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Lyttelton Times Office, . Wednesday Evening. CUSTOMS’ REVENUE. The following was the Customs’ revenue collected on Tuesday, Feb. 4: — , JB s. a.

AUSTRALIAN. Melbourne —The Argus of Jon. 30 reports :-Iu the import market to-day trade has been . exceedingly, quiet, ■ the great ho it of the weather having had the effect of nearly bringing business to a standstill, and excepting the auction sale of tea, which went off very freely indeed, no -transactions have reached us. B. eadstuffs, as far as regards flour, have had little attention, and the market is scarcely so strong. Wo quote JBIO Ids, hut wo have nothing of importance to refer to in the way of sales. Wheat is still quoted privately at 48 Bid, though the rates obtained at auction for fins do not go beyond 4s Bd. One lino of 690 bags realised this price; at same time numerous small lots were disposed of at prices ranging, according to quality, from Ss to 3s lOd and 4s 7d. San Francisco advices to Dec. 19, just to hand, quote fair shipping lots of wheat at l-71idol; superfine flour, at 4dol to 4*25d01; and extra superfine, at 4‘30d0l to 4 50dol ; oats were quoted at 1*35i0l to I'SOdol; malting barley ruled at 1 ISdol to 1.20d0L Oats, Victorian, are quoted at Sa to 4s. Under the hammer parcels were disposed of at 3s to 3s sd. Maize is going off for trade purposes at up to 4s 7d, but there are no inquiries for parcels. Sugars firmly maintain their position, and though few sales have been reported, the market is yet alive. ‘Wo understand that a large business Is pending. A line of 399 bags of brewers' has been placed at £32 10s. Teas are foing off steadily. At auction this afternoon ;he bidding was free, and in consequence aeonsiderable trade was done. Out of 5,176 packages offered in one instance, the auctioneers succeeded in getting rid of 4,100 packages at 9d to Is id for congous, and la 2d to Is 6id for S, O. pekoes, while 1.000 half-chests and chests congous were cleared off at XOd to Is 4d. Privately, a line of 450 halfchests low congous were quitted for export at close on 8d per lb. Comsaeks are quieter again; holders accept 8s 6d readily enough for ordinary requirements, and to get rid of anything like parcels a concession on that quotation would have to be made. Candles are very slow, and only the merest trade lots can be goc rid of at 9i<l to 9{jd. In liquids, nothing of a special character has been reported. Adelaide. —The S. A. Register of Jan. 27 reports Business in the breadstnffs market is rather dull, and there is less demand. For small lots of wheat we quote 4s 8d in town and at Port Adelaide, and 4s M on the wharf at Port Pine, and for shipping parcels from 4s B}d to 4s 9d at Port Adelaide, 4s 6d on the wharf at Port Pirie, and 4s 8d at the anchorage. Trade lots have changed hands to-day at 4s 6d at Fort Pirie, and craft-loads at 4s 9d at Fort Adelaide. Flour is quitted at £ll 5a for town and £lO 5s for country brands. We note the sailing of five cargoes of grain daring the month to the United Kingdom. Present engagements for the United Kingdom amount to about 30.000 tons. The transactions in general merchandise are of an utterly trade-supplying character, and merchants will not be induced to operate heavily.

