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Patron, his Excellency Lord Ranfnrly; President, Hon. E. C. J. Stevens; VicePresidents, Sir Westby Perceval and Dr. Jennings; Captain, Mr E. E. Daniels; Vice-Captain, Mr D. Sutherland.

i The annual race-meeting of the Pioneer Bicycle Club, held at Lancaster Park yesterday, was attended by about 3,000 people, who witnessed a first-class afternoon’s sport. The strong south-west wind—amounting almost to a gale—was bitterly cold; it made things decidedly unpleasant for the spectators and officials, and was altogether unsuitable for cycle racing. As a consequence, all the times recorded were slow, and very few of the races produced any excitement until competitors nerved themselves for the final sprint. J. W. Jones was the only rider who showed first-class form, and he gave a splendid exhibition of riding, winning the Pioneer Bicycle Club Handicap from scratch, the Two-mile Provincial Championship, and securing second place in the Five-mile Handicap, after a plucky, hard-fought race, from the back mark. Undoubtedly the finest race of the day was the Pioneer Bicycle Club Handicap. In the last lap of this event Amos, 80yds, jumped into his sprint at the southwest corner, and, passing the other riders as though they were standing still, had established a lead one hundred and twenty yards from home of fully three lengths, and looked a certain winner. Just then, however, J. W. Jones was seen making his way from the back, and with a magnificent effort he rapidly overhauled the leader. With the wind behind them, both riders raced down the straight at a terrific pace. Twenty-five yards from home Jones got his front wheel alongside his opponent’s rear wheel. Amos responded to the challenge and momentarily held his own; then their machines got parallel, and by beautiful pedalling Jones gradually forged ahead, and amidst intense excitement crossed the goal-line a winner by six inches. The result brought forth enthusiastic cheering, and Jones was carried to the dressing-room shoulder high. The One-mile First-class Handicap was won after a very close finish by D. Bonn, of Geraldine. W. Hall, of Timaru, rode well in the Provincial Championship, and was second to Jones. H. Amos, who was second in the big race, was in very good condition, and won the Ladies’ Bracelet and the Five-mile Handicap comfortably. The Multicycle Handicap again proved an interesting event and fell to H. Thompson and J. E. Moses, mounted on a Sterling tandem. The last race of the day—the Visitors’ Handicap—was won by A. Craigie, who had been dealt with leniently by the handicapped. The management of the meeting was excellent, and it was exceedingly creditable that, under such unfavourable conditions, the arrangements were carried out so well. A feature of the meeting 1 which caused unfavourable comment was the large number of scratchings in the various events, but this might be iu part accounted for by the exceedingly unpleasant conditions for riding that existed. One or two minor accidents occurred owing to the narrowness of the track, the only serious mishap being iu the Three-mile Second-class Pace, -when G. Sturgess had a fall and broke his kneecap. He was conveyed to the hospital. The Stanmore Band played selections during the afternoon

The following officials carried out their various duties satisfactorily : Judges—Dr Jennings, Messrs E. E. Daniels, J. H. Parker, M. S. Brown and D. Sutherland. Handicapper and Eeferee —Mr P. Cooper. Timekeepers Messrs E. W. Boper, and G. K. Meredith - Kaye. Starter —Mr J. C. Cusack. Clerks of Course Messrs ~\Y. J. Barlow, J. Donaldson and E. G. Good. Laptakers—Messrs R. T. Lees, C. A. Myhre and G. W. Burrowes. Itesult Board— Messrs E. O. Duncan, P. N. Hunt and E. Fowler. Non-starters—Messrs E. Shanks, G. Cooper and E. Barber. Press Steward —Mr E. Baldwin. Honorary Treasurer— Mr T. E. Chisnall. Secretary—Mr J. C, Baldwin. Following are details of the racing : ONE-MILE MAIDEN; First prize, value £2; second, £1; third, bound volume of New Zealand Wheelman —J. Eiordan, 100yds, 1; A. Craigie, 10yds, 2; H. Simes, SOyds, 3. D. S. Bowman, scr, G. Sturgess, 20yds, C. A. Burmcister 30yda, S. C. Baron SOyds, E. E. Eftord 40yds, G. W. Munday 60yds, \V. Casholt, SOyds, J. W. Smith SOyds,,G. Jones SOyds, B. IV. Cook SOyds, .1. Quirk 100yds, E. W. Jones, 100yds, and D. C. M’Beath. i 20yds, also started. Won easily hy two lengths, a good finish between second and third. Time 2mm 34secs. ONE-MILE FIKST CLASS HANDICAP ; first prize value £4, second £2, third £l.—First heat: B. M’Knight, 55yds, 1; D. Donu, 50yds, 2; L. W. Graham, 40yds, 3; J. Grant, 40yds, 4; J. E. Moses, 100yds, 5. W. Tinsley 00yds, L. Lloyd Csyds, H. Thompson 140yds and E. W. Jones 140yds also started. Time— 2min 29;sec. Second heat: H. Amos, SOyds 1; J. W. Jones, ec.r, 2 ; W. Hall, acr, 3; W. Eohertson, SOyds, 4; J. L. Carl, 35yds, 5. The only starters. Time—2min SSI! sec. Pinal heat: D, Donn, 50yds, 1; B. M’Kniglit, 55yds, 2; H. Amos, SOyds, 3. The field raced in a hunch for the last quarter of a mile, and the three placed men came along the straight in a line, a remarkably close finish resulting. Time—2min 261 sec.

