian.—Dock—W. G. 'Carl Beumelburg 1 and 2. Hen—W. G. Carl 'Beumelburg X and 2. Cockerel—W. G. Carl Beumelburg X and 2. Pullet—W. G. 'Carl Beumelburg X and 2. Leghorn.—White hen—C. W. Bell 1 and 3, Miss Niven 2. White cockerel—-Miss A. Oattermooi 1 and 2, W. Efford 3. White pullet—H. He-ar-fleld (second best bird in the show) X, 2 and special, 'Miss A. 'Cat'termoor 3. Brown cock W. ®. Jordan 1. Brown hen—-John, Brown X. Brown cockerel—E. A. Robinson. 1, W. S, Jordan 2. Brown pullet—W. IS. Jordan X and special, Gilbert Wilson 8. Any other variety, cock or cockerel—H. Frost (Pile) X and 2. Any other variety, hen or pullet— M. Donohue X and special, H, Frost (Pile hen) 2, G. Rollinson (Cuckoo) 3. . Minorca.— Black cock—M. Donohue X, R. Evans 2. Black hen—A. Hendry I and 2, J. Tindall 3. Black cockerel—A. Hendry X, 3 and snecial, Evans and Co. 2. Black pullet—A. Hendry X and special, J. Tindall 2, J. Ballentine 3, R. Evans h o. Spanish.—Black cock or cockerel—W. Efford 1. Black hen or pullet— W. Efford 1. Wyandotte—.Silver cock—J. Tindall X and special. ! A. Walker 2, W. Goss 3. Silver hen—A. Walker 1, W. Goss 2, G. Rollinson 3. Silver cockerel—A. Walker 1, F. G. Hack 2, W, Goss 3. Silver pulletJ, Tindall X, W. Goss 2, G. Rollinson 3, Golden cock—Dr F. G. ML Brittin X and 2, M. Donohue 3. Golden cockerel—Dr F. G. M. (Brittin X and 3, Golden oockcrcl—Dr F. G. M. 'Brittin 1 and 3, J, Brown 2. Golden pullet —At. Donohue 1. F. C. Hack 2, Dr F. G. M. Brittin 3. White cock—G. A. Scott X. XVlnto hen—G. Simpson X. White cockerel'—G. A. Scott I and 2. White pul-let—G. A. Scott X and 2, G. Simpson 3. Orpington.—Black cock— Mrs J. Wilson 1 end special. Black cockerel —G. T. Duke 1, Rev B. Ginger 2, M. Donohue 3. -Black pullet—iG. T. Duke X, M. Donohue 2. Rev B. Ginger 8. Buff hen or millet—J. B. Wilson X, (Rev B. Ginger 2 and 8. Plymouth Rock.—. Barred hen—C. G. Alcorn 1. 'Barred cockerel—A. Pearce 2. Barred pullet—A. Pearce 2. Langahan.—Block cockerel—A, lies X, ‘Miss N. Niven 9. Black pullet—A. Walker X, A. Ilea 9, P. Iveraoh 3. Dorking.—Dark cock—9. O. Kesteven X, J. B. Wilson 2. Dark hen—J, B. Wilson X, 2 and 3. Dark cockerel—J. B. Wilson 1. Dark pullet—S.. 0. Kesteven 1. Silvern hen—S. C. Kesteven X, J. B. Wilson 3 and 3. Silver cockerel—iS. C. Kesteven 1, J. -Brown 2. Silver pullet—.S. 0. Kesteven 1, J. -Brown 2. Brahma.—Light cook, Gilbert Wilson X, B. Strange 2. Light cockerel—S. Wood 2. Light pullet—-. Gilbert Wilson 1. Dark cock—TV. A. Banka X and 2. Dark hen—W. A. (Banks 1 and 2. Dark pnlle'—W. A. Banks X and 2. Cochin.—Cinnamon or buff cock or cockerel —E. Strange X. Cinnamon or bull hen or pullet—E. 'Strange X and 2. Houdan.