ENGLISH. Messrs Miles Bros, and Co., of Loudon, report under date Deo. 20: — Wool. —The fourth and last series of public sales for the current year, which commenced on the 19th nit, terminated on the 17th instant. The available . Quantities were os follows: — New Old CataArrivals. Stock, loaned. Bales. Bales. Bales. New South Wales and Queensland... ... 25,612 10,800 35.390 Victoria 23.084 18,360 39.207 South Australia ' ... 14,015 1510 16,609 Western Australia ... 373 414: Tasmania 325 1140 1636 New Zealand 12,281 22.100 38.120 Cape of Good Hope... 42,198 7610 84,080 117.888 61,550 163,456 Of the new arrivals, 300 of Australian and 8300 of Cape were forwarded direct from ship to Yorkshire and the Continent. Although the attendance generally has been good, the results of these auctions have been anything but satisfactory. Opening at a decline of $d to Id per lb on greasy wools, and Id to lid on washed and scoured, prices gradually receded until about the commencement of the present month, when, owing to a fresh accession of foreign buyers, who were no doubt attracted by the low rates ruling, a slightly firmer feeling prevailed, and the market, though much depressed, presented a somewhat improved appearance at the close. The descriptions showing the greatest depreciation were Cape and Sydney fleeces, scoured Australian parcels, and the coarser kinds of crossbred wool, washed and scoured. In the course .of the sales, 1854 of Port Philip, 2624 of Adelaide, and 160 of Sydney of the new clip were brought forward, and the prices obtained compared favourably with those realised for old parcels. The wool was sound and well grown, although no improvement was perceptible in the condition. Of the total quantity sold, about 85,000 bales have been taken for export, and about 34,900 bales have been withdrawn and reserved for future sale, viz., 22,700 of Australian and New Zealand, and 12,200 Cape. The date has not yet been fixed for the next sales, but they will probably open about Feb. XI or 18, and the fresh arrivals now amount to 22,736, in. eluding 5006 New Zealand. Wheat and Floor. —A very limited business has been done in the wheat market during the past fortnight, for our millers do not appear inclined to make fresh purchases, so long os their stocks iu granary are sufficient for their immediate requirements. Continental buyers continue to purchase freely, the quantity taken for France and Belgium being about 15,000 qrs per week; but notwithstanding this demand, American wheat has declined in price, forward shipments from San Francisco to the United Kingdom being now quoted at 44s for 5001 b, while for cargoes of the new cron arrived here off the coast only 44s 6d is bid. Adelaide wheat is in short supply, and the demand isinactivo. Stocks of New Zealand wheat are declining, and there is a very limited business passing at 42a to 45a 6d per 4961 b iu granary, while Australian wheat is quoted at 60s to sls. Australian flour is now worth about 28s to 33s for 2301 b, and New Zealand 27s to 30s. Tallow and Hides.