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— <& Fifty-three butter factories and 8010 dairies were registered in Queensland last year. Potatoes are dear but " Tanza" is cheap. What farmer would risk losing his crop next season when for 2s ho can get a perfect preventative of this dreadful blight. All stores k> ep it. If you really want to have a good clean blight-free potatoes next season use "" the most powerful blight germ killer known to scientists. 2s bottle makes 12 gallons.

One hundred men have been knocked off

on the Hokitika-Ross railway. It is staled that they uro to got the option of being transferred to Olira or Taihapo. Work on the Ross railway is to be suspended south of Ogilvie's. If wo have another damp season like the last rust and smut is sure to affect the wheat and oat crops. The-c blights can be effectually prevented by the use of " Tanza", a most non-poisonous germkiller -lis at all stores. The chief naval engineer of Franco urges the Government to build four 25,000 ton battleships, coding sixty-fu'e million francs each. Rust and smut in wheat can be absolutely prevented by the use of " Tun/.a" as a dressing. A2s bottle mn kos 12 gallons, Easy to use. All stole" Ht \\ j u A Poll has been passed sanctioning the construction of 5,01)0 miles of railways in Canada, forming twenty-two branch railways to the Grand Trunk system. You wrap up your hoad in red flannel, You snuffle and snort in your hod, You plaster each pain and each pannel, in dictul of a draught that is dead. Nay. Cast all your wraps to the needy, Such miseries never endure, For Wood's has a remedy speedy In hia Great Peppermint Cure. It is stated that Mr .) C N. Grigg, of LongReach, Canterbury, intends to anticipate the £50,000 limit of'land ownership by cutting up hiss property, which comprises 15,507 acres, of a capital value oi £133,730; unimproved value. £OB,OI I. Prepare for Croup.

Tim time wasted in sending for a physician or for medicine, when a child shows symptoms of croup, often proves fatal. A reliable medicine, and one that should always bo kept in the house for immediate, uso, is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attack, if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. It is also the safest, as it contains no narcotics. For sale by all dealers. It is eluimed that if the timbered Crown land on the Wostport-Inangabua line of railway were cleared it would ho worth J.'--' an acre, instead of the usual price of IDs. Sweeten ill" Breath. Chamberlain':; Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear tho sour Stomach, sweeten the breath, and create a healthy appetite. They create the How of gasirie juice, thereby inducing good digestion. For saie by all dealers. Tho London and North-Western claims to be the "biggost joint stock corporation in the world." Its authorised capital amounts to £122.700,000, producing an annual revenue of 143 million pounds. Aches and Pains. When you have an acun or pain, it is a sure sign th'it the nerves in that part of your body need alt iitinn. By applying Chamberlains Pain Balm you soothe tho irritation, stimulate tho healthy nerve activity, and reduce th" inflammatory p >ison that is causing the neive to ac' e. For all pain Chamberlain's Pain Malm is a perfect cure. For sale by all dealers. It was a free and easy meeting, and there was considerable interruption. "Order, order!" cried tho chairman. " Mine's a boor," was tho reply of one stalwart supporter. Jar of Constant Coutbing. Hammer blows, steadily applied, break the hardest rock. Coughing day after day jars and tear.- the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy stops the coughing and assists Nature to repair the damage. For saie by all dealers. Natural Modesty. The natural modesty of many people who have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc.. with splendid results, make them hesitate about giving their opinion for publicity. Still, these same people have done much to make Chamberlain's Coiic, Cholera and Diari hoea U nn dy a household word, for they have by word of month informed then- friends what, a good medicine it is to have in the house. For sale by all dealers. So far the sum of £52,000 has been expended by the Government in purchasing in various parts of tho colony whereon to erect dwolling houses for workers. UIIEUMATISM A.ND GOUT CAN BE CUHBD. (lout is a form of rheumatism, and springs from the name cause—excess uric acid in the blood. This excess is in the form of indissoluble particles, and theso settle at tho foes, ankles, fingers, or joints, where the blood runs must slowly. Liniments and. plasters, may give relief, but they cannot touch the uric acid accumulations, which are the real cause of the trouble, and thus they can never cure. ! Why waste year money ou them when j KiiKi; ,10, the lvmedy which has cured hundreds of others, will rapidly and effectively cure I you ? Ask your chemist or storekeeper for I Kuki.'.mo ; 2s oil and Is Gil a bottle. Cor Bronchial Coughs and Colds, Woods' Or at I'cppurmint Cure, 1/0 and i!/(j pel Belli-.

