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Miscellaneous. N ATUSAL MINEEAL WATERS of ApolU- _ - ■ naria, Vala Vioby, Ca, Isbad. sren, Homburg, Pulliui* Friodriohsliall* Hunyadl lano, Ac , Direct from the Springs Also the ARTIFICIAL MINEEAL WATEB* E .Elxg"n^B OU .». And DB STEUVE A GO., Brighton, Appointed Agents for tb .Celebrated Apollinaris Water. , W. BEST A SON, Foreign Wine, Spirit, and Mineral Water Mochanta, 22. Eanrlete, atraet Cavendish square, London, W. Price, liiata on application ~jT qeaND Discovery for the Unfortunate. e^or^ai ni Healing Balm, 11a a bottle, will effectually cure debility, loss of mental and phyecal capacity, inward decay, nervousness, low spirits, Sffig and Shaking of the hands and Mi asthma, consumptive cough, spitting blood, internal bleeding, Ac. , . . # PUls No. 1 are a speedy cure tor recent cases of navel, lumbago, pains in the hack, rheumatism, disease of the kidney, bladder, Ac. Pills No. 2 are much famed for curing long* standing cases of the above. PUls No. 3 will search out and purify tbs blood bom contamination, and effectually cure sourvay, blotches on the skin, scrofula, pains in the bones, s4s9d a box. Sold by the Proprietor, 81, Kirkgate; Eamaden, Vicar lano; Harrison, Bridge street, Leeds; J. Lund, Weatgato, Brad, ford; Heald, stationer, Wakefield; J, Thompson, druggist, Thirsk. Messrs Woolford and Co., 61, Kirkgate (opposite the old church), Leeds, may be consulted daily os usual, from 10 to 1 and 6 to 8, with groat success, on all cases of nervous debility, okin i disease, Ac. It should he remembered that one visit to those who are qualified and habituated to the rao. 100 will be the bes menus of avoiding future misery. W. and Co. decidedly state and guarantee that no case within reach or medical skill shall leave the 8 until effectually and permanently cured. Com. lainta incident to females skilfully treated. Medicines sent to any port. Private entrance, first loor up the passage to the right. A book of testimonials and cures, also one on marriage, sent for two stamps oacn. By post, r jpturo trusses, 2a 6d, it 6d and 7s' Go ; elastic stockings, knee caps, issue peas, Ac. 78781 The largest circulation at Homo and abroad If Authi • * finHE LONDON JOUBNAL " is the Queen of JL English Story Joumalfl. Ito articles, romances, love stories and novelettes are unequalled. The answers to correspondents form quite romances of real life.”—“The bast family Journal in existence.**— ** Times.” ONDON JOUENAL, Monthly Supplement | contains a complete Novel by an Eminent author. Beautifully illustrated. Price Id. 11 its tolas have more power than the majority of three volume novels.*’—“ Bevievr.'* "ST ONDON JOUEN AL. For mwntMlyinteresting B I novels, by the most popular authors, illustrated by the best artists—Domestic Short Tales—Axtiolea on the leading Events of the Day—Essays on Social, Personal, and General Topics—Household Beceipto—Facatiffl, Correspondence, Ac.—“ Its illustrations equal those of best magazines."— “Eaviow." . TT ONDON JOUBNAL, Monthly Part, includes, H 1 in addition to the above varied and entertainIng matter, a Sixteen Page Ladies' Supplement of Fashions and Needlework, Coloured Plate of the Latest Paris Modes. "Of excellent quality, various, vigorous, and wholesome la tendency."—“Daily Telegraph.*' degrapl E ONDON JOUENAL, Half-Yearly Volume, bound in cloth. “Forms a beautiful Gift for all Seasons."—” Daily Nows.” TT ONDON JOUENAL, Christmas Number. A .1 | series of Stories for Christinas Firesides with a host of Seasonable Articles, Short Talas, to. Price 2d. “A complete Christmas Compenion."—"Standard-** -fif ONDON JOUBNAL, Holiday Number, Price i ,8d the Double Number. Issued in June. “Or exceeding beauty and pathos.’’—“Advertiser." NO STABLE IS.COMPLETHiWITHOUT. E LLIMAN’S EOYAL EMBEOCATION. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. From Bis Grace the Duke of Bntland, Master o Belvoir Hunt. Deo. 1,1878. Sms, —Ellimnn’s Boyal Embrocation is used in Sty stables; I think it very useful. Eutlahd, From G. C. Carew Gibson, Esq., floodgate, Pulborough, Sussex. Oct. 7,1878. Sms,—l like your Embrocation very much; we use a great deal of it. All sorts of outs, bruises, and slight sprains it does well for; capped hooka and sore throats it is almost certain to cure. Tours faithfully G. C. Cabuw Gibsoh. From J Bellamy, Esq. .Master of the Isle of Wight Hunt. December, 1878. (Sms,— use EUiman’s Boyal Embrocation, and tore round it most efficacious in many cases of -'■mains and wounds, but especially for sore throats, «nd when need with bandage as a mild blister. J. BXIiLAUT, From Llsut.-CoL B. H. Price, Master of Badnorahiro Hunt. December, 1873. Qimnira,-JE use the Boyal Embrocation the stables and (ennals, and have found it very services ole. I have also used the Universal Embrocation for lumbago and rheumatism for the last two years, and have suffered very little since -iginff it, H. Pbick. loeuti-Col. Of Chemists and Saddlers in Bottles, 2s, 2s 6d, and3s6d. Proprietors, ELLIMAN. SONS A Co.. Slough. Tf ASCELLES’ Gout and Kheumatio Pills, at II J once relieve, and in a few days cure gout, rheumatism, sciatica, tic, &o. Sold at Is lid and Is fid per box by all chemists ,and medicine vendors jfw aTHEE honey from your flowers. Neighbour’s VJT celebrated Beehives. Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876 Paris Exhibition, 1807, 1868. Three Silver pr e medals awarded to George Neigbour and Sons. Neighbour’s improved Cottage Beehiveu as originally introduced by George Neighbour and Sons, working three boll glasses: is, neatly and strongly ™«d« of straw ; it has three windows in tin a lower hive. This hive will be found to possess many practical advantages, and is more easy ;ol management than any other beehiye that has been introduced. Price, complete, £1 15s; stand for ditto, 10s 60. Bar Frame Hives of most approved construction at 7s fid, 12a fid to 25s each. Philadelphia Frame Hives complete, with cover and stand, 425. An Italian Alp Qneon, with fall directions for uniting to black stocks, at current prices Ligurian and English bees. Stocks and swarms may be obtained as heretofore. “The Apiary,” by Alfred Neighbour, 6s, postage Sd. A newly artanged catalogue of other improved hives, with drawings and prices, sent on receipt of two stamps, George Neighbour and Sons, 127, W.C.; or ISO’Eegent strot, London, W, £| ÜBBOUGHES A WATTS, 87, Market street I Manchester, Sole Contractors to Her iasty*B War Department and Admiralty. Billiard Tables from 55 guineas upwards. Sole agents for Best’s Patent Eegistering Billiard and Pool Marking Board. The Cement, the best for tipping billiard cues. Price fid. Is, 2s, 3a. Sole agents for Fuller's Patent Cue Cramp, the _ simplest machine for tipping billiard cues. Price, 6a fid. Seats, Settees, and Lounges of all prices and desoriptiona. Steam Work? —Dean street, Hollan street, and Richmond Buildings. Offices &ud Show Booms—9, Soho Square, Loudon and 87 Market treat, Manchester. E STANDING Writing Cases, easily packed in the portmanteau, from 10s 6d to 36a. A largo assortment. Stephenson's Stationery Warehouse, Oxford street, London W JSTG oases and desks, oest quality suit able for birthday presents or complimentary gifts, from 7s 6d to £lO, witli Bramah looks. A very large assort* xnont. About 100 patterns to select from at Stephenson's Stationery Warehouse 89 Oxford street London. W.C. . BHWOETH*S PATENT •• METALLIC COMB-BEUSH." Ask Tour chemist or irdresser for Ashworth's Patent Metallic mb-Bruah." These crushes have the penetrate ■ power of the comb and the elasticity of the stie-hrush combined—hence the noma “ combi3h-’’ It is allowed by all users to bo the moat rfeot hair brush ever invented, and has received ■y high testimony from eminent medical men and lots for its sanitary value. May nod of all musts, hairdressers and dealers fancy goods, from the makers, enclosed in neat box, post free in stamps. On the same principle is made a ichlarger and stronger brush for dogs, cattle, raes, Ac. Cattle and horse breeders should see s brush at once xursea wiii allow its use on 7 part of their bodie i, ana i: produces a cleat i healthy «irin. Send for prospectus. Prices, ato nearest railway station—Dog brush, 2s 6d; tie ditto, 3s: horse ditto, Sa fid in stamps.— HWOBXH BBOTHEES, Ashley lane, Han ister - MPOETANT to Farmers.—By Boyal appointment to Her Majesty, by special warrant »d Deo. 27, 1865, to the Prince of Wales, by loisl warrant dated Fob. 10, 1866. DAT, SON, 5E WITT'S “Original" Stock-breeders’ Modie Chest. In this cheat axe the f oUowing match--9 and world-renowned remedies, all that a far r can require to cure disease among his stock, I keep them in fine, healthy, and buoyant condia—The “Chemical Extract" for wounds, illen nddors, and ewes lambing, the “ Gaseous ild,"for colic, scour, Ac.; the “Bed Drench," meansing cows and ewes; the “Bed Paste lg " for conditioning horses; the •• Bronchofor husk, gasp or cough; tne “ Gaseodyne," ’heaving and paining; the “ Alcoholic Ether," colds and chilis; the “ Carminative Chalk,” for rrhesa in lambs and calves. Price of chest comto. rSgepaid. Any article can be had separately boxes. 22, Dorset street, Baker.street, Loudon J„ and Wantage, Berks, IN WINE BINS. Burrows' Slider Bins. Ttin« one, two, ind three bottles deep. Special Bins for India. Collars fitted com. plate in any part of the world. I BON WINE BlNS.—Burrows* Slider Bins are superior to all others, safer, more convenient, keep wine in better condition, and prevent the destruction of corks. "S’EON WINE BlNS.—Burrows’ Slider Bins. Odd JL corners, spaces under stairs, cupboards, and old bnck or slate bins can be fitted with these bins, and thus made useful. v° TTBON WINE BlNS.—Burrow’s Slider Every bottlo separate. No laths reo Breakage prevented. Bins made i size, or to fit any space. TTBON WINE BINS. Burrows* Slider Lock up bins of any size. Small dit ■vt and twelve dozen of *SS r v aßa ?!* or butler’s pantry, bad offices, Ac. W. and J, Burrow, Malvern, and 3, Lsnesquaxe, Groat Tower street, jj< B.C. Hlusttated lists free

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8623, 26 October 1888, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8623, 26 October 1888, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8623, 26 October 1888, Page 7