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AVON. At the monthly meeting of this Board the members present were—Messrs Charles Burgess (chairman), M. .Hawken, W. Horner,-E. Spencer and I. Parish. Correspondence was received and dealt with as follows: —Prom the Christchurch City Council, consentipg to a non-permanent diversion of ■ Nalder’s Bead. Eeceived. From the Christchurch Drainage Board, asking for the valuation of the district for their rate. The Clerk reported having Supplied the information required. Prom Messrs- Chinnery and Harbottle, drawing -attention to the condition of the Styx, and offering i>s 10s for the flax growing on the banks of that river. The Clerk reported that the contractor was pushing on with, the cleaning - of the river. Prom Mrs A. ■ A. Gilles, complaining of the smell caused by decaying weeds taken out of the drain in front of her property. Eeceived. Prom the Eanger, asking for instructions in cases where people persisted in herding cattle on the roads, giving the names of several people who made a constant practice of doing so, and claiming when spoken to or warned, that they were driving their cattle to their paddocks. The Eanger was instructed to collect evidence in .the first glaring case of the kind, and to report to the Clerk, so that proceedings may be taken and have the matter tested in Court. Mr Horner stated that cyclists riding on footpaths in Papanui had become a serious danger to the residents. He said that cyclists travelling at a high rate of speed came suddenly, without being heard, on pedestrians comingoutof a gateway or walking on the footpath, which was a serious matter, as . pedestrians ran the ' risk of being knocked over without any warning or having any opportunity to save themselves. It was resolved: —“ That the attention. of the constables in t he district be called to cyclists riding on the footpaths, and ,tney lie asked to do whatever they; can to put a stop to the practice.” It Jwas resolved, on. the motion of Mr Hawken, seconded hy Mr Spencer —“ That the system of ratingon annual values should be in ’force during the next three years in the Avon Eoad district.” The Chairman and the Clerk were empowered to make the best arrangement possible for .the valuation of the district. It was resolved that 10 per cent should be charged oh all rates unpaid on Feb. 5, 1898, and that notice of the fact should be advertised in the daily papers. The Surveyor’s report of work done during the month was read and approved. The finance report showed the bank balance to

I be A 492 13s 2d debit, and the receipts fertile month A 223 17s 6d. -The pay-sheet, amounting to A 205 16s 9d was read, and the amounts were ordered to be paid. Several alterations to the roll were authorised, and the meeting terminated.


The ordinary meeting of this Board was held on Dec. 13 at the office,, Fendaltoa; present—all the members. Mr Boag presided. The following correspondence was read Prom Mr Buckley, claiming compensation for the loss of a horse through its getting into a public drain. Deferred for consideration pending investigation by the Board. From Mr Dyer, complaining of an obstruction in Gardiner’s.Eoad drain, which deprives him of water: also, that cattle were allowed to stray on the road, doing much injury to fences. The Board directed the Surveyor to remove the obstruction at once, and to call the attention of the Eanger to the stray stock. Prom Mr George Clark, offering to supply boulders for the main roads. The Board accepted the offer, as the breaking of the boulders would be work for some of the unemployed in the district. From Mrs Wilkinson and Mr Henshall, requesting permission to take a few loads of shingle from the public reserve for private use. It was resolved to grant the requests. From the Chairman of the Papanni Domain Board, asking if the Board would remit the rates due on the Domain. Referred to the Collector for report. From Mr E. Jeffrey, of Addington, complaining of a nuisance on his neighbour’s premises. The* Inspector’s report having been considered, the Board declined to interfere in the matter. From Mr W. Thorn, complaining of stagnant water and refuse matter on premises in Strowan, which were dangerous to health. Referred to the Inspector, with power to act. A circular was received from the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association, calling attention to the danger resulting from the propagation of barley grass and other noxious weeds on roadsides. The Board having considered the matter, the following resolution was carried:—“That the Eiccarton Eoad Board is willing to co-operate with the Canterbury Agricultural aud Pastoral Association and other local bodies to prevent the spread of barley grass and other noxious weeds on public thoroughfares and reserves in the district.” Complaints having been made to the Board of the nuisance caused by stray cattle in the neighbourhood of Merivale, it was resolved to instruct the Ranger to visit the locality more frequently. The Collector’s report showed a largo amount of rates outstanding, and it was resolved to

give public notice that all rates unpaid on Dec. 31 would be sued for. The Surveyor’s report on works in progress was road and adopted, and alter passing accounts the Hoard rose.

