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LIVE STOCK MARKET. Entries ia all classes were below the average at the market yesterday, and although the attendance was largo, business was anything but brisk. About 6000 sheep, 176 head of fat cattle, 100 store!), 80 cows and 250 pigs comprised the week’s supply, which proved more than sufficient for the demand.

Stork Sheep.—About 2500 cheep were in the store pens, composed chiefly of hoggets and breeding ewea. The sale was very dull, and only the most useful sheep changed hands. Breeding ewes brought up to 17s Gd, and hoggets up to lla 6d. Messrs Todhunteb and Jennings sold 207 merino ewes in Jamb at 5s 2d, 247 crossbred ewea at 13s 6ii, 99 hoggets at 11s, 103 merino wethers at 6a 6d to 6s 7d, 640 hoggets at lla 6d, 266 cross-bred ewes at 16s 3d, 213 do in iamb at 17b 9d, 134 do at 16s. The New Zealand Land Association, Limited, sold 200 half-bred owes in lamb at 17s, 100 ihres-quarter-bred hoggets at Ils Gd. Messrs H. Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. and A. Company of N.Z., Limited), sold 4 hoggets at 9s, 94 cross-bred ewes in lamb at 14s, 27 hoggets at 9a 6d. Messrs Ptne and Co. sold 288 cross-bred hoggets at 9a. Eat Sheep.—-Only 2500 were entered in the fat pens, considerably more than half of the entry being merinos. The quality was very poor, half-finished sheep predominating. Really good sheep sold well up to last week’s rates, a line of merino wethers from Dalethorpe bringing up to 16s 9d. Second quality were hard to quit, and a reduction in values had to be submitted to where business was done. Crossbred wethers sold at from 13a, 15s 3d, 16s 9d, 17s 7d, 18s 6cl, 19a Gd to 20s 6d, ewes 13s, 13a 6d, 13a 9d, 14a 6d to 15s, mined sexes 13s Id, 16s 4d, 17s 3d to 17s 7d, mixed wethers and maiden ewes 16a 3d, 17s sd, 18s, 18a lOd to 19s 66, half-bred wethers 15s 2d, 16a, 170, 18s Gd, 19s to 20s 6d, mixed wethers and maiden ewea 14s 3d to 14s Bd, merino wethers 8s 3d, 9s 7d, 10s, 12a 6d, 13s 7d, 15a Id to 16a 6d, ewes 9a Id to 12s 9d. The New Zealand Land Association, Limited, sold for Mr Broomfield, 21 aged cross-bred owes at 13a 6d, 40 do at 13s 9d; for Mr Jackson, 20 cross-bred ewea at 13s ; for Messrs Cooper Bros., 20 merino wethers at 10s Id, 20 at 10s, 20 at 9s 7d; for Mr J. Baker, 30 merino wethers at 13a sd, SO at 12a 7(1, 30 at 12a 2d, 30 at 12s Id, 30 at 12a, 75 at lls lOd, 23 at 10s 7d; for Mr Brown, 30 merino wethers at 13 s, 30 at 12s 7d, 28 at lls 6d, 25 at lla Id, 28 at 10s lOd; for Culverden Estate, 33 half-bred wethers at 18s, 33 at 17a 6d, 30 at 17a 4d, 30 at 17s 2d; for a client, 128 mixed cross-breds at 16s 4d to 17s 3d; for Mr Brown, 30 merino wethers at 10s lid, 26 at 10s, 27 at 9s lOd, 27 at 9s 9d, 22 at 9s 2d; for a southern client, 40 merino wethers at 13s 8d to 13a lOd, 30 do at 12s 7d; for Culverden Estate, 80 merino wethers at 13s sd, 26 at 12s 6d, 26 at 12s Id, 25 at lls Bd, 25 at lls sd. Messrs Milks and Co. sold for Mr W. Chapman, 25 half-bred wethers at 16s Id, 25 at 