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The ordinary fortnightly; meeting of the Sydenham Borough Council was heldl la. t nLht in the Borough Chambers ; P re^ I t Hu Worship the Mayor and Councillors White, Hall, “Ones, Andrew, Brown, Pantt, Foster, Charters, and Langdown. ATTENDANCE. His Worship congratulated the members on the improved attendance as compared wit the last previous meeting. MINUTES. _ , The minutes of the last meeting were read, and several alterations and emendations having been made in them, were duly con firmed. SOUTH TOWN BELT. A letter from MrA.Alfrey was read. It called attention to the side channel on the South town belt above Selwyn street. Mr Alfrey informed the Council that four 7 ea ™ agohe had laid down a culvert aoross the footpath which, however, was now choked up vrithweeds, &c., and the culvert now drained the channel instead of his garden. The letter was received, and the Secretary WM instructed to refer him to the Board of H ?hlfcierk said that he believed Mr Alfrey had already applied to the Board of Health. COMMISSION OS BATES. A letter from Mr T. Gordon, Secretary to the Drainage Board, was read. It acknowledged receipt of Ootmoil’s letter of Jan. 8, attention to the fact that all rates ffinirf; be paid in full and the commission for cqilentfng the same be paid by the Board’s cheque, and not deducted from amount of nites, A Councillor remarked that a “bird in the hahd was worth two in the bush.” The letter was received. '“A letter was read from Mr J. Henry Lowe, Resident Engineer, re the widening of the Gas Works road. Mr Lowe said that he had a recollection of a request being made tothe Government to have the road widened. This he believed had been agreed to by the Hon the Minister of Public Works oh certain conditions. He (Mr Lowe) had not been advised of these conditions having been complied with, and had consequently supposed that the matter had fallen through. ' The Mayor said that he had arranged that the fence should be moved back the requisite number of feet. ' . MAT OP SYDENHAM. A letter was read from Messrs B. Dobson and Sons. It called attention to discrepancies between the actual setting out and plans of sections, particularly in the Gasworks road, Barbadoes street, Hszeldean road, &c. Messrs Dobson stated that the Borough map was now nearly complete, and wished definite instructions as to names of streets and other particulars. Councillor Brown said : The letter means that somebody’s fence is on the road. Can we have it put right ? Councillor Jones: The Crown Grants are wrong; we cannot remedy that. No action was taken in the matter. LINCOLN BOAD. A petition was read from Messrs H. W. Atkin, H. Clarke, John Ward, and A. J. M Reeve. It drew the attention of the Council the unnecessary action taken in raising the footpath opposite their dwellings situated in the north-west boundary of the Borough on the Lincoln road. The petitioners stated tbal. the present footpath was already five inches above their sections, rendering it a very difficult matter to drain into the gutter of the highway. If a further layer of several inches were to be added, the water, instead of finding its way by the intended drainage system, would of necessity back wash upon their premises. The petitioners suggested that the drift sand should be removed. The Town Clerk said the silt was being removed. The letter was referred to the Works Committee. CLBABING SUMPS. A letter from the Engineer of the Drainage Board, Mr 0. Napier Bell, was read. It called attention to the necessity of frequently clearing the sumps which intercept deposits in drains leading into the South and East Belt sewers. Unless this was done, the grit, See., would get into the sewers, which would have to be broken open at some future time for their cleansing. The letter was referred to the Works Committee. BBSISHATION OP THE BOEOUGH BOLICITOB. A letter was read from Mr H. Wynn , Williams, resigning his appointment as solicitor to the Borough Council, in consequence of his inability to give up sufficient time to attend to the business. The Mayor stated that he had received a private letter from Mr Williams to the same effect. The resignation was accepted. BOBOUGH BEAL. The Town Clerk reported that the Borough Seal had come to hand. It would require a stand. The Town Clerk was empowered to take delivery of it, and Councillor Brown to get a stand made for it. SOUTH TOWN BELT. THa Worship said that he had been called upon by Mr Harman, on the part of the Drainage Board, re the South Town Belt. He stated what the purport of his conversation with Mr Harman had been. Nothing could be done till some communication was received from the City Council. The matter was left with His Worship and Councillor White. ■WOBKS COMMITTEE EBPOBT. The report of the Works Committee was read by Councillor White and received. It reported that the scavengering had been duly attended to, that the streets and roads in the eastern portion of the Borough were receiving an additional coat of metal, that the lowering of the Lincoln road would probably be com. pleted before next meeting of the .Council, that the Committee had informed the Riccarton Road Board that the expense of the Lincoln road works would have to be borne by the Eiccarton Board, that the only medium for transmitting orders to the foreman of the works should be the Chairman of the Works Committee, that the Committee should be empowered to accept a tender for fencing (£44 lls), the lowest of four tenders, and that the Committee be empowered to accept tenders for metal. On considering the clause relating to the Eiccarton Road Board, discussion arose as to the power of a Committee to correspond with a Board without receiving instructions to do so from the Council The Town Clerk said that he had not sent the letter, as the Committee had not received power to act. Councillor Hall thought that the Town Clerk should obey the instructions of any Chairman of a Committee, and leave the responsibility to the Chairman. Councillor Jones was of the same opinion. When a letter was referred to a Committee, the Committee should hare power to answer it.