—'Cock —J. Loffhagen 1. Hen—J. Loffbagen X and 2. Cockerel—T. Breeze 1, J. Loffhagen 2 and 9. Pullet—T. Breeze X, J. Loffhagen 2, T. M'Millan 8. Hamburg—Golden pencilled cook or cockerel—T. G. and 'O. H. Fox X, 2 and 3. 'Golden pencilled hen or pullet—T. G. and 0. H. Pox 1, 9 and 3. Golden spangled cock or cockerel—W. Blackett 2. Golden spangled hen or puil'et—W. Blackett 2, W. Stone 3, Silver spangled cook or cockerel—--Mrs J. Johnston X, 2 and special.' Silver spangled hen or pullet—M. Donohue 1,2 arid special, Mrs JV Johnston 8. Black hen or pullet—J. B. Wilson 1. Selling'’Class; for Cochins, Brahmas, Langshans, Orpingtons, Wy-andottes and Plymouth Rooks.—Cook or Cockerel —P. C. Hack 1, A. lies (Laagehan) 2, J. Smith (Golden Wyandotte) 3, Hen or pullet—W, A. Banks (dark Brahma) 1, P. C. Hack 2, A. lies (Langshan) 3, Mriroroas, Spanish, Andalusian and Leghorns.—Cook or cockerel—R, Evans (Minorca) 1, W. S. Jordan (brown Leghorn) 2, W. M’-Craoken (Minorca) 8. Hen or pullet—J. Tindall X, Mies N. Niven (white Leghorn) 2, M. 'Donohue (Minorca) 8. For Dorkings, Houdans, Ancona s, Polish and Hamburg©— Hen or pullet—M. Donohue (silver spangled Hamburg) 1, W. 'Stone (Hamburg) 2. Cock or cockerel—A. Walker 1, T. Kennedy (Black Red) 2. Hen or pullet—A. Walker 1, T. Kennedy (Black Red) 2, M. Donohue (Block Red) 3, For Bantams.—'Cook or cockerel— Master H. Rollinson (Black Rosecomb) X, M. Donohue 2. Master . W. Harman (Black Rosecomb) 3. Hen or pullet—Master H. Eolr linson (Black Rosecomb) X and 2, M. Donohue 3. For any variety of Poultry.—-Cock or cockerel—P. C. Hack 1, C. Bumbles (Silver Wyandotte cockerel) 2 and 3. Hen or pullet —P. C. Hack 1. Bantams.—-'Black Red Game: Hen or pullet—A. Walker 1, M. Donohue 2. Brown Red Game: Cock or cockerel—M. Donohue X. Hen or pullet—M. Donohue 1. Duckwing Game: Cock or cockerel—M. Donohue X. Hen or pullet—M. Donohue X. Pile Game: Cook or cockerel —Ml. Donohue X. Hen or pullet—M. Donohue X. Any other variety than Game: Cock or cockerel—Master W. Rollinson (Black Rosecomb) 1 and 3, Miss Maud Harman (Black Rosecomb) 2. Hen or pullet—Master E. Rollinson (Black Rosecomb) X, 2 and 3. Other Varieties —J. B. Wilson (Wyandotte-Dorking cross) h o. Ducks.—Avlesbury: Drake—E. Wilder X and 2 '.Miss dissie Brown 3. Duck—E. Strange l’and 3 E. Wilder 2. Selling Class; Drake— Mrs J. Thompson X. Duck—Miss P. Macdonald 1, Mrs J. Thompson 2. Geese.— Gander, any variety—'Mrs 'A. P. Tutton X arid special, Miss Florence Brown 2,_ Mrs Oobourg Tipping 3. Ooose. any varietyMrs A. P. Tutton 1, Mrs Cobourg Tipping e. Miss Florence Brown 3. Turkeys.