TWO-MILE SECOND-CLASS HANDICAP; first prize value £3, second £1 10s, third hound volume New Zealand Wheelman —First heat: E. Thompson, 10yds, 1; P. Wynn-Williams. 30yds, 2; J. E. Moses, 40yds, 3 ; J, Kioidan, 150yds, 4; S. C. Baron, 100yds, 5. G. W. Munday 120yds, F. Truman 140yds and J. Quirk 140yds also started. Timesmin 23s©c. Second heat: B. M’Buight 10yds, 1; K. Simes, 140vcls, 2 ; F. Benjamin, 70yde, 3; E. Elford, 100yds, 4; G. B. Bell, 50yds, 5. W. Eohertson scr, L. Lloyd 20yds, H. C. Thompson SOyds, W. Casholt 140yds, J. W. Smith 140yds, B- W. Cooke 14-Oyds and E. W. Jones , 160yds also started. Cooke, Casholt and Thompson fell. Time—smin .TOJsec. Final beat: P. Wynn-Williams, 30yds, 1; E. Thompson, 20yds, 2; H, Simes, 140yds, 3. As the hell rang Biordan led the field, with Wynn-Williams second. Two hundred yards from home Wynn-Williams made Ins effort, and easily drawing away from the others, won by se:eral lengths. B. Thompson three lengths in front of the third man. Time—smiu 23sec.

TWO-MILE P. B. C. HANDICAP; first prize value £'2o, second £lO, third £5, fourth £i—First heat: H. Amos, SOyds, 1; B. M’lCnight, 90yda, 2; V. Alexander, 40yds, 3; A. Donn, scr, 4; H. Thompson, 120yds, 5; D, Bowman, 110yds, 0. W. Bobertson SOyds, W. Tinsley 100yds, E. Thompson 110yds, D. S. Bowman 110yds, W. P. Hern 130yds, G. Sturgess 160yds and H. G. Peppsrill 220yds also started. Donn caught the field in the third lap, after which the riders remained in a bunch, Sturgess, Bowman and H. Thompson Jeadiug as the final lap was entered. In the back stretch Amos sprinted and easily secured first place. Time smin 14)sec. Second heat: J. Grant, 60yds, 1; L. W. Graham, 50yds, 2 ; J. W. Jones, scr, 3; D. Donn, 80yds, 4; H. S. Thompson, 170yds, 5; H. Juriss and G, B. Bell (equal), 6. W. Hall scr, J. L. Carl SOyds, P. Wynn-Williams 120yds, F. Truman 200yds and E. W. Jones24oydsalso started. Hall had the misfortune to fall iu the first lap. Two laps from home all the riders were together and riding very slowly. As the last lap was entered Grant was leading with Graham next, and Carl in a good position on the outside. A hundred and fifty yards from home Grant made his effort, and succeeded m retaining his lead by over a length, Graham just in front of Jones. Time—smin 24see. Final heat: J. W. Jones, scr, 1; H. Amos, 80yds, 2; D. Donu, 80yds, 3; H. C. Thompson, 170yds, 4. Jones and Donu paced each other splendidly from the pistol shot, and in the second lap had the field well iu hand. At three laps all the riders were together, and remained so until the last quarter of a mile, when a general si-ramhle for positions strung the field out. At the south-west corner Amos sprinted, and taking the lead, secured , a three-lengths’ advantage, and looked like a certain winner; hut Jones, coming with a magnificent sprint, overhauled him in the straight, and won hy a few inches. Time—smin 21lsec.