15s Bd, 24 at 15s 2d, 30 merino ewes at 9s Id; for Mr T. Chapman, 40 merino wethers at 15a Id, 81 at 13s; for a client, 16 cross-breds at 3a Id. Messrs J. T. Ford and Co. sold for Mr W. M’Millan 60 cross-bred wethers and ewes at 18s lOd to 19s 6d. Mr F. C. Tababt sold 30 wethers at 17s 7d, 60 at 16a 9d, 26 at 16s 6d, 25 at 16s sd, 25 at 16s 4d, 25 at 16s, 19 at los 3d, 16 at 19e, 60 at 13s 6d, 30 at 13s sd, 26 at 13s lid, 30 at 13s 4d, 30 at 13a 3d, 25 at 16s 6d, 25 at 17s 3d, 60 at 14s, 173 at 13s lOd, 16 wethers at 20s 9d, 19 at 20s, 13 at 19a, 25 crossbreds at 17b Bd, 20 at 16s Gd, 20at 16s 2d, 21 at 15s 6d, 20 cross-breds at 15a Gd, 14at 15s 3d. Messrs H. Matson and Go. (associated with the National M. and A. Company of N.Z., Limited) sold 13 half-bred wethers at 20s 6d, 12 at 19s, 23 merino wethers at 16a Gd, 23 at 15s Id, 23 at 14s Bd, 21 merino ewes at 12s 9d, 1 cross-bred wether at 255, 10 cross-bred wethers at 18s Bd, 24 at 14s, 29 at 17s 7d, 85 cross-bred wethers and maiden ewes at 18s, 33 at 17a sd, 21 crossbred wethers at 17a lid, 36 at 16a, 24 halfbred wethers at 17s, 24 at 16s. Messrs Ptnb and Co. sold 19 cross-bred wethera at 20s Gd, 19 at 19s 6d, 15 at 19s 2d, 28 at ISs 10d, 33 at 18s 9d, 19 at 18s sd, 15 at 18s Id, 49 at ISs 6d, 90 half-bred wethers at 16s, 33 at 15s lid, 77 half-bred wethers and maiden ewes at 14s 4d, 25 at 14s 3d, 25 at 14s Bd, 22 cross-bred wethers at 17s 4i, 40 at 16s 9d, 30 half-bred wethera at 18s 6d, 36 cross-bred wethers and maiden ewes at 18s Id, 21 at 17s 9d, 23 at 16s 3d, Messrs Todhunteb and Jennings sold for clients, 28 merino wethers at lla, 24 at 10a 6d, 30 at 8a 3d, 25 cross-breda at 17s 10d, 20 at 17a 3d, 20 at 17s 2d, 13 at lla 7d, 74 at 16s 4d, 25 cross-bred ewes at 15s, 36 do at 14s Bd, 33 at 14s 3d, 34 at 14s. Thu New Zealand Farmers’ Co-oper-ative Association op Canterbury, Limited, sold for a client, 30 cross-bred wethers at 16s, 30 at 15s Sd, 30 at 13s. Fat Lambs.—A few fat iambs came to hand from Mr Rudd, of Greendale, and from Mr W. Acton-Adams’ Island Estate, and changed hands at from 10a 6d to 15s 6d. Messrs H. Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. and A. Company, of N.Z., Limited) sold 2 at 14s, 5 at Ho, 3 at 10s 3d, 2 at lls. Fat CATTLE.—One hundred and seventysix head of fat cattle were yarded for the week’s supply. The quality was more oven than usual, and a very good sale resulted. Best steers brought from .£8 to £lll2s 6d. heifers from £6 to £B, and cows from £5 to £7 10s. Best beef brought from 23s 6d to 24s per 1001 b, and second quality from 21s to 225. Messrs H. Matson and Co. (associated with the National M. and A. Company of N.Z., Limited) sold 1 cow at £7 10s, 1 at £4 17a 6d, 1 steer at £9 12a 6d, 3 at £8 12s 6 J, 3 at £B, 2 heifers at £7 10s, 1 cow at £6 10a, 2 at £6 2« 6d, 1 at £7 10s, 1 at £6 17a 6d, 1 at £4 12s 6d, 1 steer at £6 15a, 3 heifers at £6 17a 6d, 2 at £6 10s, 1 steer at £6 12a 6d, 1 cow at £7 10s, 1 at £lO,l at £B, 1 heifer at £5 15a, 2 steers at £9, 1 heifer at £6 sa, I

