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The New Zealand Lian ami Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., have received the following cabin thoir London ollLce, dated 2M\ insl.: -" Wool. As compared witli la'l Bales closing rates, price:! fire üboui the same for greasy merino super, scoured nieriiu eup sr, lino grouay crossbred, but are iowei" f«r merino, medium and inferior, coarse greasy croHabied, crossbred slipe, and coarse scoured crossbred about par to 5, per cent. Com petition iiy both Home and foreign ijuyerii is active." Qoro Horsa Bazaar. Moss I '.'; Wright, Stephenson and Co., report us follows : We held o'ir usual weekly sale of homes on Saturday, and it was apparent from the largo attendance of fanners, contractors, dealers, and others intc"o3ted thai our sale would be much above the average. The principal features were consignments from Mo ■■■■■>" Ayaon broa., of Wyiidlnun, who Imvelini'juud

hj their contract work, and Mr 1. Ryd r tin I well known Southland dealer. Too f ei | lot were a line clas i of useful horses (ahh .cgl' '__ a 'aide on tho ag-d si.'c) ami bidding wiiI very spirited, the whole cani lv iiig cleaie.e in highly sati.fa.etey prices T,: • follo-.-n j ' are some of the mdncipal (ignres oii:ained " ! li.iv gelding, Hy-a. iL'A, do. Tvrs U~> Ml-, d 1 d . £4l, do do £ls, brown geldings 7yr.s £l3 ' bay mare, I'M, black geUi.ig syrs, K-1"j, Mr Ryder's lot were a splendid ex imple of the . Clydesd.ilo breed, and were shown to lio - ! he-it advantage, a nice mar" topping the . market at .CV.I. bay gelding 7yrs £ll 103, bay . mure Oyrs '-'l7 10s, brown nine Oyrs, IMB. The above result proves that our market is a ,' tirst ra'e one. and we anticipate a good d- - | mand for some time to come. Our weekly nalo will bo held as usual next Saturday. i _ i Burnside Stock Sale. ; ITsavy bullocks £l2 to £ll, piime£loto Cll K)s, good £H io £',). In sheep exi-ra heavy wotliers up to 25s (id, medium up to 'JOs, light up to IHs, bc;3t ewes up to 21s O.i. HIDE AND SKIN IM.'.l.'OltT. Messrs Dalgoty and Co. report as follow.- : - Rabbi tskin3.—Wo submitted a medium sized catiilo'ue at our sale on Monday t> a full attendance of buyers Prices r-ali-i-d were almost on a par with late v dues; prime winters showing a slight advance. \Ve oiiote:- list winter do.s I7d to lg;.l, b -t winter bucks \r,d la i', I. best, winteism'x'd 10-.d to 17|d, i;e-.-ond winto-s VM\ t > 1-1 ,d, wintci blaeks 15d to -»0d. Sheep-k'us.