GUST. The ordinary meeting of this Board was held on Dec. 13. Present—Messrs Wm. J. Atkinson (Chairman), I’. Thompson, Wm. P. Conway, R. Kingsbury, and T. Tallot. Correspondence was received from Mr R. Moore, M.H.R., in reference to the land required from the Murphy property for a drain, and enclosing two letters from the Minister of Railways on the same matter. Prom Mr D. Buddo in reference to a road Tie desired the Board to form along the Ashley river-bed, and forwarding a. tracing. The Board decided that it could have nothing to do with the track, and that the want of funds would not allow it to form the piece' of road at present. Mrs Gardner had an interview with the Board in reference to the fence erected on the Main Drain Road. It was decided to give Mrs Gardner notice that she must erect a gate on the road. Mr John Trudgeon asked to have, the lease of Reserve 3(52 transferred to Mr William Brown. On the motion of Mr Kingsbury, it was agreed to transfer tho lease. It was decided to re-let the formation of the Hill Road, tenders to be in in a week. The Chairman brought before the Board the practice of ratepayers bothering the members of the Board individually with reference to cattle on the roads, and it was agreed that anyone having any complaints to make about cattle on the roads should see the Board as a public body, and not its individual members. Tenders were received for Sail’s Bridge, and the lowest was accepted. Accounts for A2l 17s Gd were passed. GERALDINE. ‘ At the monthly meeting of the Geraldine Road Board the members present were: — Messrs J. Holland (chairman), A. Metcalf, J. Wharton, K. Erophy and J. Barker. Tho Levels County Council asked the Board to raise tho price of small birds’ eggs and heads as they had done at the Tie vela, but as the Board had always paid 2d per dozen it did not think an increase of price necessary. At the request of several ratepayers the Overseer was instructed to remove a portion of the fence ; t the foot of the Pleasant Valley cutting to give stock access to the creek. The Overseer was also instructed to report upon work asked for by Hr E. Totheridge at Kakahu; to call tenders for reducing Leary’s cutting and to attend to Thew’s Road. The Chief Surveyor notified that he had no objection to the proposal to make a slight deviation of road through Section 13, Kakitaira Settlement, provided the lessees gave consent. Letter to be sent to settlers Interested. The Chief Surveyor also wrote that the Board’s application for river-bed reserves adjoining the township of Geraldine would bo granted by the Land Board. It was resolved to ask tho Geraldine County Council if, as it had sent its own men to repair the Orari bridge, it intended in future to undertake any necessary repairs, together with the responsibility of maintenance of the two county bridges. It was decided to form the road on the proper line near Mr D. Guthrie’s property. The Overseer’s report on works completed was read and confirmed. It was decided to serve gorse notices on three ratepayers. Accounts amounting to A 99 2s 4d were passed for payment and the Board then rose. MANDEYILLE AND RANGIORA. The monthly meeting of this Board was held on Dec. 10; present—Messrs F. Horroll (who presided in the absence of the Chairman), Stalker and Moody. An apology was received for the absence of Mr Joseph Keloher, through illness. It was reported that a site for the footbridge af Perrin’s Ford had been decided upon, and a tender for a suspension bridge, at .6122, had been accepted. A letter was received from tho Waimakariri Harbour Board as to erecting the bridge on the river within the jurisdiction of the Board. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Eyreton Road Board had been requested to take steps to obtain the consent of tho Minister of Marine. The Clerk’s action in granting Mr W. Blake permission to plough the side of tho road fronting his jand was approved. Information had been received from the Treasury, Wellington, that A 273 had been placed to the credit of the Board. The Clerk was instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a concrete under-structure to,the bridge over the Taranaki Creek near Mr Down’s, tenders to be in by Dec. 21. It was decided, to put on two men to cover the sandhills besicletbe Woodend beach road with gorse, as the sand was threatening to block the roadway. Attention having been drawn to a dangerous part of Boys’ direct road, caused by Air Power’s fence, it was decided to request Mr Power to remove it further into the paddock. There being a number of complaints of cattle straying on the road, the Clerk was instructed to write to the Ranger respecting the matter. The motion carried at the last meeting that only small birds’heads should be purchased, was rescinded, and it was resolved to buy eggs at Id per doz and beads at 2d. The receipts for the month were reported to be A 353 10s 6d, and the bank credit balance Al5B IBs. Accounts amounting to A 157 9s 7d were passed for payment. KOWAT. At the ordinary meeting of this Board the members present were—Messrs Holdsworth (chairman), Evans, Mathers and Dick. Correspondence was read : —From the Railway Department, in reply, relative to the control of parts of the Three-Chain Road and railway reserve at Balcairu and Sefton. It was resolved —“ That the matter be proceeded with, the Clerk to communicate with the member for the district on the matter.” From Mr P. H. Bruges, as to a water question. The Board agreed to inspect the locality at an early date. Concerning the boundary line between the Ashley and Kowai districts, it was left in the hands of Mr Evans and the Surveyor to confer with members of the Ashley Board, with a view to arriving at the proper line where crossing Genie’s Road, Ashley. Prom the Sefton Dairy Company, agreeing to pay cost of asphalting out-fall drain from the factory. It was resolved that the work should be done, and that tenders should be invited. Tenders were opened for contract No. 162, and that of J. Quinn was accepted. The special rate for the purpose of raising a fund to deal with the Ashley protective works, was struck, levied ‘ and made payable on Dec. 13. After consideration of non-compliance with gorse notices, it; was resolved to lay informations against occupiers in four cases. ■ It was resolved that the owners of property fronting on the Broad Road should be interviewed for the purpose of ascertaining their willingness or otherwise to purchase half a chain on either side of the road adjoining their respective frontages. A list of owners of unregistered dogs in the district was laid before the meeting, and it was unanimously resolved to take immediate steps to enforce registration, as the year had almost expired. Accounts were passed for payment, and the meeting terminated. TEMPLETON. The monthly meeting of this Road Board was held on Dec. 6; present—Messrs G. F. Carpenter (chairman), W. Bailey and G. Witty. An application from the contractor of the Midland Saleyards for per-

