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MIMftIUZMOtUI OBATBITOh-COMFOBTmG. BPPffB COCOA. |»BEAKFABT.-'' By a thorough knowledge of JL# the natural laws whioh govern tko operations oidigestion and nutrition, and by a careful appUeationof the too properties ot well-selected 2?2** a S pps ll * s Provided our breakfast tables with ft delicately flavoured beverage whioh way save ne many heavy doctors' bill*. It la by the subtle maladies are Boating around «s ready to attack wherever thoro is a weak point, We may sscape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortiflod with pure blood and a property nourished frame."—See artiolo lit the Civil Strviu. QuietU. JUado simply with boiling water or Milk. Bold only in Packets or Tins, labollodJAMES EPPS A CO, Homcßowvthlo Chemists, LOKDO». A Good Family Boawiy Strictly Pw*. Harmless to the Host 2tifcate. " LLIK'S liThQ BALSAM, WHAT THS DOCTOBS SAY t Isaac Dora . M.D., of Logan Co., Ohio, writes, that "Allen's Lung Balsam gives perfect satis* faction in every ease within my knowledge. Having confidence in it I freely use it inmydaUypraotios, and with unbounded suooess." Dr Fletcher, ef Lexington, Missouri, says j "I recommend your 'Balaam' in preference to any other medicia for coughs and colds." Dr A. C. Johnson, of Mt. Vernon, HI., writes ox some wonderful cures of Gonsumpnoa in his place t>y the use of Allen's Lung Balsam." iw»*:*ff' .y.j»-.m.y.v i-;*rcw v '^Uvu-ttu'-j ixjst preparat on for Consumption in the world. For all diseases of the throat, lungs, and pulmonary organs, it»ill be found a most excellent remedy. As an Expectorant it has no. Equal. It contains no Opium in any tea. J. N. HABBIS AGO., Proprietor* CINCINNATI. OHIO. For Sale by all Druggists. WOETH A GUINEA A BOX. - E E C H A M * S PILLS are admitted by thousands to be worth above a guinea a box for bilious and nervous disorders, sueh as wind and pain in the stomach, siok headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after da, dimness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, oostiveneßs, scurvy, bletohes on the skin, disturbed Bleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, Ac., Ao. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no Action, for they have done it in thousands of eases, Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of those ......... "-" dtobe ■ll disorders ot the liver they act like " maglo," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, re store the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health, the whole physical energy ot the human frame. These axe Facte, admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society, and one of the beet guarantees to the nervous and debilitated iß.Boaoham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. JBEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for coughs in general, asthma, difficulty in breathing, shortness ot breath, tightness and oppression or the chest, wheezing, Ao,, these pills stand unrivalled. They speedily remove that sense ot oppression and difficulty ot breathing whioh nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give Bssohau's Cough Pills a trial, and she most violent cough will in a short time be rethat the words " Beeoham's Pills, St Helen's," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills; if not on, they are a forgery. Full directions are given with eaoh box. Sold all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the UnitedSingdom, Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Betail, by the Proprietor, T. Bsechah, Chemist, St Helen's, in boxes at la lid and 2s 9d each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 38 stamps. 82 TO FABMEEB AND TEBESHEBMEN. F TOTJ want to buy Threshers, C ver Hnllers, Horse Powers, or Engines (eithe portable or Traction, to u e for threshing, sawing, or for general purposes), buy the " Starved Rooster" goods. "The best is the cheapest" For price Sst and illustrated pamphlets (sent free) write to THE ATJLTMAN A TAYLOE COMPANY, Mansfield, Ohio. EDGWICK STEEL WIKE TENCE is the only general purpose Wire Fence in nse, being a strong network without barbs. It will turn dogs, pigs, sheep, and poultry as well as the most vicious stock without injury to stock or fence. It is Just the fence for farms, ,-rdens, stock ranges, and railroads, and very neat for lawns, parks, school lots, and cemeteries. Covered with rust-proof paint (or galvanised), it 'Will last a life time. It is superior to boards or barbed wire in every respect. We ask for it a fair trial, knowing it will wear itself into favoor. The Sedgwick gates. made of wrought iron pipe and steel wire, defy all durability. We also make the best and cheapest all iron automatic or self-opening gates. For prices and particulars ask Hardware Dealers, or address the manufactures, „ SEDGWICK, BEOS., Bichmond, Ind. t 1} O PITTS. '""Forty-sixth season of the old reliable " Chicago Pitts " Separators, the only first-class Apron Machine now in the market adapted for large or small jobs, horse or steam power; the only Apron Machine that thrashes and cleans flax and all grains perfectly. "Chicago Pitts" Double Pinion e. . ,»» -o it ie Des fc jn W orld. BLACK HAWK. If yon want a Vibrator, buy our Black Hawk. Why? Because it is the latest improved machine in the market, having all of the merits and none of the defects ot Vibrators, Agitators, Oscillators, Ac, now in use. Lighter draft and more durable, its motion is reciprocal, consequently will not all in Flax and other kinds of grain. It is simplicity itself. Turns its own length. H. A.PICTS'SONSM'F'G. CO., 7 and 9 S. Jefferson St., Chicago, El. NEW MECHANICAL LAMP for burning The famous Student Lamp and Duplex Burners eclipsed. No globe! no chimney I no substitute for either Ino smoke Ino smell Ino danger! An ible! Absolutely safe! Perfection without the flickering of gas. "i to a six-foot gas burner at cue tenth the cost. Made of brass, nickel-plated; the works are hung on jewols, of the best steel, with hard brass mountings. Euns very slow, will last a lifetime. It is a very solid, handsome looking lamp—an ornament to any drawing-room. Every lamp is fully warranted and any one who is not satisfied with the lamp alter one week's trial can rotura it and wo will re-. fund the money. Price, packed for shipment, $7.50. ' HEKTOOBAPH CO, 22 A 24, Church st.. New York. KE'B PYBAMID FOOD WABMEB, No. 1 holds * pint food, besides water ... 8s 6d Ne. 2 holds i pint food, „ i, •« j* Od No. 8 holds 1 pint food, „ ~ , •» w* l Ctakrfe Pyramid Night Lamps, fd, Is and 2s 6d. Clarke's '- - Lights, 8d per box wCTamyß; PatotPyramid Nursery Lamp Food Warmers to answer tbTpurpose for which they »«««. B. OLABKE, Albany rtwet, Bemmt's Park, N.W., v^mmmmmm JpeoWe dealers throughout the rmß& <j«mojr.-tfhe Patentee having been banned E^&smmmmgm FBBTWOBK AND OABVING AND Sjdqhahical TOOLS. ACB3NES, Ma*ejlaW 'aU'de. t«ttSK/«»H.A MOSELEY * SIMPSpj?. mmmmmMssssm ess to all animal life), is now "KHATHra'aBOWDHB. ■■ No other powder is effectual. Sol* onlyintos by ell Chemists ' '

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LVII, Issue 6533, 3 February 1882, Page 3