Councillor Brown supported the same view.

Councillor White altered the report to the effect—“ That the Committee recommend that a reply he sent to the Biccarton Eoad Board, giving the information mentioned." Councillor Brown asked if it was to be understood that the Committee had no power to send letters.

His Worship said he thought the Clerk had acted properly in not sending the letter. It should be understood that the Committees should not take such a responsibility unless they formally had “power to act.” On the question or orders to the Foreman of "Works some little discussion arose. His Worship said that it was only decorous that the Mayor, who was ex officio a member of all Committees, should have power to rive orders m the absence of the Chairman of the Works Committee.

Councillor Charters knew of no order having been given to the Foreman bv anv Councillor. 3

ItAppeared in the course of the discussion that 'the Works Committee had obtained a solicitor’s opinion (it was" not stated on what subject). The solicitor had been directed to send the opinion to the Committee, but had sent it to the Mayor. ; _ . ■: ;

the Committee intended to have th* steam roller on all the newly-metalled wade. On the motion of Councillor White, seconded by Councillor Jones, the report was then adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE 8_ EBPOBT. CounciUor Charters, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the receipts for the past fortnight were £19316s 3d, the expenditure for the same period £56516s 3d. The balance to the credit of the Borough, after parment of the above £365 16s 3d, is £2380 &s 2d. The amount of rates uncollected was £1916s sd, for which the necessary summonses had been issued. The report was adopted. BTBBBT NAMING COMMITTEE.

The Street-naming Committee brought up no report. His Worship said that the contractor for the map was waiting for the names of the Councillor Hall said that the Committee had met, and given the names to Messrs Dobson. „ _ „ His Worship asked if Councillor Hall was making a verbal report. Councillor Hall said ho was. The Mayor said that it was strange that the Chairman of the Committee should say that there was no report, and Councillor Hall should now make one. Councillor Charters said the Committee had held a three hours’ meeting, and hod decided upon all the names. The Town Clerk said . that the names decided upon had been sent to Messrs Dobson, but with instructions not to print them till they were confirmed. ■ . Councillor White said that the Streetsnaming Committee had not received power to act. Other members of the Committee had taken the power out of his (the Chairman s) hands, and sent the names in spite of him. Let those gentlemen bring up a report. There was really no necessity for any hurry, as the levels would have to be taken before the map could bo completed. ...... _ Councillor Hall moved—7 ‘.That the Couniu go into Committee to consider the names to be given to the streets." ■ • . Councillor Pavitt seconded the motion, which was agreed to. .. - ~ Upon resuming, no report was given to the Council as to what had been done in Committee. Councillor Charters thought the Streetsnaming Committee should be discharged. Councillor Pavitt moved, and Councillor Langdown seconded —“ That the naming of the streets be referred back to the Committee, with power to act.” SANITABY COMMITTEE. Councillor Pavitt read the Sanitary Committee’s report. It recommended the acceptance of Mr Compton’s tender for pans at lls each, and stated that no tender for scavengering had been received. BY-LAW COMMITTEE. Councillor Brown said that no had been drawn up by the By-law Committee. They had been waiting for legal advice. The Town Clerk said that ho had waited upon Mr Wynn-Williams for the legal opinion, and had then been informed by this gentleman that he (Mr Williams) had sent,in his resignation. Councillor Jones thought it was high time that something was done. Several batches of documents had been sent to the.solicitor, and nothing had been done with them. It was a good thing that the solicitor had resigned. His Worship had understood from Mr Williams that the by-laws were in good train for completion. He could not understand how nothing had been done. LIGHTING COMMITTEE. Councillor Hall, Chairman of the Lighting Committee, reported that five tenders for lamp-posts had been received, and asked power for the Committee to accept one of them. He moved the adoption of the report. Councillor Foster seconded the motion, which was agreed to. GAS WOEK3 EGAD. Councillor Charters read the Gasworks road; Committee’s report. It stated that the Committee had had several interviews with Mr P. Cunningham relative to the purchase of his land. They had also seen Mr Duncan, of the Drainage Board, who had promised to lay the matter of filling the road drain before the Drainage Board. The Government had put the fence back only 12 feet, but had promised to put it back 15 feet. The report concluded with a request that the Council would vote £250 towards the purchase of the land, the £IOO balance having been subscribed. Councillor Charters moved the adoption of the report. Councillor Hall seconded the motion. He noticed that there was no guarantee for the other £IOO, with all expenses. Councillor Jones would oppose the Connell voting £250 for the purchase of that land. The Council had promised to strike a special rate, but they had not been asked to do so, a condition precedent. He did not believe that the £IOO would ever he handed in.

