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No goods can be landed in Turkey which I bear si trade mark (it till resembling a crescent'. Save your potatoes from blight. I'ou ca-n I e:sily .i.!.d cheaply do it by using Tanzj llie | most'effective uiij pov.e.fuigerm killer known to scientists. A2s bottle makes 12 gallons. A:l st-ri k'-t-i'nrs sell it. If we have, anotinr damp season like tin i la>,t nisi, and smut arc s in; to affect the win al i and crops. T!ksj blights can be ei't'-ci- i ual'y prevented by the u-e of I'anz.t a most j I oowerful nou-poisoaous grsrm kill-r -2j al all Chili wad lh>. first Soiiih Ameiicm State j j '•- build railways, of which it now has nearly .'J'OO niilc-i. A (" .isily Ton hj. Tli- uncarcd for C'/ugh, the cough you lei go on, hoping it will cinv itself, is the co.->sly j cough. !t is thu eouyh that annoys you. unci keeps on hacking a:;d tearing the i( Ileal j immhmnoa and tissues of the throat, until j it is impossible to cure. Take, ear.' o' your cough now. Taka Chamberlain's Co:i«h } P. medv. It soothe::, and cures l . For sale by all dealer.'. By order of te.c Fmponr Francis .lus-nli, | a great intern ttionnl exhibition wdl he held ! in Vienna in I'.lUri, in celebration of his iajesty's jubilee. _ Sate and Sure. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cannot mj ire the most delicate tissuo oi iho body, i..:id can be safely liken by a child. They :i e the salt-si medicine for people of feob'lo cons;itu'ion, and are sun; and effective hi the caru of the most lobost. For sale by all dealers. When tli" Atlantic cable was first laid t'e charge was !_"-<> for a twenty-word messa,,,o. Now if is sixp net; a woid. Taoza. —The 1.-n r-ft.-lt want suppli d, a perfect preventative of the dreaded potato blight. One dressing kills the spores and prevents the ;erms of disease tictiiu. 2s bottle makes 12 gall.ois. Al! stores sell it. Sheldon Drug Coy. Id O'C innell-street, Sydney, N.S.W. Pear Sirs While reheiirsing on the stage i recently I c mtracted a very severe cold, which unite incipacita'.f d me from work. After using a soul! hot io of Dr Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and Cousumptio.i, 1 was onviivly cured. 1 voluntarily give my testimonial to the great efficiency of t'.iis remedy. Yours faithfully, ,\l \I!IK D'ALTON, \\ illiamson's Dramatic Company. Sydney, March 21st, 11)01. For sale by (Jotier Bros., Arrowtown. Says John Hillings :--" When a man begins to take whisky as a medicine, he soon bocoiiii s a chronic i;.\ a lid." Teotisand , s-nt into Exile. Lvciyyeu a large number of poor sufferers, v. hose In igs are sore and racked with coughs niM erged to ;;o to anoihev climate. Tliis is'v 'i!:,! always sure. D m't b.I iio .xoc wne'n !>r Si.el loo's New Discovery I wil' emv y.'it at home. It i; the most remarkahlo med'Cal di -covery of recent years, j and is an iiifnl.ib'e remedy for Coughs, Colds, and ad Tiiroat ami Long Diseases The firs dose brings relief. Astounding Cures result i from persistent use. Small dose. I'leasmt ito take. Fvery bo.tie guaranteed. Fur sale by C.i' liios., A-rowtowu. *A Wellington .)' I'., in a faoelions mood, ask d a en'.pi-it to spell " drunkenness." He repla d, " i i >'." It Dazzles the World. No discovery in medicine has ever created one i|.inner of toe interest thai has Ivcn caused by Dr Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Cmls, and Consumption. It has brought relief in the most hopeless cases, j when all eise ha; failed. For tale by Cot or ! IJro;., I A boy of tifteon, at Whito Cliffs, Broken [MI, has found a "pocket' of opals worth ! IM3OO. The Preparation j Best lit ted to relieve ana absolutely cure In- j