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LYTTELTON. iKKIVKD. March 11—' Wellington, s.s., -79 tons, T.loyd, from Norlliorn port*. Milos, Hassat, and 00., agents. Vn-samrers: Saloon hjiss > utmingbaiu, Mi-a Adams. Mrs Thiele ami child, Kov atul Mrs Smalley, Messrs l ickcrinjc, Sheen, Maokenas, Howard, Wluteomho, Ttiggs, Kiel nrdson. Kenton, ikuißau, Strong Knight; 11 in steerage; hi for south. March 11—Southern Cross, s.s., 1.13 tons, Holamlor, from Poverty Bay. Wilson, fawtell, and Co., agents. March 11—Mary Ann Annison, bxrqtte, 237 tons, Hughes, from Newcastle. W, Langvlowu and L\’., agents. „ , March 11 —Edward, schooner, 32 tons, Danner, from Leßon'a Bay. Muster, ng. nt. tfMaroh II —Linnet, ketch, Ui tons, Molynentt, from Pigeon Bay. Master, agent. ct.vAiivn. March 10-Kli-.aboth, schooner, 77 tons, Coedaast for Auckland. Maxtor, March 10—Lacy alamos, kcu'h, tons, Oarfcnon, for Westport, F. a^out* H ui.ko March 10-AtMuir Wnketiold, sehoonor, 45 tons, Curran, for Onmam. Master, agent, March 10—Plying Squirrel. ketch, I.* tons, Munro, for Akaroa- Master, agent. March 10—Crusader, ship, !o.v* tons. Davies, for Loudon. Dalcety, Nichols, and to., agents. Passengers: Saloon-Mrs Denny. Misses I onSUcoe, Edith, and Ada Penny, Masters 'N 'llnun, Henry, and Charles Penny. Mr and Mr, Britton, Master Britton. Mr tl. Mavnmc, MisEmma Magniae. Mr ami Mrs Wilhunson Min Beaumont, Miss Kehecea lergns.-ou, .lr .oo hparks. Steerage—Messrs R, Gillespie and John II— Rangitiki, >bip, 1133, tons, Scotland, for London. New Zealand Shipping Company, agents. Passengers; Saloon—Mrs Khzu Mat. .Ir and Mrs A K D. Tosswill and intuit, Master rC T wt'ill Mr and Mrs W.A. Sheppard, Mr and Mrs E. \V. Jollio and infant, Misses Margaret. Caroline, Prances, KlizaKtb, Maty, and t-arab Jollie, Master Edward Jollio, Mr E. A . Hamilton, Misses Rachel Nichols. Grace Hurst Emma Ward. Lucy Doronisb, Ada Marshall, Sarah MftUngr. Mr and Mrs B. M. Bovey, Misa Aimio Bovoy, Master George Bovcy, Dr ti. '• E.idson, Mr Goo. -Hums. Second cabin—Miss Georgina Mnollie, Messrs Johann Graham, and R. E. Jackman, rftoorago Mr and Mrs Jno. Turner and family (4,, Sir and Mrs Wit. Layers and family (1), Sir and Mrsi Uogau and family (»), Sir Ales. Herd, Mr tuul Mrs W. Boris, Sirs S. S. Skulstad, Mr ami .Mrs Jno. Ho worth, Mr and Mrs J. T. Beamish, Sir T. Atkinson, Miss C. Hays, Mosers A. Pike, K Willivno, J. MHJarthy, Charles King, J. Thompson, S\. Stevens. W. Soot(, Jno. and Tiros. Harvey, Kobt. Bell, Jno. Bra, J. O’Connell, Benjamin Hopkins, W. Walker, H. Woolvin, F. Palmer, juo. Butler, H. Ottaway. March 11—Jannet, ketch, 41 tons, M’Donald, for Okxin’s Bay. Master, agent. March U—Agnes, ketch, 24 tons, Calvert, for Pate*. Master, agent, . , March 11—XXX, ketch, 21 tons, Clark, for Akaroa. Master, agent „ March 11—Queensland, barque, 414 tons, Greenwood, for Newcastle, in ballast. C. W . Turner, agent. Ilf POETS. Mary Ann Annison: 50 tons coal, 12 doz American brooms, 6 ponies. Consignees—Langdowu and Co. Wellington: From Auckland—l box, 1 bale, to •pkgs, 9cases, 2 parcels, 1 trass. From Nelson—l case, 7 boxes gold. From Wellington, under bond —2 qr-casks; free—2 sacks, 2 parcels. 