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SBBIVIte. Jon® 19 ■ Oakhurtt, barque, 1032 tons, Joa*B, Worker.. W Zealand Shipping Co.. “®jMe 19-Mary Blair, barque., BSB tons. Boon, trom Hobart Town. P. Cunningham ami Co., 19—Tararua, s.a., 623 tons, Muir. bom Melbourne and Hobart Town via iv.d.aa A( M«t * From Melbourne MdMrMar Lideny. Messrs Taylorand SfrkCT- from Hobart Town -Mrs and Master tto; tremCoast-Messrs Edwards, Knowsley, and Pareto t » steerage. 6 emus. _ . June 19—Coromandel, barque, 878 tons, Hendry, June 19-Garibaldi, schooner, 5- tons, Johnson, for Hokitika. Master, agent. June 18—T. B. Taylor. schooner. 51 tons, Smith, fhr WancannL Cuff and Graham, agents. JnaeW—St Hilda, as., 17* tons, Flowerday, for Waaganni. Eoyse. SlAud Co .swats. jSSs 19 • Tanina. s.s , 633 and Auckland vll East Coast. U ajont, T*- IBr npirnr * For W®llioßtOD““Miiwi Kin# wd Mr Mrs,and MissPllltot, MessreDavi*. Etafkiif, Bishop. Drawford, WBklo. l Mkaand Miss Shaw, Mrs B*l»ey. Ed wands. Turnbull, I Native s for Napier-Meroi Bright Jacobs, Daftiel; for Nelson-Mr Pausonj 19 «toe**«®- mroata. •»._ Blair • 9894 sleepers, 476 cases applte.s4 CoSgnessip.Cunningham mdU,

°OaimrEt: 1500 tons steel rails. ConsigneeaH S!^^ ld Piom P u®da* bond-? fLfrfl;, i w 1 pkg, 51 canes ; bom Blnff-SOOft Siiipson; G. U Beatht Greenaway; OuTf*oi?dcr; Mentgomery and Co. ,■ A -ConTm • tfaUm.'stelnßrtSrj Co. s .Datis ; a ”D“^ n k& 6l Cd : WStaSkSodSiMej Peterson; Edwards. ISSIi and Co.; Mein; P. W. iyard: Mar*f ISdrerorth: O. L Shaw; ;! Stow i Wood, Shand, and Co.; Baxter, Tqss-„n-Jl4eh uSW : W. S. King and Co,; M. QmT- Crerar and Whitoombo; E. Qoald; Prudhoej indcffsoa- airs H. B. Cooks; Eighton; J. HugbM'Laaa; Captain Toss will ; Thomp"L • iakA' Kelsey; Mrs Palairet; G. B. Way; w Wlbwt;' J. Inglis: B. Forbes : D. and D. oLmron- J. B. Campbell j Milner end Thrown; Jameson Bros.; Guthrie and Lornach; Mondelson, B. Beeoe and Co.; A- J. White. bxposts- . . St Kilda: 10 cases. 2 b*g», 2 tans, 5 pks. Shippers—Lightband, . Allan. and Co.; Mason, Strothers, wd Co. ; Cuff and Graham. Thisna; For Wellington, under Arms deb—l mm - ex warehouse, under bond—3 qr caste, 4 octave*; ex Waimata, under bond, for Xhrsnald— IScases.7kegs, 4casks,3sovens ; for Wellington -©Dawks. ITrawes, 36 pkgs ; forNapier-Srawa ; for Gisborne—S cases; tor Auckland-33 cases, 6 ws. X bale, 153 sacks ; for Sydney—l/9 sack?. 2 Shippers-New Zealand Loan and MerSitila Agency Co.; Union Steam Shipping Co.; B. Wilkii and Co. ; Boys©. Stead, “ d 9®r| ■ad Graham'; May; Banka ; Hawkins ; Lightband, *ii,n and Co, ; P. Cunnicgham and Co. ; New Zealand Shipping Co.; Watro and Co.; Boyd; Bavne Bros.; Bidder. Garibaldi: 536 sacks, 12cases,80-kegs.Bßcheese. 180 hags. 50 barrels, 9 pkgs. Shippers—Black; Davisand Co.; Cuff and Graham; Wauchopand Cameron ; M'ConatJ Bros.; E. Wilkin and Co.; : 11,526 sacks. Shippers—P. Cun&ad Co.