—Cock— J. F. Brady 1, A. T. Chapman 2 and 3. Hen -—A. T. Chapman' 1 and, 2. ■ PIGEONS. Dragons, any co. ‘Cock—Hobbs Bros. 1 and 3, D. Craig 2. Dragons, any colour: Hen—Hobbs Bros. 1, D. -Craig 2. Dragons, any colour: Cook (rung with the N.Z. 19001001 ring)—D. Craig X. Dragons, auy colour: Hen ■ (rung with the N.Z. 1900-1901 ring) Hobbs Bros. 1,2 and 3. Plying Homers: Cook (certified io have flown 200 miles) — W. and P. Evans 1, C. Evans 2. Flying (Homer®: Hen (certified to have flown 200 miles) —iC. Evans 1. ' Flying Homers: Cook— W. and P. Evans X, Master W. Johnston 2 end special. Flying Homers: Cock (rung with any N.Z. Club -1000-1901 ring)—W. and P, Evans X and 2, E. Wheeler 3. Flying Homers: Hen (rung with any N.Z, Club 1009-1901 ring)—C. Evans 1, W. -and F. Evens 2. Tumblers, Long-faced, Bald: Cock or bon —W. Fraser 1,2 and 3. Tumblers, Longfuesd, Bald: Cook or hen (rung with the N. 1900-1901 ring)—o. and G. Bradford 1. Tumblers. Long-faced, Beard: Cock or hen —W. Fraasr 1. 2. 3 and special. Tumblers. Long-faced. Clean-legged, Block: Cock or hen—A. . Fraser 1, C. and G. Bradford.’ 2. 'Ttunbl'ei's, Loue-fttoed. Clean-legged, Black: Occfc or hen (rung with the N.Z. 1900-1900. rive)—A. Fraser 1,2 and 3. Tumblers. Longfaced, 'Clean-legged, R-d cr Yellow: Cock or hen—A. Fraser 1 and -2. Tumblers, Longfaced Clean-legged, Red or Yellow; Cock or hen (rung with the N.Z. 1900-1301 ring)—

0. end <3-. (Bradford I,A, Fraser 2. Tumblers, Long-faced, Clean-legged, Eosewing or Mottled; Cock or hen (rung with, the N.Z. 19001931 ting)—C. and <3-. Bradford 1,2 and 3. Tumblers, Long-faced, Clean-legged, any other colour; Cook or hen—A. Fraser 1, C. and G. Bradford 2. 'Tumblers, Long-faced, Clean-legged, any other colour: Cock or hen (rung ’with the N.Z. 1900-1001 ring)—A. Fraser 1,2 and 3. Tumblers, Long-faced, Muffed., Self-colour: Cock or hen—A. Fraser 1,2 and 3. Tumblers, Long-faced, Muffed, Selfcolour; Cock or hen (rung ■with the N.Z. 1900-1901 ring)—A. Fraser 1,2 and 1 3. Tumblers, Long-faced, Muffed, or Silver: Cock or hen—A. Fraser 1,2 and 3. Tumblers, Long-faced, Muffed, Mottled or .Rosewing; Cock or hen—W. Fra'ser 1,2 and 3. Tumblers, Long-faced, Saddles or Badges: Cook or hen —A. Fraser 1,2 and 3. Tumblers, Long-faced, Saddles or. Badges : 'Cock or lieu (rung with the N.Z. 1900-1901 ring)—TV. Fraser 1. Tumblers. Long-faced, Muffed, any other colour: 'Cock or hen—A. Fraser 1,2 and S. Fantaite, any colour: Cook or hen—W. Fraser 1. Jacobins: Cock or hen—TV. Fraser 1, A. Fraser 2, C. and G. Bradford 3. Jacobins: Cook or hen (rung with fire N.Z. 1000-10 Oil ring)—C. and G. (Bradford 1,2 and S. Nuns, any colour: Cock or hen—C. and G. Bradford 1,2 and 3. -Magpies, any colour; Cock or hen: W. Fra.aer 1,2 -and 3. Owls, African, any colour: Cock or hen—C. and G. Bradford 1,2 and 8. Owls, African, any colour: Cook or hen (rung with the 1900-1901 ring)— C. and G. Bradford 1 and 2. Oriental Frills: ■Cock or hen—W. Fraser 1, 3 and 3. Pigeon Flying Race, from Culvorden to Esngiors^— C. . Tyler, jun., Eedwlll, Ihr 17min SOsea, and Charles Evans. ‘Success, Ihr 17mln Ros«s (tie), 1; W. and F. Evans, Barkis, Ihr 17min SSsec, 8. CANARIES. (Norwich, yellow, clear, non-cayenne fad—• E. iW. Thompson 1, J. J. Wilson 2. Norwich, buff, clear, nonroayenne fed—B. W, Thompson 1, J. J. Wilson 2. Norwich, yellow, ticked or ’variegated, non-cayenne fed— E. -W. Thompson. 