1 truss, 1) pkgs, 0 horses. Consignees-Miles, Hassa), ami Co ; Davis ; Lightband, Allan, and Co ; Saunders and Henderson; Smalley; Bank of New Zealand; Bev Campbell; Paul; Mason, Strutters, and Co ; : Heywcod and Co; Woodward; Caygill; George : , Twentyman aud Cousin; «T. Hall; Cuff and Graham ; Thompson ; Buttler; Offwood; Smith ; Gavin; Philips; Goodmin; Brown, , EXPOKTS. I Lacy James: 104 sacks oats, ltd do wheat, 200 do flour, S cases bacon, shippers—M’Oonnell, Bros. i Elizabeth: 560 sacks wheat, 5 tons floor, 3do ; bacon, half do cheese. Shippers—Koyse, Stead, , and Co. , , i Agnes: 20 tons flour, 2CO sacks grass seed. £ Shippers—Ht-yse, Stead, and Co; Dnncan and Son. ] XXI; 23 ‘rases, 6 casks, 25 pkgs, 61 pieces , timber, 7 doors, 15 sacks, 130 bundles shingles, 10 t sheets icon, 14 sash weights, 3 grates, 5 hhds ale. c Shippers—Geo. Hutchinson; T. nud E. Pavitt; } Clark; Montgomery and Co; Mason, Struthers, i and Co; Ward and Co. 1 Eaagitikei: 3352 boles wool and skins, 155 casks j tallow, 1572 socks wheat, 6 pkgs sundries, 10 bores B gold. Shippers— N.Z.L. and M.A. Company; Geo. s Gonld; G. and W. Balfour; Packe, Bros.; Birch c and Co; Bank of New Zealond; Miles, Hossal, and Co; W. Montgomery and Co; N.Z.S. Company; t W. Wilson; Sir J. C. Wilson, b Crusader: 4629 bales of wool, 14S pockets do, 56 cankg tallow, 6s bags bones, 1 bale hair. 10 do leather, 2do goats’ wool shippers—Matheson’s Agency; R. Wilkin; Saunders and Henderson; 1 Miles, HassU, and Co ; Edwards, Bennett, and Co; P. Cunningham and Co; Dalgety, Nichols, and Co. 6 VESSELS IB KABBOCE. Ship*—Wiltshire, May Queen, Waipa, Cardigan Oastle, Barques—lsland City, Nonpareil, Star Queen, Warwickshire, Especulador, Nordoo, Adelphoi, I Mary Ann Anniaan. I Barquentinea—Floral Star, Sea Belle. 3 Brigs Star of the Mersy, Wave, Colibri, ( Emperor, Drover. c Brigantines and Schooners—Kenilworth, Rate M'Gregor, Garibaldi, J. G. Coleson, Esther, Mary King, Clyde, Excelsior, Lady Dos, Bonnie Lass, Flora, Spec, Elizabeth Edward. Kethes— Emerald, Clematis, Alice Jane, Conner, Lucy James, Linnet. VESSELS AT THE WHABVEB. Gladstone Pier—Waipa, ship ; Wiltshire, ship, ’ discharging; Warwickshire, barque, discharging. No 2 Wharf Adelptoi, barque, discharging; Kenilworth, brigantine, discharging ; Kate M'Gregor, schooner, discharging; Clyde, schooner, loading ; Spec, schooner, loading. No S Wharf —oardoo, barque, loading; Drover, , brie, discharging. i Tunnel Wharf—Nonpariel, barque, discharging; Emperor, brig, discharging; Sea Bello, barquentiue, loading; Clematis,ketch, loading; Emerald, ketch, | ]-lading. Peacock’s Wharf—Floral Star, barquentine, load- | ina; Wave, brig, loading ; Esther, barquentine, loading. Breastwork—Garibaldi, schooner, loading. EXPECTED AEBIVALS. Prom London—Ann Gambles, barque, Q.C.8.T., sailed Dec. 8; Carnatic, ship, sailed Dec. 22; Opawa, Margaret Galbraith, and Hermione. From Melbourne, via South—Eingarooma, March 13. From Dunedin—Taupo, 8.8., March 13; Wellington, s.s., March 17; Hawea, s.s., March 21; Wanaka, • «., March 26. From Northern Ports—Hawea, s.s., March 14; Taranaki, s s., March 20. From Wellington and Kaikoara—Tui, s.s,, March 16. From Kaipata—Maud Graham, schooner; Pnnoe Alfred and Sarah and Mary, brigantines. From Hokianga—Byton, brig. From the Thames— issy and Atlantic, schooners. Prom Wellington—William Cobb, barque. From Auckland—Marion, schooner. From Sydney—Albion, s.s., March 21; Wakatipu, B.B.; Easby, s.s. Prom Wellington and Nelson—Arawata, s.s., this day, PEOJECTED DHPAETCEEB. For London—Waipa. and May Queen, ships. For Dunedin—Wellington, e.s , March 12; Hawea, 8.5., March 14; Taranaki, as , slarch 20. For Northern Ports— 7 uupo, s.s., March 13; Wellington, e.s., March \i, Hawea, s.s., March 21. For Kaikoara, Wellington, and