— The tallow market has been quiet but firm, and prices are about the same viz., 37s to 38s for good to fine New Zealand mutton and 35s to 35s 6d per cwt for fair to flno beef tallow. Present stock in first hands about 5700 casks. Hides have been in good demand at fully late rates. We quote best heavy ox 4Jd to 5Jd, light, 4d to4Jd; cows, 4d to 4Jd: and second-class, 3Jd to 4id per lb. Preserved Meat. —Business iu tinned meats is almost at a standstill, but the importations of fresh meat from America show an increase. During the past week 200 quarters of beef and 240 sheep were received here from New York, while at Liverpool 120 tons beef and. mutton, and 1499 quarters beef were landed from New York, 579 quarters beef and 402 dead sheep from Halifax, and 247 dead pigs from Boston. Bank rate, 5 per cent. LONDON WOOL SALES. The following is Messrs Miles, Bros, and Co.’s Price List of Canterbury wools sold at the London sales from Deo. 5 to Dec, 14 Ex Wave Queen, Dee. 5—S in circle, sed mtchgs, 4 at Is 7Jd; sed supx-bd, 7 at Is 6id; sed x-bd, 40, pt mrno, 23, pcs, 5 at Is sd; ecd pcs and Iks, 10 at Is 6Jd; sed pcs, 5 Bt Is 2\d ; sed Iks, 32, 36, pt pcs, 5 at Is 3d ; sed Iks r-bd, 4 at Is 3id. W over WW in triangle, sed, 4 at Is Sd, 4 atls2Jd. Deo. 10—TMG, sed obg, 3 at Is 4Jd: sod cltg, 10 at Is 2d; sed x-bd, 8 at Is 3d, 3 at Is Id; sod x-bd dgd, 3 at Is Id j sed Lstr, 5 at Is Id; sed cbg pt blk, 2 at lid; sed Imbs x-bd, 2 at Is Oid; sed pcs x-bd, 6 at Hid: sed Iks x-bd, S at lOd; sed Iks x-bd dgd, 1 at 9d. Knapdale, grse sup Ist cbg A, 50 at Is Od; grse sup 2nd cbg B, 16 at Is Od; grse, IS at lid, 10 at IOJd, 4 at 9d, WHT in on Arch; sed cbg i-bd, 10 at Is l^d: sed cbg fine i-bd, 2 at Is 4d: sed cltg fine i-bd, 1 at Is Bd, I at Hid ; sed dgd, 4 at Is Od ; sod l-bdlmbs, 4 at Hid; sed slipe, 1 at Hid ; sod Iks and pcs, 1 at 7id. Ex Carnatic. Deo. 6.—T, x-yearlings grse, 4 at ?id. DB, x. Imbs, 2 at 9d. Thistle over Aird, x-lmbs, 2 at 9d; dgd x-lmbs, 2 at 7id. A M'B over B in diamond, dgdx, lat74d; x-lmbs grse, 1 at 7idj dgd x-lmbs grae.2at6Jd. Kenilworth,x-lmba grse,3,pt flea, 3 at 7id. I i in diamond, x-lmbs grse, 2 at 8d; dgd x Imbs grse, 2 at 6id. JM, x-lmbs gtso, 3, pt flea, 3 at 7id. B 2, x-lmbs grse, 2 at 7d j dgd x-lmbs grse, 2 at 6d. WWM, x-lmbs grse, 1 at 7a; dgd x-lmbs grse, 1 at 6d, JP connected over Broad Arrow, xImbs grse, 1 at 05d; dgd x-lmbs grse, 1 at Od. TH, x-lmbs grse, 1 at ,Bd. Norton, x-lmbs grse, 1 at 7}d. Tadcroft, dgd Imbs grse, 1 at 6id. Leaf, grse, 2 at 7id, 1 at Bd. Dry Creek, x, 11 at 10id, 1 at Hid» xImbs, 2 at 9d; x-pcs, 2 at 7d, CBCln box over Porklands, x-grse, 2 at B|d; x-lmbs grse, 1 at B|d j x-bellies grse, 1 at Sd. EAHF, In triangle reversed, x-lmbs grse, 2 at 74d; x-grse, 1 at sdi. DB, snp ne, 27 at Sd, BEN, obg sod, 5 at Is Id: pcs sCd, ,t Is Id; Iks sed, 4 at 9id; grse, 1 at 8d; dgd grse, 3 at 81d s pcs grse, 1 at 7d. Dec. 7.—WBE over H, xbd Imb pcs, lu2, vars sts, 3 at 9dx-bd vars sts, 1 at Hd. Dec. 9.—DF, grse, x-bd Imbs, 11 at 6Jd. Line over heart, JJ under, x-bd, 4 at Is; x-bd Imbs, 1 at

