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♦— , Ipttelton Timss Office, Thursday Evening. CUSTOMS’ KB VENUE. The following was the Customs* revenue collected on Wednesday, June 18: - £ 8. O.

LAND SALES. At the Bitting ol the Waste Lands Board to-day the following amount* were sold, realising £783 Lsbs _

Messrs H. Matson and Go. report on the Live Stock Market, Ao, for the week ending Thursday, June 13,1879 ; „ Lite Stock, Ac.—At the Metropolitan Lire Stock Market, held yesterday at the Addington Yards, 8403 sheep, 256 held of cattle, and 66 pigs were penned for the week's requirements. There was a small supply of doubt partially caused by the inclement weather of the previous day preventing many lines of sheep from being started from home. This is not to be regretted, os with a limited attendance of buyers yesterday competition was very slack (especially at the opening sales), and prices irregular; and whilst a few pens of picked quality met with a good demand at as high aa 13s each for wethers, rates generally were Is per head under those ruling last week. For cross-bred wether mutton there is a large inquiry, with but very little on offer. For good young sound-mouthed cross-bred sheep for turnip feeding purposes there is an extensive enquiry, and cross-bred wethers in fresh condition brought aa high as 8s 63 each yesterday. In fat cattle the market was glutted, and the general tenor of the day's sale, except for the very best quality, was the dullest we have experienced for some time. For heavy weights and prime quality a certain amount of business was done at slightly reduced rates, the bulk of the remainder being unsold. Th e trade in store cattle is very limited, and prices show no sign of improvement. The rain which has fallen during the past fortnight has done much to improve farming prospects, and with the mild weather we axe now getting will help to carry ns easily through what threatened to be a very trying winter. Paddocks are now in a better state as regards feed than they have been for many months past, and where a month since hay was being generally used as fodder, ibis is now in many instances stopped. O&r entries for the day included 132 head of cattle. 1467 sheep, and 19 pigs, for Sir J.C. Wilson, Messrs F. Birdling, D. O'Callaghan, W. Hartnell, C. Bourne, W. C. Webb, T. Eadcliffe, S. Mullins. O. Ktnlay, B. Taaffe, D. Thow, B. Tubman, J, Sharpe, P. Grant. J. Gallagher, Jaa. Anderson, B. Sutherland, J. Simpson, Farnhara, T. Tubman, W. Prestos, G. Duncan, B. Marrocks, Simmons Bros, J. Stanton, and others. Is sheep our principal sales were 50 cross-bred wethers at 13s, 75 do at 13s, 60 do at 12s 6d. 64 at 12s 9d; 00 mixed cross-broda at 10a 9d, 26 at Ua 63, 78 at Uo 6d; 180 cross-bred ewes at Bs. 77 at 8s 6d,45 at 6s 66; 00 at 6s 6d, 130 at On 6d, 165 at 8s 9d. 24 at 7a; 53 mixed stores at 3s 6d. Pat cattle—2 at £7 Ss, 4at £7 10s. 2at £7,2 at £7 7s 61, 3 at £7los, 3at £8 6«, 8 at £7 Us, 4 at £7 2a 6d. 2 at £8 12s 6d; 5 light weights at £5 Us, 4 at £6; stores nominal.

Wool, Bhmpskihb, Sides, Ann Tallow.—At tho usual weekly sale of the above, held this day at our Canterbury stores, 3103 sheepskins, 81 bags and packages of butchers' rough fat and tallow, and 830 ox-hides comprised the catalogue. There was an average attendance of the trade, and biddings came brisk and even throughout, establishing a rise upon last week's quotations of fully 3d per skin. The (at and tallow market remains unaltered, and hides are still unsold. Country skins (woolfy), brought to 4s lOd; butchers* best cross breds, Bs, 3s 4d, 3s 8d- to 3s lid; medium quality, 2s, Bs 3d, 2s Bd, to 2alodj inferior, Is 4d, la Od, to Is Od j best merinos, la lOd, 2s. 2s id, to 2s 6d; inferior to medium, 9d, is. Is 3d, Is sd. to Is 8d; rough (at, best dry, well saved, ltd, l|d, to lid; inferior and heated, Jd to ljd per lb. CASTEancEr Hoese Mabket.—At TattersalTs, on Saturday last, we submitted 75 horses to auction for tbs day's sale. Being a wet day the attendance was chiefly limited to dealers and the general public, with few, it any, buyers from country districts j consequently very little outside business was done beyond quitting one or two lines under bill of solo and a few unbroken cart colts at (air values, and for which latter there seems to be a slight improvement in the trade. Low-priced plough and draught horses sue meeting with a better enquiry, and the rain we are now getting should moke ploughing operations very general throughout tho country. For hacks and light harness horses there is but little demand, and prices are ruling low. Good, sound, young draught horses may he quoted at £3B, £43 to £ls l medium at £2O, £26 to £3O and £35; spring cart horses, £lB to £23: unbroken cart colts, £2O, £25 to £34 for really good heavy-boned ones; well-bred hacks and light hornet* hones, £l7 to £25; ordinary, £lO to £ls; weeds, £6 to £B.