Foxton—Tui, s s., March 16. For Melbourne, via South—Arawata, 8.8., March 12. For Sydney—'Tararna, s.s., March 23. For Wellington and Nelson—Ringarooma, s.s., March 13. For Greymcnth—Esther, brigantine; Lucy James, ketch. For Wanganui—Spec, schooner. For Auckland—Elizabeth, schooner; Wave, brig. For Napier—Southern Cross, s.s., this day. For Adelaide—Floral Star. The barque Queensland sailed for Newcastle early yesterday morning. A barque was signalled from the South at 5.30 p.m. yesterday. Amongst the New Zealand Shipping Company’s wool ahi.s which have arrived Home, the Waikato Bhould have been mentioned, and not the Weimate. The s.s. Southern Cross, Ctptaiu AUauder, left Poverty Bay at 6 a.m. on Friday ; experienced easterly winds down the coast, aud arrived at 10 a.m. yesterday. The Southern Cross sails for Napier to-day, taking a number of sheep for Mr Peters. The barque Mary Ann Annison, Captain Hughes, left Newcastle on Fob. 22. Shortly after leaving, •xperienced a heavy south east gale with high sea, lasting for 4S Lours. .The wiud thou shifted round to the northward, and was light. Iho barque made Cape Farewell on March 10. The Straits wore cleared the next day, with the wiud light from the •westward, and Cape Campbell was passed that night. Thence light, south-easterly winds were experienced until arriving in harbour at noon yesThe e.fl. Wellington, Captain Lloyd, loft Manokan at 1.20 p.m. on March 0, reached Taranaki at 630 next day; left at 915 a.m., made Nelson at 3 a.m. on March 8; left at 130 p.m., reached Ficton at 10.30 p m.; left at 3.30 a.m. on March 9, and arrived at Wellington at 9,10 a.m. that d*y, when she waa put on t e slip to he cleaned. She left at 7.15 p.m. on March 10, aud arrived in harbour at 12.20 p m. yesterday, having had fine weather and light head winds down the coast. The Wellington brought 25 tons of esrgo for this port, aud sails tor X’ort Chalmers this afternoon. We are indebted to Mr Grant, her purser, for flics. On Friday night the Rotorua experienced some difficuily in getting awuy from tne wharf owing to her fouling one of the mooring chains of the dredge. The chain in quest ion was from the starboard side of the dredge, directly across the channel from the wharf, and the Uotoruu, on getting away from the wharf, caught this eh .in with her rudder owing to Its not being slacked Hulfieiu .tly to allow of her paastag over it. Tim result was that the strain on the dredge caused the head mo .ring chain to draw one ef the end piles of the wharf right sway from its place, to the alarm of the persons on the wharf. The side chain having been slackened off the Botorua was enabled to proceed on her journey fortunately without having sustained any injury It would be as well if the Side mooring chains of the dredge, when’near the wharves, wore entirely let go of a night instead ot being slacked oil os any Steamer coming in daring the night might meet with considerable damage in running against them. THE EANGXTIKI, FOE LONDON. The Company being determined to despatch their ■hip te date, thing* assumed a very busy nspeot on board on Friday night, the stevo ores being hard at work getting the lost of the cargo at jwed. On Saturday morning there rem lined about 100 hales ot wool to get below, and that was quickly accomplished, when the batches were blocked on and fattened down. The live stock was then got on