fld • non. lat 6d. ATtU indmd, sod *-bd oW. 7 ai U<3, 10 at 10Jd; sod x-bd oltg, 1 bale mrno. Oat Ud; sod x-bd, oat U*W» MWJfflf at 740. F W connected, grso x-bd. 2 at7d. C, 800 ibdl3 pt black. 13 at UM. B over Housetop ** versed, x-bd mxd, lat Ud. HE. grse pos. lat 41d. JLnobor, grse x-bd. 10 at 7|d. Hopetmia. gf so x-bd pos, 3 at 7td. jTaiomna, grse x-bd. 13 at Bd. C& M, grso, 6at Old. York, sod, ?at Hid. AN in dmd. sod. 4at Ud. fl in dmd, sod. 10 at Is Old. NZ>', sod, 7at Is Old. Heart, Bat 10d. Stag, gray obg. 53 at Uid; gray obg dgd, 13 at Old ;j»ray Y 24 at lOi i gray B, 7at 10ld; gray A* " d BW» ir at 9d i gray E, 9at 9d; gray E <&d, sat 7td ! gray ■dble, satßd J grsy Imbs, 9at Bid; gray laWdgd, 8 at BJd ; gray pea, 5 at 9ld bgraJPO® *» j grsy Iks, 4at 64; grsy Bra dgd, 5 atGd. WC. grsT x-bd, 3at Old. ilrooklyne, gray x-bd hgts, 2at TM. FB. gray x-bd, 2at Bd. J * BP, grsy x-bd. lat 8d IM, gray x-bd, 1 at 7id. FBC, gray x-bd, 6. at., 80: grsy x-bd dgd, 1 at 4d; gray x-bd Hra, lat 3id. Housetop over B, grsy x-bd hubs, 7at7d t grsy x-bd Imba dgd, sat 6id. Williams, gray x-bd fmba, 2at BJd. S&H, gray x-bd Imbs, 6at SM; gray x-bd Imba dgd, 1 at Old. 0 in circle, gray x-bd hubs, lat Bd. AOB in box over Gladstone, gnrt x-bd Imba. Xat 9}d. ACE in box, gray x-bd Imba dgd. l at Bd. Glenside, gray x-bd Imbs, 6at 8d; gray X-bd lines dgd, 3 at 6|d ; gray x-bd Imbs pos, 1 at*3d. BF, gray x-bd Imbs, 2 at 7Jd j gray x-bd m*d,, 1 at 6d j grey x-bd raid dgd, lat 6d; aod x-bd .obg, 1 aft lOd : acd x-bd pos dgd, lat9d. Pt over Pnokuatua, sod x-bd obg H, 2at Is Id; grsy x - bd H, 16 at &td, 2atßd j gray x-bd E, 17, pthgts, 13 at 7Jd; gray x-bd dgd, 2 at 7d ( gray i-bd pcs* 2ld;.gray B, lat 7d- JB in dmd oyer Womgawa, gray x-bd, 4at 9d j gray x-bd dgd, 1 at.Sld; acd x-bd Iks, lat 9ld. ATyer, B'dlst.l at laid ; sod 2nd, 2at Is lldijaod. 2nd dgd, 1 at Is lid ; sod Ist x-bd obg, 1 at is 90,(2. at Is Old; acd 2nd x-bd cbg, 1 at Hid : sod x-bd. obg. X at,ls Od ; sod Ist x-bd, 2at IsSdvscd Ist' x-bd Imbs, i at la lid; Bed x-bd Imbs, lat Is Od ; sod x-bd pos, 2at Uid. Carterton, acd Ist k 2nd x-bd, 3at is Id > sod x-bd_ dgd,. X at Sid: sod Ist x-bd Imbs. lat Is Id ; Bcdx-bd pea and Iks, 3at lid. Bircb Kill over an Anvil, sod x-bd dbg, 1 dtlod; sod x-bdpos, 3at;lsoidf sod x-bd Iks, lot 23. Farirua, sod x-bd, 2at Uid. FB, sod x-bd tabs, 1 at Is 2dj sod x-bd Imbs dgd, pt floe, lat Is. VC over VarmCnt. sod x-bd obg dgd, 1 at la 2d. Q ov*r Walmioro, sod xbd pos, lat loid. Glass over Morrison"* Ban, sod x-bd Iks, 1 at 6d. A stock, sod x-bd pcs, ptwshd Imbs, lat 9d; x-bd, 2at Is Oid. NGA. over; x, CPE under, sod x-bd obg, lat Is kid ; sod X-bd, Iks, 1 at 9d; grsy x-bd mxd, 2 at Bd. J3M in dmd, gray x-bd Imbs, 2 at Bid ; sed x-bd pcs,. lat 6id. C2, sod x-bd pos, lat B|d ; grsy x-bd, 16 pt Imbs, 2 at 6d. IS in dmd, x-bd; 19 at ls‘ld.