The Hebe, barqaentrne, was towed out into the schooner, cleared at the Customs £ °The°^fc ll % S SMz ted the schooner T. B. Taylor sailed for Wanganui yesterday. M The flags m port were hoisted haU-mastyester-day, on account of the death of Mr Joseph Hobbs, an old and respected resident. The WoodviUe loft Newcastle for this port on Jana 7. and the Minora on Jnne t Too Adelphoi reached Sydney on June 6, and the snytrel&n Sovereign arrived at Newcastle on J The%Tnion Company’s s.s. Tararoa, Hair, loft Melbourne at II a-m. June 19; bad fine weather to making Hobart Town at fi ajm Jnna 12- left at 4.30 p.m., experienced fair winds and thick weather on the passage across; Passed tfee Solandars at 9.30 a.m., June 16; reached the M at 4 p jb. : sailed 4 p.m., June 17, reached Port n«immi at 7 aim, Jone IS; left at 5 p.m.aad arrived in harbour at 11 aan. veaterday. Tbe Tararoa sailed for Sydney via Wellington, East Coast ports, and Auckland at 6.3 C p.m. We are indebted to Mr Birch, bar purser, for flies. The barque Mary Blair. Captain Boon, left Hobart Town on June 4 at 2 p.m., with a light north-west wind, which earned the vessel to Cape Pillar, which was cleared on June 6, thence had Hrfit east and south-east winds for three days, followed by north-east weather to nwkingOtago Heads on June 16, bearing west by north distant 30 miles. Light southerly and south-east winds were met with up the coast to arrival at tha Heads on June 16, where she anchored waiting for tbe bde to turn; then worked up to an anchorage oa the Breakwater yesterday afternoon.

CLEAEANCEOF THE BASQUE COROMANDEL. The barque Coromandel, loaded by Messrs P, Cunningham, cleared at the Customs for London yesterday with a cargo of 11,526 Sachs of wheat. She was towed out into the stream yesterday afternoon, and will sail on Saturday.


The Soukar arrived at an anchorage off Bipa Island, in tow of thep.s. Lyttelton, at 9.30 a.m. vestordav. all welh The steam launch Lyttelton, with the agents of the vessel, reporters, and others, wsb roon alongside, and all received a ncarty welcome from Captain who has been appointed to the command of the Soukar. Tbe •naiaage has been eminently a fine-weather one, and with one or two exceptions the sea has been as smooth as that in the Channel on aline summer's day. This fine weather was mot with until the Snares were made, on June 14. since which tme heavy seas and disagreeable weather have been the order of the day. The barometer throughout never ransed below 30 until the Snares were passed. The westerly winds were noticeable by their almost entire absence, there being but very little wind from quarter, and whit there was extremely light. The Equator was crossed 33 days out from Gravesend, the meridian of the Capo 67 out, and the Snares 100 from land to land. The general health of the passengers has been exceedingly good throughout tbe passage, and aU spoke in high terms of praise of the kindness and attention shown them by Captain Croker, who was the recipient of two testimonials, in wh ch were expressed the esteem in which be was held by his pass'Sgers. One birth took place on board on April ®>, when Mrs M'Dermot was safely delivered of n daughter. One death occurred among the crew, that of toecaUmaker, Louis Corleur, on June 10, from natural causes, and he was buried on the following day. On May 18 a dead body was passed, evidently that of a man who had fallen from aloft. He was dressed in a blue shirt or jumper. On May 27 a boat was passed floating bottom np. She was sharp at both end*, and seemed to have boon in the water for some time. On March 29 west, and aent letters home by her. On May 16 spoke the ship Otago, bound for Otago, in 45.27 south 59.47 east, 68 days out; taw her again on June 4, and passed her on June 9 in 49.30 south

154,37 east. Eesptcting the snip’s passage, the following is the report Tsindiy furnished by Captain Croker. Left the East India Docks, London, at 5 p.m. on Feb. 27, Anchored at Grecnhithe to adjust compasses, and next day proceeded to Gravesend to take in powder. Left there on March lat 6 a.m., and towed down the river; cast off from the toe at the South Foreland, and made sail with a light north-east wind. Experienced fresh westerly winds down Channel, and passed the Start at noon on March 6. Had light south-east and easterly winds across the Bay until off Madeira, then south-west and westerly winds to meeting with the north-east trader in 23.50 north, which proved moderate. Sighted San Antonio on March 2S. distant about 40 tJIL and lost tho trades in 7.30 north. Had light easterly winds to crossing the Equator on April 2 in 24 30 west, 33 days from Gravesend thence light south-east winds and heavy rain# to failing in with the south-east trades in 1.40 south. These also proved moderate, with very fine weather. Passed between Martin Vans Eock and tho IsUnd of Trinidad at midnight on April 10, and lost tto trades next day; thence met with north north-east and westerly winds until reaching 3Sdeg south and Bdeg cast, when i fresh south-east and easterly winds were encountered, lasting for seven days. Passed the Meridian of the Capo in tfdeg south on May 3,67 days out, and then met with moderate northerly and north north-east winds withsmooth sea until off Tasmania "hen Mimt and light airs succeeded for the next three days, followed by easterly and to making the Snares on June 14. at 7 p.m., 100 days from land to laud. Experienced strong northerly and north-west winds off Stewart 8 Jjhtiiu, with heavy crons sea. South-west winds mja heavy rains prevailed up the coast as far as tho Peninsula, with north-east swell and very low barometer. Was off the Peninsula on June 17, and had to stand off until daylight next day, owing to very thick weather. Sighted East Head at daylight on June 18, and had light south-west and variable winds round the Peninsula. Sighted the Hoads on Wednesday afternoon, and was off them that night, arriving at an anchorage yesterday morning. The Soukar brings a largo general cargo, and comes consigned to Messrs Edwards, Bennett and Co. The usual notice to consignees appears elsewhere.