Don't Diet. It needs all kinds of Eood to suoply the numerous demands of the body. Jii u's wny nature give* us sue!) a guntfious vuri.!..-. E U all your appetite call-s for. That's »viiafc your appetite is for, to let you k.-io.v what el. mens of n itritioa you really neel. Gal all yon wuit. Dr Sheldon's Digestive T..bules will digest it and mike a new person of you. They will k'ive you strength, new life, new ambition, an 1 euable you to enj iy living in you never have enjoyed it before. For sale by Cotter Bros., Arrowljwii. A largo tot o-a tree felled at Mangakahia, Auckland, about (50 years ago, was split up the o"her day and found to hi as sound as the day it was cut d nvn. Why suffer the torments of Hell with Rheumatism or Lumbago when Dr Sheldon's M, g lotic Liniment will case the pun at once, and continued applications effect a permanent ume. Price Is Oxl; large hotJu 3s. For sale by Cutter Bros., Arrowlo.vii. A proposal to erect a nurses' home iu invercargill at a cost of .ii:-3000 wits affirmed by the Charitable Aid Board at its last meeting. When You Catch ' old. Do not take any chances of wearinjr it away, or experiment with s nna doubtful preparation wlrch will only half euro it, at the h-'St, and leave the bronchial tubes weakened and susceptible to attack from the germs of consumption. Dr B'ieldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Cold-. ,<-n\ Consumption not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents seriou3 effo.jts from a cold. Small dose. Pleasant to tike. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale by Cotter Bros., Arrowtown. Drought and starvation reported from New Guinea. Science has achieved a triumph in Dr Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption. Absolutely guaranteed. For sale by Cottar Bros., Arrowtown. CUYLER HASTINGS, the Popular American Dramatic Actoit, formerly touring Australia with the J. C. Williamson Dramatic ■ Company, writes as follows : For several days I have suffered from a severe cold, contracted on the stage through exposure, when a friend of mine recommended me to try a bottle of D: S .eldon's New Discovery. He said it had cured him of a bad cold contracted a week previously. I obtained a bottle, and am pleated to say that I obtained relief after taking the first dose, and in a couple of days was completely cured. | Can heartily recommend Dr Sheldon's New | Discovery to anyone suffering from a bad i cough or cold. Found it pleasant to take, and am convinced it is a preparation of great merit. For sale by Cotter Bios., Arrowtown,

FiiOßHiiNit! —For thk Teeth and Bkk'tu A few drops of the liquil ".Floriline" spinkled on a wet tonth bru«h produces a ploasaut lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the, gums, prevents tartar, steps decay, gives the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to the b eath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco s;iJoke. "The fi agrant Floriline," being composed in parts of Honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the tast", and the greatest toilet discovery of the age. Of all Chemists and Perfumers. \\ hol«sale depot, 33, Farringdon Riad, London, E.tgland.

Advice to AfoTHKits ! —Are. you broken in your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth? Go at once to a chemist and get a~bottio of Mi:s WinsliOw'h SooTiirxG Hvi:ur. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. I r > is perfectly harmless and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the c.ild from pain and the little cherub awakes " as bright as a button." It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulat-.-s Ibe bowels, and is the best known remedy for dysontry and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers everywhere.

Yai.i:ai!li; Discovery for tup. Hath !—lf your hair is turning grey or white, or falling off. use "The Mexican Hair Renewer," for iu

null positively restore in every case Grey or White hair to its original color, without leaving the disagrorable s;nell of most "Re-stot-prs." It makes the hair charmingly

beautiful, as well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald Ryots, whore the gland* are not. decayed. Ask your Chemist for " The Mkxican'Haih Rknkwku," sold by nil chemists and perfumers everywhere. Wholesale depot '63, Farringdon Road, London, England. TIIUOA'J' Afi'KCTIOSS AN'Ji EIoARSKVKSS.—AII suffering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use of " Brown's Bronchitis Troches." These famous "lo?5 ngos" are now sold by most respectable chemists in the country. People troubled with a "hacking cough," a "slight cold," or bronchial affections,cannot try them too soon, as similar troubles, if allowed to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatic affections. See that tho signature of John 1 Brown and Son is on every wrapper.

-"•Prepared by John I Brown & Son, Boston, U.S.A. European depot,B3 Farringdon Road, London, England. TO TDK DEAF.—A rich lady, eared of her Deafness anil Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholson's Artificial Kar Dnuns, baa sent CI,OOO to his institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Kir Drums maydiavo them free. Apply to Department 0, \V. The Institute, " Uuunersburv, London, \\\, Eiißhuiil. Kl'ATlN'tl'S l'OWLtlilt" destroys ITJOS, FLEAS MOTMS, UKICTLKH, and nil other insects, wniist iiviile harmless to domestic animal*. In extcrmina tin'- Hectics till' success of this jionV.ui is Pstr.ioit ilhiarv it. i-ii.!i-f, -llv dean in application. See tbo iii-lick- son is " KBSTING'S," i.e., with the SirnntuVo THOMAS KIIAIIXtJ on tin, as imi t thins arc noxious and ineffectual. Sold iu tin* Cil

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Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 5

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NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 5

NEWS & NOTES. Lake County Press, Issue 2136, 20 September 1906, Page 5