mission to erect a notice-board at the corner of the South and Buchanan’s Roads was considered, and the matter left in the Clerk’s hands to deal with. The appointment of tho Cattle Ranger was extended for three months conditionally. The Clerk was instructed to have gorse and broom growing on roads adjoining the railway "grubbed up; also to procure a gate for Reserve 106, in the occupation of Mr Barnshaw. The question of forming a road between the Springs and Shand’s Roads was deferred until after harvest. Accounts for AB2 9s 4d were passed, and the meeting terminated. WEST EYRETON. The monthly meeting was held on Dec. 13 ; present—Messrs Addinell (chairman), Hunter, Horrell and Smith. A letter was read from Mr R. D. Thomas |asking if there were any outstanding rates due on R.S. 6656. The Clerk was directed to reply that all rates due to March 31, 1897, had been paid. Messrs Walter Chapman, Thomas Burgin, William Smith and Walter Crysell asked leave to construct temporary fords across the roads to obtain water from the water-races. Granted. Mr Samuel Horrell, on behalf of the Waimakariri-Ashley Water Supply Board, asked leave to bring the water - race close to the fence along tho north side of the North Eyre Road from rural section No. 15180 at Horrellvillo, to reserve No. 363 at West Eyreton. Agreed to. The Clerk was directed to order 120 dog collars from Mr Sklaark, saddler, at Eangiora, the same size and quality as last year’s supply, and at the same price. It was resolved that Mr William Spriggs should be appointed as registrar of dogs for the West Eyreton Road Board District, and that the registration fee for sheep and cattle dogs should be 2s 6d; all others 7s 6d. Accounts amounting to £lO 9s Id wore passed and ordered to be paid. The Board then adjourned until 10.30 a.m. on Feb. 7, 1898. COURTENAY. A meeting ,of this Board was held on Tuesday, Dec. 21; present—Messrs James Gough (chairman), H. A. Knight, C. Rudd, T. Needham, A. E. Davis and J. Brown. Correspondence was read:—From Mr E. Powrie, with sworn declaration as to ownei-ship, applying for the balance of proceeds of sale of one horse, his property, sold out of tho West Melton pound. Tho Clerk to forward cheque. From Mr J. S. Kemp, with cheque for purchase of closed road, and account for one acre of land purchased from him by the Board for a gravel piij. From Mr M. Hampton, applying for permission to put down an open crossing for water-race water on road between R.S. 7493 and R.S. 7633. Granted, subject to the work being done to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. From Mr T. Hughes, asking leave to plough the side of Hoskyn’sßoad for the destruction of gorse. Granted. From Mr W. Johnson, complaining of traction engine and trucks being allowed to remain on the Bealey Road at night without any light showing, to the danger of passing traffic. The Clerk to write to the owner of the traction-engine, warning him that he must find some place other than the public roads of the district to camp on at night. From Mr C. M’Cansland, applying for some allowance on his contract for re-forming on account of there proving- to bo more work to bo done than he had calculated on. The Board agreed to grant him sixpence per cliain extra. From Mr J. An-es, complaining of the number of stock constantly grazing on the roads between Norwood and Greendale. The Ranger to attend to the matter. Tenders for reserves were opened, and those of Mr P. Mauion, Reserve 1453, at 7s 6d; and Mr A. Beatty, Reserve 1522, at 15s per annum, were accepted. Tenders received for other reserves were deferred. Accounts were passed for payment.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVIII, Issue 11462, 28 December 1897, Page 2

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ROAD BOARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVIII, Issue 11462, 28 December 1897, Page 2

ROAD BOARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVIII, Issue 11462, 28 December 1897, Page 2