SALE OF PROPERTIES. Mr J. G. Hawkes offered for sale yesterday, at his rooms in Hereford street, tho building sites in tho estate of Walter Hogg. Lot 1, the trustee's interest ia a corner section fronting on First and Queen streets, Sydenham, containing 34J perches, was sold subject to mortgage (ailing ia on August 22, 1881, amounting, with accumulated interest, to £348 3s 6d. The lot was sold for £52 10s. Lot 3 was tho trustee's interest in sections 30 to 40 inclusive, (routing on Second and Queen streets, forming a complete block, and containing 3 roods 32J Scroll os. Tho liabilities wore two bills, £163 129, iue on July 23,1879, and £i7o Ms, duo on July 23, IBS). Tho price obtained was £l9O. Lot 3, “ a valuable patent for tho improved working o( ploughs," having reference to the mode of adjusting the ploughshare, was knocked down for £l, a sum which the auctioneer characterised as a poor price lor a

4 SHIPPING. LYTTELTON. is 10311 ton* register, 2t0ft in length, 35ft boam. aod ssift depth Of hold. Her lower mast* wo'*»»,« SSTwSS^gl^ of her rigging la wire, together with tM tayardB. while the chaam of the blooke are Mlko® 1 vessel has splendid lines, her her ran beautifully clean; and, tekonaitosP'tbcr, she presents every Indication o ! *t M ngth and Tho Oakhnrstte fitted wtth all tho Mta«t improveabbivxo. Jon® 19 ■ Oakhuret, barque, 1032 ton*. Jones, W Zealand Shipping Co.. **jane 19-Mary Blair, barque., 8S8 tons. Boon, born Hobart Town. P. Cunningham and Co., 19— Tanuroa, B.8., 623 tons, Muir, ,r0 ® Melbourne and Hobart Town via iv.d.if A( M«t * From Melbourne MdMrMOT Lideny. Messrs Taylerand SfrkCT- from Hobart Town-Mrs and Master tto; twm Coast -Messrs Edwards, Knowdey, and Pargie ? 9 steerage. 6 emus. _ . June 19— Coromandel, barque, 878 tons. Hendry, June 19 -Garibaldi, schooner, 5- tons, Johnson, to WnMMfea. Master, agent. meats with the exception of steam, and haej* vuiy fine, clear dock. The cabin is ex^elyootefstable, though not whole of tile work is substantial end well docoretion having given place to .thorough useful*»«e. The wood work U teak, maple, and rod &m. u» different woods forming a very The various offices in th«ishteiawiwell and plenty of room is afforded tt « • • Captiin Jones, who « in an that tho departure «d the vc B »alwwd<iu‘Voaa exoitemontln Working on, M s ho wM tho l*»KWt vessel that has left there belonging to the port. Obtain Jones speak* of her as being a tooll weathers, and possessing excellent satllng Jun* 18—T. B. Taylor, schooner. 51 tons, Smith, (brWiBfftonL Cua Mid Orihwii ifOQts, JnaeW—St Hilda, as., 174 tons, Flowerday, for Wnnganni. Eoyse. Stcai.and Co.agonte. June IS • Tararna, a.#., 633 tons.Mulr.fcr Sydney and Auckland vll Etafkii*! Bishop. Crawford, MrakW-c. ■»■»* JaMSkbsliiali *« Nelson-Mr Panaonj U etewage. mroaw. Blair • 9891 sleepers, 476 cases appto.51 JRS“ CoSgnessip. Cunninghamndfco., °0«kimrst: 1500 t«»* steel rftlto - ConsigneoaH S!^^ ld Piom P under bond-7 bales, a jam. 1 box \ pkg, St cwwa ; from Bluff—SOOft toini 1W timber; from Dunedin-l whSs. 21 Plaiks. Ibals. 