1, J. J. Wilson, 2 and 3. Norwich, buff, ticked or variegated, noncayenne fed—E. W. Thompson 1, J. J. Wilson 2 and 8. Norwich, yellow, clear, cayenne fed—lt. W. Thompson 1. Norwich, buff, clear, cayenne fed—R. W. Thompson 1 and special’ Norwich, yellow, ticked or variegated, cayenne led—B. W. Thompson 1. Norwich, buff, ticked or variegated, cayenne fed— R. W. Thompson 1. Norwich, dark or grey crested — it. W. Thompson 1, J. J. Wilson 2 and 8. Norwich, crested, any colour—J. J. Wilson 1 and 2. Cinnamon, jonque—E. W. Thompson 1, G. Eollinson 2 -and 3. Cinnamon, buff—E. W. Thompson 1. Green, j annua or buff—E. W. Thompson 1, J. J. .Wilson 2. Lizard, gold or silver—R. W. Thompson 1. Cage of four canaries, any variety— JR. (W. Thompson a, J. J. Wilson 2 end 8. Selling Class.—(Dock and hen, match_ foxbreeding'—E. W. Thompson 1, J. J. Wilson 2 and S. Selling -Class.—Dock—E. W. Thompson I, G. Beilinson ’2, J. J. Wilson 3. Goldfinch mule—G. Eollinson 1,2 and 3. Linnet mule —G. Eollinson 1 PETS. Parrot—. Clifford Nottingham 1. Dove—J. W. A. Sinclair 1 and 2, Lawrence '(Bell 3, Myrtle Bell 'i. Goldfinch—Master A. Eollinson I’ and 2, Miss E. C. Wilson 3. Cage bird, other than canary—Miss E. C. Wilson 1. ; Ouinssi -pig I —Hiss Lottds (Brown 1 &ncl 2, Mina M. Thorne 3. SCONES AND CAKES, etc. (Six plain scones, home-made (oven) —Mrs D. Ramsey 1 and special. Miss Grace A. Dalziel 2, 'Mrs F. IT Don aid 3, Miss Maud Watson h c, Mrs G. T. Duke c. Six plain scones, home-made (girdle)—Mrs_ D. Ramsey 1 -Miss '(Nelli© Lewis 2, QMi&s Maud Watson ft Mrs F. Macdonald h c. Six oat cakes— Miss Grace A. 'Dalziel 1. Fruit cake, homemade, over 2lb—Mrs A. Pearce 1, Mrs Withers--2 Mies Maud Watson 3. Plain cake, home-, made, over 2lb, other than sponge cake— Miss Maud Watson 1 and special, Mias Nellie Lewis 2, -Mrs G. T. Duko 3,_ Miss ■- Coates £ e, Miss Grace A. Dalziel o. One dozen white eggs, slnele yolk—Mjas A. Oattermoor 1. Miss .Bella Crer« 9. Mrs A. Pearce 3 Ono dozen tiwVd ergs, single yolk—Miss B. 'C. Wilson (Wyandotte-Brown Leghorn cross) 1, Mrs A. Pearce 2.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12537, 26 June 1901, Page 3

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POULTRY, PIGEON AND CANARY SHOW. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12537, 26 June 1901, Page 3

POULTRY, PIGEON AND CANARY SHOW. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12537, 26 June 1901, Page 3