digestion is Dr Sheldon's Digestive Tabules. To y contain every known digesiant and di- i gostc\ery kind of food, (iood result: ar • always e -rtain. For .sale by Cotter Hros., ■ Arrowtown. II.IIJUMA.TLSM AND GOUT CAN BE CUIUJD. (loot, i; a form of rheumatism, and springs i from the oitiii" cause -excess uric acid in the I hided T.lis excess is in the form ol io.iio I a olub'epait'ck'S, and these s< ttie al the toes, : ank'nis, iioeets, or joints, where the blood run; met si. wly. JjiiiiincnLs and planters may give relief, Imt they cannot touch fiie uric arid accumulations, which are the real cane of the' troubli , and thus they can never cur \ Ahy ••'. as to your money on them when Hiikumo, the r m t\y which has cured hundreds j of oihers, will litpiilly and ci'feclivoly erne I you '! Ask your chemist or siorekoepcr for BtlliUMO ; '2s lid and 4s lid a botiie. Imu- lii-oiiciiiul (Jmiglis itii'l i.'i'hls, Wo ,<W i'-V'-M, Peiiiitiunul Cure, l/o au>i t.Vo lie, ii 'i /i

Diarrhos ;, in ,ls li st .-■-,!■.'/•.;. o m he fl'ire ; by Ik few .1 si :s «>l i.hat p. "ißitllS le 1 ilil • •■ i ejTee.'.u il in.' lii-i *, C! amaerl.i n-i ■ Cjl I Chain a and Diarr 10 nil mi 'dy. i'i rn-i.j i i .StaDCeS Dili; lilH'.' '<:- Snlli'Mlt. Illlt i. S a I'lll : lin'i " or four d mji are iieeessary. 11. is i good thing to keep il il the rum ■>•. (!-t , ! bottle !o-day ; it mty nave n If.'. For sal-: b I .ill dealers.' j Uis said that paiplo who live on :-. brnr and milk diet no .dy ii'ways have lire l ; h:i; I 'o an advanced a/", \v iil - pc ')>'■■ -■■ J * . lime! | and dine on m ,r rarely have ilrok hair ai'lo | twenty-five. Had ! Bad ! ! Bvl '. ! ! Rid blood from bv'l dig'si.ion—bat ! -lo:nach, bad liver attended w;ih Lad foi j ' reath, coated torn;;:■■, bad last-, hj a.d lae o, ha! njiji tie and.kindred syinpt mi? i Bad as all those am and serious us yae i x ! fliH ases to which they lead, Cuamberlain'* Stomich and Liver Tablets coui« to Li-e roie an i cure of all those by lvgul 't ng and in vigora'ing Stomach, Lirer a<i B>wel ; a:i< I pulling all these organs in good order. J ,- ji I sale - ill dealers. i In Wiles tiiur" arc ab >ut J'.wniii peoph j who cuinot speali ivi;.; is.i, W-'inli then I :>n'y I .n :(X:iyrj ; in Suorl.tii i there are t's 30< persons who can spo.-k nothing but Gbi'llc: and in Ireland there are 32,000 who can oxpress Lhemselve-o'dy in tOrse, the Irish tongue, A Modern i: 1110 Ir. Or Sheldo.ds New Di-oovory for Orndi-. . ' '-..;ds, and Uonsumyti m gets to the root oi cho tiouida 'Hid effects a ].•••: man >nt cure. F■■]• salf y Cottor Bro-s., Arrowtown. i'iv ■■• g uora'dons were r.-pro■:• p.'ed at a •mist .- ..■ a;. St..!(>•', in Laueriborg Tlih g e.t cn-ciit-u'ra.idmo'.hc", who h-1 I the child over the font, was iO3 ye.uis old. T iat dr word " o m-.umpioT' need never bo feared if Dr Sir;.don's New Diseovery is t dcen in lime. Thousands spj.ik of it in the hi;;!i"st praise. For* sale by (Jotter Bros., Arrowt i\vo. " Yon are the plaint'"!! in this ease?" the complainant was asked in the Shor-diteh CountyCo irt in an action for damages ior personal inj'iriea " I dont kn.iw what you call mo he -aid ; but I'm the man tbat got hurt." Sprains and Bruises. In such cases render First Aid to tbe Injured by applying Chamberlains P.Jn Balm. VVhcu ilie inuscb'S. tondoms, nerves, or iKsh arc stained, sprain d, s retched or squeezed or in any way injured, inflammation, pains and s\vllin;;s, with rush of bio id ;oiiie parts, Chamberlains Pain Balm will giv:* immediate relief, and a few applications will reduce the swelling and restore the injured Dart* t'j healthy condition. For sale by all d-alers. Fi, ii; !