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Miscellaneous. ABDB*B OOMME IL FATJT HAIB PBODUOBB. e'a Capillar©. Wardo's 800 l Hair Produoor. Fvfino Ororioir.—The original Jotters from which those quotations are taken oan bo seen at any time K'7t»fii^W^Jii l .»(fi^'' l fcM;^;ff',l l .?l!<i i?aut very efficacious, and menus to avail herself of their offer to Bond one dozen." " The Countess oi 0., Surrey, and the Bon Mrs?., Mayfalr (both), will fool obliged by Messrs Words sending, *o." Mr T., Edinburgh,writes, "A lady, who hue been using a preparation of yours for the hair, has strongly recommended it to me." Mr G., of Burton, writes i "Ploaso Bond mo another bottle j the last I had from you gave groat satisfaction, tho first application having had an instant effect, as, before using It, my hair was coming off rapidly." (Mr 0, cannot moan tho first application, but tho applications of tho entlro bottle.—W. and Oo.) Lord 8., a gooa aoal about it." It oau bo used as an ordinary dressing. It is harmless, ohanges not tho natural oolourot the U-*_ Ll iX « j. . . _*.-» -i A.Vskin or linen, thoroughly eradicates sourf and makes a rofroahing hair wash (one toaspoonful to half a pint of water being sufficient.) Sample Bottles, 8s 6d and 4s 6d each (one-third beyond usual sice); for family and travellers' use—, malt sizo, i-doz, 6s 6d; i-doz, 12s 6dj large size, : doz, 12s 6d; i-doz, 245. From all Chemists, per tnoir order on wholesale, or sont, free from observation, to any part of the world, upon reoeipt of re* tmttanco. Orders of 4s 6d and upwards, carriage paid (United Kingdom.) J. WABDE ft CO., 1270 454 IS Great Marlbro* street liondon W. NBVEE.FAILING BBMEDY FOB LIVES COMPLAINTS. DB SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVEB PILLB, prepared without meroury, are invaluable to all who suffer from Bilious and Liver Complaints, l>Mg.^!!Vfll'Mi!'Jl»lffifM^w!iTO^»>Arr!wV,l''':« tite, Dyspepsia. Heartburn, Sour Eruotations, Lowness of Spirits, with sensation of fulness at the pit of the Stomach, Giddiness, Dizziness of the Byes, and all those other symptoms which none but a sufferer can desoribo. For Habitual Costive* nesa or for persons sufforing from Piles they will be found most effioaoious. As a general Family Aperient Modioino they have no equal, being mild in their operation, and grate* tul to the stomach. They give a healthy tone and vigour to the different secretions, causing the their aotivity, thus restoring the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the whole system, A CHEMIST WBITES.286, High street, Brentford, August 22,1879. Gentlemen,—Perhaps you will be pleased to learn that the Bale of I>r Scott's Pills is increasing; In 18771 sold 43 boxes, in 1878,74 boxes, and since Jan as I do not advertise any pills myself, I shalloon, tinue to recommend them to my customers. I am, yours, &0., JOHN WATTS. Seme unprincipled vendors, is order to make larger profit, will try to persuade you to buy medl- . These genuine free for 14 o 34 stamps. ,« INNESOTA CHIEF, ■" "" " -tv on Wheels. Is not a vil.rntor nor nn Apron Machine. Is won do- fu ly simple ami admirably perfect in its threshiiur ami separating qualities Saves all the grain, am 1 , cleans it ready for market. Huns easily, is con■■tir.cte I dumbly, is finished beautifully, is the most i-iwiiouiiaal, least espensiie, and most satisfactory in the market. Will handle wet grain as well as dry. Has no equal in threshing Sax and T:;nothy, threshing and cleaning both as well and nearly us rapidly as wheat, and requires no change except the sieves. Has more square feet of separating and cleaning surface than ony other machine made, and cannot be overloaded. Is both over and under-blast. Our clover hulling attachment is new ;tr d very desirable, does the work rapidly and well. Separators of the various sizes fitted for steam or horse-power as desired. powers as made by tts, are not surpassed by any in the market. STILLWATEb"no. 10 ENGINE, For wood or coal fuel; has a return flue boiler, making it very economical in fuel. Its cylinder is 7x12. We also moke the Stillwater No. 12, and the Minnesota Giant Farm Engines, each having return flues, and fitted for burning straw, wood, or coal. All these engines are made and finished in the most perlect manner, and Traction Attachments con be furnished with any of them if desired. For