Councillor Brown thought that all that had to be done was to strike a special rate, provided it could foe done. It would bis a calamity to allow a building to be put up which would prevent the street being widened. Councillors Langdown and Pavitt supported the motion. ■ Councillor White could not vote for the motion as it stood. The money certainly should not be taken from the general rates, but from borrowed money. He would vote for it if the Council would advance the money with the understanding that the amount should be refunded from the first loan.

Councillor Langdown thought that no time should be lost.

Councillor Andrew supported the motion, and called attention to the fact that £ISOO had already been voted for the widening of streets, one of which was the Gasworks road. Councillor Brown said that the road in question was the only outlet from Sydenham in that direction.

The Mayor had only to repeat what he had said on former occasions. He agreed that the expenditure should be made out of borrowed money. He had no question as to the legality of the-vote. He had inspected the spot in the best time of the year, and had no doubt that the Council might easily be called upon to pay damages, which would far exceed the amount now asked for.

Oouncillor Jones proposed, as an amendment—“ That the part of the report requesting the Council to advance £250 to purchase this ground be struck out.” EXTENSION ITIMB. It being now half-past nine, the time when, according to the Standing Orders, the Council should adjourn, a resolution to continue the sitting until this question had been disposed of, was passed. GAS WOBKB EOAD. Councillor Jones continued. He would add to his resolution—" That the Council advance the sum of £l5O to supplement the £IOO to be collected by the persons interested, the sum so advanced to be repaid out of the first loan.

Councillor Hall seconded the amendment, but again called attention to the absence of any reference to the guarantee. Councillor Charters replied on the original motion.

Councillor White would support the amendment. It was true that £I6OO had been voted for widening streets, and that the Gas Works road was one of them, but it was the last.

The Mayor reminded the Council that if the amendment were carried the whole matter would be “shelved.”

Councillor Jones asked for the meaning of the word “shelved.” It was as much as saying that the amendment was of no use. The amendment was put and declared to be lost on the voices. A division was taken when the “Hoes” were declared to have it. Councillor White asked if Councillor Charters would accept the idea of the repayment out of the first loan.

The question of the adoption of the report was then put and carried. Councillor Charters moved, and Councillor Brown seconded,—“That the matter bo . to his Worship the Mayor to arrange with. Mr Cunningham*

Councillor Brown seconded the motion. - Councillor Hall moved the addition of the

w6r ds,_“B»t that the Mayor have £IOO in ’ cash, and a guarantee for £150." His Worship considered that Councillor Hall could not more such an amendment, which was just a reversion of the resolution P> CounoiSor Hdl’oontended that he was only moving that the original intention of the Gounod should be earned out. . Councillor Charters motion was then put went into Committee, and upon resuming, adjourned.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5599, 4 February 1879, Page 6

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SYDENHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5599, 4 February 1879, Page 6

SYDENHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LI, Issue 5599, 4 February 1879, Page 6