board, together with p.issongors’ luggage, ko., and matters speedily worn the nspeot of a start, homeward bound. S’ovora! of the passengers wore then on board, having availed themselves of the opportunity ot shipping from tho wharf, Tho Rmigitiki’s passenger list ihls trip Is a very long one, there being no fewer then 79 idtogother—:lo in tho saloon, 1 throe in tho second-cabin, aud 46 in tho steerage, • Tho second.on bln and steerage passengers are ' Incited in ’tween decks, aud, owing to the largo r number, a space Ims been set spurt forward (or tho > accent mo qu ion of some of the steerage passengers. ■ An ample supply of sheep, pigs, goose, ducks, : turkeys, and fowls, together with a mlleh cow, which will douhtle-s be found a grout comfort by > many, had heeu provided. Tho cargo taken hy the I Kiuirit.'ki is ns follows, them being a largo quantity of uitdumped woo! on board ; i Je.eJ bides of wool and skins £67.616 i l.V> casks of tallow 6,266 1672 sucks of wheat 1,672 6 packages sundries 56 16 boxes gold ll,sti6ozs 17dwts 12grs 46,975 Total value £121,917 About half-past one on Saturday, the Titan took hold of tho Kmigitiki to take her out into tho streun, t’ilot G dbiuiih being in charge, but owing to the tide being very slack that day, shortly- after getting her awnv from tho wharf, she took tho ground, and nllhongh every effort was used to got her oil, it was found imposslhlo to do so with tho tido fnlluig; not iiitig remained therefore but to Jot her remain where she was until the nighi s tido, Wien it was exp.etcd she would got oil into tho «t ream. The Titan returned to tho wharf, and took the iwsseugers on board, together with a h'rgo number of their friends, who remained on board tor some time. Tho officials of tho Company wore down to see Hint everything was in order, ohort.y after lip m. on Saturday, another attempt was m .de to get tho vessel into the stream, which, however, was not successful, tho ship getting beyond her former place of stoppage only to bo brought up a little farther ou. kestoroay, tuo ss, Wellington arrived from tho North, bringing a considerable quantity of gold for tho ship, and hor .services were called into requisition, ns tho company wore determined that the Rnngitiki should not loso that tido, but should go to gun without fall. After a groat deal of patient tugging and hacking, her head was got round between tho breakwater, nud tho vessel was fairly afloat in tho stream at half-past three. Hero tho Wellington cast oil, and tho Titan took hor down tho h irbour in good stylo against a steady north-east breeze. Ibis is the tirst time that any of tho Company s ships have been delayed ou their day of Bailing, and the detention on this occasion may bo attributed to tho tido of Saturday. Had thero boon a little ntoro water the ship would have got away all right. Carrying, as she does, so many passengers and so valuable a cargo, it is to bo hoped that the Kangltiki will make a rapid aud fafo passage to tho old Count y, aud equal that made by tho Waikato from Wellington, l)r G. S. Eadson, who carao out ••vs burgeon-superintendent on board tho Wiltshire, returns homo in tho Rangitikoi. THE CKU3ADER FOB LONDON. The favourite ship of Messrs Shaw, Savill s Hoot took her leave of tho harbour ou Saturday afternoon, bound to Ijondon. Tho Crusader has secured an excellent cargo of wool and Tallow, having besides some bags of bones, and a few bales of leather and go-at'a hair, tho whole representing a value of £96,600. ilor passenger list shows seventeen in tho saloon, and two in the eteorago. On