BOYS’ HANDICAP, one mile; first prize value £l. second 10s —A. Craigie, scr, I; F. Carl, ISOyds, 2; J. Biltcliff, 150ydg, 3. Seven started. Time—iSmin 41sec.

1000yds FLAT HANDICAP; first prize value £2, secoud £l—S. Pentecost, 35yds, 1; C. K. Cotton, VOyds, 2; F. H. Harley, 60yds, o. A. H. Joseph 30yds, R. ,T. Cooke 55yds and If. Waldron 70yds also started. Won easily. Time—2min 20*sec.

THREE-MILE SECOND-CLASS HANDICAP; first prize value £4, second £2, third £l—E. Thompson, -10yds, 1; B. M'Knight, 20yds, 2; H. Jurists, 20yds,3. W. Robertson scv, L. Lloyd -10yds, P.WytmWilhains 50yds, ,T. E. Moses 70yds, W. P. Hern 70yds, F. Benjamin 100yds, S. C. i-aron 120yds, G. Stnrgess loOyds, F. 'J rumen ISOyds, 11. Shoes .ISOyds, B. W. Cook 200yds, J. W. Smith 200yds and C. Jones 20i)yds also started. Sturress and Baron collided and tell. One hundred yards from home M’Knight, who was leading, was challenged by Thompson, who secured the verdict by a length. Time—Bmin 25?soe.

TWO-MILE PRO VINCI Al. CHAMPIONSHIP ; first, prize gold medal value £4 4s, second gold medal value £2 2s ; pacing prize, Messrs Reece and Son’s trophy—J. W. Jones, 1: W. Hall, 2; V. Alexander, .'l. Hairy Thompson, J. L. Carl, J. B, Norris and W. Robertson also started. Thompson rode long enough to make certain of the pacing prize and then retired. Only a procession to»>k place until the hist quarter of a mile, when Hall broke away with Jones in pursuit. In the straight Jones took command, and won by three-quarters of a length, Alexander some dialance away third. The time limit of 4min 55seo