* Clnny, x bd, 14 at Is Oid. - BE, x-bd, 15 at Is OJd j. ; x-bd pt sed pcs, lat Ud. | , Dee. 11.—Lit; in two half diamonds, con-; nected, gray Imb x-bd; 9 at 8d ; gray Imb x-bd dgd, I. at 7id. H2, gray Imb x-bd, 4 at Bd. ML in half circle. S at. ?id ; gray lmb~ x-bd, 2at 7d. JPL ooSnooted m oirole. gray Imb x-bd, 5 at 7id. ML in dmd, gray x-bd, 4 at. 7id; grsy x-bd Imb, lat 7d. Min double dmd sod,* x-bd, 524, pt blk, 4at Is lid; sod x-bd Iks, lat lOid.' Ex Malacca, Hereford, and Elloba. Dec. 6—MF connected, olg sed, 18 at 2a fid; 22, at Is 8d; acd, 6 at Is 8d; x-aod, latls lid ; pea sod . 32 at Is 7d, 3at Is Sid; mxd pcs acd. 1 at la Id; Iks sod, 21 at Is Sid, 3at Is 3d. NS over G, x-grae, - 501 mxd, 58 at B|d; x-grae, 54 at Bld. DM over 8,. bellies grse, 1 at 4Jo. GGW, x-grse, 5 at Sid. Ex Waikato. ■ ' .:

Dec. 6—W & P over Longlauds. cbg i-bd sed, 5 at Is o|d, 2at Hid.. Mahal, cbg i-bd Bod, 2 at laid ; pcs i-bd sod, 3at lid. Olng, floe sod. 4 at It 4id; Iks sod, 2at Is Zsd; grso, 10 at 9d. Teteria,rrse, 3at ?id; grao, pt.pcs, 1 at.Sd. JO, x-pos sod, at Is Hd. BN, mxd, 3at 64. A over T, obg sod, 1 at is 4id. ; Dec. 12—Anchor in Circle, EJ outside, Iks and ’ pos, sed, 6 at Is 3|d, 1 at lOd : grse, 5 at 9d; x-grae, lat Bid; dble flee grse, 2at 7id; dgd grse, lat7d j Imbs grse, 2at lid. Gin triangle, grse, 2 at. lOd grse, 190, pt x, 4at 9d; dble flee grse mxd. lat Sid edy grse, 3 at 7d ; pcs grse, I&S, pt flee, 2at 6*d; dgd pcs grae pt blk, lat 6|d; lira' grse/196, pt' pcs, 3at4id. Dee. 11—Two Hearts over Glynn Wye, sod, 9 at Is 7d; sed pcs, 12 at Is 7d, 3at Is 3d; sod Iks, 6 air Is 3d; sed Iks dgd, lat Is 2d. CF, sed, lat Is sd; sed Iks, 3at Is Oid; sed i-bd cbg and Imbs, lat Is Id; sed i-bd and blk, 1 at Is Oid; sed i-bd pas, 7 pt blk, 2at lid; sod i-bd Iks, 3at lOd; sed i-bd lira, dgd, 2 at 9d. PN, sed i-bd, Ist obg, 3at Is 3id ; sod i-bd Imbs, lat la id. HAG (Skirted), grsy i-bd Ist, obg, 7at 9|d; gray Ist cbg, lat Bid. . Dec. 10.—InvercOe, sod sap x-bd, 8 at Is Sid; sod fine x-bd, 6at Is 6d; sed 2nd x-bd, sat Is 3d; sod 3rd x-bd, 3at Is 3|d: sard Lstr, sat Is 2Jd; serd Latrdgd, 1 at Is 1-Ja ; sed pcs x-bd, 2at Is Id.: S,. sed Its, 4 at lOd. Dec. 11.— WW, i grsy x-bd, 3H, sat 81. Maerewhenua, obg Ist, 12 at Is 4id. Ex Wattahgi.

Dec. 7.—08 connected, grsy cbg snp, 13 At IOJd, Arrow, gray Imb Ist, 45 at Bid. Cordy, cbg hgt, 15 at Is Sid, ExGlehloe*.

Dec. 7. BM connected, gray x-bd, 5,2 sts, 5 at 6(1.