Saturday morning everything was ready on board, and tho whole of hor liberal supply of live stock stewed away in their ponsbhortly before noon tbo Pilau took hold of the snip to move hor from the wharf, when it was found that she had formed a considerable bank of mmy round hor berth, ibis was a serious obstacle to getting her awav from tbo wharf, and after some hard pulling, it waa found necessary to shift tho Wiltshire farther along tho wharf, so as to allow the Crusader to drop astern. Wheu this had been done, tho Titan was compelled to leave the ship, having to fulfil her engagement to take out the Rangitiki. The Akaroa then took hold of tho Crusader, which was then clear of tho bank, and, after a little steady pulling, got ber gradually away, aud rounded the breakwater with herat 3.15 p.m. The wind at tho time wag N. 8., just a moderate breeze; so the Akaroa proceeded right down the harbour with tho ship. Pilot Reed being on board. The Hoads were passed at 5.30 p.m., tho steamer leaving tho ship some distance outside, with tho wind still from the north-east, but light. The Crusader will no doubt keep up her reputation, and report herself in London in good time. She was in fine sailing trim and splendid order. Captain Davies, who, daring his stay in harbour bocimo a universal favourite, takes with him every wish for a safe and prosperous passage Home. Ou the arrival of the s.s. Wellington yesterday, Captain Lloyd reported that tho Crusader was about ten miles outside the Heads with a light south-west breeze. Captain Helauder, of the s.s. Soutuern oross, which reached tho wharf shortly before 10 a m., reported that on entering the Heads the ship was about eight miles distant, lying becalmed. POET OF LYTTELTON. High water this day (Monday) Morning, 1.49; afternoon. 2.10. March 11,10a.m.—Barometer, 30.36; thermometer, 62. Wind, Nonh-east, light breeze. Blue sky. TIMAEU. ARRIVED. March 10—Toiaroa, d.b., 338 tons, Piotoruon, from Dunedin. Passengers: baloon —Miss Goodie, Miss Bell, Mrs Bnsmer, Mrs Sutherland, Miss Willis, Messrs Willis. Sneath, Tennett, M'Kinnon, Prush, Oatlur, Joel, Gibson, Yules, Fulton, Rutter, Almao; one in steerage. IMPORTS. Taiaroa: 60 tons general cargo. VESSELS IN THE ROADSTEAD. Steamer—Taiai oa. Brigs—Fawn, Craig Ellachie. Brigantine—Matchless. Schooners Elibank Castle, Jane Anderson, Theresa. Ketch—lsabella. INTEEPBOVINCIAL SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Auckland, March 11. The s.s. Hawea sailed tor the South yesterday eve eing. Passengers, for Lyttelton—Rev Igtwray and Mr Carpenter. Wellington, March 11. Sailed—Arawata for the South, at 4 p.m. Passengers—Mrs Clrawonska, Messrs Mitchell, Dupree, Lowe and son; nine for Melbourne, and live in the steerage. Pout Chalmers, March 11. Sailed—Pleiades, ship, for Rangoon; Clan M'Leod, barque, for Guam. Sailed—New Zealand Company’s ship Otaki for London, with 10 pissengers, and a cargo consisting of 3747 bales of wool, 105 bales rags, 74 casks tallow, 57 bags bones, 9 boxes sundries, 3053 ounces gold, of the total value of £98,729. The steamer Ringarooma is expected at 7 p.m., witti Suez mail. Sailed—Stella, s.s., coastwise.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 5011, 12 March 1877, Page 2

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Untitled Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 5011, 12 March 1877, Page 2

Untitled Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 5011, 12 March 1877, Page 2