—At our sale oi Tuesday we | offered a fair sized cat.a' igue to the usual attendance of buyeis. Our catalogue consi-led chiefly of medium quality skins. Pries realised at the sale are almost on a par with late quota'ions. We tp.ole : Rest l.alfbrels !) d to, medium sd to S>.l. best eros--breds (JAoflo i'J.l, medium do Sd t j !),!. b:s( crotsbieds, coarse, Kd to .s/el, mid urn 7.! to best merinos 8d to B ; .d, mediam 7.i to 7:/« i. Dunfidin, 27th Sept., \<M>. Weekly Market KeporSs, Messus A. Mor.n'/.soN .v Co., auctioneers, wool, ?tock and station, grain, produce, end commission agents, corner Road and defy .streets. Dam din, report (wholesale) as fid!ows tor the week. All quotations subject to maiket iiuct:ia f ion?. l'linners are asked, when sending samules, always to p .i a price on tiiem, us buy. is do not feel inclined to make oilers. Wheat.—prime Velvet and Tuscan from lis 5d to H? rid, Red t huff and Hunters Id less. 1..\,\vl wheal with good enquiry 3s to 3s - Ji. Oats.—Mil ing 2s -'id to •.!•.; -I i, l.*> Glad: 2s Bd, inferior - _'h to 2s Id. Barley.—Good malting inquired for, from Is 2d to !- 01, pearling ii.; to ils 81, feel barley 2s !)d to 2s 10d. ]ivecorri.2s tin to 3s 3d. Maize, is (id to I '.id. " lior e beans, os. I'm siau blue - From ts (id to os per bushel. Partridge p-isis, 4s 3d to /is C'haiT.— Prime blight heavy LI, medhim £3 15s to £3 17s 'id. inf.r.or K:l ids to U3 Ids, wheaten straw iiOs to 355, oaten straw 12; (id (0 LV-. Turnips, I Is to 10s. C, rrots, 1.".s to .".os. Cove.- Hay- C:: to £3 1< (id. ! Ryegrass. Market iv-main-> tirm. Firmers'l ! .Ires . .1 3s 3 i to 3s i'.d, none offering. | ; uuehine dressed -I - ii 1 to os lid. Cocksfoot. —Markut remains strong. Eiri mers' iot't 3d to machined I,'dt.i .•[■•(. fjill-'eed. Little otTering 1.13 1" Li'l. Ch"W,:i <s I'e cue. -'(.'hen: is a good d-m uid. ! I.'armers' samples - Jd to 3d and machined j se.'d .'M to oi. I'oi:-.t.>- ■-. I'rinu D.Twent.s f.'ll, ; '. lu»:d,ii:ii «R>" l-.i .C'iO ii.v, Aos.i .. i(,, j wl id! sc.rt ■ In in 1.1" to I l<i Id:;, and o d I sorts, vjivu ti< i, Mivti-.isH! R'"''.' ! -"' : » I • £'•"'■ Ouio is.- Vict elan LID Id £ HI IDs, We can oil' i a lew t .ns of p ire lisli ma .'.; lie', in Hin.inui. vahiahie for i ">t m er d:i ! er.qin (can b- n-:■ d .vitll drii') a: £7 p t m. Rab utAin.s. ■ W i h.d-l w ■■ k'V sa-e: ev ry Mo;.iav, and fmv.aid aeeount :\nU * every ! wak. We h,iv ii good (ejquiry for ail clli.-sei. i .Mai Let is firming Suck' -s ! and num. is Id to Md, ii, hi racks .sd to Kid. full crown lid to 1-, iiiituiun 10-l to 1.-1.1. incoming winters !">.: to I,si, p.iuie winter bucks a::,', does ID I to I ! 21d. blaeks 22 I to .'ld. law,is Is Id to Is 3d. ! | 15.:;:; and labels seppled. Sheepskins. We hold oip 1 sal s ever) j Tie -siev. Owing I ■ the fall of the market in ' London*, prices ha.o ens. .1 by aim it .vi p.-r !h j all roued. We can quote -Halt' Lreds 7s to j '.ls, [bred 7s to S;, line crn-sl.ivd 7s I'd to Ss (id I crossbreds (is lid to 7; (id, '|bre.i lis i'.d to | 7s lid, in- lino I'h lid to Hs Gd, p lis 2s to 3.-, Ii' 1 , | fallen Is 3 I to 2s ill, uolt< is 2.; lid to 35 \nl lam-.s .;...;.i ...7s (id. Hale'. - We hold our hide every second Thursday. I' '<*-'" : '-'''".' "■ 7d to 7; I, heavy do t'.'