price-list and circulars, address SEYMOTJB, SABIN & CO., Manufacturers, Stillwater, Minn. OP BITTEBS HEVEB FAIL. iFyou are a man of business, weakened by the strain of your duties, avoid stimulants and use Hop Bitters. ' ■ If you are a man of letters, toiling over midnight work, to. restore brain, nerve, and waste, use Hop Bitters.' If you are young, and suffering from any indiscretion or dissipation; if you are married or single, old or young, suffering from poor health or languishing on a bed of sickness, rely on Hop Bitters. Whoever you are, whenever you feel that your system needs cleansing, toning, or stimulating, without intoxicating, take Hop Bitters. Thousands die annually from some form of kidney disease that might have been prevented by a timely use of Hop Bitters. Have you dyspepsia, kidney, or urinary complaint, disease of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, or nerves P Ton will be cured if you use Hop Bitters. D.I.C. is on absolute and irresistible cure for drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco, or narcotics. If you ore simply weak and low spirited, try it | it may save your life. It has saved hundreds. Sold by all druggists. Send for circular. HOP BITTEBS M'F'G CO., EMEDIES FOB HOBSE DISEASES. Prepared by Prof. J. A. Going. Going's Worm Destroyer.—Sure relief from worms or hots. _„_.•_. .. Going's Tonio Powder.—The best preparation known for improving the Horse's condition, purifying the blood, and imparting to its coat a glossy, shining appearance. . Going's Colic Powder. — For colic, scouring The surest remedy known to veterinary science. Going's Cough Powder. —For cough, catarrh, heaves, or sore throat. These remedies are each put up in tin boxes, and will keep for an indefinite period. They will bo sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of Idol per package. Circular with full directions enclosed. Address toof. j. a. going, _ _ P.O. Box 938, New York City. Prominent Agencies. Portland, Me., James Bailey and Co.; Providence, B. 1.," T. ' W. Bounds and Co., 101 No. Main street; Boston, Mass., G. C. Goodwin and Co., 88 Hanover etreet: Worcester, Mass., B. McAleer, 228 Main street; Philadelphia, Pa., M. Gallagher, 16 No. Ninth street j Pittsburgh, Pa., Loughrey and Frew, 102 Wood street; Baltimore, Md., Coleman and Sogers, 176 Baltimore street: Bichnfbnd, Va„ S. S. Cottrell and Washington Ave.; Cleveland, 0., Dr F. S. Biosson,223Superior street; Detroit, Mieh., Geo. E. Chester. 214 Battery street} Pueblo, Col., A. B. and H. W. Jones; New Orleans, La., A. W. Jackson, 878 Magazine street. AUGHAN-JONES BUM (" Standard " brand), in Bottles. \r HassaH's report states " Vaughan • Jonea* Standard'Bum, pure, old Jamaioa, was found on tuuiyslsto pesseas the peculiar and very fragrant >»dour and volatile and aromatic taste oharaotoristio of Bum of very superior quality and is quite pure." Bold everywhere n the Colonies. VATJGHAN-JONES,. IT Water Lane, London. VAUGHAN-JONEB' GLNGEE WINB. ("Standard" Brand.) E HABSALI/S Beport states-" It is aroma tic, bitter, warming, and stimulating—of nearly the same strength as Sherry, and forma an tgreeable and useful oordial beverage." Bold v rywhereißtheColoaieo. Wholesale of V AH a HAN.JON DB, 17, Water Lane, London. •EATING'S Insect Powder. Used by Her . Majesty's Government. This Powder In luri ailed in destroying all insects, although pet* aotly harmless to domestic animals. It preserves from moth. All woollens and furs should be well jprinkled with the powder before placing away. At the seaside it is invaluable for preserving from lomestio worries. Kills bugs, fleas, '"' moths. The increasing demand for this o tion has caused imitations, which are in their effects« purchasers are. therefore, '--' '-1, to obtain " Heating's Powlruggists, or by post, 14 and 86 stamps, bom T. . Keating, St. Paul's ohurohvard, London. Ml BOWATTS ANUOAPNIO LAMPS. No Chimney, no Smell, no Smoke. HKIB new patent Double-wiok Burner give 85 candle light, whioh la nearly A-holf More Light than any other Burner. | Ac tested by the ptcrtomecer. heir wen-known and old-established Patent from five to twenty oandlo light; the most eoono. mioal and by for the best low.priood lamp ever offered. BetailbyaU ironmongers. Wholesale only ol THOS. BOWATT ft SONS, fSX Edinburgh and London*

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 3