—l'Vh rni-; Teeth and Bueatil. A few drops of t'ne li.pd I " t'lorilino" spinkled on a wet tenth brush produces a pleas.inf. lather, wbiah thoroughly i.bc teeth from nil parasites or impurities, hardens she gums, prevents tartar, steps decay, gives the teeth a peculiar pearly whiteness, and a delightful fvaarance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed tooth or tobacco s noke. "The flagrant Kloriline," being composed in parts of Honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the tu-:i j , and the greatest toilet discovery of tbe aite. Of all Clacnvsts and Perfumers. \\ hoh'sale depot, .'(.'!, L'arringdon II >ad, uo.idon, fsng!and. AnviCß to MoTii'iTis I—A' - e yon broken in your rpst l\y a sick child s..:t'('eriog with tbe pain of cutting teeth? Go ai once to a e'lcmist and get a bottle of Mns WtNST.ow's SnoTJii.vci Svuur, It will relieve tbe poor snlTerer immodia'.eiy. It is perfectly bannless and ple.>?a.:st to taste, it produces natural. quiet sleep, by relieving tbe c l, iM from pain and the little ch irnb awakes " a: bright as a b itton." ft soithos the child, softens the gmns, allays all piiii, relieves wind, letjuli'tes the 1> i\ve!s, and is the best known reinody for dysen'ry and dic.rvhoea, wh.'t'eer arising from teething iir other cau.:e;. )'r- Wic.slow's So.ebh.- «y..„, ;, s ,.i.j >-. y, ';;,; n . dcalur.s e\vr« .-here! Vau-ai;m; Disco-,-.;ay. ret Tint H.'.nt!—lf your hair is Inrnivg rw or white, or fallin ■ off. use ''The Mexican Hair Reneyrer," for hj will. I'inii'ir ',ii >\:'r:>; hi rrrrtf ■•('.;■■ Grr>l or U'/'i/i h'tir to its original color, without leaving the dsat;:e'-ahlri snic'l of most " Re"l ir-rs." It mikes the ha'" charmingly beautiful, as w li as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chinas! f-r "The Mi:>:n ax'Haih Kr.XEWEit," sold by all chemists and pevfum n-s ev r-where. Wholesale depot ii.'j. i'mriii'don 1! eel, London, England. TIIHOAT AFt'ECTIO.VH AND IIOAISSS>fES3. All sul't'cring from ; rr ; t-lion of the throat and hoarsen- ss will In agrcablv snrprised at tbe almost immcdifito relief Hfl'ordfd by the use of " Brown's Bronchitis Troches." Those famous "loz'ngcs" are now sold by mo-fc respectable chemists in the country. People troubled with a " hacking cough," a "slight cold," or bronchial aiteclions, cannot try them too soon, as similar troubles, if allow d to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatic affections, S-e that the signature of John I Brown and Son is on every wrapper. -Prepared by Join. I Uitow.N A Son, Boston, U.S.A. European depot, 33 Farringdoa Road, London, England. TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured rf her Deafness and Xoisea in the lfead by Dr Nicholson's Artificial Far Drums, has sent 11,000 to bis Institute, so fiat deaf people unable to procure the Kir Drams may have them free. Apply to Department O.W. The Institute, " Loi'ig.aitt," GiiniK'i'uuui'v, Loudon, W., lingiand. Kit\Tl\<;'> P-')\V 1>KII" destroys BIIOS, FLKAS MOTHS, i;r.!'.T!.KS. ni'l lit! oilier iliseels, wuilst >|iiite hrinnle<s t.o fioaie-itie :in:iu..l-. In uxtenniiia tin- I.e. tie- tin' sne/'.,-ss of this powi<er i- extr.ioit ilinurv It i" |K.-r'< llveKnuiiiapplißati-jii. Sou the irticle von "•:•. I, i .- .s" KK \TIXI3'S," i.e., w tli the s'jfiiatiiro I'flD.iJA < :»'..•: \ i INCi on i.c.eli tin, as in.l liiticns .;,■ iit>\i"-t ael i':i'if;i-tiul. riolil iii tinx Hi ;,.,.! ls.;,e ~ i, v ml .'I. I.K

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Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 5

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NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 5

NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 5