.d to 7d, medium I'.J I ii.tUd, light "> ,'d to !".] '■, c"ws heavv "...I to medium .V.;d o e.i i. | light •»,•(! 'to le/d, sta; s and bulls 11 t i /.d. [ v. inline, .-,',.! to :/: i, calf 1 i (id to "x, j iiorsehaiis 7s lid to In-, I'.d We hav • go', a good di in i id i i .ill clas.i. s and should auvi c our fi iends to casign. Horsehair, I7d to P.ld; cow hair, si lo 1 Id. Cow tip; ! i '.l'.d to Is I) d per .10/.-ii. Rough Fat From I la to 15s Oil ; remuied i fut fiom '-Is to IDs; clean white tendered mutton from ID- to 21s. Tallow (in casks), -From 22; to '.'•'..-;. SI ring Grain. -We are pie.pared to store, ] receive, deliver, and insure with three months' free storage at 3d per Back. Grass-seed cleaning. We r.dvisc farmers to eon.-igu all their e. d i '. us, as lii- e'. suing will he attended to with up-to-date machinery, mid the cleaned seed sold or returned Loo oi railage. We supply new and second-hand sacks, | al--o sue!;, cow covi r.-, and all othe; f.ti'i.ieis,' I materia.!. F.U.M Paoi'ivi: axi> i'ei.-er. We receive »'l kinds <d consignments alio I render iiecount sales pr mptiy. Walnut , ii I te. 7d. Salt P.u.ter. Mi lei lid. sopara 1 r i ];; factorv. Is. j |-:e hj IJlilfr. Li pais, Li il-ekeegeia lots, j lid to is. Keg . --Fredi, UP.-l. Che e. l"i : ;d I i 7'!. Aharon CM to I r,:\l. id ■.t'. pi more'. Honey. In good demniiil. Section hones | i : 11 i : ) i \u r is../, biul, large fins I tl to s'i, small tins od i.o :..}d. Onions. «s I'.d to '.is local. IDs to Ids (id for Melbourne. Re, S's'ax, is 3d lo L 1 i. Hums.- I'.Ad io 73. liacon if. II :, (Ad to Sd ; sides, 5Ad to tid. Slow of sale. I'igs. We have a good demand. I'm ken: up to sd, Ii: (.-class bai oners un to I7lllbs »]d; overweights Id to T/d. i'oiitiv. Wo are. packing for export. ! ! Turkey h< ns 5d per lb, turkey cocks 7-i pei !i>. j I —free of railage if consign, d l< the Agiiculj fur,ii Department. Apply I ■.' labels ami par j tictila'3. I'iease take note tiiai all poultry j I must be forwarded to tic D-partim-nt nol j Inter than Tnlli -day lo an ive here. Pi.ultiy for Local Consumpiio i. In good j demand lions Is to :".-;, io,, .lets .'is to is; I duel;.-', 3s tid to I, Co ; liir..e.y liens j ; 5d to (id, cocks 7d to Kd per lb, live weight. All poultry ior local coiisumptioii pays railnge. Mussiis, RnviiiK, and Co., comitii sou agents, report (w'ujl-s.vie) foi the : w,., |- ;e. undi r. All quotations arc subj ~.■■, t. > ! luaskei. Iltictuiitious : - Win at - Market very dull, and pries. slightly easier. We quote Leg. n,\v velvet and Tuscan 3s 5,1 to 3s C 1, j medium 3< -' ! ' l to :i - J 'l, fowl wiieat 3s to 3s j 2.1 ('lacks e:,tni). Dei... Mark' !, T'i"'!. Milling 2s .id, t | )r i,,huhort feed 2s 2d, infe,ior2s LI. I Rmley. -We have a good deimiiid for j prune ii'm,ting samples. j Uiibbhskms.-- Auction gales every Monday. , Wooi'lend e large caMtb.guo this week, wiK'n I coiiiptiLitioii was ijrijk, at last week'.)