1 pwoel. SlEttees-Hnion Steam Shipping Co. : Suckling; Dnntord ; Order: Glen ; lek ; SE&5ff‘««hi*as» qi TheSkhuwt left aeSSJ withxtomv weather ta the tur© ftr®m Tuikw oa Hitoli 1$* Bspwwowl heavy north-west weather Intho to meeting with the Trades, which wow ZthSSt t*X Sffht. and Trinidad wrb xwuwod o» April SwA o!bstolid ittiSkTriBN Itiand Hay S5» and the innndlan of tho Cyo 6j| iffar !■ Tho war© modcrit® woll northerly; pawnd the meridian of Oapo Leuwla oa May sVam that of Tasmania on May 311 tho w&Utli** hold ns far M 150 east and winda to iwiring tho Snaroo on Jano 14. TO®* rienoed eonSwst and southerly wtade up toe coast nassed Otago on June 17, and made the Peninsula next diy. Made the ifoads yesterday morning, and beat np to in anchorage in the ufterttoon, 100 days from port to port and 93 days from land to land. PORT OP LYTTELTON. Htgti water this day (Friday, Juno 20)-Morn. **^^»^Jnne’W. 9 a.m.-Baromoter. 29 59; Tb nanometer, 45.00, Wind, south-west, light; sky S!ritaka «hh«. 9 bales. Mhm . 6 «** 6 StawSTi chert, 551 steel raiU. Gffl; Order; Mentgomery uad Co.Lnkw^S. A -ConTta • tfaMensteiuBrt?} Co.: Davis ; Wrote ’ 1 kwS£ WStaSkSodSiMej Peterson; Awards. Benneth “d Co-! Mein; P. W. taardj M«mtof fiSdrerorth: 0. L Shaw; ;M.aDara: Wmmj ; Wood, Shand. end Co.; Baxter, Toss-„n-Jl4eh undVo.; W. S. King and Co,; M. QmT- Crerar and Whitoembo; E. Qoald; Prudhoej In/kisou • airs H. B. Cooks; Eighton; J. • HuKbM'Laui; Captain Tons will; Thomp"L • iakA' Kelsey; Mrs Palairet; G. B. Way; w Wlbwt;' J. Inglis: B. Forbes : D. and D. oLttren- J. B. Campbell j Milner and Thomp^n; Jameson Bros.; Guthrie and Larnach; Mondelson, B. Beeoe and Co.; A- J. White. overcast. , TELEQRA.PH"NOTICE BOARD. Annrvii..—June 19, Lyttelton, 11.35 n.m. s TaTorua. from Port Chalmers. Dspaniraits.—June 19, LytWton, S um,: St Kilda, for Wanganui; Lyttelton, 6.15 p.m. s Tararua, for Wellington. TIM ABU. kuuvBn. June 19—Jane Hannah, schooner, from Gatlin’s B Jun’e 19—Ethel, hriaantine, from Newcastle. June 19-Ownkb Biffle, ketch, from Dunedin. A barquentine. supposed to be the Annie Bow, 27 days out from Newcastle, is in tho offing. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. WmiinoToa, Juno 19. Arrived: Eotorna. from Sydney and Auckland mtwnw- . . , viA East Coast; Wellington, from Pioton and St Kilda: 10 cases. 2 bag», 2 tans, 5 pks. Shinoere—Lightband, . Allan. and Co.; Mason, them, and Co. ; CnS and Graham. Shepherdess, which went aahoroat Kaikoura, arrlrod in harbour (o-day. She will 1, t I s J undergo extensive repairs. _ ... MM; ex warehouse, under bond—a qr easts, « ex Waimata, under bond, for Taranaki— Qbeymouth, June 19. Tho s.a Murray returned from Westport this morning, and sailea on the same tide for the North Meases.7kegs, 4casks.35ovens ; for Wellington —©9 sacks. 17 cases, 36 pigs ; for Napier—6 cases ; with the San Francisco mail. _ „ to Gisborne—S case*; for Auckland—33 cases, 6 Oajiard, July 19. pig*, I bale. 153 sacks; for Sydney—1/9 sacks. 