cow at £7 ss, 1 steer at £7 sa, 1 at £8 10s, 3 at £7 7s 6d. 3 at £7 12s Gd, 3 at £6 17s 6d. Messrs Ptne and Co. sold 2 steera at £lO 12s 6d, 3 at £9, 2 heifers at £7 10s, 2 cows at £5 7a 6d, 3 heifers at £6 15a, 2 at £6 10a. The New Zealand Farmers’ Co-opera-tive Association of Canterbury, Limited, sold for Mr Campbell heifers at £6 17a 6d, cow at £6 15s, I at £6 10s, 1 at £6 7s Gd, 3at £6 12s 6d. Messrs Todhuntkb and Jennings sold 2 heifers at £7, 3 at £5 10a, 2 at £7 7e Gd, £8 at £6 17a 61, 3 steers at £8 15s, 3 at £8 7s 6d, 3 at £7 IBs, S steers at £7, 2 heifers at £6 2s 6d. Messrs J. T. Ford and Co. sold, for Mr Bhoat 3 steers at £9 sa, heifer at £9 17a Gd, fab cow at £7 2a 6d. Mr F. C.i Tababt sold for Mr J. Qreig 6 steers at £ll 15s, 3 efceera at £lO 12s 6d, cow at £9 Be, 1 at £9. Store Cattle.—About 150 store cattle came to hand, the yarding being mostly store cows, with only a few young stock. The sale was not quite as satisfactory as last week’s, a number being passed. Messrs Todhuntek and Jennings sold 12 heifers at £5, 2 do at £4, 6 #toro cows at £4 15s, 11 young cattle at £2 7s, 6 store cows at £2 15s, a pea of heifers at £2 Is Gd, 5 store cows at £3. 3. Matson and Co, (associated with) the National M. and A. Company of N.Z.J Limited), sold 2 yearlings at 28s, 1 cow at £5 ss, 1 at £5 2s Gd, 1 at £3 12s 6d, 1 at £4 12a Gd, 2 heifers at £4 15s, 1 cow at £5 7a Gd, 1 at £5 10 j, 2 at £5 15s.

Dairy Cattle.—About eighty dairy cows were entered, amongst which there was nothing of extra quality. The sale was an unsatisfactory one and was considerably prolonged. Pigs.—About 250 pigs came forward, the bulk of which were porkers and stores. The few really good bacon pigs yarded were snapped up st an advance on last week’s rates. Porkers and stores had to' submit to a farther drop. Good baconera' brought up to 555, porkers up to 28a, and stores up to 13s. Messrs Todhunteb and Jennings sold for Mr T. Earaahaw,' 4 stores at 13s; for Mr Lamb, 2 porkers at 28s; for Mr Patterson, 2 at 29s 6d; for Mr Brake, 3 porkers at 17a 6d; for Mk Rountree, 4 porkers at 20s ; for: Me. Jackson, 6 porkers at 18a; for Mr Boag,' now at £2 7a; for Mr Hawke, 7 baconera at £3 4s; for Mr Jarvis, 7 do at £1 18s; for Mr J. Bennett, sow at £ll4s, 2 porkera at 10s; for Mr Jeff, 14 baconera at £2 4a g for a client, 6 porkers at 16a 6ij fOr Mr Taylor, 3 porkers at lls 6d. The New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Association of Canterbury, Limited, sold for ME Herrick, 5 porkera at 245; for Mr J. Brown, 4 baconera at £2, 4 at £llßs, 3 at £1 15a. Messrs H. Matson and Co. sold 5 baconera at 81s, 3 at 295, 1 sow at 41s, 10 porkers at 19s, 3 baconers at 50s, 2 at 48s, 1 at 850, sow and litter at 445, 3 porkers at 12s 6d, 4 at 17s, 2 at 13s, 4 baconers at 20s, 4 at 18a, 6 at 265, 4 at 37s 6d, 2 at 50s, 8 porkera at 18s Gd, 3 baconers at 535, 6 porkers at 28| 6d, 6 at Ids, 3 at 19s 6d, 3 at 16s 6d. Messrs Ptne and Co. sold 7 baconera at 555, 10 at 50s, 11 porkera at 19s 6d to 275.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 10106, 3 August 1893, Page 3

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ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 10106, 3 August 1893, Page 3

ADDINGTON YARDS. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXX, Issue 10106, 3 August 1893, Page 3