Ex Ellora, Lath, Hereford, and Waikato. Dec. 9.—Two hearts over St Helens, sod obg, 13 atlssd,3atls 4Jd; sed, 3at Is 4id; sed pcs, 30 at Is sd, 30 at Is Sid, 29 at la 4VI; sod pcs dgd, lat Is 4d ; gray Ist and 2nd lebg, 10 at Bid j gray Ist and 2nd, 15 at £|d; gray blk, 1 at Mid; gray pcs, 2 at 9d. Ex Hereford, Waikato, and Ellora. Dec. 9—St James, gray Ist, 45 at lOd; gray Ist dgd, 261, pt blk, 3at 8d; gray 2nd, 15 at 9d > gray 3rd, sat ?id; gray pos. Sat BJd: gray pcs dgd, lat 6id; gray Iks, 3at 7d; gray Iks dgd, lat 5d- Anchor (in red), grsy Ist obg and H, 9at 9jd; gray Ist and 2nd cbg, 16 at 9d; gray Ist, 2at 7\d; grsy Ist dble, . lat 8d; grsy blk, lat lOd; gray dgd, 4at 8d; grsy pcs, 2at 7id. WS over Beaumont, Ist obg, 19 at Is Sd, 15 at Is 4id, Ex Hereford. Dec. 9.—Flea Bay over E, gray 'x-bd, 2 at Bd. A over Mount Vernon,: grey x-bd-1 at Sid. PH connected over Akaroa, gwyx-bd imbs, Hat 81. Governor over Akaroa, grsy x-bd Imbs, 9at 7d. H over WW, grey x-bd Imbs, 7 at 7Jd. Ex Western Monarch. Dec. 10. —Triangle over Heart, sed Ist z-bd,'l6 at Is l|d; sed 2nd x-bd, 7at Is Oid; sed pcs, 2at Hid; sed blk, 1 at Hid; sed blk, i-bd, I at lid; slipe cbg, 2at Is Oid; slipe i-bd, 2 at 10id; slipe Lstr, lat 10id; slipe mxd, 1 at 8d; shoutings, 2at 6d; shantungs, Imbs, lat XOd: grse shankings, lat 4id, Key between Two Hearts, sed, 2nd cbg aW, 7at Is 6id; sed pcs, 22 at Is 4d; sed Iks, Bat Is 2d. Key in Circle, grse, 2 at 7id; grse dgd, 1 at 8d; grse xbd, 3at 6id; grse x-bd Iks, 2at lid. Crescent over MSH, grse cbg, 5 at Bid. Ex Waikato and Laju. Dec. 11—Smith, sed obg, sat Is 74d; 3at Is 4id, 4 at Is 4d ; sed cbg dgd, 2 at Is 2id, 1 at Is 5d ; sed x-bd, 16 at Is 3d; 11 at Is Oid ; sed obg x-bd dgd, 3 at lid, 4at lOd ; sod obg x-bd, 6 at Is Id; sod snp x-bd Imb, 7at Is 2id; York, sod sup cbg & cltg, 7 at Is 9d; sod, 3at la 7id; sod x-bd Imb, 9at Is 3d ; sed x-bd 2 at Is 2d; sod Us, 1 at Is 2id; sed x-bd pcs, 3at Is Oid; sod snp x-bd, sat Is 2d, 7at Is 4d; sed cbg x-bd, 3at la Od, 2at lid; sod cltg xbd, Sat Is lid, 4 at lid; sed cltg x-bd dgd, lat 9; sod sup Lstr, 4at Is Id; sed sup Lstr dgd, 1 at Is Od. AE in Dmd, sed sup cbg,4 at Is BJd; sup, 155,2 sts, 154 pt pcs, 5 at Is 6d; sod snp dgd, 1 at Is 2|d; sed, lat la 2d; sed Ist & 2nd cbg x-bd, 6at Is Sid; sed cbg x-bd, 6atls id ; sod cbg x-bd dgd, latla Id ; sed x-bd cltg, 121, 137, 2 ate, 13 at Is Id; sod x-bd cltg dgd, 6at lid, 2at Is Od; sed Imb cltg, 3at Is lid; sed pcs, 2at Is 2|d; sod pcs dgd, lat Is 3d; sed pos Iks and brands, 2 at Hid; sed pos dgd, 141, 2 sts, 2atlld; skins, Bat 2d. W over WW, sod sup and 2nd cbg & cltg, 3at Is 6id: sod sup dgd, 1 at Is sid; sed sup & Ist x-bd, 4at Is 3d; sed 2nd x-bd, 4at Is Id; sed pos, 4at Is 3d; sod pcs x-bd, 10 at Is Oid; sed pos x-bd dgd, lat Is Od; sed Iks, 4 at Is 1-id. AB, sed pt xbd pcs, 2 at Is Id. Deo. 14—Ch Gh Thistle N Z dmd, sed, 2nd, 4at Is sid; sed 3rd, 3at Is Sid; sed D, lat 2s 2d; sed Iks, 2at Hd; sed sup i-bd cbg, 2at Is 6d; sod Ist i-bd cbg, 5 at Is sd; sod 2nd i-bd obg, 6 at Is 4d; sed sup i-bd, lat Is 6|d; sed Ist i-bd, 4at Is 2id ; Bat Is 4Jd, lat Is Sd; sed Ist i-bd dgd, lat la 4sd; sed Ist i-bd skins, 2at Is 2id; sod 2nd i-bd, Bat Hid; sed 2nd i-bd dgd, 1 at Hid; sod 3rd i-bd, 2 at Hid; sed Lncln, 2at la Id, 6at Hid; sed Lncln dgd, lat lid; sod Ist Lncln Imb cltg, 2 at Is Id ; sed x-Lnclu cbg, 5 at Is 0d ; sod pure bd cbg, 8 at Is lid; sod pure bd obg dgd, 2 at Hid; sod sap i-bd obg, 6at Is 4Jd; sod Ist i-bd obg, 6at Is 3d, 23 at Is Id; sed 2nd i-bd cbg, sat Is od, Bat Hd ; sod 2nd i-bd cbg dgd, 1 at Midi sod i-bd Iks, 3 at 9id; sod dgd i-bd Iks, 3atßid; scddgd i-bd blk, 1 at la Oid. Ex Waikato and Opawa. Dec 11.