originally imposed liad, owing to tkc strong wind tliat was Wowing, been increased to smin 25sec, but this was exceeded, tbo time of the race being smin 27$sec. 440yds LADIES’ BRACELET; first prize value £3 3a, second £3 2s— VV. V. Kingston, scr, 1; J. 1,. Smith, 9yds, 2; C. H. Cooke, 21yds, 3. J. S. M'ddleton 14yds, T. E, Quill 18yds, C. K. Cotton 23yds, C. D. Thomas 24yds and. W. J. Walter 27yds also started. Kingston ran a splendid race. He cut through his field in fine style, and taking command in the home straight won hy two yards. Time—s3Jsec. ONE-AND-A-HALF-MILE LADIES* BRACELET ; first prize £4 4s, second £2 2s, third bound volume New Zealand Wheelman, 1896-97—1 L Amos, 60yds, 1; J. Grant, 45yds, 2; J. L, Carl, 50yds, 3. W. Hall sor, A. Domi sor, L. Graham 45yds, D. Donn 00yds, W. Robertson 60yds, B. M’Knight 70yds and J, Quirk 110yds also started. No racing took place until the last lap. As the bell rang, Grant led, with Amoe, Graham and Carl in close attendance. A splendid finish ensued, Amos just beating Grant hy three-quarters of a length, Carl a length away third. Time—4min 6’sec. HALF-MILE HANDICAP; first prize value £3, second £l, third hound volume New Zealand Wheelmaw—First heat; H. Thompson, 45yds, 1; G. S. Bell,soyds. 2; W. Robertson, 40yds, 3. W. J. !3Hayward scr and L. W. Graham 25yds also startedTime —Imin lljsec. Second heat: J. W. Jonesi scr, 1; J. Grant, 25yds, 2; W. Hall, scr, 3J. L. Carl 15yds, W. P. Hem 45yds and J. E. Moses 60yds also started. Time—lmin 12scc. Final heat; G. E. Bell, 50yds, 1 ; J. W. Jones, scr, 2 ; H. Thompson, 45yds, 3. Bell made the most of his handicap, established a substantial lead while the back-mark men were watching each other, and won easily. Time—lmin s|sec. 220yds PLAT HANDICAP; first prize value £2, second £l—J. Turnbull, 10yds, 1; W. J, Walter, 20yds, 2 ; A. W. Dudley, 13yds, 3. C. R. Williams syds, J. L. Smith syds, C. E, Cholmoudoley 9yds, J, S. Middleton 10yds, C. H. Cooke 11yds, A. H. Joseph 11yds, C. D. Thomas 12yds, F. H. Harley 15yds and T. F. Plesher 16yds also started. Time —23 1 sec. FIVE-MILE BOXING DAY HANDICAP; first prize value £4, second £2, third £1 —H. Amos, 140yds, 1; J. W. Jones, scr, 2; J. Grand, 80yds, 3. V. Alexander 70yds, H. Juriss 160yds, X), Bowman 200yds, P, Wynn-Wilhams 240yds, W. P. Hern 240yds, H, Thompson 260yds and R. W, Cook 400yds also started. This race was principally noticeable for the game and successful effort made by Jones to make up the handicaps imposed. The majority of the riders dropped out, and after ho If the distance had been covered, Bowman, Amos, M’Knight and J. Grant, together with Jones some distance behind, were the only ones left in. Two laps from home Jones joined the leaders, hut the effort had proved too severe, and when the final sprint was made Amos drew away and won easily hy several lengths. Time—l3min 49sec. TWO - MILE MULTICYCLE HANDICAP; first prize value £2 each man, second £1 each man —H. Thompson and J. E. Moses (tandem), 60yds, 1; A. and D. Donn (tandem), 50yds, 2. W. J. S. Hayward, J. Grant and H, Amos (triplet), and T. Oates, N. Line, M’Donnel and W. Casholt, 130yds, {quad» also started. At the south-west corner in the last lap Donn brothers had the lead, maintaining it into the straight. Hero they were challenged by Thompson and Moses, who just won by less than a wheel. 0 ime—4min 58(sec. ONE-AND-A-HALF-MILE VISITORS’ HANDICAP; first prize value £3, second £2, third £1 —A. Craigie, 120yds, 1; R, Efford, 220yds, 2; L. W. Graham, 50yds, 3. H. Amos scr. E. Thompson 40yds, A. Donn 40yds, G, E. Bell 60yds and L. Lloyd 120yds also started. Wou easily by one hundred yards. Time—3min 37sec. In the evening a smoke concert was held in the Club rooms. Cathedral Square, when the prizes were presented to the various winners. The Hon. E. C. J. Stevens, president of the club, was in the chair, and made the presentations. There was a large attendance, and a very enjoyable evening was spent, members and friends contributing musical items during the evening. The following toasts were honoured:—"The Queen”; “ Cycling,”proposed by the Captain, Mr E. E. Daniels, 1 responded to by Messrs P. Cooper and N. Oates; “ The Visitors,” proposed by Mr C. Myhre, responded to by Messrs Toneycliffe (cycling) and Kingston (athletics) ; “Successful Competitor’s,” proposed by Mr W. J. S. Hayward, responded to by Messrs H. Amos, Bonn, and Turnbull; “The New Zealand Cyclists’ Alliance,” proposed by Mr J. C. Baldwin, responded to by Mr M. S. Brown; “Mr. E. W. Eoper,” proposed by Mr P. Cooper, and duly responded to; “ The Press,” proposed by Mr R. T. Lees, and “ The Chairman.” The marble clock presented by Messrs Mason, Struthers and Co. for the highest aggregate secured in the open cycling events was won by H. Amos. H. Thompson secured Messrs E. Reece and Sons’ special prize for pacing in -the Two-mile Championship.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVIII, Issue 11462, 28 December 1897, Page 2

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CYCLING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVIII, Issue 11462, 28 December 1897, Page 2

CYCLING. Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVIII, Issue 11462, 28 December 1897, Page 2