2 Arrived: Caberfotdh, barque; Elibank Castle, schooner, from Dunedin; Helena, brigantine, from CZ2. Shippers-New Zealand Bonn and Mereantile Agency Co. ; Cmon Steam Shipping Co.; B. Wilkta and Co.; Boyne, Stead, “ d 9®;| fir»J>«a -. May ; Banks ; Hawkins ; Lightband, Auckland; Good Templar, from Dunedin. Pour Ckxixebs, June 19. a rriced, Sheet Anchor, barquentine, from an.* and Co, ; ?. Cunningham and Co. New Eaipara; William Turner, barque, from NewZealand Shipping Co.; Warro ana Uo.; Boja; OftBtlO. Bailed: Waitald, s.s., for Oamaru. Garibaldi: 526 sacks, 12 cases. 80 kegs. 88 cheese. 180 hags. 50 barrels, 9 pkgs. Shippers—Black; Daviswtd Co.; Cuff and Grahamj/Waachop and Cameron ; H'Connel Bros.; E. Wilkin and Co.; COMMERCIAL. : 11,526 sacks. Shippers—P. Cun- —, niaghamaad Co. Lyttelton Tims* Office, •PtiA Hebe, barouantine, was towed ont into the Thursday Evening. CUSTOMS’ REVENUE. Xhfc GrAfibaldi, schooner, ciearea ac the Cosiozns St T KUda Imd the schooner T. B. Taylor The following was the Customs* revenue oolleoted on Wednesday, Jane 18:— s d sailed for Waaganm yesterday. M The flags in port were h&U-maat jesterdav on amount of the death of Mr Joseph Hobbs, Wines ... ... 5 W. 6 2f “ r •■: r = “ f I an old and respected resident. Xhe Woodrille loft Newcastle for this port on Tea. 29 19 0 Jana 7. and the Minora on June 4. Toe Adelphoi reached Sydney on June 6. and the Australian Sovereign arrived at Newcastle on |&o Z 58 17 6 Goods by weight ... ... .** 29 U 0 J The%Tnion Company’s s.a. Tararoa, Captain Other duties'" "! ." ... 31 9 1 Hair, left Melbourne at 11 a-m. June l«; had tme weather to making Hobart Town amn June 12- left at 4.30 p.m., experienced fair winds and thick weather on the wispage across ; passed the Rni*ndaps at 9.30 a.m., June 16; reached the Bluff Total ... ... ... £364 14 S LAND SALES. At toe eitthuf of toe Waste Lands Board to-day at 4 nma- ; sailed 4 p.m., June 17, reached Fort n« at 7 aim, June IS; left at 5 p.m.and arrived in harbour at 11 aan. yesterday. The toe following amounts were sold, realising £783 LSe:— BUBAL. A. B. F. £ 8, d. Tnrv"« «iW for Sydney via Wellington, East Afihley 100 0 0 fv«t ports, and Auckland at SU<1 p.m. we are Belwyn 4° 0 0 inflehteA to Mr Birch, her purser, for flies. Waimate 9 2 0 The barque Mary Blair. Captain Boon, left Hobart Town on June 4 at 2 p.m., with a light «nrta.«»at wind, which carried the vessel to Cape 149 2 0 299 0 0 TOWir. A. B. F. P.-1W which was cleared on June 6, thence had Hotndon 0 10 Wrwt,* 4***t and eouth-eifit winds for three days. South Bakaia 2 3 0 followed by north-east weather to MkingOtago Heads on June 16, bearing west by north distant 30 AehburtoiL 1x0 t miles. light southerly and south-east winds were met with no the coast to arrival at the Heads on 410 481 15 0 June 16, whirs she anchored waiting for the ride to turn - then worked np to an anchorage oa the Total ... ... — — — 783 15 0 Breakwater yesterday afternoon. LOCAL MARKETS.

Wines ... ... 517 6 Spirits ... 92 6 0 7 1 S Tea. 29 19 0 Sugar Tobacco 85 4 58 17 9 6 Goods by weight ... ... ... 89 14 0 Ad valorem ... — 91 0 0 Other duties - ... 31 9 1 Total £364 14 5

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5715, 20 June 1879, Page 4