—Alford, sod cbg i-bd, 19 at Is 4d; grsy i-bd Imb, 4 at Bd. Ex Cicero. Deo. 11. —Tekoa, sed cbgflne,Bat IsßJd; sed cbg, 8 at Is 7Jd; sod pcs, 12 at Is 4id; sed Iks, 3at Is 3id. Ex Antaees, Dec. 12.—AEH, obg slipe, 5 at 10id. Ex Malacca and Waikato. Deo. 12.—NSP&PCo., sup sod, 11; at Is BJJ; Ist sod, 37 at Is 7d; sed, 23 at Is Sd, 3at Is 3d; dgd sed, 7 at Is 4d. Ex Margaret Galbraith and Waikato, Deo. 12—C over lice, H under, pick cbg slipe, 2at Is 2d ; sup cbg slipe, 14 at Is la ; sup slipe, 20 at lOd ; slipe, 7at Is; obg x-slpc, 4at Is Old ; Lstr slipe, 4at 101; dgd slipe, 2 at7id. Housetop over MF connected, cbg slipe, lat Is 9id; Ist pos slipe, 4atls 7d ; pcs slipe, 2atls 5d ; dgd pos sllpo, 9. mxd, 2atls 5d ; Iks slips, 1 at Is OM. NS over W, x-obg, 33 at Is Oid, H 5 at Is Od, 29 at Is Hd; x-grsa, 100, now mxd, 44 at 9d. MO over G. x-grse, 1463, mxd, 4at Bid. Prince of Wales’ leather over Brancopeth, Ist obg x-grse, 17 at 9ld. Mahai. pcs i-bd sod, 2at 9d. Teteria, grse, 2at 7id, Lx Ellora, Malacca, Lari, and Waikato 1 U- V , , E * 8 „ c<1 °k oio ob(r ' l3 at 18 10d, iat la 7id; sod choice, 2at Is 7id; sod snp, 6atls 7d • sed x-bd dmnd mtohs, 10 at Is Hid; sed x-bd sun A, 10 at Is 8-id, 17 at Is 7d j sod x-bd sup, 6 atlsOld: sed x-bd sup H, 12 at Is 4Jd, 15 at Is 4d; sod sun Lstr, 15 at Is 3d, 2at Is 2d; sod x-bd sup Lstr, 2at Is 3d; sed x-bd flno cbg, 14 at Is 3id; sed x-bd obg, 7at Mid; sed x-bd Ist, 4at Is 5Jd; sed x-bd, 2nd 4at Is 3d; Bed x-bd, 3rd, lat Is; sod x-bd Imbs, 2 at is 7d; sod x-bd M, 3at Is Id; sed x-bd brands, 2 at Is Hd. Ex Malacca, Lajv, and Waikato. Dec. 14.—Nellson aud Pasohel, sod Ist, 8 at Is Old; sod Ist A, 3at Is sd; sod 3rd, 1 at. Is Oid; sod Ist xbd obg, 8 at Is 2d, 6 at Is; sod x-bd Imbs, 8 at Is Id, 3 at Is Oid; sod A x-bd Imbs, 3at Is Oid; sod xbd pos, Bat 9d; sod Iks. 1 at 9d; sed, blk, fat Is «d. ChCh Thistle NZ in Diamond, sed Ist obg, 98,2nd, 4 at Is a B , c< * 8 “d cbg, lat Is Id: sed sup, 3at Is 7id; sed Ist, 2 at Is 7id, 2 at Is Sid. _ ~ „ Ex Ellora, a’ Bc d x-bd, 2at Is BJd j sed x-bd pcs, 4at Is 8d; sod x-bd Iks, lat Is. Ex Mendoza. Deo i “[•-Crescent over Triangle between J & G, grsy, 4 at BJd, 1 at 65d, 1 at Bd.

80 7 5 Spirits Tea ... ... 152 3 1 6 5 8 Sugar ... 17 12 6 Goods by weight ... 10 0 0 Ad valorem ... 6* 10 0 Other duties 3 6 0 Total £271 4 o

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Bibliographic details

Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 4

Word Count

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5601, 6 February 1879, Page 4