Tho barqno Oakhurst arrived yesterday afternoon, with a cargo o! 1100 tons of etoel, from Workington, altar a passage ot 100 days. The Oakhurst is a very spvciuvm of the modern iron clipper, and is on her maiden voyage, having only been launched in January last, him was built by Mr Thomas Williamson, of Oakhurst, Cookermouth, Cumberland, at hie yards Harrin :t m. She

is 1031 iocs register, 210 ft in length, 3Sft beam, i wd Kit depth of hold. Hot lower £S^SS3fr^«! of h«r rigging la wire, together with thy» l«y»rt«. whilethe sheavesofthe blocks are **? vessel has splendid lines. her bow her ran beautifully clean j “d, t&on she presents every indication of TboOakhuratta fitted with all the lata*L«KS£ meats with the or sept ion of steam, end ami a ttty fine, clear deck. The oahla le comfortable, though not bmU tor £h* of tile work Is snhstanttal and well tion having given place t» The wood work is teak, maple, and rod pin®.u» ■ different woods forming a ’ The various offices in i nad plenty of room is afforded U J Jon,*, who in in command,, inform* us Sat the departure of the vcßselca^d'iuUoaa ■ exoitemontln Worktop on. “ J/SK* veseelthat has left there WtoortW to tba V**. - Captain Jones speak* of her as tolng a fine vetwi iaoU weathers, end possessing excellent aaUlng . q The &hur*t toft , with stomv weather to the some tune from Tusker on Match 12. heavy north-west weather to the Bay. proviou* r to meeting with the Trade*, which wore Sir The Senator was crowed on April a, « day*. The southeast trades J*w* ■ light, ledTltoidid r famed Cough’s Island on Hay fit, Frinoo Bdwttfi e Island May 85, and the meridian of the Oapeon ir#¥ i, xho war® modcrito woll northerly; pawad the meridian of Capo Leuwlaoa May 2V and that of Tasmania on 1 westerlies held as tor u ISO east and winds to ithi Soares on Jane 14. TO®* rienoed south-weet and southerly winds up the coast nossod Otago on June 17, and made the Peninsula next day. Made the Bead* yesterday morning, and heat up to an anchorage to the nfteraoon, 100 days from port to port and 23 days from land to land. PORT OP LYTTELTON. in.ti water this day (Friday, Juno 20)-Morn. te^^»^June’ W. 9 jum.— Barometer, 29 59 j Thermometer, 45.00. Wind, south-west, light; eky overcast. , TELEGRAPH"NOTICE BOARD. AnfttvAt.—June 19, Lyttelton, 11.35 n.m. ; TaTorua. from Port Chalmers. Dspariubbs.-—June 19, Lyttelton, S um,: St Eilda, for Wanganui; Lyttelton, 6.15 p.m. : Tararua, for Wellington. TIMARU. auuvbs. June 19—Jane Hannah, schooner, from Gatlin’s B June 19—Ethel, brigantine, from Newcastle. June 19-Ownke BeSe, ketch, from Dunedin. A barqnentine. supposed to be the Annie Bow, 27 days out from Newcastle, is to the offing. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. WmuuoToa, Juno 19. Arrived: Eotorna, horn Sydney and Auckland viA Bast Coast { Wellington, from Pioton and Shepherdess, which went ashore at Kaikonra, arrived to harbour to-day. She will undergo extensive repairs. . Qbeymouth, June 19. The 8.8. Murray returned from Westport this morning, and Bailed on the same tide for the North with the San Francisco mail. Oakaru, July 19. Arrived: Caberfeidh, barque; Elibank Castle, schooner, from Dunedin; Helena, brigantine, from Auckland; Good Templar, from Dunedin. ] Pour Cwaxurbs, June 19. Arrived s Sheet Anchor, barqueatine, from Kaipara; William Turner, barque, from New- | castle. Bailed: Waitald, s.s., tor Oamam.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 4