~ I p.;,. .;. S inkers and runners id in f„| ,■ ! ii,,(.:•.,, - i 2.1 lo i l«l. siimiii ) i i". 1 to '.id u ••)■ Ii ! I!,, 1-I*l to 1 7:'.«1, selected does ISd to s i p.r 111. 1 i S'n-ep;kius.—We held out' usuil weekly • i pair- <> ■'■. Tuesday, wli n we olf-ied a lirye : I catalogue. O -dug to u full i'l the London nvirk (.. prices were much easier cainbr.ue. We quote: I''' l *- 5 L -' '• , '' ltj I '' . ci-no ;.!]>•'rl !iii I.i '.»■■. extra !»S Cd to llh 6.1, in i'iio Is In 7s, extra 7s 'i'l to Hs. Hi.Ps. Wo hold fortnightly sales. Prime ■ ox fiiVl ». i 7A- .1. heavv do «t !o Cs:l, medium do .' syd to f.ldjight !o 5,d to ("»} l. calf skins Is . j '.).] 1,0 -Is. v arlings - ; Cd to 7s Oil, horse hides i Os 0(1 In Oh (M each. - j Tallow—Rough fat U" to 15s, tallow in tins 15s To 1-vs, casks 193 to 21s p,-r cwt. Horsehair.— Keen demand from 17d to 101 W r o si ore and dress all classes of need and grain. All our machinery is of the hi fast and must effective design, and is- operated by ' practical men of long exnenenco. 1 Seeds.—We have now on s:,.lc ii. specially 1 selected stock of grass and clover so -d ;', which we (|in (.'■ as follows: IL-avy maehiti'-d rvgrass 3s 0(1 i.o 5-, medium .'is 0 i to -1= 3d cocksfoot iAd :o SAI, If, dian J • :!■) 1.0 Is (Id. white oiiM .r !oil io Is Id, >-. l iko 'i i in i" ; . n.r;";;is (Hi to lOd, Timothy Cd. Samples on npp'ieafcion. Orr's California'! This Io Weed D stroyer (u«cd hy the NX. G .verninei I). We supply this in (gal. tins at LOs and dr.mis at fis pr ;'iil. Ii is easily appli d end t'l .roughly elTuctivfi. We recooui nd a trt-ti. ('•I. • -:i:.m. L'jiOliiV-i liKPol'.r. 75.n:. v.- I! st si: I'd 'o l!)d per 11,. dairy j butter (in [nit ) laid pi. !o. I Eggs. R'.-H. Honey, Bd"t,u Id per lb. Ciic. so. i'>; 1 per lb. j Racon.— Koils Bd, hams B,d. Pigs i i good I demand at ',] i, heavy I Poultry (local) . Uoo.-ju.ivs 5s t).l pee | pair, hens I•; Od per pair, ducks 4s I lid per pair. Export —We Lave received in-erea-iii ord-ra for South frica. Full particulars on application. Note —All exuort i po'-'ltry is carried raiiiige free it consign. d to i,!:c Department of Agriculture. We supply urates on loan.—Prize-bred Poultry: If you wish to purchase or have any stock for sale, wiite to us. We can g iaiiuitee you satisfaeion, THE CELEBRITY OF SAHDEB AND SOUS' PURE VOLATILE EUCALYPTI EXTRACT is universally aeknowl dged. Royalty honors : it, and the entire medical profession bus I adopted its u?o. Imitations; sprung up without number. The latest of them- all styled " Extracts '—was an oil foisted upon the trusting and unwary under tho grossest misuse of Snider Sons' reputation. Sander and Sons' institute,' iin action at the Supreme Court of Victoria, before his Honor Chitf Justice Sir J. Madden. K.C M.G., etc., and at tho trial a j sworn witness testified that lie had to stop >.'•,'::■• use of counterfeits on account of the irritation produced. This chews what care is required to obtain an article that is scietitdieaily tested and I approved of. As such is solely endorsed and ! recommended. THE GENUINE SANDER ,v SON'S' PURE i


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Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 5

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AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL. Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 5

AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL. Lake County Press, Issue 2138, 4 October 1906, Page 5